is the spatial transverse coordinate, the group veloc-
ity dispersion (GVD) for the second case where r is
the time coordinate, and both the diffraction and the
GVD for the last case where r is both the spatial trans-
verse coordinate and the time coordinate, while the
third term (the nonlinear term) describes the compres-
sion of the light-envelopes for all cases. Specifically,
when D = 1, the NNLSE can model the propaga-
tion of the optical beam (Snyder and Mitchell, 1997;
Krolikowski et al., 2001) in the self-focusing nonlin-
ear planar waveguide, and can also model the prop-
agation of the optical pulse (Agrawal, 2001) in the
self-focusing nonlinear waveguide if the carrier fre-
quency is in the anomalous GVD regime or in the
self-defocusing nonlinear waveguide when its carrier
frequency is in the normal GVD regime. The (1+1)-
dimensional NNLSE has the spatial (or temporal)
bright optical soliton solution (Kivshar and Agrawal,
2003). When D = 2, the NNLSE can only describe
the propagation of the optical beam in the nonlinear
bulk media. The bright spatial optical soliton can
exist stably for the nonlocal case (Assanto, 2012a),
but for the local case the strong self-focusing of a
two dimensional beam will lead to the catastrophic
phenomenon (Kivshar and Pelinovsky, 2000). When
D = 3, the NNLSE can describe the propagation of
the optical pulsed beams. Like the case of D = 2, the
self trapped optical pulsed beam propagating in the
local nonlinear media will lead to the spatiotemporal
collapse (Silberberg, 1990), which can be arrested by
the nonlocal nonlinearity (Malomed et al., 2005). But
when D > 3, the NNLSE is just a phenomenological
model, the counterpart of which can not be found in
physics. It’s important to note that(Chen et al., 2015)
the response function R is symmetric for the spatial
nonlocality, but is asymmetric for the temporal non-
locality due to the causality (Hong et al., 2015).
As the special case of the NNLSE, the NLSE (3)
can be solved exactly using inverse-scattering tech-
nique (Zakharov and Shabat, 1971; Zakharov and
Shabat, 1973) when D = 1. But for the general
case, a closed-form solution of NNLSE (1) cannot
been found except for the strongly nonlocal limit,
where the NNLSE can be simplified to the (linear)
Snyder-Mitchell model for the spatial nonlocality and
an exact Gaussian-shaped stationary solution known
as accessible soliton was found (Snyder and Mitchell,
1997). Approximately analytical solutions can be ob-
tained by various of perturbation methods, such as the
perturbation approach based on the inverse scattering
transform (Karpman and Maslov, 1977), the adiabatic
perturbation approach (Kivshar and Malomed, 1989),
the method of moments (Maimistov, 1993), and the
most widely used one is variational method (Ander-
son, 1983; Guo et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2013; Wolf,
2002). It was claimed without proof that the varia-
tional method can only be applied in nonlocal cases
where the response function is symmetric (Steffensen
et al., 2012). And for the case of the response function
without even symmetry, the method of moments can
work well. Another new approach is presented here,
and we apply the canonical equations of Hamilton to
study the nonlinear light-envelope propagations. By
taking this approach, the approximate analytical soli-
ton solution of the NNLSE is obtained. Furthermore,
the stability of solutions can be analysed analytically
in a simple way as well, but it can not be done by the
variational approach.
As has been known (Anderson, 1983), the variational
approach to find the approximately analytical solution
of the NNLSE is based on the Euler-Lagrange equa-
tions. In the classical mechanics, however, there exist
two theory frameworks: the Lagrangian formulation
(the Euler-Lagrange equations) and the Hamiltonian
formulation (canonical equations of Hamilton). The
two methods are parallel, and no one is particularly
superior to the another for the direct solution of me-
chanical problems (Goldstein et al., 2001). The new
approach presented in this paper to analytically ob-
tain the approximate solution of the NNLSE is based
on the new canonical equations of Hamilton (CEH)
found by us recently (Liang et al., 2013). For the sake
of the systematicness and the readability of this pa-
per, the key points about the new CEH are outlined
here in this section, although the detail can be found
in Ref (Liang et al., 2013).
We firstly define two different systems of mathe-
matical physics (Liang et al., 2013): the second-order
differential system (SODS) and the first-order differ-
ential system (FODS). The SODS is defined as the
system described by the partial differential equation
that contains the second-order partial derivative with
respect to the evolution coordinate, while the FODS is
defined as the system described by the partial differ-
ential equation that contains only the first-order par-
tial derivativewith respect to the evolution coordinate.
The Newton’s second law of motion and the NNLSE
are the exemplary SODS and FODS, where the evo-
lution coordinates are the time coordinate t and the
propagation coordinate z, respectively. The conven-
tional CEH (Goldstein et al., 2001)is established on
the basis of the Newton’s second law of motion.