et al., 2014). A static authentication can be either ex-
plicit (such as a password entry), or implicit (such as
a facial recognition during a session). By contrast,
continuous processes can transparently authenticate
the user without any time interruption. This can be
achieved by behavioral authentication methods like
keystroke dynamics (Clarke, 2011), gait recognition
(Derawi and Bours, 2013) or even with the pattern us-
age recorded by the mobile phone (Renaud and Craw-
ford, 2014).
The current LoA frameworks only consider static
authentication mechanisms. Introducing continuous
authentication will enhance the usability by decreas-
ing the number of explicit authentication during a ses-
In this paper, our contribution is twofold: (i) we
combine continuous authentication mechanisms with
more traditional static authentication mechanismsthat
fit the current LoA standards; (ii) we translate the cur-
rent Levels of Assurance into a continuous trust score.
We propose to remain compliant with the current Lev-
els of Assurance framework to facilitate the integra-
tion of the proposed method to existing services.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2,
we expose the related work in the literature. The Lev-
els of Assurance frameworks are detailed in section 3.
We express the wished properties for our model in
section 4 and proposea conceptualmodel in section 5.
Then, we simulate an usage scenario in section 6 and
discuss the benefits of the proposed framework in sec-
tion 7. We finally expose future works and conclude
in section 8.
This section presents a brief state of the art of recent
authentication mechanisms. To give a scale for the
trust level on user authentication and to be able to
choose and adapt the authentication factors in func-
tion of the SP needs has already been dealt with in the
Based on the mobile phone, the framework pro-
posed by authors in (Furnell et al., 2008) requires the
user to reauthenticate himself if the confidence level
given by behavioral biometrics sensors decreases to
much. This framework called NICA (Non Intrusive
Continuous Authentication) is composed of a discrete
scale that goes from −5 to +5. If a user wants to
access a sensitive application, he must reach a suffi-
ciently high level.
In (Crawford et al., 2013), the authors construct
an authentication framework to merge both behav-
ioral informations and a classical PIN. The required
authentication level could be adapted by setting up
a threshold that is dependent of the application the
user is trying to access. Even if it merges continu-
ous authentication informations with a more classical
authentication method (the PIN code), this framework
cannot be translated into a concrete level of assurance.
In (Nag and Dasgupta, 2014) and (Nag et al.,
2014), the authors propose to use a genetic algorithm
to build a scalable framework to choose the modali-
ties and biometric authentication factors according to
the network and the device used to access a service or
data. This allows to adapt factors to the perceived risk
but again, it is not possible to express an explicit level
of assurance within this framework.
In (Helkala and Snekkenes, 2009), the authors de-
scribe 6 levels of assurance using the entropy and
biometric equivalent entropy defined in (O’Gorman,
2003). The entropy is computed by considering dif-
ferent attacks vectors like an easy to guess password.
In this comparison framework, the rule to combine
multiple factors is the addition of the entropy of the
factors. Continuous authentication is not taken into
account and even if this method proposes more lev-
els, the granularity is still limited to six levels.
In (Peisert et al., 2013), the authors propose to
gather all information that may help for the authenti-
cation of any user and to let a human operator decide
when high security is required.
For evident time and cost reasons, this could not
be adapted to every authentication systems, where
users need to be massively and immediately authenti-
To cope with the usual lack of granularity and to
take the continuous authentication into account, we
propose to construct a model for the levels of assur-
ance and to use the Dempster Shafer theory in order
to deal with the uncertainty on the user’s identity.
Historically, the first authentication assurance levels
frameworkhas been published by the NIST in (United
State gouvernement, 2006). This framework has re-
cently been normalized in (ISO, 2013). Those recom-
mendations, originally intended for governmental and
industry services, are now considered as the standard
authentication framework for Internet services (ISO,
2013). Multiples frameworks have been published,
since, by other governmental services at a worldwide
scale. We can mention:
• EAG (USA) normalized in ISO 29115 (ISO,