contain a lot of uncertainty was presented. The
method uses two recognition models: one using only
accelerometer data and other based on sensor fusion.
However,as the sensor fusion-based method is known
to consume more battery than an accelerometer-
based, sensor fusion is only used when the candi-
date recognition result obtained using accelerometer-
based model is known to contain too much uncer-
tainty and can be considered as unreliable. This relia-
bility is measured based on the posterior probabilities
of the classification results. The method is tested us-
ing two data sets: daily activity data sets collected us-
ing accelerometer and magnetometer, and tool recog-
nition data set consisting of data from accelerometer
and gyroscope measurements.
In the first part of the article it is studied when
results can be considered reliable. This is different
to the most activity recognition studies where relia-
bility of the results is not questioned. Reliability is
studied using two classifiers: QDA and LDA. It was
noted that the recognition accuracy for observations
with posterior probability 95% is around 50%. There-
fore, it can be concluded that when posterior proba-
bility is below 95%, the model is not reliable, and the
threshold for reliable classification was set to 95%.
However, it should be further studied with multiple
classifiers and data sets how this threshold could be
decided using some metrics.
In the experiment section, the proposed method is
applied to two data sets. It is shown that when 95%
threshold is used, the results improve significantly.
For instance, using QDA improvement is over four
percentage units with daily activity data set and over
three percentage units with tool usage data set. In ad-
dition, in most cases 95% threshold means that well
under half of the results are replaced with the results
of the sensor fusion based model. Which again means
that less than 25% of the instances are classified us-
ing the sensor fusion model. However, improvements
can be achieved already using the sensor fusion-based
model less frequently. For instance, in the case of
daily activity recognition, setting the threshold for
posterior probability so that a fifth of accelerometer-
based classification results are replaced with sensor
fusion-based classification, improves the recognition
rate by overthree percentage units (83.7 % vs. 86.8%)
when QDA is used. In addition, it is likely that the
recognition rates of sensor fusion-based models can
be further improved as in this study the same features
were extracted from each sensor. However, in order
to obtain the highest possible benefit from sensor fu-
sion, the special characteristics of each sensor should
be studied, and extract different types of features from
different sensors based on these.
Future work includes experiments with multiple
data sets in order to test the method with different kind
of activities. In addition, the presented method should
be tested in real-time. For instance, it could be im-
plemented into a smartphone to be tested in real-life
conditions. Moreover, at this point, the method uses
two user-independent models, however, more models
based on different sensors could be trained, and create
a model that uses more than two models and selects
the model to be used using some metrics.
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