P = 2,20 +(-0,32*A) +(0,02*B) +(0,17*C)
+(-0,05*AB) +(-0,02*AC) +(0,32*BC)
+(-0,22*A²) +(0,08* B²) +(-0,41*C²)
H = 14,45 + (8,20*A)+ (2,12*B)
+(-4,20*C)+ (-5,75*AB)+ (-3,72*AC)
+ (-1,91*BC)+ (8,01*A²)+ (1,52* B²)
Table 1: Three-factors Doehlert experimental design, with the relative responses.
Predicted Results Experimental Results
Experiment A B C P H P H
1.1 0 0 0 2,15 15,61 2,11 12,74
1.2 0 0 0 2,15 15,61 2,28 19,96
1.3 0 0 0 2,15 15,61 2,06 14,12
1.4 0 0 0 2,20 14,45 2,55 13,7
2 1 0 0 1,65 30,66 1,65 31,18
3 -1 0 0 2,30 14,26 2,28 15,06
4 0,5 0,866 0 2,05 21,04 1,97 24,77
5 -0,5 -0,866 0 2,41 9,17 2,27 3,59
6 0,5 -0,866 0 2,04 22,35 1,98 21,38
7 -0,5 0,866 0 2,32 17,82 2,39 18,13
8 0,5 0,289 0,816 1,94 12,85 1,92 7,68
9 -0,5 -0,289 -0,816 2,00 10,28 1,82 13,63
10 0,5 -0,289 -0,816 1,64 23,18 1,71 23,32
11 0 0,577 -0,816 1,65 18,30 1,67 13,78
12 -0,5 0,289 0,816 2,23 9,35 2,17 8,66
13 0 -0,577 0,816 1,95 8,99 2,03 14,47
14 -1 -1 -1 2,21 3,16 2,23 5,0
15 -1 -1 -0,6 2,41 5,86 2,43 3,0
16 -1 -1 -0,7 2,37 5,29 2,44 3,8
17 -1 -1,3 -0,6 2,56 4,04 2,57 6,4
Table 2: ANOVA table for the light intensity and the light delivery homogeneity models.
Puissance (P) Homogeneity (H)
% D SS MS F- Probability D SS MS F-value Probability
Total 20 20
Constant 1 1
Total 19 1,52 19 1146,38
Regression 9 1,28 0,14 5,871 0,005* 9 957,29 106,37 5,625 0,006*
Residual 10 0,24 0,02 10 189,097 18,91
*Significant at probability value ≤ 0,05,
DF: Degrees of Freedom, SS: Sum of squares, MS: Mean Squares