Contextual Intrusion Alerts for Scada Networks
An Ontology based Approach for Intrusion Alerts Post Processing
Abdullah Al Balushi, Kieran McLaughlin and Sakir Sezer
Centre for Secure Information Technologies, Queens University Belfast, Belfast BT3 9DT, U.K.
Security Ontology, Intrusion Detection System, Modbus TCP, Intrusion Alert Analysis.
The complexity of modern SCADA networks and their associated cyber-attacks requires an expressive but
flexible manner for representing both domain knowledge and collected intrusion alerts with the ability to in-
tegrate them for enhanced analytical capabilities and better understanding of attacks. This paper proposes
an ontology-based approach for contextualized intrusion alerts in SCADA networks. In this approach, three
security ontologies were developed to represent and store information on intrusion alerts, Modbus communi-
cations, and Modbus attack descriptions. This information is correlated into enriched intrusion alerts using
simple ontology logic rules written in Semantic Query-Enhanced Web Rules (SQWRL). The contextualized
alerts give analysts the means to better understand evolving attacks and to uncover the semantic relationships
between sequences of individual attack events. The proposed system is illustrated by two use case scenarios.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
systems are used for monitoring and controlling many
critical infrastructures including power grids, water
distribution, transportation systems, and even nuclear
power plants. In the past, most of these systems were
physically isolated from outside connections and op-
erated on their own proprietary hardware and com-
munication protocols. However, these systems are
moving towards the use of general ICT infrastructures
and open standard technologies. This move brought
many operational and management benefits, but also
exposed the systems to an increased number of cyber
security threats. Recently, intrusion detection systems
(IDS) have been introduced to SCADA networks. An
IDS examines data collected from networks and sys-
tems to identify suspicious events and generates ap-
propriate intrusion alerts describing the attack details.
However, IDS systems usually provide elementary
and low level descriptions of the detected individual
attacks, making it a challenging task for security ana-
lysts to verify the nature and significance of reported
attacks. Further, mapping discrete intrusion alerts to
the context of where they occurred, and understanding
their impact on the security state of a SCADA system
is a challenging task.
In this paper, we propose an ontology-based ap-
proach to integrate contextual information and exter-
nal knowledge into intrusion alerts. We developed
three security ontologies (models) for the represen-
tation and storage of knowledge on intrusion alerts
and Modbus communications context and cyber at-
tacks. Alert information and contextual information
about the Modbus network communications are corre-
lated by the use of simple ontology logic rules written
in Semantic Query-Enhanced Web Rules (SQWRL).
The proposed approach is implemented in a system
prototype using open-source tools and is illustrated
using two use case scenarios.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents related works. Proposed approach is
introduced in Section 3. Development of ontologies
is explained in Section 4. System implementation and
use cases are presented in Section 5. Section 6 con-
cludes the paper.
Recently, a variety of intrusion detection approaches
have been proposed for the surveillance and mon-
itoring of industrial process control infrastructures
(Mitchell, 2014). Snort IDS (Roesch, 1999) is an ex-
ample of general IDS system that became a de facto
standard in many environments. Digital Bond Inc.
(Peterson, 2009) has developed a set of customized
Snort IDS rules for the detection of different attacks
on Modbus TCP. Their detection rules consist of 14
Balushi, A., McLaughlin, K. and Sezer, S.
Contextual Intrusion Alerts for Scada Networks - An Ontology based Approach for Intrusion Alerts Post Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0005745504570464
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016), pages 457-464
ISBN: 978-989-758-167-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
signatures and include denial of service (rebooting
Modbus servers, listen-only mode commands, and
crashing server with a large packets), reconnaissance
(e.g., unauthorized attempt to read data, gathering de-
vice information), and unauthorized write requests.
Cyber attacks on SCADA systems may require
a particular context to proceed. This context in-
cludes specific network configurations, communica-
tion protocols, system and application configuration,
and hardware or system components. Thus, contex-
tual information can undoubtedly play a considerable
role in intrusion analysis and understanding the possi-
ble impacts of attacks on the systems. Unfortunately,
most of the current IDS tend to consider only a little
part of the context and generate a huge amount of iso-
lated intrusion alerts (Sadighian et al., 2013). These
alerts provide very little attack descriptions and ana-
lysts can rarely make decisions about security events
without manually analyzing their surrounding con-
text. To address these issues and to enhance the con-
text of intrusion alerts, several approaches have been
proposed in (Cuppens et al., 2009; Frye et al., 2012;
Sadighian et al., 2013).
An ontology is a semantic web technique for
knowledge representation and is used for explicit
specification of particular domain conceptualities that
capture its context. It is a formal way of encod-
ing concepts (classes), properties (relations), axioms,
constraints and instances into a machine interpretable
language that easily allows sharing semantic informa-
tion between human and systems.
(Cuppens et al., 2009) proposed an ontology-
based approach to map alerts into the attack context.
In their approach, context is used to identify network
policies that can be used to solve the threat. The
use of ontological representation of networks and at-
tacks is presented by (Frye et al., 2012). The au-
thors used ontologies to describe network traffic and
generic attacks for the purpose of identifying com-
plex attacks. In (Sadighian et al., 2013), an ontol-
ogy based approach is proposed for reducing false
alerts in multi-sensor environments by the incorpora-
tion of contextual information obtained from vulner-
ability databases and context sensors deployed in the
In summary, the concept of ontology techniques
have been applied to attack modeling, knowledge rep-
resentation, and context awareness. However, most
of the works focus on general communication net-
works and do not consider SCADA network context.
The complexity of SCADA networks and their asso-
ciated cyber attacks requires an expressive, but flex-
ible manner, for representing both SCADA domain
expert knowledge and collected intrusion evidences.
This should be supported by the ability to easily in-
tegrate these data for enhanced analytical capabili-
ties and better understanding of attacks. The use
of ontology approaches for contextualizing intrusion
alerts in SCADA networks can bring many advan-
tages. An ontology enables expressing the knowl-
edge with clear structure and detailed definition in a
machine-interpretable format. Moreover, semantics
(the meaning behind the data) can be added to data
and interpreted using the context definitions and re-
strictions for new data classifications. Finally, the on-
tology can help in integrating information from dif-
ferent sources in a flexible way.
The proposed ontology-based approach is for corre-
lating and enhancing intrusion alerts with contextual
information in SCADA industrial control networks.
The essential components of the system are illustrated
in Figure 1. These components are labeled with num-
bers linked to the following main steps in our ap-
proach. Detailed information about the technical im-
plementation of each component is provided in Sec-
tion 5.1.
Step 1. Formal knowledge representation models
for traffic, Modbus cyber attacks, and intrusion alerts
are developed using ontologies and stored in a knowl-
edge base. These ontologies capture the main prop-
erties of cyber-attacks on SCADA systems residing
in the communication protocols and systems. They
are used by subsequent components of the system to
transform input data to ontological format and the in-
tegration of SCADA intrusion context.
Step 2. Network traffic containing Modbus pack-
ets is captured and fed into the proposed system along
with generated intrusion alerts by Snort IDS. This
data is parsed and converted to Resource Description
Framework (RDF) triples, which are used as ontolog-
ical representation format. An RDF triple represents
data in three elements pairs that are subject, predicate,
and object. This format is supported by ontologies
and the SPARQL query engine described in the sys-
tem implementation. These RDF triples are added to
the knowledge base as instances.
Step 3. The core analysis engine running on
Apache Jena API library and SPARQL queries re-
trieves correlation rules from the knowledge base and
execute them against the ontology instances to inte-
grate contextual information or extract attack relation-
ships in the alerts and packet instances.
Step 4. The output contextual intrusion alert is
added to the knowledge base and forwarded to the se-
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
curity analyst for their decision.
Figure 1: An overview of the System architecture.
In this paper, a total of three security ontology mod-
els have been developed. The first constructed model
captures the main concepts in Modbus TCP com-
munications such as network and application layer
features with their semantic interrelationships. This
model caters the protocol specifications described in
official Modbus documentations (IDA, 2004; Mod-
bus, 2012). It provides the base for transforming net-
work traffic into ontological representation for pro-
cessing and context extraction. The second model is
the cyber attacks ontology, that is used to represent
and store Modbus attacks information as well as their
interrelationships. The third and last model represents
the intrusion alerts. We emphasise that the develop-
ment of any ontology is an iterative process, and there
is no single correct way of mapping knowledge into
discrete structure.
4.1 Modbus TCP Ontology
Modbus TCP communication has a simple request-
response architecture that is well-defined in the of-
ficial Modbus documentations(IDA, 2004; Modbus,
2012). Modbus packet can be classified as either a
request or a response message, where a client (Mas-
ter) sends a packet to the Modbus server requesting
a function to be executed or a specific data to be re-
turned. The requested function can be reading values,
writing values, or performing some server diagnos-
tics. The server then processes this request and re-
turns a response to the client. This response can be
either a normal response with the returned data or an
exception (error) response to indicate a failure in ful-
filling the request. Figure 2 demonstrates the basic
flow of Modbus transactions, while detailed packet
structure is presented in Figure 3.
Figure 2: Modbus TCP transactions flow.
Figure 3: Modbus TCP packet structure.
The main application-level features of Modbus
TCP packets are described in Table 1. These features
can be exploited by adversaries to perform various at-
tacks such as disrupting process control operations,
hiding their attack traces on the system, injecting false
measurement data, or exploiting buffer overflow vul-
nerabilities. For example, an attacker may be able to
force a Modbus server into Listen-Mode-Only using
a single Modbus packet with function code feature
set to 08 and sub-function code of 04. This will re-
sult in placing the Modbus server in an inactive state
and will subsequently cause a complete desynchro-
nization with other systems.
Figure 4 presents the derived ontology for Modbus
TCP communication packets. Any Modbus packet
can either be classified as a request or a response mes-
sage. Thus, we consider these as two main classes in
the ontology. Both types of messages share the same
header section, so we construct a Header class. In or-
der to allow high level classification of function codes
in Modbus TCP packets, we classify them into three
different groups; Public, System-defined, and User-
defined. The public functions group can be further di-
vided to subclasses, namely Diagnostics codes, Read
codes, Write codes. These subclasses are based on
the purpose of function codes. An example is that the
Contextual Intrusion Alerts for Scada Networks - An Ontology based Approach for Intrusion Alerts Post Processing
Figure 4: Modbus TCP communication ontology.
Table 1: Main application-level features in Modbus TCP.
Section Feature Description
Trans ID A numerical identifier
for the current transac-
tion for the purpose of
pairing request and re-
Describes the protocol
in use. Should be al-
ways set to zero for
Modbus TCP.
Length Specifies the length of
the remaining part of
the packet.
Unit ID Unique device ID when
Modbus gateway is
used. If not, then it is
set to 0xFF.
Data Unit
Specifies the action to
be performed by the
slave device.
Data Contains data of vari-
able size with the data
corresponding to the re-
quest or response.
public diagnostic codes can be used for system audit
related operations such as Get Com event counter, Get
Com Event Log, Return Diagnostic Register, Clear
Counters and Diagnostic Registers.
In ontologies, classes and their subclasses are or-
ganized in a hierarchy. The main classes in the Mod-
bus TCP communication ontology are described in
Table 2. Each of the presented classes may have a
relationship with other classes. These relations are
important to define whether two classes should be dis-
joint from each other or one is parent class. For ex-
ample, IP-Header is disjoint from TCP-Header. An
ontology allows two types of properties; object and
data. Object properties are used to describe relation-
ships between classes, while data properties are used
to store data value. A partial list of these properties is
presented in Table 3.
Table 2: Main Classes in Modbus TCP ontology.
Class Description
HEADER This class represents the main
header features that exist in any
Modbus packets over TCP. Sub-
classes: IP header, TCP header,
Modbus header
This class represent a Modbus re-
quest message sent from client
to Modbus server. Subclasses:
Function-Code, Data
This class represent a Modbus re-
sponse message sent from Mod-
bus server to client. Subclasses:
Function-Code, Data, Exception-
Table 3: Object and data properties in Modbus TCP.
Object Prop-
SubclassOf, hasA, isDefined-
For, hasPurpose, isPartOf, Con-
Data Proper-
hasUnitID, hasTransactionID,
hasProtocolID, hasLength,
hasSrcIP, hasDstIP, hasFunc-
tionCode, hasExceptionCode,
hasSrcPort, hasDstPort
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
4.2 Modbus Attacks Ontology
This model is used to capture and maintain informa-
tion about cyber attacks on SCADA systems that are
utilizing Modbus TCP protocol as an attack vector.
Constructing an ontological representation of these
attacks enables viewing them in high-level abstraction
and extracting their shared attributes such as com-
mon impacts on SCADA system. To construct this
ontology we started by analyzing cyber-attacks cat-
egories against Modbus TCP presented in (Huitsing
et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2011; Had
c et al.,
2014; Drias et al., 2015). The main concepts in the
proposed attacks model are Attack and Attacker. Fig-
ure 5 illustrates the relationship exist between these
main classes and their next level subclasses.
Figure 5: Ontological relationship of main classes in attacks
We describe the main classes and their associated
properties as follows:
Attacker Class. This class represents the attacker ob-
ject and its attributes such as the source IP address of
an attacker, his previous intrusive activities obtained
from historical intrusion alerts and his goals. An at-
tacker may aim for one of the following goals, as cap-
tured by the ontology: to change data, disrupt opera-
tions, gain control, steal data, or prepare for another
objective. An ontological representation of these con-
cepts are illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Ontological view of attacker class.
Attack Class. This class is used to represent the as-
sociated attributes of an attack such as the time of
an attack instance, possible impact outcome and de-
scription of the mechanism used to conduct the at-
tack. For instance, the impact of an attack can be on
Data-Integrity, Denial-of-Service, Physical-Damage,
Process-Integrity, System-Integrity, Reconnaissance,
and Process-Reconnaissance. For example, an ad-
ministrative command (Function code 8, Sub Code
0A) that clear counters and diagnostic audit records
on the server is associated with System Integrity im-
pact. Other commands such as enforcing listen only
mode or restarting the TCP communication can result
in Denial of service impact. In addition, an attack can
be performed using different mechanisms where four
of the related mechanisms are added to the attack on-
tology model as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Ontological view for the Attack Class.
4.3 Intrusion Alerts Ontology
In order to contextualize intrusion alerts, an ontolog-
ical representation (RDF triples) of these alerts is re-
quired. The conversion of alerts and semantic rela-
tionships extraction are defined in the intrusion alert
model. We restrict this ontology to features that exist
in Snort IDS alerts which are Time, Source IP, Source
Port, Destination IP, Destination Port, Signature ID,
Protocol, Alert Classification and Alert Message. We
also add some additional features derived from the se-
mantic analysis, which are necessary, but cannot be
provided by Snort. These features include the con-
text protocol in application layer (e.g., Modbus), the
impact on SCADA system, affected systems, attack
description, and recommended action. For example,
the protocol feature in raw Snort alerts is described
as TCP. However, multiple protocols can be encapsu-
lated in TCP frames including HTTP and MODBUS.
Thus,we describe the protocol more precisely by set-
ting relevant feature to Modbus-TCP.
In order to functionally test the proposed approach,
we constructed a system prototype using the three on-
tologies developed in section 4 and open-source tools
Contextual Intrusion Alerts for Scada Networks - An Ontology based Approach for Intrusion Alerts Post Processing
that are described in the following sections.
5.1 Reference Implementation
The high-level system architecture was presented in
Figure 1. This system was developed using Java on
top of open-source Apache Jena API library. The pro-
posed system consists of three ontologies for Modbus
TCP communications, Modbus TCP attacks and In-
trusion alerts. In order to derive and implement these
ontologies, we used the Ontology Web Language
Description Logic (OWL-DL) language through an
open-source Protege ontology editor and knowledge
acquisition framework. The resulted ontologies are
then stored in the knowledge base which is based
on Apache Fueski v2. The main inputs are net-
work packet captures (PCAP) and Snort IDS intrusion
alerts. The input data is mapped to the ontological
representation models defined in Modbus TCP com-
munication and intrusion alerts ontologies. We used
the Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples
format to store the converted input data in the knowl-
edge base as instances. This mapping process is per-
formed by the system using Java and Apache Jena
API. After having all input data stored as ontology
instances in the knowledge base, the core analysis
engine can perform queries using Semantic Query-
Enhanced Web Rule Language (SQWRL) through
Apache Jena API library. The result of these queries
are then presented to the security analyst and can be
added as new ontology instances to the knowledge
5.2 Use Case Scenarios
This section presents two use case scenarios. The first
scenario focuses on analysing individual raw intru-
sion alerts received from Snort IDS and integrating
them with contextual SCADA information. The aim
of this scenario is to show the advantages of enhanc-
ing contextual information in intrusion alerts for secu-
rity analysts. The second scenario extends the use of
contextual information for the identification of com-
plex attack scenarios utilizing the relationship of the
enhanced individual alerts. For these scenarios, we
used Snort IDS with customised Modbus TCP detec-
tion rules that were developed by Digital Bond Quick-
Draw (Peterson, 2009).
5.2.1 Semantic Integration of Contextual
In the first scenario, we demonstrate the process of se-
mantically integrating diverse information within the
ontologies knowledge base into a rich context intru-
sion alert. The benefit of this is to provide security an-
alyst with descriptive attack information considering
the context of Modbus communications. Let us con-
sider an attack scenario where the attacker performs a
series of simple attack steps to cause data desynchro-
nization between the Modbus master and clients. As-
suming the attacker has limited knowledge about the
Modbus server implementation under attack, he may
attempt sending spoofed Modbus packets to read the
device identification or perform a function scan to de-
termine which functions are allowed. After determin-
ing the server implementation, the attacker may abuse
some of the allowed function codes to cause a denial
of service such as Force-Listen-Only-Mode (Function
code: 08, Sub code 04). Each of these attack activities
may be detected by IDS systems. However, the in-
trusion alert messages presented to security analysts
usually provide only low-level information. For ex-
ample, one attack step of forcing the Modbus server
into Listen only mode is reported by Snort IDS as fol-
09/24-11:02:51.531149 [**] [1:1111001:1] SCADA_IDS:
Modbus TCP-Force Listen Only Mode [**] [Classification:
This alert provides little description about the at-
tack step and reports the protocol feature as TCP
with general attack impact of attempted DoS. How-
ever, security analysts may require more descriptive
attack information such as what is the Force listen
only attack and how can it be mitigated. In ad-
dition, the impact of an attack on a Modbus net-
work may be described more precisely. For in-
stance, the reconnaissance attacks on Modbus TCP
can be associated with two types of impacts that are
Process-Reconnaissance or System-Reconnaissance.
The Process-Reconnaissance is where the attacker
analyses the structure of industrial process such as
specific functions implementations and process flow.
While in the system reconnaissance the attacker anal-
yses the Modbus server functionality and product ver-
sion. Determining these specific attack impacts can
reveal possible attacker objectives.
To address these concerns, the following SPARQL
query is performed to extract attack description from
the Modbus TCP attacks ontology and integrate it
with the raw alert features presented in the above alert
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX intrusions: <http://server1/ontologies/IntrusionAl
PREFIX attacks:<http://server1/ontologies/ModbusAttacks.
SELECT ?alerttime ?alertsrcip ?alertdstip ?protocol
?impact ?severity ?affect ?description
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
#alert information from intrusion alert ontology
?alert rdf:type intrusions:IntrusionAlert .
?alert intrusions:hasTime ?alerttime .
?alert intrusions:hasSrcIP ?alertsrcip .
?alert intrusions:hasDstIP ?alertdstip .
?alert intrusions:hasDstPort ?alertdstport .
?alert intrusions:hasAttackSid ?alertAttacksid .
#attack information from Modbus attacks ontology
?attack attacks:hasAttackSid ?attackSID .
?attack attacks:useProtocol ?protocol .
?attack attacks:hasImpact ?impact .
?attack attacks:hasSeverity ?severity .
?attack attacks:hasAffecton ?affect .
?attack attacks:hasDescription ?description .
FILTER (sameTerm(?attackSID,?alertAttacksid))
The result of executing the above SPARQL query
provides new contextual information as shown in Fig-
ure 8 which describes the attack in more details and
classify intrusion alert in more specific way in term
of description the exact protocol and possible impact.
This new contextual alert is then added to the ontol-
ogy knowledge base as ModbusTCPAlert.
Figure 8: The contextual intrusion alert.
As Figure 8 shows, new attack semantic features
have been added to the alert context. The security an-
alysts can understand the intrusion context in a more
descriptive way. In addition, the extended features
such as determined application layer protocol, spec-
ified attack impact, and the affected system allows for
new search capabilities among intrusion alerts. For
instance, it is possible to retrieve all intrusion alert
instances of ModbusTCPAlert that share the same at-
tack impact or affect a specific target system while in
raw Snort IDS alerts, the search may be limited to IP
addresses, ports, attack signatures, generic protocols
(e.g., TCP, UDP).
5.2.2 Semantic Correlation for Complex Attack
As an example of complex attacks, we describe a dis-
tributed denial of service in SCADA networks. In
this attack scenario, we assume that the attacker suc-
cessfully introduced a malware infection in the net-
work resulting in compromising multiple engineer
host machines. The attacker now is able to instruct
these infected machines to perform individual attacks
on a Modbus server. The attacker now instructs all
infected machines to send malicious (but legitimate
looking) Modbus TCP packets to the same Mod-
bus server target with Modbus TCP communication
restart command (function code 08, sub function 01).
This command will force the Modbus server to restart
and power up self-tests. During this power up pro-
cess, the Modbus server will be unavailable for short
time. However, repeatedly sending these requests can
force the Modbus server into a restart loop making
it unavailable for a long time. These attack activi-
ties are detected by Snort IDS, but reported in iso-
lation without suspicion that they are part of a com-
plex distributed denial of service as they are originat-
ing from different machine sources. Since these indi-
vidual alerts are received by our system and added to
the ontologies knowledge base as ModbusTCPAlert
instances with shared impact of denial of service,
the system is able to retrieve all individual instances
against the same Modbus server target. To do this, the
system execute the following SPARQL query:
SELECT ?Time ?AttackerSourceIP ?ModbusServerIP
?impact ?affect
#Modbus-TCP alert instances information
?ModbusTCPalert rdf:type intrusions:ModbusTCPAlert .
?ModusTCPalert intrusions:hasTime ?Time .
?ModbusTCPalert intrusions:hasSrcIP ?AttackerSourceIP .
?ModbusTCPalert intrusions:hasDstIP ?ModbusServerIP .
?ModbusTCPalert intrusions:hasImpact ?impact .
?ModbusTCPalert intrusions:hasAffectOn ?affect .
FILTER regex(str(?impact), "Denial of Service")
The above query will search the knowledge base
for existence of Modbus TCP alert instances that
report denial of service attack and are targeting
same Modbus server which indicates a possible
distributed denial of service attack if they originate
from different machine IP sources. If this matches,
a summary of the attacker source IP addresses, the
Modbus server IP address, and the attack impact is
retrieved. The system processes the query result in
the background and provide the security analyst with
the following predefined attack summary:
Possible DDoS attack detected!
87 Modbus requests with possible impact of denial of
Contextual Intrusion Alerts for Scada Networks - An Ontology based Approach for Intrusion Alerts Post Processing
service have been detected over the last 3 mintues.
Alerts count: 87
Impact: Denial of Service
Affected item: PLCs and other field devices
that contain MODBUS servers
Attack vectors: Modbus TCP restart(84 times),
Force-Listen-Only-Mode (3 times)
Target server:
Attack sources:,,
Start time: 09/27-09:03:23.435311
End time: 09/27-09:06:57.229114
This message provides the security analysts with
very descriptive attack information instead of flood-
ing them with every single alert (total of 87 alerts).
This enables a quicker response to perform further in-
vestigation or take a corrective actions. The attack
summary provides useful information about the de-
tected attack scenario. This includes the number of
generated alerts, the impact, the affected asset, sum-
mary of the attacks vectors, the Modbus server under
attack, and more importantly the list of machine IP
addresses that are performing the suspicious activi-
This paper has proposed an ontology-based approach
for knowledge representation and integration for con-
textualizing intrusion alerts in SCADA networks. An
ontology enables expressing the domain knowledge
and collected intrusion alerts with clear structure and
detailed definition in a machine-interpretable format.
Moreover, the semantic meaning of Modbus control
commands are extracted and new classifications are
possible to derived. Furthermore, as all knowledge
data are represented in the same format using the de-
veloped models, it is possible to integrate them in a
flexible way. The contextualized intrusion alerts pro-
duced by our approach provides better attack descrip-
tions and new classifications based on the semantic
meaning of the extracted control commands. This
provides the analysts the means to better understand
evolving attacks and to uncover the semantic relation-
ships between sequences of individual attacks. In fu-
ture work it is intended that the proposed approach
will be evaluated against a more comprehensive Mod-
bus dataset.
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ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy