Collaborative Information Service
Privacy Algebra for User Defined Security
Asim Kumar Pal
, Subrata Bose
and Arpita Maitra
Management Information Systems Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Neotia Institute of Technology, Management & Science, Kolkata, India
Keywords: Privacy Template, Privacy Issue, Privacy Protection, Dominance Relation.
Abstract: With the increased activity over the internet and globalization of the market economy collaborative
computing becomes an important area of research. Security is an increasing concern because of chances of
malicious elements breaching the network of collaborating partners. Further the level of mutual belief
among the collaborators would not be identical and may change with experience. Thus the concept of user
defined flexible security requirements arose. The idea of user defined privacy template was brought in
IRaaS (Information Retrieval as a Service) (Pal and Bose 2013) which is a flexible system of information
services to customers who seek information from various sources through a service provider. The idea was
further extended to CIS (Collaborative Information Service) (Pal and Bose 2016) which provides a
framework for general information exchange activities (not restricted to retrievals only) for a set of
collaborating partners. The current work extends CIS by introducing privacy algebra to be applied on
templates to get a concise expression of privacy restrictions. CIS is a step towards a privacy aware
collaborative computing problem.
Collaboration is often required by independent
organizations for their interlinked business, e.g.
partners in a supply chain. Many organizations find
that collaboration brings additional value to them.
Information exchange or information sharing plays a
major role in such joint activities. Consider a typical
example from e-commerce. An on-line purchase by
a buyer goes through a series of information
activities such as finding the products of interests,
checking their stocks in the warehouses, enquiring
delivery status of the items from warehouse to the
customer’s address, receiving payment through
some credit card company, waiting for return of
some goods, etc. In another situation, for a bulk
order involving different products and shipping
addresses all or most of the above tasks could be
performed without much of user interaction though
the purchase could be on-line or off-line. Such
applications can be designed as a sequence of
information exchange activities which are
collaborative in nature. We need efficiency as well
as security of the operations among separate and
independent organizations or organizational
components. This kind of computations comes under
what is known as collaborative computing.
Fundamentally such computation works on the
principles of distributed system (Zhu et al. 2006).
Security is a serious issue in collaborative
computing (Atallah 2006; Ahmed and Tripathi
2007). Security concerns are more serious when the
participants do not have much knowledge of each
other, e.g. a customer or a small business to a credit
card company. Collaboration is successful only
when the participants can keep trust in the system.
An important security concern in such collaborative
computation is at data level. All the data elements
belonging to a given participant need not be equally
sensitive with respect to specific opponents or its
security may need to be traded with efficiency of the
activity. This kind of security is known as attribute
oriented security (Zhang et al. 2006). Security in
collaboration can be user oriented or user defined
and role based. Pal and Dey (2014) proposed user
oriented policies for secure data storage and
computation of enterprise data in cloud collecting
varying perceptions of users about trustworthiness of
the Cloud Service Provider and also roles which the
users represent. The work of (Pearson, Shen and
Pal, A., Bose, S. and Maitra, A.
Collaborative Information Service - Privacy Algebra for User Defined Security.
DOI: 10.5220/0005746304730481
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016), pages 473-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-167-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Mowbray 2009) has close similarity in terms of
offering the user selection of privacy preferences
from a range of choices.
In an earlier work Pal and Bose (2013)
introduced a robust information retrieval service
(IRaaS) to its customer using a service provider
from a set of heterogeneous independent and
unknown data sources. IRaaS considered four types
of user selectable privacies Identity, Data, Query
and Result. In a recent work Pal and Bose (2016)
introduced Collaborative Information Service (CIS)
for secure information exchange among the partners.
Like IRaaS, CIS uses privacy template to allow
users to express their security concerns against
inappropriate use of information by the opponents or
leakage of information to undesired parties. The
current work is an extension of CIS. It proposes
privacy algebra to represent user defined security
captured via privacy template, in a concise and
manageable form. CIS caters to seven privacy
aspects, namely, Identity, Schema, Data Read, Data
Write, Result, Query and Query Distribution. Each
of these privacies is looked at the granularity level of
each participant against all other resulting in a huge
number of combinations. It is not desirable or
practically feasible to handle such huge variations
which also mean providing a very large number of
security mechanisms or protocols. Idea of
simplification arose from this. Privacy algebra
basically helps simplify expressing the overall
privacy needs of a collaborative computing job using
dominance and join properties of privacies
(discussed in section 3).
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
2 discusses CIS. Section 3 describes its privacy
model. Section 4 describes privacy algebra. Section
5 shows the applicability of privacy algebra on CIS.
Section 6 summarizes the paper and concludes with
future direction of the work.
CIS is an information service intended to bring
together a number of independent and autonomous
entities such as different organizations, departments
or units of an organization, individuals etc. for
collaborative information exchange among them to
perform a task or execute an application. These
entities form a network, each entity representing a
node of the network. The information service
processes users’ information request which involves
data read or write. For every action (query or
transaction) a subset of the entities participates. For
example, Amazon might have a number of sources
for a product, number of courier services for home
delivery etc. but for an order it will choose a
particular courier service and one or more of the
available sources of the products. An online
shopping transaction in Amazon also requires data
write (update) operations in cases such as change of
delivery status or shipment status or payment status,
etc. For simplicity, we assume that each entity owns
a single data source, e.g. a denormalized form of a
database. Our proposed model offers a framework
for secure processing of any general collaborative
application which involves data read or write We
introduce one independent entity called Service
Provider (SP) to facilitate the collaboration. Each
partner (entity) has a certain degree of trust on SP,
which may change over time. We assume that SP
knows the data definition of each entity. Similarly,
each entity has to know the identity of SP. CIS is
composed of three components namely the
adversarial model, security framework and
computational model.
2.1 Adversarial Model (AM)
The security assumptions regarding the adversaries
are expressed through the privacy constraints desired
by a player vis-à-vis his opponents (partners in
collaboration and the SP) through a privacy template
(section 3) built on privacy issues and protections
(Pal and Bose 2016).
2.2 Security Framework (SF)
Security framework of CIS is guided by three
phases. The initial phase which is the setup phase of
a specific service or an application chooses the
collaborating entities – the data sources (DS) and the
SP. This phase is also responsible for constructing
the global data dictionary coupled with the global
privacy template. Once the setup is done, the system
is ready to accept any transaction processing request
of a user. This is accomplished by a transaction
specific setup phase followed by the transaction
execution phase. The transaction setup phase allows
the user to specify its privacy restrictions through
local data dictionary and a local privacy template
which will supersede the global restrictions.
Generally, SP is positioned as the entity to carry out
the setup jobs. In the transaction execution phase a
sequence of sub processes involving a subset of data
sources is constructed. This is a distributed
processing scenario which may allow some sub
processes to execute in parallel (Pal and Bose 2016).
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2.3 Computation Model (CM)
N entities (organizations) with their data sources,
... DS
collaborate to provide an information
service to their customers. The service provider SP
is chosen by the entities or SP chooses himself. SP
has full knowledge of the data definition of each DS.
The user or customer C obtains services from this set
of data owner entities. C hosted on one such entity
sends his request to the transaction related entities
either directly or through SP. The query formed to
service the request has three parts, <command,
target clause, predicate clause>. The command is
Retrieve, Insert, Delete or Update. The target clause
for retrieval is a set of expressions i.e. functions
defined on the attributes from DSs. Delete command
in its target list refers mainly to rows (occasionally
columns) in one or more database tables. Insert and
Update have an additional clause representing the
values to be put in for a new record or for replacing
the contents of an existing record. The predicate
clause is a logical expression involving the attributes
of different DSs.
SP builds global data dictionary by aggregating
individual data dictionaries of all DS. Privacy
template of each DS specifies its privacy
requirement against all other participants C, SP and
other DS for any read or write operation. This
includes privacy of any data element or attribute of
the DS, its identity, schema, data or any part of the
results. Similarly, it also includes the privacy of C
regarding its identity, the query raised by it and the
results or any part result. Note that query or
transaction could be an important thing to be
protected from being disclosed or misused when it is
an isolated or ad hoc query as in the case of IRaaS
(Pal and Bose 2013), but may not be so critical when
each such query is part of an application requiring
joint computation. For write operation the target DSs
need protection of intermediate results. These results
imply knowledge of the value used for write
operations like insert and update. More importantly
it can manipulate information wrongly. Other than
the DSs both C and SP also specify their privacies
required from other participants. In more general
case each data source may ask different privacy
requirements against different customers or different
types of customers. SP constructs global privacy
template from all these privacy templates. The
global template and schema are captured and
constructed for all the participants in the system.
However, the system may also create local schema
and template specific to any query or transaction
from the relevant subset of participants which helps
to redefine or override privacy constraint expressed
by each in a given situation. For example, one DS
(say a Bank) may be very cautious against any party
but if the requirement of query is from an
investigation agency it might behave differently.
During execution a query is broken down into a
set of sub-queries which are executed in stages to be
performed in sequence. A sub-query may have to be
further split into a set of query components one for
each DS. However, the query components within a
stage can work in parallel. The decomposition of
queries, query execution plan and results are
determined based on the local schema of the DSs.
Privacy template describes the privacy
constraints imposed by each party w.r.t. other
parties, in other words the privacy relationship that
should hold between any two parties. Enforcing the
privacy constraints will ensure trust in the
information service. Cryptographic protocols will be
brought in for this enforcement. The privacy and
security framework must ensure that SP cannot
interfere with data, query or results belonging to the
organizations except beyond the point where his
accesses are allowed. The sequences of accesses
may not be apparent during query decomposition
and result reconstruction phases. The actual access
patterns may be decided dynamically depending on,
which security protocols are available and designed
based on the privacy templates. Some examples are:
The most important development Homomorphic
encryption allows direct operation on encrypted data
(Gentry 2009; Olumofin and Goldberg 2010;
Shiyuan, Agrawal and Abbadi 2011; Shiyuan,
Agrawal and Abbadi 2012). Private information
retrieval (PIR) helps data anonymization encrypting
database index. Indexes are used to quickly access
records based on key values (Olumofin and
Goldberg 2010; Reardon, Pound and Goldberg
2007). Similarly, Commutative encryption is used to
exchange information between parties A and B via P
who knows the identities of both A and B, unknown
to each other, e.g. A could be a customer, B a data
source and P the SP (Agrawal, Evfimievsk and
Srikant 2003).
The privacy model in (Pal and Bose 2016) safe
guards the privacy concerns of all participants, C, SP
and the DSs in CIS to prevent disclosure of sensitive
information. CIS has identified seven primary
privacy concerns of the participants, namely Identity
(I), Schema (S), Data Read (DR), Data Write (DW),
Collaborative Information Service - Privacy Algebra for User Defined Security
Result (R), Query (Q) and Query Distribution (QD).
They are referred as privacy issues. The work of
Pearson (Pearson, Shen and Mowbray 2009) has
also looked into the user selection of privacy
preferences from a range of choices. The privacy
issues were first introduced in (Pal and Bose 2015).
3.1 Privacy Issues
The privacy issues are meant for different access
levels allowed by any party to any remote entity for
different kind of operations on the former’s data
sources. Note access to one’s data source is possible
only when the identity of that party as well as the
data definition (schema) is disclosed through the
schema definition. We briefly discuss these privacy
issues here.
a. Identity Privacy mainly involves knowledge
required to locate and identify a party to
communicate with it. To prevent on-line identity
discloser anonymous communication should be
employed. Off-line identity disclosure can be
avoided by adopting cryptographic measures
(Pearson, Shen and Mowbray 2009).
b. Schema Privacy refers to the protection of
individual schema of the data sources.
Cryptographic measures to prevent schema
disclosure are not known to exist though it appears
to be a serious privacy need in selective cases.
c. Data Read Privacy refers to the protection of
data contents (attribute values) of a DS for
controlling accesses from other DSs, and C as well
as SP. For solving a query often data need to be
shared with others. Data obfuscation is one possible
cryptographic technique to be applied here. There is
a distinction between schema and data privacy.
Schema privacy automatically implies data privacy,
but the reverse is not true. Even if there is no
requirement of confidentiality yet adequate
precautions have to be taken to prevent data from
being manipulated affecting availability and
d. Data Write Privacy refers to an entity
protecting its data from being written over by others.
e. Result Privacy refers to protection of the
results which are provided to C by SP. As such C
can also combine the part results obtained from
different entities. C may not like to reveal the final
query result as well as part results to any third party.
f. Query Privacy (Transaction Privacy) refers to
the protection of the user query from SP and DSs. C
is particularly interested to protect the sensitive parts
of a query. A transaction text may be disclosed to
SP, but the semantics need not be disclosed. Though
the textual content of a query may not disclose the
complete intention of the user, the constants
supplied by the user at runtime are private and must
be protected (Olumofin and Goldberg 2010).
g. Query Distribution (Transaction Distribution)
Privacy refers to the protection of knowledge of
query distribution by SP from DSs and C. Note SP
distributes the query components to a set of DSs
based on their availability and suitability. This
protection works at two levels. At the first level
there are DSs who are not involved in the query
execution and hence need not have any idea about
the ongoing query. At the second level DSs who are
involved would not be informed about others’
participation. This information also may be kept
from the client. However in a good collaboration
many of these restrictions may not exist.
CIS has addressed seven privacy issues required
at the most basic level. For higher granularity of
privacy any issue may have to be split generating
more issues. Data Write privacy issue may be split
into Data Insert, Modify and Delete issues.
Similarly, the Schema privacy issue may be split
into Schema Read and Write issues, or even give
rise to Index privacy issue. Privacy can be defined
for each category or role of users. Another point of
interest could be that the privacy template is
minimized if local schema and even their subsets of
relevant attributes are used in place of the entire
global schema.
3.2 Privacy Types
A privacy type refers to a particular combination of
protections available in a privacy issue. It can be
compared to a tuple in a database table. However,
there is a fundamental difference here. Unlike
databases the protections are not unique or do not
require separate existence. For example, protection
of customer from service provider is applicable to
both identity and query privacy issue. A privacy
issue is represented as a matrix, each column
represents a privacy protection and row represents a
privacy type. A privacy protection refers to the
protection of one party (A) from another party (B)
i.e. A protected from B, or conversely, A open to B
with respect to the underlying privacy issue and
hence it has only two possible values “Yes (y) or
“No” (n). A privacy protection can be compared to
an attribute of an entity.
3.2.1 Type and Type-Subset
Let P be a privacy type. The set of privacy
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
protections in P is denoted by protection (P).
Sometimes privacy types are labeled for easy
reference (e.g. Qd privacy). The set of types in P is
denoted by type(P). P1 is a type-subset of P if
type(P1) type(P). Similarly, P2 is a protection-
subset of P if protection(P2) protection(P).
3.2.2 Conditioned Privacy Issue
P(c) is obtained by applying certain selection
condition c onto the parent privacy issue P, or P(Q)
by imposing another privacy issue Q upon it. P(c) or
P(Q) could be a type-subset, protection-subset or
both of P. A privacy issue having m privacy
protections can have maximum of 2
privacy types.
Let us look at the privacy issues at greater
details. Consider the issue of identity privacy. It
concerns each and every party and it is the gateway
for accessing a party. In our model we have N+2
parties N number of DSs, SP and C. So
(N+2)×(N+1) one way communications or access
rights are possible among these parties which result
in a maximum of 2
privacy types for identity
privacy. If there are M categories of customers who
have the same identity privacy requirements, then
the total number of privacy options will be
. Our objective is to find out
permissible communications between any two
3.3 Enumeration of Privacy Types
For determining the privacy types of different
privacy issues there is a common phenomenon:
symmetric vis-à-vis non-symmetric. Privacy
relationship, i.e. privacy constraints between any
two players A and B is of two types, e.g. A protected
from B =Yes orNo. Consider p players: B
and A. Total number of privacy types between
players {A and B
},, and {A and B
} is 2
, p>2,
i.e. A protected from B
= ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, …, A
protected from B
=Yes orNo etc. Here B
represents the players in the same category, e.g. data
sources, meaning that their privacy concerns may
remain identical. Again the total number of privacy
types between any B
and B
, i, j=1, ... , p is 2
Combining this with the relationship of A with Bs
the number of privacy types rises to 2
+ 2
describes the most general situation, referred to as
non-symmetric case. In the symmetric case there is
no behavioural difference between any two B
and B
w.r.t. A, i.e. the relationship between A and B
same as that between A and B
. The total number of
distinct types in this case reduces drastically to 2.
For example, when p = 2 number of types for the
non-symmetric case is 2
+ 2
= 8 but the number
of types for the corresponding symmetric cases is 2
+ 2 = 4. In the template definition for different
privacy issues these will occur. In the remaining
discussion Data Privacy Issue has combined Data
Read and Data Write. The summarized version of all
the privacy issues and types is depicted in Table 1.
Table 1 shows Identity privacy for Customer and
Data Sources (symmetric case). It has three
protections, i) C protected from DS, ii) DS protected
from C, and iii) DS protected from other DSs. This
Table 1: Summarized version of all the privacy issues (excluding Data Write).
Privacy Issue
ab: a protected from b;
ab: a protected from b
and b protected from a;
# Privacy Types (2
Case (z1)
Case (z2)
Identity Privacy C ↔ DS, DS ↔ DS 3 N(N+1)
Schema Privacy DS → C, DS ↔ DS 2 N
Data Privacy DS → C, DS → SP, DS ↔ DS 3 N(N+1)
Intermediate Result DS → C, DS → SP, DS ↔ DS 3 N(N+1)
Final Result C → SP, C → DS 2 N+1
Syntax and
SP → DS 1 N
constants only
C → SP 1 -
Part Query
Syntax and
DS → C, DS ↔ DS 2 N
constants only
DS ↔ DS 1 N(N-1)
Query Distribution
(Identities protected)
Open QD SP → C: No, SP → DS: No
0 -
C-Open QD SP → C: No, SP → DS: Yes
DS-Open QD SP → C: Yes, SP → DS: No
Closed QD SP → C: Yes, SP → DS: Yes
Collaborative Information Service - Privacy Algebra for User Defined Security
protections, i) C protected from DS, ii) DS protected
from C, and iii) DS protected from other DSs. This
privacy has eight types. All or some of the types
could be labeled for convenience, e.g. the first type
has been called Open or Public – where each party is
accessible to other, the last one Closed or Private
where none is accessible to other. Since we haven’t
put any condition on the issue, there are all 2
types. If all possible communications are allowed
between any two parties C and DSs there will be
n(n+1) protections and 2
privacy types. But note
that Identity privacy issue for C and DS (Symmetric
Case) is both a type-subset and protection-subset of
Identity privacy issue for C and DS (Non-symmetric
Case). The condition ‘symmetry among the DSs’
applied on the latter will reduce it to the former, in
other words, the former is a conditioned issue w.r.t.
the latter. Consider Closed Query Distribution,
where the customer and the data sources are
unknown to each other, the only privacy type
allowed for Identity privacy is (Yes, Yes, Yes) the
Closed/Private type, whereas the Open Query
Distribution allows only (No, No, No) the Open /
Public type. Table 2 shows restricted identity
privacy which allows identity sharing as guided by
Query distribution policy.
Table 2: Identity conditioned by Query distribution.
Identity Privacy Protection
from C
Qd Type
0 (public) No No No Open Qd
1 No No Yes C-Open Qd
6 Yes Yes No DS-Open Qd
7 (private) Yes Yes Yes Closed Qd
We denote the privacy issues by capital letter and
privacy protections by small letters in the following
Join of Privacy Issues: Let privacy issue X has
p protections and Y has q protections of which r are
common.Then X.Y represents a new privacy issue
obtained by joining X and Y. Join is performed in
the same way as database relations are joined. We
can also define the joint privacy issue X.Y as X U Y
– X ∩ Y. Hence, X.Y will have p + q – r protections.
If X and Y are two independent privacy issues
having no common protections, then X.Y will have
p+q protections. For example, join of Identity
Privacy of C and DS which has 3 protections C
DS, DS C and DS DS (Table 1) and Schema
Privacy of Data Source which has 2 protections DS
C and DS DS (Table 1) results in Identity and
Schema Privacy having 3 protections (Table 3).
Table 3: Join of Identity and Schema Privacy of C and DS.
Identity and Schema Privacy Protection of
C from
any DS
Any DS
from C
Any DS from
any other DS
* * * 0 – 7
4.1 Dominance Relations
Dominance of Privacy Protections: Let x and y be
two privacy protections of a privacy issue P. We say
x dominates y over P if, in P if x is protected then y
is also protected, i.e. protection pair (x,y) cannot
assume the value (Yes, No). This is denoted by x > y
over P.
Dominance of Privacy Issues over Protections:
Let p and q be two protections of privacy issue X
and Y respectively. We say p>q if p>q holds in the
privacy issue X.Y. We term this as dominance
between two privacy issues, i.e. X dominates Y,
denoted X > Y over protection p and q. If p and q
refer to the same protection, then we say X
dominates Y over p denoted by X > Y over p. By
applying dominance relations between privacy
issues or privacy protections one essentially
conditions the joint privacy issue or protections, i.e.
obtains conditioned privacy issues
Binary String Representation of Valid Privacy
Types: Let a and b be two privacy protections of a
privacy issue such that a>b. The set of valid privacy
types for (a,b) is {(1,1),(0,1),(0,0)}, i.e. (1,0) is not a
valid. In other words for a = “Yes” only value that is
allowed for b is “Yes”. We can also use binary
strings to represent the privacy types in more
compact form. The valid types are represented by
three binary strings, {11, 01, 00} is equivalent to
{11, 0*} or, {1
, 0*}, * represents either 0 or 1.
Therefore, 0*
represents four strings, namely,
000111, 001111, 010111 and 011111.
Transitivity of Dominance Relations:
Claim 1: The protection dominance is transitive, i.e.
if x > y and y > z then x > z, where x, y and z
protections belong to same or different privacy
Proof: Let x > y and y over P. The valid privacy
types of both (x, y) and (y, z) are {11, 01, 00}. By
joining these on common values of y we get {11, 01,
00} as the set of valid privacy types of (x, z), i.e. x >
z over P. Note, this logic holds even if x, y and z
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
belong to different privacy issues.
Claim 2: The privacy issue dominance is a
transitive relation, i.e. X > Y and Y > Z then X > Z,
where X, Y and Z are privacy issues over a common
privacy protection or over different protections.
Proof: Let p, q and r be three protections of privacy
issues X, Y and Z respectively. X > Y => p > q in
X.Y and Y > Z => q > r in Y.Z. By Claim 1, Y > Z
=> p > r in Y.Z. Again p and r are protections of
X.Z. By definition of privacy issue dominance we
can conclude X > Z.
Valid Privacy Types: Let b
k 2, are k
privacy issues w.r.t. to a common privacy protection.
Alternatively, let b
, ..., b
be the k privacy
protections over the domain of one or more privacy
issues (which have been joined). For the joint
protection domain (b
, ..., b
) total number of
possible privacy type is 2
. We can represent these
types by binary strings of length k, i.e. k-bit strings
whose values range from 0 to 2
– 1.
Claim 3: Let b
> ... > b
hold for the joint
protection domain (b
, ..., b
). Then, there are only k
+ 1 valid privacy types {1
, 0
, ..., o
, 0
equivalently {2
– 1, 2
– 1, ..., 2
– 1} out of a total
possible 2
Proof: We prove the claim by induction. If b
> b
the valid types are {11, 01, 00} or, {1
, 01, 0
}. This
proves that the claim holds for k=2. Let the claim
hold for k = i. We will show that it holds for k = i+1.
The case k = i indicates that b
> ... > b
. Assume, b
> b
. So, in the combined privacy (b
, ..., b
, b
obtained by joining (b
, ..., b
) and (b
, b
), we have
> .... b
> b
. For k = i, we get i+1 valid privacy
binary strings. For k = i + 1, only one bit will be
introduced in the right hand side of each string. We
call this bit parity bit. Thus, there are i+1 strings
with parity bit 0 and i+1 strings with parity bit 1.
Since, b
> b
we can discard the strings having
parity bit 1 except the strings of all 1s. Thus, the
number of valid privacy strings will be i + 1 number
of strings having parity bit 0 plus the string with all
1s. Clearly, the combined privacy has i + 2 privacy
types {2
1, 2
1, ..., 2
1, 2
1}. This
completes the proof.
In this section we demonstrate how privacy algebra
can be used to simplify and consolidate the privacy
issues of CIS. First we notice that successive
applications of join of elementary privacy issues are
not affected by the sequence in which the operands
are selected for the join operation. For example,
A.(B.C) = (A.C).B = C.(A.B) = B.(C.A). We will
detect the interdependencies in the form of
dominance relations between privacy issues over
privacy protections or vice versa. Let us allow all
possible communications between any two parties
out of n+2 parties, C, SP, DS
, ..., DS
, i.e. no
symmetry among DSs are assumed. We consider
five privacy issues: I (identity), S (schema), D
(data), Q (query) and R (result). The query
distribution (Qd) issue is fixed at (No, No), i.e.
Open-Qd issue (Table 2). For each of the five
privacy issues there are (n+2)(n+1) one way
accesses. Therefore, total number of possible
privacy types for all five issues is 2
. With
increasing number of participants or large value of n
it may not be practical to implement so many
privacy types. We therefore look into reduction of
allowable privacy types considering dominance
relations of different privacies (Section 4).
Let us consider the privacy protection between
any two DS across different privacy issues. Note, for
this protection, the following dominance holds: I > S
> D, I > R and I > S > Q because without access to
identity one cannot have access to schema. In other
words, when identity is protected schema cannot
remain unprotected. But when identity is
unprotected schema can be protected or unprotected.
Similarly, without learning the respective schema
learning data would not be possible, but for learning
the result part the knowledge of schema need not be
essential. However, the query part would require the
knowledge of the respective schema. Coming to the
privacy types, for I > S we have 3 valid privacy
types {11, 01, 00}. Similarly, for S > D we also have
3 valid privacy types {11, 01, 00}. By Claim 3,
joining I > S with S > D we have 4 valid privacy
types {111, 011, 001, 000} = {2
1, 2
1, 2
– 1} for the dominance I > S > D shown in Table
4. Similarly, for I > S > Q, we also have 4 valid
privacy types {111, 011, 001, 000}. By joining
privacy types of I > S > D with those of I > S >
Q the set of valid privacy types for I, S, Q, and D are
shown in Table 5. Joining I > R having 3 privacy
types {11, 01, 00} with (I>S>D).(I>S>Q) with 11
types (Table 6).
Thus by applying the dominance relations we
have been able to reduce the number of privacy
options between two data sources from 2
= 32 to
11. Similarly, considering the protection of DS from
C, given relations I > S > D and I > R we get 7
privacy types (Table 7). Protection C from a DS
involves only identity privacy, and has two types:
“*”. Protection DS from SP involves data and result
privacies which are independent of each other, hence
Collaborative Information Service - Privacy Algebra for User Defined Security
all four types (*,*) are valid.
Table 4: Protection of DS from DS: I > S > D.
I S D Type #types
No No No 000 1
No No Yes 001 1
* Yes Yes *11 2
Table 5: Joint Protection of DS from DS I>S>D & I>S>Q.
I S D Q Type #types
No No * * 00** 4
* Yes Yes Yes *111 2
Table 6: Protection of DS from DS for the join
I S D Q R Type #types
No No * * * 00*** 8
No Yes Yes Yes No 01110 1
* Yes Yes Yes Yes *1111 2
Table 7: Protection of DS from C for I > S > D and I > R.
I S D R Type # of types
No No * * 00** 4
No Yes Yes * 011* 2
Yes Yes Yes Yes 1111 1
Pal and Bose (2013; 2015) proposed IRaaS, a user
defined security model for the information retrieval
services from different data sources for customers
with help of a service provider. CIS (Pal and Bose,
2016) has added write operation beyond read and
also considered the problem as a collaborative model
for any arbitrary joint information exchange
activities. It extends CIS privacy model further by
introducing the concept of privacy algebra which
incorporates privacy constraints of different
partners. It has used the idea of dominance between
the privacy issues and obtained results for concise
expressions of the user privacy requirement, a more
compact privacy template. Further depth in privacy
template can be achieved by restricting accesses to
attributes rather than relations. Optimizing the
privacy template by relaxing or restricting some
constraints is another point of study. Developing
general collaborative applications along the same
line while taking care of user or role concern for the
security of the owner and remote sites and a
language development (high level and low level)
with a compilation process needs to be looked at. As
next generation systems will be highly collaborative
and will have to share information based on a
planned privacy model, interoperability via open
communication and standardized data exchange is
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Collaborative Information Service - Privacy Algebra for User Defined Security