RST attacks, but it needs inverse normalization,
which introduces error to weaken the robustness
against common signal operation.
In this paper, we propose a content-based
watermarking scheme that uses a Harris feature point
detector. The watermark is embedded into frequency
domain of interest regions. We will give in section 2
an overview of some frequency watermarking
methods. In section 3, Clifford Fourier Transform
will be recalled and we will describe the embedding
and the extraction process of the watermarking
algorithm. Experimental results will be presented in
section 4. We will eventually conclude and give some
possible perspectives for future work.
The watermark can be embedded directly on pixels or
in the image frequency transform coefficients. The
most used transforms are Discrete Fourier Transform
(DFT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and the
well-known Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT).
DCT-based watermarking techniques use the
middle-frequency coefficients because the
modification of low frequencies affects the visual
quality of the image and the modification of high
frequencies causes local distortion along the edges
(Neeta et al., 2010).
The watermarking in DCT domain was first
introduced by Koch and Zhao (1994) by modifying
the magnitude of the middle-frequency coefficients.
This method shows good robustness to JPEG
compression. The image is divided into blocks of size
8x8. After that, some blocs are selected by a specific
function and they are transformed to DCT domain.
Before the embedding process, for each block, a
condition tests two selected mi-frequency
coefficients to study the validation of bloc to embed
the watermark bit. The criterion for valid blocks is
specified by the relationships between the two
selected coefficients. This criterion is used in the
extraction process to know if the block contains a bit
of watermark or not. This method is based on
modifying the magnitude of the selected coefficients.
To create the watermarked image, for each block, it is
required to perform the inverse DCT. The extraction
process is very simple and it is a blind procedure. It
has the same steps of the embedding process. To
estimate the inserted bit, it suffices to read the sign of
the difference between the modules of the two
selected mi-frequency. Using these constraints, the
experimental results indicate that the watermark can,
with sufficient noise margins, survive common
processing, such as lossy compression.
Discrete wavelet transform find a great popularity
in watermarking technique. It supports multi-
channels and gives excellent spatial localization. In
general, the DWT watermarking scheme consists first
in partitioning the cover image into high and low
frequency quadrants. The low frequency quadrant is
again split too into more parts of high and low
frequencies and this process is repeated until the
signal has been entirely decomposed. For the first
decomposition the DWT gives four resolution levels:
LL1, LH1, HL1, and HH1. It is well known that the
maximum energy is located in LL sub-band. So, the
mark is embedded in some selected coefficients from
HL, LH and HH via additive modification. In the
detection process, the same steps as the embedding
process are repeated. Typically, it consists of a
process of correlation estimation (Vaishali and
Sachin, 2011). DWT watermarking method is robust
against JPEG compression, cropping, median
filtering, adding noise and scaling. Unfortunately, this
approach has some disadvantages. Computing DWT
is more time consuming than computing DCT. Also,
it embeds the watermark in an additive way. So, to
detect the watermark, it is necessary to correlate the
watermarked image coefficients with the initial
watermark. Therefore, the image itself must be
treated as noise, which makes the detection extremely
difficult (Potdar et al., 2005), (Seema et al., 2012).
The DFT domain is also used in watermarking
technique because it offers robustness against
geometric distortions like cropping translation,
rotation, scaling, etc. DFT based watermark
embedding techniques can be divided into two kinds.
In the first one, the watermark is directly embedded
by modifying the DFT amplitude and phase
coefficients. In the second case, a template is used to
estimate the transformation and resynchronize the
image. For example, O'Runaidh, Dowling and Boland
(1996) proposed a DFT watermarking algorithm
modifying the DFT phase information. Its
experimental results show that this technique is robust
against image contrast operation and rotation. In
(O'Runaidh and Pun, 1998) authors proposed another
DFT watermarking technique using log-polar
coordinates system. Results show that this scheme is
robust against RST attacks. This technique is
basically used for greyscale images watermarking. To
extend the method, a marginal treatment proposes to
perform watermarking for each colour canal
independently. On other side, a lot of interest to find
another Fourier transform applicable directly on