Efficient Large-scale Road Inspection Routing
Yujie Chen
, Peter Cowling
, Stephen Remde
and Fiona Polack
YCCSA, Computer Science Department, University of York, York, U.K.
Gaist Solutions Limited, Lancaster, U.K.
Graph reduction, Routing, Chinese Postman Problem.
Gaist Solutions Ltd. carries out large scale surveys for UK road inspection. To estimate the total distance that
vehicles travel, we model routing as a Chinese Postman Problem. We propose a novel graph reduction ap-
proach that dramatically speeds up the calculation of the Chinese Postman Tour for large-scale road networks.
Because the analysis of large road-network graphs is now possible, planners can explore the effects of changes
to traditional inspection techniques and scheduling. Case studies of road networks from six UK cities and the
county of Norfolk are tested. The graph reduction process is also analysed on ten randomly generated road
networks with different characteristics, to show its ability and give advice for suitable use.
In the UK, local governments maintain roads for pub-
lic utility and safety. We can model route inspection
as a Chinese Postman Problem (CPP). To estimate the
total distance that vehicles travel to inspect all routes,
a very large-scale CPP must be solved. Published ap-
proaches to deriving a Chinese Postman Tour (CPT)
are computationally demanding and do not scale to
large graphs. Graphs that represent road networks
are characterised by vertices with low degree (e.g.
T junctions of degree 3 or crossroads of degree 4).
Also, roads in residential areas have a strong branched
structure. By understanding these characteristics, we
propose a graph reduction approach to improve the
efficiency of routing large-scale real-world road in-
spection problem. Our road-inspection routes are for
seven large-scale road networks monitored by Gaist
Solutions Ltd. in partnership with the UK local coun-
cils of Blackpool, Southend, Manchester, Stockport,
Halton, Warrington, and the rural county of Norfolk
(road lengths of 515, 508, 1,315, 945, 619, 879 and
26,243 kilometres, respectively). We also evaluate
our graph reduction approach using simulated net-
Section 2 introduces road networks and their
transformation to abstract graphs. Section 3 outlines
CPP solutions and their scalability limitations. The
graph reduction process is introduced in Section 4,
then the application of the conventional CPT solution
and of two variations using heuristics are introduced
in Section 5. Section 6 and 7 compare our results over
seven local authority road networks and ten simulated
data sets. Conclusions are presented in Section 8.
UK local authority road networks are designated as
1-lane, 2-lane, 3-lane and 4-lane single carriageways
or 2-lane dual carriageways (with a central reserva-
tion). We represent a road network as an undirected
graph G(V,E). Vertices V represent the data collec-
tion points: some are junctions or dead ends, but oth-
ers are simply bends in the road. Edges E represent
the roads that link vertices.
In our inspection problems, up to 3 lanes can be
monitored in one pass. Figure 1 shows 1-lane, 2-lane
and 3-lane single carriageways represented by a sin-
gle undirected edge. Figure 2 shows 4-lane single car-
riageways and dual carriageways represented as two,
parallel undirected edges. A close road is represented
as a loop (Figure 3), and a cul-de-sac is represented
as an degree-1 vertex (Figure 4).
The road information was originally collected
street by street, but has some errors or omissions. Be-
fore creating the graph representation, we pre-process
and label intersections as vertices, as follows.
• All degree-2 vertices are removed, since they do
not represent intersections, and thus have no im-
Chen, Y., Cowling, P., Remde, S. and Polack, F.
Efficient Large-scale Road Inspection Routing.
DOI: 10.5220/0005749203040312
In Proceedings of 5th the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2016), pages 304-312
ISBN: 978-989-758-171-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved