Machine Learning based Number Plate Detection and Recognition
Zuhaib Ahmed Shaikh, Umair Ali Khan, Muhammad Awais Rajput and Abdul Wahid Memon
Department of Computer Systems Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering,
Science & Technology Nawabshah, Pakistan
Number Plate, Support Vector Machine, Deformable Part Model.
Automatic Number Plate Detection and Recognition (ANPDR) has become of significant interest with the
substantial increase in the number of vehicles all over the world. ANPDR is particularly important for auto-
matic toll collection, traffic law enforcement, parking lot access control, and gate entry control, etc. Due to the
known efficacy of image processing in this context, a number of ANPDR solutions have been proposed. How-
ever, these solutions are either limited in operations or work only under specific conditions and environments.
In this paper, we propose a robust and computationally-efficient ANPDR system which uses Deformable Part
Models (DPM) for extracting number plate features from training images, Structural Support Vector Machine
(SSVM) for training a number plate detector with the extracted DPM features, several image enhancement
operations on the extracted number plate, and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for extracting the num-
bers from the plate. The results presented in this paper, obtained by long-term experiments performed under
different conditions, demonstrate the efficiency of our system. They also show that our proposed system
outperforms other ANPDR techniques not only in accuracy, but also in execution time.
The significant increase in number of vehicles has
invoked the need of automatic surveillance system.
Specifically, for automatic number plate detection and
recognition system, image processing based solution
is more accurate due to the following reasons: (i) im-
ages contain a lot of information which can be uti-
lized from different perspectives, (ii) the availability
of high-resolution, high dynamic range and speedy
cameras has made it possible to capture a scene and
analyze it under different lighting conditions, (iii) im-
age processing based solutions for traffic surveillance
are cost-effective, small-sized, portable and robust.
An image processing based ANPDR system is
likely to avoid the need of larger, expensive and heavy
sensors such that the required information can be ex-
tracted from a single image. However, such a sys-
tem also faces some dedicated challenges such as: (i)
computational efficiency, (ii) robustness with multi-
scaled and skewed images, (iii) robustness with dis-
torted images, and (iv) acceptable accuracy under dif-
ferent lighting conditions.
Integrating image processing with machine learn-
ing techniques results in an adaptive and more accu-
rate system. Instead of finding specific features in
images in order to locate the number plate, training
a number plate detector with pre-extracted features
results in a robust and computationally-efficient sys-
tem. Such system can be efficiently implemented on
an embedded platform to achieve mobility and com-
patibility for several tasks.
In this paper, We propose a robust and
computationally-efficient ANPDR system. In of-
fline processing (performed once), we train a number
plate detector using Deformable Part Models (DPM)
(Felzenszwalb et al., 2010)(Felzenszwalb et al., 2008)
and SSVM which can then be applied online for
extracting number plates from the captured images.
The extracted plates are further enhanced using sev-
eral image processing operations and then input to an
OCR module for recognition. Our proposed method
requires a small number of training samples (25-30
images) without requiring any negative samples. Ad-
ditionally, the proposed technique can be used to train
any classifier for detecting and extracting any object
of interest in the images.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section 2, we discuss the existing ANPDR techniques
along with their pros and cons. Section 3 gives a the-
oretical background of deformable part models. Sec-
tion 4 provides a brief overview of SVM and SSVM.
Section 5 describes the overall methodology along
with several image enhancement operations. Section
Shaikh, Z., Khan, U., Rajput, M. and Memon, A.
Machine Learning based Number Plate Detection and Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0005750203270333
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), pages 327-333
ISBN: 978-989-758-173-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
6 provides some experimental results and comparison
with the existing techniques. Section 7 concludes the
Relevant literature demonstrates a number of ANPDR
techniques. In (Hongliang and Changping, 2004), au-
thors propose a number plate extraction method that
is based on edge detection and analysis as well as
morphological operations. In (Le and Li, 2006), au-
thors propose another hybrid method that detects edge
lines in the edge map and computes a weight based
edge density map. Regions with the densest edges
are selected as candidates and further refined. An-
other edge-based method (Qiu et al., 2009) finds the
region of interest through various steps and then an-
alyzes the region of interest by the inner and outer
shape features of number plate. A common drawback
of all these edge-based methods is that they result in
high false rate in presence of rich features and similar
shape in images. The technique proposed in (Zhou
et al., 2012) extracts Scale-invariant Feature Trans-
form (SIFT) features of each character in the num-
ber plate and generates a respective principle visual
word unsupervised clustering. The geometrical infor-
mation contained in each visual world is used to fil-
ter false feature matches. However, this method does
not deliver an acceptable accuracy for low-resolution
and distorted images which is an inherent limitation
of SIFT features.
Another technique proposed in (Baggio, 2012) ap-
plies a number of operations on image such as Sobel
filter, threshold operation, close morphologic opera-
tion, mask on one filled area, detection of potential
plates, and linear SVM training. After detection, the
number pate is fed to an OCR based on a three-layer
neural network to extract the characters of detected
number plate. This method is not robust for differ-
ent scaling images, especially those with tilted plates.
In (Prates et al., 2013), the authors use Histogram of
Orientated Gradients (HOG) for number plate detec-
tion. This approach builds a pyramid of images that
is scanned using a sliding window approach. HOG
features are extracted for the regions of interest and
provided to a linear SVM classifier. This approach
can flexibly work with images with different scal-
ing. However, the linear SVM is prone to discarding
prior data distribution information within classes due
to major focus on margin maximization.
In contrast to HOG features (Dalal and Triggs, 2005)
discussed in the previous section, Deformable Part
Models (DPM) are more effective because they use
spatial-part filters for sub-objects which result in sig-
nificant improvement in detection accuracy.
DPM models are basically derived from HOG fea-
tures. HOG method is based on evaluating well-
normalized local histograms of image gradient orien-
tations in a dense grid. In order to extract the HOG
features, the image window is divided into small spa-
tial regions (cells) and a local 1-D histogram of gra-
dient directions or edge orientations is computed for
each cell. The combined histogram entries form the
representation. For better performance, a measure
of local histogram energy is accumulated over larger
spatial regions (blocks). The results are then used
to normalize all cells in the block (Dalal and Triggs,
DPM models use a star-structured part-based
model defined by a root filter plus a set of part filters
and deformation models (Felzenszwalb et al., 2010).
Each part model specifies a spatial model and a part
filter. The spatial model defines a set of allowed
placements for a part relative to a detection window
and a deformation cost for each placement. The score
of a detection window is the score of the root filter
on the window plus the sum over parts, the maximum
over placements of that part, and the part filter score
on the resulting sub-window minus the deformation
cost. Both root and part filters are scored by com-
puting the dot product between a set of weights and
HOG features within a window (Felzenszwalb et al.,
2008). Figure 1 shows the construction of a feature
pyramid for a number plate. The pyramid is obtained
by extracting HOG features of each level of a standard
image pyramid. The root filter is placed near the bot-
tom of the pyramid and the the part filters are placed
near the top of the pyramid. The features extracted
this way from all the training samples are then input
to a SSVM training algorithm to construct a number
plate detector.
For training a number plate detector from the ex-
tracted features, we need margin based parameter
learning that has recently become popular in image
processing. It can be performed with Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) which is one of the most pop-
ular machine learning techniques used for classifica-
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: Feature pyramid for a number plate.
tion and regression analysis. SVM discovers the opti-
mal boundary between two classes in the vector space
on probabilistic distribution of training by finding hy-
perplanes. The extracted features of number plates
x X are used for training with classes Y
1, +1
where +1 and 1 represents presence and absence
of number plate, respectively. The hyperplanes are
found with w
x+b, where w
is optimal or minimum
weight from vector of weights for each feature that re-
sembles with a class y Y and b is a constant called
bias constant (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995).
The traditional linear SVM is a binary classifier
which can make only simple predictions (e.g., yes or
no). In contrast, Structured SVM (SSVM) (Nowozin
and Lampert, 2011)(Wendel et al., 2011) is a more
generalized form of SVM which not only inherits the
appealing features of linear SVM (e.g., convex train-
ing, learning non-linear rules, etc), but also results
in much higher prediction accuracy than linear SVM
(Joachims et al., 2009b). Although SSVM is specially
designed for parsing and more complex predictions in
the form of labeled trees (e.g, natural language pro-
cessing), its higher prediction accuracy and the capa-
bility of learning complex outputs (Joachims et al.,
2009a) are the appealing features to use it for training
a number plate detector.
In SSVM, a weight vector w
is associated to each
class y. During the training, a score is computed for a
given feature and its class label by the following rule,
f (x, y) = w
φ(x) (1)
where φ(x) represents the vector of the extracted fea-
tures from x . SSVM uses the following prediction
rule to map x to the class having highest score.
h(x) = argmax
f (x, y) (2)
The value of y giving the maximum score defines
the predicted class. SSVM search in the parame-
ter space of f (x, y) is directed to find the weights
w = (w
, ..., w
) that satisfy the following inequality.
f (x
, y
) > max f (x
, y
) (3)
This leads to the formulation of a parameter vector for
which f (x, y) always produces the highest score to the
correct output. SSVM optimization problem can now
be expressed as follows,
minh(w) =
R(w) (4)
R(w) =
(c(i,Y ) + f (x
,Y |w) f (x
, y
In equation 5, x
represents the i
training sample, y
denotes the correct label for the i
training sample,
and c(i,Y ) is the cost of predicting that the i
sample has a label of Y . For the correct label of i
sample, cost becomes zero. R(w) defines the degree
of error in predicting the label of the i
sample us-
ing parameters w. It is zero when the correct label is
predicted and becomes large for wrong outputs. That
is, the objective function (equation 4) is minimizing
a balance between making the weights small and fit-
ting the training data. The degree of fitting the data is
controlled by D > 0.
The overall ANPDR system proposed in this paper is
shown in Figure 2.
The various component of the overall system are
as follows.
5.1 Offline Processing
The offline processing involves collecting the image
dataset for training, extracting the DPM features from
Machine Learning based Number Plate Detection and Recognition
Figure 2: The proposed ANPDR System.
the Regions of Interest (ROI), and training a number
plate detector using SSVM. We obtain images of ve-
hicles having number plates from different locations.
For the training purpose, we use only 25-30 images
with VGA resolution. For extracting DPM features,
the ROIs are marked manually by drawing rectangles
around the number plates and extracting their coor-
dinates which represent the positive training samples.
The negative samples include the entire image other
than the ROI. Figure 3 shows some images from our
Figure 3: Example images from our dataset.
After preparing the image dataset, we extract the
DPM features from the ROIs as described in section
3. The extracted feature vectors are then input to the
SSVM for training the number plate detector. Figure
4 shows the construction of the number plate detector.
5.2 Online Processing
In online processing, the trained number plate detec-
tor is applied to the images captured from a camera.
The detector searches for the number plates in the suc-
cessive images and, if found, returns the plate’s coor-
Figure 4: Construction of the number plate detector.
dinates. Figure 5 shows the number plate detection
with the detector trained with SSVM.
Figure 5: Number plate detection with SSVM detector.
After locating the number plate, it is cropped from the
image and the following enhancement techniques are
applied on the extracted image.
5.2.1 Bilateral Gaussian Filtering
A bilateral Gaussian filter is applied on the cropped
image to remove noise from the image. The filter-
ing radius is set to 5. Whereas, the sigma-color and
sigma-space is set to 80 from different experimental
5.2.2 Adaptive Thresholding
The filtered image is converted into gray scale and an
adaptive threshold is applied to binarize the image for
handling different lighting conditions. A new inten-
sity value for each pixel is computed by taking the
weighted sum of the neighboring pixels in radius r.
The weights are a Gaussian window which performs
better for textual images.
5.2.3 De-skewing
The extracted number plate may have some skew-
ness which affects the recognition accuracy of the
OCR. Therefore, the skew angle of the binary image
is calculated using probabilistic Hough transform. We
form some dense horizontal lines along the adjacent
pixels and calculate their mean angle d
using equa-
tion 6,
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
where x
and y
represent the end points of the n
lines. We then create a rotation matrix according to
the computed skewness and multiply it with the cen-
ter of the binary image if d
< 2.50 or d
> +2.50.
Figure 6 shows the formation of dense horizontal lines
to compute skewness.
(a) Extracted
(b) Finding
Figure 6: Computing skewness from dense horizontal lines.
5.2.4 Extracting the Numbers Region
The de-skewed image still contains unnecessary parts
which create muddle during OCR. For removing these
parts and extracting the characters region, contour op-
eration is applied and a bounding box around each
character in the plate is computed. We find the region
of interest containing only characters from the coordi-
nates of the bounding boxes of first and last character.
All other bounding boxes having area less than a cer-
tain threshold are discarded. The region of interest is
cropped and inverted using a binary threshold to in-
crease accuracy of the OCR operation. Subsequently,
we use an open-source engine Tesseract (Tesseract-
OCR, ) for optical character recognition and extract-
ing the numbers from the image. Figure 7 shows the
selection of ROI from the bounding boxes.
(a) Extracted
(b) Bounding
(c) Region of in-
Figure 7: Extracting the ROI from bounding boxes.
We train the number plate detector with only 25-30
images, each annotated with rectangles that bound
each number plate in the image. We then create an im-
age pyramid of 6 levels for each image and the DPM
model is applied over each pyramid level in a slid-
ing window fashion. We use a sliding window of size
100×60 pixels, however, it can be changed according
to the number plate dimensions for a particular region.
The extracted feature vector is then sent to SSVM for
training. We control the degree of fitting the data by
Table 1: Evaluation of the proposed ANPDR system.
Evaluation parameter value
Detection accuracy 96.03%
Recognition accuracy 78.00%
False positive rate 03.97%
Detection+Extraction time 02.80 sec
Table 2: Comparison of the proposed ANPDR with existing
ANPDR techniques.
Technique Accuracy FPR Time
Hybrid 71.40% 28.64% 38.86 s
Vertical edge 70.50% 29.50% 01.40 s
Edge statistics 74.10% 25.94% 07.09 s
Visual words 95.50% 04.50% 07.17 s
Proposed ANPDR 96.03% 03.97% 02.80 s
setting D = 6. In general, a bigger D encourages to
fit the training data better, however, a too large value
might lead to over-fitting. The training continues until
R(w) in equation 4 is less than a certain threshold ε. In
order to solve the SSVM optimization problem more
accurately, we set ε to a smaller value, i.e., ε = 0.001.
The trained detector is then tested for a number of
different scenarios. Figure 8 shows all the stages of
number plate detection and recognition. Note that
our number plate detector can efficiently detect multi-
scaled and skewed number plates. In Figure 8b, the
detector is able to detect the distant number plate
which is seen through the windscreen of a car. We
calculate the False Positive Rate (FPR) and the overall
accuracy of our detector by the following equations.
no. f alse positive + no. f alse negative
no. test cases
× 100
Accuracy = 100 FPR (7b)
The detection accuracy, false positive rate, recogni-
tion accuracy, and the overall execution time of our
detector are given in Table 1. The experiments were
performed on a PC with 2.5 GHz CPU and 6 GB
We also compare the performance of our AN-
PDR system with some existing ANPDR techniques
such as (i) a hybrid method (Le and Li, 2006) com-
prising line detection in the edge map, obtaining an
weight based edge density map, and refining the dens-
est edges, (ii) a vertical edge detection based method
(Qiu et al., 2009), (iii) a method based on the edge
statistics and morphology (Zhou et al., 2012), and (iv)
a method using the visual bag-of-words model (Zhou
et al., 2012). For the sake of fair comparison, we use a
common image dataset (Caltech Cars Dataset, ) with
the same machine configuration. Table 2 shows our
comparison results.
Machine Learning based Number Plate Detection and Recognition
(a) Multi-scaled, skewed plates detection
(b) A difficult case of detecting occluded and distant number plate
(c) Detecting a skewed number plate under shade
Figure 8: Testing the detector for different cases.
From Table 2, it is evident that our proposed AN-
PDR system not only outperforms other techniques
with respect to accuracy, but also execution time.
In this paper, we have proposed an automatic num-
ber plate detection and recognition technique using
deformable part models for extracting the number
plate features and structural support vector machine
for training a number plate detector. The number
plate extracted from the scenes captured by a cam-
era are further enhanced for improving the accuracy
of optical character recognition. The trained detector
can efficiently detect multi-scaled and skewed num-
ber plates under varying light conditions. The results
presented in this paper show that our proposed AN-
PDR technique delivers a higher accuracy with much
less execution time as compared to other ANPDR
techniques. Additionally, the proposed technique can
be easily implemented for ANPDR in any region with
small changes in the training parameters.
In future, we aim to migrate our ANPDR system on an
embedded platform with Compute Unified Device Ar-
chitecture (CUDA) capability for increased portabil-
ity and faster processing by parallel computing. Addi-
tionally, we aim to further improve the accuracy and
detection time by defining a region of interest spe-
cific to the scene. Our future research is also focused
on improving and optimizing the image enhancement
part of the ANPDR for delivering higher accuracy un-
der extremely low light conditions.
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