ures and breakdowns. More specialised processes
allowing controlled fork/join are also required.
• identification of model parameters easing the
manual (and later optimised) exploration of risk
mitigation strategies.
• availability of a company library of specific risks
and related probes
• produce specific reporting (e.g. business continu-
ity plans). We have already explored some work
in this direction (Arenas et al., 2015).
• possibly support model refinements and granular-
ity of simulation. However our aim is not to cap-
ture the full reality but what will help assessing
identified risks.
• parallelisation in case of need of faster simulation
times. This is easy to implement.
Our framework combining usability, expressive-
ness and efficiency is an important milestone in our
work to raise the awareness of companies, especially
of smaller size, w.r.t. the need to evaluate their pro-
curement risks and elaborate their supplying policies
in the most optimal way. We believe it can be used to
manage more general risks. Our design ideas can also
be used to improve other risk management tools. Our
framework is available online (SimQRi, 2015) and is
planned for Open Source release.
This research was conducted under the SimQRi
research project (ERA-NET CORNET, Grant No.
1318172). The CORNET promotion plan of the Re-
search Community for Management Cybernetics e.V.
(IfU) has been funded by the German Federation of
Industrial Research Associations (AiF), based on an
enactment of the German Bundestag.
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ICORES 2016 - 5th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems