Query and Product Suggestion for Price Comparison Search Engines
based on Query-product Click-through Bipartite Graphs
Lucia Noce, Ignazio Gallo and Alessandro Zamberletti
University of Insubria, Department of Theoretical and Applied Science,
Via Mazzini, 5, 21100 Varese, Italy
Query Suggestion, Product Suggestion, Price Comparison Engines.
Query suggestion is a technique for generating alternative queries to facilitate information seeking, and has
become a needful feature that commercial search engines provide to web users. In this paper, we focus on
query suggestion for price comparison search engines. In this specific domain, suggestions provided to web
users need to be properly generated taking into account whether both the searched and the suggested products
are still available for sale. To this end, we propose a novel approach based on a slightly variant of classical
query-URL graphs: the query-product click through bipartite graph. Such graph is built using information
extracted both from search engine logs and specific domain features such as categories and products popular-
ities. Information collected from the query-product graph can be used to suggest not only related queries but
also related products. The proposed model was tested on several challenging datasets, and also compared with
a recent competing query suggestion approach specifically designed for price comparison engines. Our solu-
tion outperforms the competing approach, achieving higher results both in terms of relevance of the provided
suggestions and coverage rates on top-8 suggestions.
Query suggestion plays an important role in helping
users to find what they are looking for when query-
ing web search engines. It is a particularly interest-
ing research topic because the usability, popularity
and success of web search engines are strongly re-
lated to the effectivenessof the helping tools provided
to users while performing textual queries: the larger
the amount of users that issue queries leading to opti-
mal/desirable results, the higher is the usability of the
web search engine and consequently the larger is the
amount of users that will keep using that web search
engine for other future queries.
Although many effective and sophisticated query
suggestion algorithms that have been proposed in lit-
erature are currently employed by web search engines
to improve user search experience (Kato et al., 2013),
precisely understanding in a limited amount of time
the needs of service users from textual queries is still
a challenging task that has yet to find an optimal so-
lution. In fact, achieving satisfying query suggestion
accuracies for textual queries is a non-trivial task be-
cause most user-made textual queries are typically
very short and contain ambiguous words, and it is
therefore difficult to provide good query suggestions
without using complex pipelines.
Most query suggestion algorithms in literature fo-
cus on improving user search experience by suggest-
ing related queries from a given textual query, try-
ing to guide users in finding what they are looking
for. The list of suggestions is usually created by
mining related queries from web search engine logs
and session information, trying to gather previous
users knowledge. Depending on the chosen approach,
query suggestion techniques can be grouped into two
categories (Meng, 2014): session-based methods and
click-through-based methods. The first approach uses
the consecutiveness of the queries to model user be-
havior within each user session, while the second
one focuses on the relationship between the sub-
mitted queries and the URLs clicked by the user.
Both session-based methods and click-through-based
methods are being used by many commercial web
search engine, e.g. Google, Ask and Yahoo!, to pro-
vide correlated queries to improve usability.
Despite most of the query suggestion works in lit-
erature were developed for web search engines, query
suggestion is also important for e-commerce plat-
forms and price comparison search engines (Hasan
Noce, L., Gallo, I. and Zamberletti, A.
Query and Product Suggestion for Price Comparison Search Engines based on Query-product Click-through Bipartite Graphs.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 1, pages 17-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
et al., 2011). In this work we present a click-through-
based query suggestion system specifically designed
for price comparison websites (ShoppyDoo, 2015). It
provides query suggestions on the basis of all the spe-
cific product information available in this context, e.g.
the category of the product that the user is browsing
while issuing the query and the clicked product. To
this end, instead of using the URLs clicked by users,
our click-though based method exploits the informa-
tion from clicked products.
Query suggestion in price comparison websites is
an even more challenging task because, for exam-
ple, it may be disadvantageous to suggest a query for
which there are no available product offers.
Query suggestion is an interesting research topic
widely investigated in researches on Internet search
domain (Kim and Croft, 2014; Song et al., 2012;
Jiang et al., 2014). Algorithms for query suggestion
can be classified as either session-based (Zhang and
Nasraoui, 2008; Boldi et al., 2009; Lau and Horvitz,
1999; Zanon et al., 2012; Ozmutlu and Spink, 2003)
or click-through-based (Mei et al., 2008; Ma et al.,
2010; Song and He, 2010).
Session-based methods assume that users submit
queries in a sequential manner. The basic assump-
tion is that when a badly written textual query is ex-
ecuted by a user, there will always be a correct ver-
sion of the wrong textual query previously executed
by the same user that follows the wrong one. The
sequence of queries is usually obtained by exploiting
user sessions, and it is used to extract the user’s inten-
tions. Among session-based query suggestion meth-
ods, the works that are closely related to our are the
ones of (Lau and Horvitz, 1999; Ozmutlu and Spink,
2003; Boldi et al., 2009; Zanon et al., 2012).
In their work about query refinement Lau et
al. (Lau and Horvitz, 1999) assert that, after a failed
search, most users refine their original query either
by adding more details or by executing a new one.
Another study by Ozmutlu and Spink (Ozmutlu and
Spink, 2003) demonstrates that in 88.6% of cases a
query session relates to a just a single topic, support-
ing the thesis that query sessions are useful to extract
information that can be used for query suggestion pur-
Following this approach, Boldi et al. (Boldi et al.,
2009) propose a system that uses query-flow graphs
built from query session logs. In the query-flow
graph, there exists an edge from a query q
to a query
if and only if both queries belong to the same ses-
sion. Edges and vertexes can be weighted. These
weights represent the frequency of a query and the
popularity of a transition for a vertex and for an edge
respectively. Edges are also labelled with some ex-
tra information describing the nature of the transition
(e.g. specialization, probability that user moves from
to q
, etc.). In their experimental evaluation, Boldi
et al. show that adding weights and labels to query-
flow graphs allows the creation of a session-based
query suggestion algorithm which achieves the same
results of click-through-based models.
A session-based query suggestion method specif-
ically designed for price comparison engines has
been proposed by Zanon et al. (Zanon et al., 2012).
The model performs query suggestion system using
the same query-flow graphs proposed by Boldi et
al. (Boldi et al., 2009). Zanon et al. adapt the model
of Boldi et al. to their context exploiting the fact that
in price comparison engines offers are grouped into
categories. Their model reach a quality of 70% and a
coverage of 37% for top-8 suggestions.
Click-through-based methods exploit the informa-
tion of the URL that a user clicks after having sub-
mitted a query. These category of approaches assume
that two queries are similar if they share a consistent
number of clicked URLs.
Baeza-Yates et al. (Baeza-Yates et al., 2004) ex-
ploit click-through data in their query recommenda-
tion method. The presented methodology is based
on a clustering process over data extracted from the
query log, where suggested queries are proposed ac-
cording to a rank score evaluated in terms of similarity
and support of the queries.
Following Baeza-Yates et al. work, a query sug-
gestion method for e-commerce was proposed by
Hasan et al. (Hasan et al., 2011). Authors discuss
about the challenges related to their context and un-
derline that, due to the nature of the data belong-
ing to e-commerce websites, it could be difficult to
adapt session-based query suggestion approaches to
e-commerce systems. Instead, a common approach
in this field is to use graph representation for under-
lining queries and URLs relationship through a click-
through bipartite graph. Click-through bipartite, rep-
resents an implicit judgment given by users of the re-
lationships between queries. It has been proven that
this type of graph is a very precious source of infor-
mation for measuring similarities among its compo-
nents (Wu et al., 2013).
Many click-through-based approaches exploit bi-
partite graph, e.g. Ma et al. (Ma et al., 2010) proposed
a ranking method that is able to diversify query sug-
gestion results, employing Markov random walk pro-
cess and hitting time analysis; Song et al. use bipar-
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
tite graph to analyze both clicked URLs and skipped
URLs to recommend related queries (Song and He,
2010); Cao et al. (Cao et al., 2008) exploit click-
through data and group similar queries into concepts,
providing query suggestions based on these concepts.
Query suggestion in price comparison websites is
very similar to the query suggestion in e-commerce
websites, because in both scenarios users search for
products they want to buy and therefore it is reason-
able to say that they issue to the two different search
engine the same type of queries. Following the dis-
cussion of Hasan et al. (Hasan et al., 2011) about e-
commerce websites, the proposed method is a click-
through-based query suggestion approach.
Our model exploits the two main entities of the
website for which it has been designed for (Shoppy-
Doo, 2015): products and categories. These concepts
are not restricted to our context but are used in many
other major e-commerce and search engine websites.
More in details, the result of a generic query in our
context is a list of commercial products sold by sev-
eral retailers and sorted by descending price. Each
item of the list is an offer. All the offers belong
to a specific category, according to the type of the
objects searched by the user. Offers may also be
linked to products. Products represent aggregations
of items/offers, and all the offers inherent to a specific
item are collected under the related product.
In general, a click-through-based query sugges-
tion algorithm is composed of two phases: (i) an of-
fline module which manages the data and builds the
model, (ii) and an online procedure which supplies
the query suggestions. Our solution extracts informa-
tion from web server logs. Starting from those logs,
the offline phase of our method can be summarized in
the following steps:
Data Extraction: is the pre-processing phase, the
web server log is parsed. Queries and related in-
formation are extracted, cleaned and normalized;
Session creation: the sessions are created as asso-
ciations between queries and clicked products;
Building phase: creation of the click-through bi-
partite graph by exploiting the notion of product;
On the other hand, the subsequent online phase
gathers query suggestions from the model and returns
a fixed number of ranked related queries and products.
In Figure 1, both the offline and the online phases
of the proposed approach are visually summarized. In
the following sections all their major details are re-
Figure 1: Visual summarization of the proposed pipeline.
From top to bottom: starting from raw log data, all the in-
formation needed to determine query sessions are extracted;
the query-product bipartite graph is built and suggestions
are provided by exploiting both the product categories and
the product popularities extra-fields.
3.1 Data Extraction
The first step consists of the extraction of data from
the web server log. Those logs contains rough data
that has to be cleaned before being used for query sug-
Different cleaning stages are performed to gather
only log lines containing the information we want to
exploit. First we performed bot filtering to retrieve
only log search lines that lead to a user click. Within
a log line we extract only the fields of interest: the tex-
tual query, the id of the category for which the query
has been performed, and the clicked product. Syn-
onym mapping for queries like “mtb” and “mountain
Query and Product Suggestion for Price Comparison Search Engines based on Query-product Click-through Bipartite Graphs
Figure 2: This visual example shows the usage of the query-product bipartite graph. Some details, such as the popularity
score and the number of clicks, are omitted to make the image more readable. Assuming that the input query is equal to q
and that N (number of suggestions) is equal to 3, we determine p
, p
and p
as the 3 most popular products related to the
input query q
, and we gather from them the three most clicked related queries q
, q
and q
bike” and spelling correction for cases such as “dy-
landog” corrects into “dylan dog” are also performed.
We also use stemming to detect equivalent queries,
e.g. “woman bike” is equivalent to “women bikes”,
“samsung galaxy S6” represents the same query as
“S6 samsung galaxy”. Since the website is in italian,
all the reported examples have been translated for bet-
ter understanding.
3.2 Session Creation
For building the model, we take into account only tex-
tual queries extracted from web server logs. A query
is the list of terms that a user types to search for the
item he needs, the same query may be issued to the
search engine several times, each submission creates
a query session.
We followed the approach that has been proposed
by Wen et al. (Wen et al., 2001) and used by Baeza-
Yates et al. (Baeza-Yates et al., 2004) which considers
a simple notion of query session that is composed of
a query and the URLs clicked within its query results.
In our method instead of URLs we collected the prod-
ucts returned by the query, as follows:
QuerySession = (searchedText, clickedProducts)
The reason why we adopt a different notion of
query session lies our application context. In price
comparison engines, each time a query is submitted,
a list of related offers is shown. However, each offer
may be available for a limited amount of time, there-
fore it would be senseless to gather the direct offers
URLs which may have been already destroyed. Cre-
ating query suggestions dealing to unavailable offers
is improper and unattractive for users, and may cause
a loss of clients for the website.
The taxonomy of our price comparison website
allows us to exploit the notion of product. Not ev-
ery offer is related to a product, but statistical studies
made by the website administrator shows that the ma-
jority (97%) of the offers dealing to a user click are
related to a product. Starting from this assertion we
consider only offers related to products and sessions
storing products related to the submitted queries. This
not only allows us to provide a more reliable query
suggestion system, but also permits to supply product
suggestions to users.
3.3 Building Phase
We build the proposed model using the notion of
query session previously described. This way we cre-
ate a different version of the well-known query-URL
bipartite graph in which, instead of URLs, we use
clicked products.
A query-product bipartite graph consists of two
disjoint sets of nodes corresponding to queries and
products respectively. Intuitively, in a click-through
graph vertexes on one side correspond to queries,
while vertexes on the other side represents products.
An edge connecting a query q to a product p exists
whenever p was clicked starting from q.
A visual example of such query-product bipartite
graph is given in Figure 2. The set of nodes in the
left part are queries and the ones in the right part are
products. An edge between a query q and an URL u
indicates a user click of u when issuing q (for simplic-
ity click numbers are omitted from the graph).
The query-product bipartite graph gathers a large
amount of potential information that can be used for
query suggestion, query clustering, query reformula-
tion and so on.
In our method we consider two kind of graphs
depending on whether a user uses a category when
searching for a product or not. In our price com-
parison website, users are allowed to submit queries
within a specified category, and they expect to receive
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
product results from that same category. Showing
query suggestions outside the selected category may
be annoying for the users; as such so build two dif-
ferent kind of graphs. The first one does not exploit
the concept of category and therefore it can be used to
provide query suggestion results from all the website
categories. On the other hand, query suggestion re-
sults from the second graph are restricted to a specific
category selected by the user. By query suggesion re-
sults we intend both queries and products.
A final pruning phase is necessary to avoid the
suggestion of queries that may have a negative impact
on the user experience. We start removing products
that are only related to one query, and then we remove
queries that are only connected to one product.
Both the two versions of the query-product bipar-
tite graph were tested and evaluated both in terms of
time needed to complete their building phase, and in
term of accuracy for the provided query suggestion
results. All the experiments and results are reported
and discussed in Section 4.
3.4 Online Query Suggestion
The online phase of our method exploits two basic
concepts related to the taxonomy of the price com-
parison engine we used in this work: categories and
popularity. As previously described, for query sug-
gestion, we take into account only offers that belong
to a product.
For each product the website administrator has
provided us a numeric value which indicates the pop-
ularity of an offer. This value is computed considering
both the whole server traffic and the available offers in
a certain period of time, and it is periodically updated.
Given a user query q, if it belongs to the query
set of the bipartite graph, we automatically obtain the
list of the related queries and of the related products.
The retrieved product list is then sorted by ascending
popularity value, and the top k products are collected.
Starting from this list of top k products, another list of
related queries is produced and sorted by the number
of clicks stored in the product-query bipartite graph
edges. The top k retrieved queries are selected and
provided as results.
On the other hand if a query q does not belong to
the query-product bipartite graph we use the similar-
ity measure described by Zanon et al. (Zanon et al.,
2012) to retrieve the more similar query q
among the
bipartite graph. This measure exploits the concept of
categories and the Jaccard similarity coefficient pro-
posed by Tan et al. (Tan et al., 2005). Once q
is found
the system acts as previously described.
We conducted several experiments to measure the ef-
fectiveness of our proposed query and product sug-
gestion method. Both query and product suggestions
were evaluated with and without using category infor-
To build our query-product bipartite graph we
have used three months of ShooppyDoo user query
logs. More in details, we have collected a total of
1147990 queries, 1096112 clicked products and we
have built a final version graph containing 79025
unique queries, 283188 unique products. The total
amount of available products is 295883, so with three
months of data log we almost coveredall the products.
In Table 2 some more details for the graph build-
ing phase are provided. We report both the time
needed by our model to complete the graph building
phase using one, two and three months of query logs;
and the details of the product-query bipartite graph in
terms of number of queries and products after and be-
fore the pruning phase. All the experiments have been
performed on a Intel Core i5 @ 3.4 GHz with 12 GB
of RAM; the software has been developed using Java
for the pre-processing phase, and MATLAB for the
building and experimental phases.
4.1 Dataset
We create a test dataset following the manner adopted
by Song et al. (Song and He, 2010; Song et al., 2012).
Three sets of 500 queries each are randomly se-
lected from the query log file. The first contains 500
queries not related to any category, the second con-
tains 500 queries related to one of the 569 categories
of the websites (suggestions also belong to the same
category), while the third contains a balanced equal
number of queries related to 5 selected categories.
For each sampled query our algorithm generates top-8
suggestions for both queries and products.
Three judges were asked to evaluate the quality of
our query suggestion model. In order to avoid a po-
sitional bias, we mix the provided suggestions during
the evaluation phase. More in details, we have pro-
vided them the initial query along with 8 queries sug-
gestions and 8 product suggestions. We have also pro-
vided some extra information, such as the category for
which the query was originally executed to let them
better understand the context and the meaning of the
query. Judges could choose between three different
values: relevant, irrelevant or no opinion (difficult to
decide) for both types of suggestions.
For each query we have obtained two final rates,
one for query suggestion and one for product sugges-
Query and Product Suggestion for Price Comparison Search Engines based on Query-product Click-through Bipartite Graphs
Table 1: The five different categories adopted during the experimental phase have substantially different characteristics: the
“Food Supplements” category is the smallest one and less products are associated to it; the “Fridge category” is the most
popular one. The cardinality of each category deeply affects the quality of the query/product suggestions provided by our
model, as reported in Table 3 and 4.
Category Tot # products # products with offers # offers
Mobile phone 5040 847 8110
Oven 4735 1293 13328
Fridge 8166 1908 22503
Food supplements 71 68 485
Tires 1896 1635 12900
Table 2: Building phase details. For each query log size
(1, 2 or 3 months), the first line represents contains the size
of the pruned bipartite-graph, while the second line reports
the initial numbers of queries and products. Bold values
denoted the final model used during the experimental phase.
# months Time (s) # queries # products
3 37.56
79025 283188
156434 283876
2 18.25
49855 141765
98654 205465
1 6.61
48926 48930
675341 62567
Table 3: Query suggestion coverage rates calculated on all
the 7 test dataset. The model provides better suggestions for
the more populated categories (e.g. Oven) than it does for
the less populated one (e.g. Tires). Also, the exploitation of
the category popularity value enables to reach higher results
within the “categorized” dataset compared to the “uncatego-
rized” one.
Dataset 3 sugg. 5 sugg. 8 sugg.
Uncategorized 73.36 % 63.48 % 56.40 %
Categorized 79.53 % 78.94 % 75.53 %
Mobile phone 95.21 % 92.11 % 85.32 %
Oven 92.45 % 84.90 % 81.12 %
Fridge 94.17 % 90.07 % 89.75 %
Food supplements 69.09 % 62.04 % 34.61 %
Tires 32.56 % 23.11 % 11.56 %
tion. Those rates have been calculated using the ma-
jority vote among the three judges evaluations.
4.2 Evaluation Measure
We evaluate the quality of the two types of sugges-
tions provided by the model using Precision at rank N
(P@N) and Mean Average Precision (MAP).
The precision at rank N, P(N), for a specific query is
defined as the percentage of relevant queries:
P(N) =
# relevant queries
P@N is defined as the aggregated precision for all
Table 4: Product suggestion coverage rates. The suggested
products reach an high coverage rate among all the different
test datasets. The lowest values are achieved applying the
model to the less populated category, and the category val-
ues exploited on the “categorized” dataset helps the model
in reaching the highest results.
Dataset 3 sugg. 5 sugg. 8 sugg.
Uncategorized 73,68 % 63,15% 44.68 %
Categorized 89,42% 85,62% 81,52%
Mobile phone 72,10% 63,22% 54,78 %
Oven 79,24% 75,47 % 70,58 %
Fridge 83,13% 78,01% 76,31 %
Food supplements 68,03 % 51,89 % 38,46 %
Tires 50,07 % 27,34 % 8,45 %
P@N =
# total queries
MAP is the average of Average Precision for all
queries. For each query q
) =
P( j) · rel( j)
# relevant queries
where the precision at rank j, P( j) is defined as in
equation 1, and rel( j) is equal to 1 when the item at
rank j is relevant, 0 otherwise. The mean average
precision for a set of queries Q is the mean of the
average precision scores for each query q
We also adopt a coverage metric to indicate for
how many input queries the algorithm returns at least
a minimum amount of query/product suggestions. We
calculated coverage rate considering a minimum of 3,
5 and 8 queries.
4.3 Results
Evaluation metrics are calculated on three different
type of datasets built as described in Section 4.1; First
dataset, called ”uncategorized“, contains queries not
related to any category; second dataset, called ”cat-
egorized“, contains queries and query results within
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 5: Overall scores for the query suggestions task expressed in terms of MAP and P@N, considering the top-3, top-5 and
top-8 suggestions.
Dataset MAP P@1 P@3 P@5 P@8
Uncategorized 0.76 0.92 0.86 0.78 0.72
Categorized 0.81 0.94 0.89 0.81 0.75
Mobile phone 0.81 0.98 0.93 0.80 0.75
Oven 0.79 0.95 0.83 0.79 0.72
Fridge 0.80 0.98 0.91 0.83 0.77
Food supplements 0.59 0.82 0.64 0.59 0.30
Tires 0.34 0.70 0.29 0.21 0.09
Table 6: Overall scores for the product suggestions task expressed in terms of MAP and P@N, considering the top-3, top-5
and top-8 suggestions.
Dataset MAP P@1 P@3 P@5 P@8
Uncategorized 0.79 0.97 0.82 0.75 0.68
Categorized 0.82 0.95 0.87 0.80 0.71
Mobile phone 0.76 0.98 0.83 0.75 0.63
Oven 0.71 0.94 0.69 0.71 0.62
Fridge 0.80 0.98 0.79 0.71 0.64
Food supplements 0.59 0.81 0.64 0.49 0.34
Tires 0.39 0.76 0.41 0.25 0.07
a randomly chosen category; (iii) third dataset is
formed by extracting queries from we 5 different cat-
egories: mobile phones, ovens, fridges, food supple-
ments and tires. For this third dataset we refer to the
associated set of queries using their category name.
The category datasets are extracted from cate-
gories that present substantially different characteris-
tics and cardinalities. Table 1 shows, for each cate-
gory, the total number of products belonging to the
category, the number of products which have some
matched offers, and the number of offers that are
matched to products. Note that we did not chose only
the most popular categories, but we also took into
account categories having a low number of products
(such as food supplements) in order to evaluate how
the model deals with those less populated categories.
Coverage rate values reported in Tables 3 and 4
reflect the differences among the categories: the more
populated categories reach higher results for both
query and product suggestions. The exploitation of
the category rank values in the ”categorized“ dataset
enables the model to propose more results for both
query and product suggestions, where the highest
coverage values are achieved for the product sugges-
tion task.
Tables 5 and 6 summarize the obtained results for
the query suggestion model and the product sugges-
tion model respectively. Results are shown in term of
MAP and P@N, while varying N from 1 to 8.
From our experimental evaluation results we can
conclude that our model proposes reliable suggestions
on the top-8 result not only using the ”categorized“
dataset (75% query, 71% product), but also using the
”uncategorized dataset (72% query, 68% product).
When referring to top-5 results precisions are around
80% for both datasets. Among categories, accord-
ing to the coverage measure, the higher results are
achieved for the more populated class.
Due to the similarity of the context of our work
and the one from Zanon et al. (Zanon et al., 2012)
and despite the fact that we used a different dataset,
we propose a weak but but still significant compari-
son between our results and those achieved by their
model. Unlike all the other works in literature, Zanon
et al. (Zanon et al., 2012) evaluate their query sugges-
tion model on two price comparison engines, reaching
a coverage rate equals to 37% on the top-8 suggestion
and an overall quality equals to 70%.
Our model overcomes those results, achieving sig-
nificantly higher coverage rate: 75% on the ”un-
categorized“ dataset and 56% on the ”categorized“
dataset. The quality of our query/product suggestion
method is also higher than theirs for top-8 results.
This confirms that a click-through based model better
fits query suggestions task in price comparison and
more in general in e-commerce website, as asserted
in (Hasan et al., 2011).
In this paper we have presented a novel click-through-
Query and Product Suggestion for Price Comparison Search Engines based on Query-product Click-through Bipartite Graphs
based query suggestion model specifically designed
for price comparison websites.
Unlike most of the other generic query sugges-
tion methods proposed in literature, to reach satis-
fying query/product suggestion results our approach
takes advantage of most of the relevant information
available for this category of website: product offers
and product categories.
Similarly to other methods, these information are
used to build a click-through bipartite graph. How-
ever, instead of using exploiting the association be-
tween queries and URLs clicked by users as in
traditional click-through-based query suggestion ap-
proaches, our click-through bipartite graph stores as-
sociations between user queries and clicked products.
Since in most price comparison websites product of-
fers are clustered into products, our customized click-
through bipartite graph allows our model to provide
query and product suggestions based on products and
not on direct URLs of product offers which may not
be available anymore at the time that the suggestions
is generated.
We evaluated our system both in terms of cover-
age rates and quality of the results for both types of
generated suggestions (query and products), reaching
high precision values, satisfying coverage rates, out-
performing also the results of a competing recently
published approach also specifically designed for the
same query/product suggestion tasks for price com-
parison websites.
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