based query suggestion model specifically designed
for price comparison websites.
Unlike most of the other generic query sugges-
tion methods proposed in literature, to reach satis-
fying query/product suggestion results our approach
takes advantage of most of the relevant information
available for this category of website: product offers
and product categories.
Similarly to other methods, these information are
used to build a click-through bipartite graph. How-
ever, instead of using exploiting the association be-
tween queries and URLs clicked by users as in
traditional click-through-based query suggestion ap-
proaches, our click-through bipartite graph stores as-
sociations between user queries and clicked products.
Since in most price comparison websites product of-
fers are clustered into products, our customized click-
through bipartite graph allows our model to provide
query and product suggestions based on products and
not on direct URLs of product offers which may not
be available anymore at the time that the suggestions
is generated.
We evaluated our system both in terms of cover-
age rates and quality of the results for both types of
generated suggestions (query and products), reaching
high precision values, satisfying coverage rates, out-
performing also the results of a competing recently
published approach also specifically designed for the
same query/product suggestion tasks for price com-
parison websites.
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