problem, a point is drawn at the position correspond-
ing to the runtime without dependency analysis (x-
coordinate) and the runtime with dependency analy-
sis (y-coordinate). Hence the points below the diag-
onal constitute improvements. Results show that the
dependency analysis decreases overall planning time
of PSM algorithm. We can see that in few cases the
time increases which is caused by the time consumed
by reduction process. Also, by publishing additional
facts, the problem size can grow and thus it can be-
come harder to solve.
Table 2 shows official results of the CoDMAP
competition. We can see that the dependency anal-
ysis significantly improved the performance of PSM-
VR planner. Moreover, PSM-VRD achieved the over-
all best coverage in 8 out of 12 domains. As expected,
the highest coverage directly corresponds to the suc-
cess of dependency analysis. The table also shows
results of two additional criteria comparing the qual-
ity (IPC Score) of solutions and the time (IPC Agile
Score) need to find the solution. In both criteria PSM-
VRD performed very well even though it was outper-
formed by MAPlan-FF+DTG planner in the IPC Ag-
ile Score.
We have formally and semantically defined inter-
nally independent and simply dependent MA-STRIPS
problems and proposed a set of reduction rules utiliz-
ing the underlying dependency graph. To identify in-
ternally independent and simply dependent problems,
we have proposed technique which can build a full de-
pendency graph and try to reduce it to an irreducible
publicly equivalent dependency graph. This provides
an algorithmic procedure for recognizing provably in-
ternally independent and simply dependent problems.
We have shown that provably independent and sim-
ply dependent problems can be solved easily without
agent interaction. The proposed reduction rules were
defined over structural information of the dependency
graph and provided possibly recursive removal of su-
perfluous facts and actions by analysis of simple de-
pendency, cycles, equivalency, and state invariants.
We experimentally showed that reduction of the
standard multiagent planning benchmarks using the
dependencies provides overall 71% downsizing and
nearly doubled the number of solved problems in
comparison to the same algorithm used without the
reductions. Finally, in comparison with the latest dis-
tributed multiagent planners the proposed approach
outperformed all and won the distributed track of the
recent multiagent planning competition CoDMAP.
This research was supported by the Czech Sci-
ence Foundation (no. 13-22125S and 15-20433Y)
and by the Czech Ministry of Education (no.
SGS13/211/OHK3/3T/13). Access to computing and
storage facilities owned by parties and projects con-
tributing to the National Grid Infrastructure MetaCen-
trum, provided under the program ”Projects of Large
Infrastructure for Research, Development, and Inno-
vations” (LM2010005), is greatly appreciated.
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Recursive Reductions of Internal Dependencies in Multiagent Planning