In this paper we presented the challenges to make a
service discovery protocol for robot fleet systems. We
discussed the limited applicability of existing service
discovery protocols in the context of robot fleets and
then, we proposed a new protocol called SDfR that
is suitable for service discovery inside an ad-hoc net-
worked fleet.
The evaluation results shows that SDfR API gen-
erates a small latency and the SDfR service has a
small impact on the CPU and memory used. Further-
more, SDfR has a low bandwidth consumption in both
static and dynamic scenarios. Base on our bench-
marking, we believe that SDfR can provide neigh-
bor and service discovery for multi-robot applications
without stressing the system. ROS integration and ad-
hoc network auto-connect features facilitate the usage
of SDfR.
We intend to further use SDfR in our current
approach of improving the families of middleware
to facilitate the development of multi-robot systems.
SDfR can be used as part of bigger systems like re-
mote application deployment environment in ad-hoc
robotic network where robots can be dynamically pro-
visioned with new applications while remaining in
operation environment. SDfR can also be used to
monitor the running services on each robot. We are
also interested in opportunities for SDfR not just for
robotics but also in other fields like mobile wireless
sensor networks.
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SDfR - Service Discovery for Robots