On the Use of Feature Descriptors on Raw Image Data
Alina Trifan and Ant
onio J. R. Neves
Universidade de Aveiro, IEETA/DETI - IRIS Laboratory, Aveiro, Portugal
Bayer Pattern, Raw Data, Feature Detectors and Descriptors, Image Processing.
Local feature descriptors and detectors have been widely used in computer vision in the last years for solving
object detection and recognition tasks. Research efforts have been focused on reducing the complexity of
these descriptors and improving their accuracy. However, these descriptors have not been tested until now on
raw image data. This paper presents a study on the use of two of the most known and used feature descriptors,
SURF and SIFT, directly on raw CFA images acquired by a digital camera. We are interested in understanding
if the number and quality of the keypoints obtained from a raw image are comparable to the ones obtained
in the grayscale images, which are normally used by these transforms. The results that we present show that
the number and positions of the keypoints obtained from grayscale images are similar to the ones obtained
from CFA images and furthermore to the ones obtained from grayscale images that resulted directly from the
interpolation of a CFA image.
Feature extraction has been studied intensively in the
last years within the computer vision community.
With the introduction of algorithms like Speeded Up
Robust Features - SURF (H. Bay et al., 2008) and
Scale Invariant Feature Transform - SIFT (Lowe,
2004), generic objects at different scales or orienta-
tions can be successfully detected in images. These
two algorithms are considered to be optimal but the
price paid for a good object detection is a computa-
tional time of the orders of minutes.
Most modern digital cameras allow the acquisition
of images as raw data, that have a pixel distribution
following the Bayer pattern (Bayer, 1976). A Bayer
filter mosaic is a type of Color Filter Array (CFA) for
arranging RGB color filters on a square grid of pho-
tosensors. The filter pattern is 50% green, 25% red
and 25% blue, usually called BGGR, RGBG, GRGB,
RGGB, etc. depending on the position of the filters.
For display purposes and better human visual-
ization, interpolating or demosaicing algorithms are
used, that convert the raw image to a certain color
space, like RGB, YUV or HSV (Kimmel, 1999). This
is a digital image processing technique used to recon-
struct a full color image from the incomplete color
samples output from an image sensor overlaid with
a CFA. Most modern digital cameras acquire images
using a single image sensor overlaid with a CFA,
so demosaicing is part of the processing pipeline re-
quired to render these images into a viewable format.
However, in most of them, images in a raw format
can be retrieved, allowing the user to demosaic them
using software, rather than using the cameras built-in
A recent study (Neves and Trifan, 2015) shows
that there are several advantages in using CFA images
for colored object detection, mainly in what concerns
speeding up the processing time and the reduction of
the delay between perception and action. This is due
to two reasons: dealing with a reduced volume of
data (a single channel image instead of a three chan-
nel one) improves the speed of the image transmis-
sion between the camera and the computer; less time
is taken by the processing pipeline since demosaic-
ing is not performed. Moreover, it has been shown in
the same study that the performance of colored object
detection algorithms is not affected when processing
directly the CFA images.
In this paper we are interested in finding out if the
same applies for algorithms used for generic object
detection. By using feature descriptors and detectors
such as SURF or SIFT directly on the raw CFA im-
ages, the demosaicing step is not necessary. This re-
duces the complexity of an object detection system.
Feature descriptors and detectors such as SURF or
SIFT are normally applied to intensity images, which
are single channel grayscale images obtained from the
full RGB images by applying a transformation that
relates the intensity of a pixel with its color. In this
Trifan, A. and Neves, A.
On the Use of Feature Descriptors on Raw Image Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0005756506550662
In Proceedings of the 5th Inter national Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), pages 655-662
ISBN: 978-989-758-173-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
paper we quantify and qualify the keypoints obtained
using the two mentioned feature descriptors when ap-
plied directly on CFA images and, for comparison,
when applied to a grayscale image which has been
obtained directly from a CFA one, based on the algo-
rithm presented in Section 3.
The experimental results presented in this paper
show that the number of keypoints obtained in the
two types of images referred above are similar to the
ones obtained in the intensity images and are located
in similar positions. Comparing the obtained descrip-
tors for each keypoint using the FLANN algorithm,
we noticed that there are a considerable amount of
them that have a match in the intensity image, mainly
in the regions of the image with more detail, as desir-
able. We conclude that feature descriptors and detec-
tors can be used with success directly in CFA images.
As far as we know, no previous study on this matter
has been presented before.
This paper is structured in 5 sections, first of them
being this Introduction. An overview of the feature
descriptors used in this study is presented in Sec-
tion 2. Section 3 details the particularities of a Color
Filter Array (CFA) image and presents the methods
used for obtaining an intensity grayscale image from
a CFA image. Experimental results of the use of the
SIFT and SURF detectors on grayscale images, CFA
images and grayscale images obtained directly from
CFA images are presented in Section 4. Finally, sec-
tion 5 draws the final remarks, followed by the ac-
knowledgement of the institutions that supported this
Scale-invariant feature transform (Lowe, 2004) is a
popular algorithm for the detection and description of
local features in an image. The SIFT descriptor is in-
variant to translations, rotations and scaling transfor-
mations in the image domain. It is robust to moder-
ate perspective transformations and illumination vari-
ations. The SIFT algorithm operates in a stack of
gray-scale images with increasing blur, obtained by
the convolution of the initial image with a variable-
scale Gaussian. A differential operator is applied in
the scale-space, and candidate keypoints are obtained
by extracting the extrema of this differential.
A SIFT keypoint is a selected image region with
an associated descriptor. Their descriptors are stored
in a vector that contains the information necessary to
classify a keypoint. It is possible to obtain features,
highly distinctive, useful in the matching process. In
order to achieve rotation invariance, each keypoint is
assigned a magnitude and an orientation, thus making
this algorithm highly robust.
Speeded Up Robust Feature (H. Bay et al., 2008)
is a fast and robust algorithm for local, similarity in-
variant representation and comparison. Similarly to
the SIFT approach, SURF is a detector and descriptor
of local scale and rotation-invariant image features.
The SURF method uses integral images in the convo-
lution process, which speeds up the processing. Initial
images are convolved with box filters at several differ-
ent discrete size. To select interest point candidates,
the local maxima of a Hessian matrix is computed and
a quadratic interpolation is used to refine the location
of candidate keypoints. Contrast signs of the interest
point are stored to construct the keypoint descriptor.
Finally, the dominant orientation of each keypoint is
estimated and the descriptor is computed.
SURF keypoints are assigned a scale and a rota-
tion invariance in order to achieve distinctive features
in an image. The SURF descriptor is an improvement
of SIFT with respect to the processing time taken. In-
tegral images associated with the Laplacian of Gaus-
sian approximation represent an ingenious construc-
tion to speed up the convolution operation.
Features from Accelerated Segment Test -
FAST (Rosten and Drummond, 2006) is a more recent
algorithm proposed originally for identifying corners
in an image. This algorithm is an attempt to solve
a common problem, the one of real-time processing,
with applications in robotics. Unlike SIFT and SURF,
FAST algorithm only detects corners/keypoints and
does not produce descriptors. This detector can be
used with other descriptors to detect keypoints.
The BRIEF (Calonder et al., 2010) algorithm was
the first binary descriptor published, based on simple
intensity difference tests. BRIEF takes only the infor-
mation at single pixels location to build the descrip-
tor. In order to improve its sensitiveness to noise, the
image is first smoothed by a Gaussian filter. This is
done by picking pairs of pixels around the keypoint,
according to a random or non-random sampling pat-
tern, and then comparing the two intensities.
Although these algorithms are of great interest
within the Computer Vision research community,
their use has not been tested so far on raw image
data. A very recent work (Larabi and Setitra, 2015)
presents a preliminary study on their use on binary
images. In this paper we provide results on the use
of SURF and SIFT descriptors on CFA images, ac-
quired by a digital camera. Nowadays modern dig-
ital cameras allow the acquisition of images as raw
data, that have a pixel distribution following the Bayer
pattern (Bayer, 1976). This work focuses on SURF
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
and SIFT descriptors since even though they are more
complex, they are the most reliable in terms of accu-
racy and invariance to scale and rotation (Miksik and
Mikolajczyk, 2012).
Fig. 1 shows a typical Bayer arrangement of color fil-
ters. As it can be seen, the green information has dou-
ble the size of the red or blue information. This is due
as an attempt to mimic the physiology of the human
eye, which is more sensitive to green light.
Figure 1: Bayer arrangement of color filters.
To obtain a full-color image, various demosaicing
algorithms can be used to interpolate a set of com-
plete red, green, and blue values for each pixel. These
algorithms make use of the surrounding pixels of the
corresponding colors to estimate the values for a par-
ticular pixel. In Fig. 2 we can see an example of a
CFA image and the corresponding RGB image ob-
tained after demosaicing.
Figure 2: On the left an example of a CFA image. On the
right, the obtained RGB image after demosaicing.
In this paper we provide experimental results re-
garding the use of feature descriptors like SIFT and
SURF directly on CFA images. Moreover, for com-
parison, we provide experimental results using inten-
sity grayscale images obtained directly from the CFA
images. To do that, we consider the neighbor informa-
tion of red, green and blue to calculate the intensity
information of each pixel without any interpolation.
The algorithm for transforming a CFA image into a
grayscale image, considering the Bayer configuration
presented in Fig. 1, works as follows:
Input: CFA image (image)
Output: grayscale image (y)
/* For all the pixels in the Bayer image */
for(p = 0 ; p < image.cols * image.rows ; p++)
row = p / image.cols;
col = p \% image.cols;
if(row \% 2 == 0) /* even rows */
if(col \% 2 == 0) /* even columns */
r = image[p];
g = image[p + 1];
b = image[p + image.cols + 1];
g = image.ptr[p];
r = image.ptr[p - 1];
b = image.ptr[p + image.cols];
else /* odd rows */
if(col \% 2 == 0) /* even columns */
g = image.ptr[p];
r = image.ptr[p - image.cols];
b = image.ptr[p + 1];
else /* odd columns */
g = image.ptr[p - 1];
r = image.ptr[p - image.cols - 1];
b = image.ptr[p];
/* Grayscale pixel */
y[p] = 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b;
Fig. 3 shows an example of the application of the
previous algorithm. Visually, the image obtained rep-
resents the light intensity on each pixel without noise.
For comparison, in Fig. 4 we present the grayscale
version obtained from the full RGB image and the
corresponding difference image. The difference im-
age shows the absolute differences between this im-
age and the one obtained directly from the CFA im-
age. The most considerable differences are in the pix-
els where there are edges, as expected, since in more
flat regions the interpolation process usually does not
introduce new color information.
On the Use of Feature Descriptors on Raw Image Data
Figure 3: On the left an example of a CFA image. On the
right, the obtained grayscale image using directly the CFA
Figure 4: On the left, the grayscale image obtained from
the full RGB image. On the right, the difference between
the image on the left and the grayscale image obtained from
the CFA image presented in Fig. 3.
In order to quantify and qualify the keypoints ob-
tained using SIFT and SURF feature descriptors when
applied directly on CFA images and, for comparison,
when applied to a grayscale image obtained directly
from the CFA ones, we used the SIFT and SURF im-
plementation provided by the OpenCV library.
In order to perform the experiments reported in
this paper, twenty-four 24-bit color images from the
well known Kodak image set (kod, ) of size 512 ×768
each, as shown in Fig. 15, were sub-sampled accord-
ing to the Bayer pattern presented in Fig. 1 to form
a set of 8-bit testing raw Bayer images. We obtained
a set of 8-bit intensity grayscale images obtained di-
rectly from the RGB original images and another 8-
bit intensity grayscale images obtained directly from
the CFA images using the algorithm described in Sec-
Figure 5: SIFT keypoints for images 04 (first row) and 07
(sencond row) of the Kodak set. The complete results can
be found in http://sweet.ua.pt/an/FullResults.zip.
tion 3. Figure 5 shows the keypoints detected for im-
age 04 of the used dataset, using SIFT. The results
presented on the left have been obtained using the
grayscale image. The keypoints of the central image
have been obtained by applying the SIFT transform
directly on the CFA image. The image on the right
is the grayscale image that has been obtained directly
from the CFA one.
Figure 6 shows the keypoints detected for im-
age 04 of the used dataset, using SURF. The results
presented on the left have been obtained using the
grayscale image of the dataset. The keypoints of
the central image have been obtained by applying the
SURF transform directly on the CFA image. The im-
age on the right is the grayscale image that has been
obtained directly from the CFA one.
The results presented in these images show that
the number and position of the keypoints are sim-
ilar between gray, CFA and grayscale images ob-
tained from the CFA ones. Moreover, Table 1 and
Table 2 present detailed experimental results regard-
ing the number of keypoints obtained using the SIFT
and SURF algorithms when applied to the intensity
grayscale image obtained from the full RGB image,
when applied to the CFA image and when applied to
the grayscale image obtained from the CFA image.
To measure the quality of the obtained descrip-
tors, we compared the descriptors obtained for the
keypoints in the CFA images and for the ones in
grayscale images obtained from CFA images, with the
ones in intensity grayscale images obtained from the
full RGB images. This comparison was based on the
FLANN matching algorithm (Muja and Lowe, 2009).
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 6: SURF Keypoints for for images 04 (first row) and
07 (sencond row) of the kodak set. The complete results can
be found in http://sweet.ua.pt/an/FullResults.zip.
Figure 7: Average error between the position of the SIFT
keypoints in the CFA image and the position of the SIFT
keypoints in the grayscale image. Different threshold values
of the FLANN matching algorithm have been used.
FLANN is an algorithm for performing fast approx-
imate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional
spaces. It contains a collection of algorithms found
to work best for nearest neighbor search and a system
for automatically choosing the best algorithm and op-
timum parameters depending on the dataset.
Experimental results presented in Table 1 and Ta-
ble 2 show the number of matches for each pair of
images. We can observe that there is a considerable
number of matches below a low error. We considered
an error of 0.08 for the SURF algorithm for all the
images and an error of 100 for the SIFT algorithm.
In Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 we can see the average error
in the position of the keypoints in the CFA image and
Figure 8: Average error between the position of the SURF
keypoints in the CFA image and the position of the SURF
keypoints in the grayscale image. Different threshold values
of the FLANN matching algorithm have been used.
Figure 9: Number of SIFT keypoints in the CFA image that
corresponds to SIFT keypoints in the grayscale image. Dif-
ferent threshold values of the FLANN matching algorithm
have been used.
the position of the keypoints in the grayscale image
for both algorithms. The average error was obtained
for all the 24 images of the dataset.
The threshold for the error between matches has
an effect on the number of matches, as presented in
Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. If necessary in a specific applica-
tion, we can improve the number of matches and the
error in their position adjusting this threshold.
Figure 11 shows the matches obtained using the
FLANN matcher between the SURF keypoints found
in intensity image 04 of the used dataset and the
corresponding CFA image. Figure 12 shows the
matches obtained using the FLANN matcher between
the SURF keypoints found in intensity image 04 of
the used dataset and the grayscale obtained from the
CFA image. It can be observed that the position of
On the Use of Feature Descriptors on Raw Image Data
Table 1: Table containing information about the number
of keypoints obtained using the SIFT algorithm when ap-
plied to the grayscale image obtained from the full RGB
image (column “#kG”), when applied to the CFA image
(column “#kB”) and when applied to the grascale image
obtained from the CFA image (column “#kGB”). This table
also shows the number of keypoints in the CFA image that
corresponds to keypoints in the grayscale image using the
FLANN algorithm (column “#mB”) and the number key-
oints in the grayscale image obtained from the CFA image
that corresponds to keypoints in the grayscale image.
Img #kG #kB #mB #kGB #mGB
1 3199 2737 2094 2915 840
2 547 277 191 411 141
3 957 647 471 668 317
4 1465 815 619 891 372
5 4052 3605 2755 3217 1374
6 2118 1725 1279 1831 576
7 1899 1506 1149 1441 821
8 3603 3274 2703 2927 1207
9 1393 1259 1018 971 489
10 1355 1246 998 968 510
11 1637 1405 1044 1324 556
12 648 574 414 450 203
13 4187 3366 2481 3569 1072
14 3012 2522 1913 2308 956
15 935 664 524 526 266
16 1307 1063 811 980 378
17 1412 1303 1023 1092 615
18 4027 2633 1999 2652 1017
19 1531 1093 826 1060 444
20 890 713 521 688 261
21 2590 2199 1709 2099 844
22 1932 1334 952 1253 469
23 727 570 419 491 266
24 3084 2611 1866 2262 839
matches are mainly in relevant parts of the images,
enough to describe the object of interest.
Figure 13 shows the matches obtained using the
FLANN matcher between the SIFT keypoints found
in intensity image 04 of the used dataset and the cor-
responding CFA image. Figure 14 shows the matches
obtained using the FLANN matcher between the SIFT
keypoints found in intensity image 04 of the used
dataset and the grayscale obtained from the CFA im-
age. It can be observed that the position of matches
are mainly in relevant parts of the images, enough to
describe the object of interest.
Table 2: Table containing information about the number
of keypoints obtained using the SURF algorithm when ap-
plied to the grayscale image obtained from the full RGB im-
age (column “#kG”), when applied to the CFA image (col-
umn “#kB”) and when applied to the grascale image ob-
tained from the CFA image (column “#kGB”). This table
also shows the number of keypoints in the CFA image that
corresponds to keypoints in the grayscale image using the
FLANN algorithm (column “#mB”) and the number key-
oints in the grayscale image obtained from the CFA image
that corresponds to keypoints in the grayscale image.
Img #kG #kB #mB #kGB #mGB
1 2819 3846 1117 2526 747
2 246 415 50 247 81
3 455 786 135 447 269
4 537 979 185 515 216
5 2650 3844 1175 2634 983
6 1268 1908 443 1102 357
7 1193 2440 513 1172 587
8 3336 4270 1900 2921 804
9 885 1237 538 846 415
10 788 1077 464 775 366
11 1238 1839 525 1145 476
12 493 969 284 488 256
13 2669 4134 905 2393 700
14 1850 2659 585 1760 710
15 515 863 306 569 270
16 529 900 270 474 226
17 1019 1426 616 1011 529
18 1804 2522 498 1659 535
19 1198 2406 537 1069 386
20 674 1258 356 710 313
21 1623 1258 356 1494 586
22 1000 2021 214 888 289
23 476 853 171 476 234
24 1909 2729 812 1772 613
We have presented in this paper a study on the ap-
plication of two of the most used feature descriptors,
SURF and SIFT, on raw CFA images. The results that
we presented prove that it is possible to use these de-
scriptors directly on CFA images, discarding thus the
need of interpolating a raw image into a full RGB
one prior to processing it. We have presented com-
parative results of the use of the two transforms on
intensity grayscale images obtained from full RGB
images, CFA images and intensity grayscale images
obtained from raw CFA images by direct conversion.
This study is an important contribution for the Com-
puter Vision community since it proves that generic
object detection can be done directly on raw images
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 10: Number of SURF keypoints in the CFA image
that corresponds to SURF keypoints in the grayscale image.
Different threshold values of the FLANN matching algo-
rithm have been used.
Figure 11: Match SURF Keypoints for image 04 of the Ko-
dak set (on the left) using FLANN algorithm considering
the CFA image (on the right). The complete results can be
found in http://sweet.ua.pt/an/FullResults.zip.
Figure 12: Match SURF Keypoints for image 04 of the
Kodak set (on the left) using FLANN algorithm con-
sidering the grayscale obtained from the CFA image
(on the right). The complete results can be found in
and the demosaicing of these images is no longer a
compulsory step in an image processing pipeline.
Figure 13: Match SIFT Keypoints for image 04 of the Ko-
dak set using FLANN algorithm. The complete results can
be found in http://sweet.ua.pt/an/FullResults.zip.
Figure 14: Match SIFT Keypoints for image 04 of the Ko-
dak set using FLANN algorithm. The complete results can
be found in http://sweet.ua.pt/an/FullResults.zip.
Future work directions will focus on the use of
these descriptors directly on the raw data for object
detection. For this, a more detailed study on the
threshold and parameters involved by the matching
algorithm will be conducted.
This work was developed in the Institute of Electronic
and Telematic Engineering of University of Aveiro
and was partially supported by FEDER through
the Operational Program Competitiveness Factors -
reference PEst-C/EEI/UI0127/2011) and by National
On the Use of Feature Descriptors on Raw Image Data
Figure 15: Grayscale version of the Twenty-four digital color images from the kodak set (refers as image 1 to image 24, from
top-to-bottom and left-to-right).
Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and
Technology in a context of a PhD Grant (FCT ref-
erence SFRH/BD/85855/2012).
Kodak image set. http://r0k.us/graphics/kodak/. Accessed:
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ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods