ITSEGO: An Ontology for Game-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Valentina Centola
and Francesco Orciuoli
Istituto Comprensivo Gonzaga, Via Caduti di Bruxelles, Eboli (SA), Italy
DISA-MIS, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, Fisciano (SA), Italy
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Game-based Learning, Storytelling, Ontologies.
This work proposes the definition of a tool supporting the transition of children from kindergarten to primary
school and, as a side effect, the development of problem solving and digital competences. The tool has
been defined, by means of an ontology-driven approach, as an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) integrated
to a structured game-based educational environment and provides benefits for both teachers and children.
The definition of a novel ontology, namely ITSEGO, providing a model (generally applicable in different
learning contexts) to build Game-based ITS and, the design of a concrete Game-based ITS for supporting the
aforementioned transition are the main results of this work.
In the last twenty years, numerous research activities
emphasize that the human learning process is not se-
quential but rather it exploits a number of conceptual
interconnections (Collins and Loftus, 1975) forming a
network. In this scenario, Information and Communi-
cation Technologies (ICT) provides a significant con-
tribution in supporting (e.g., visualizing, organizing,
personalizing, adapting and sharing learning content),
improving (e.g., increasing engagement of students)
and making possible (e.g., satisfying special needs)
learning and teaching activities with respect to differ-
ent subject matters. One of the most important usage
of ICT for supporting learning and teaching activities
is represented, without any doubt, by Intelligent Tu-
toring Systems (ITS). ITS (Polson and Richardson,
2013) are software systems providing adaptive educa-
tional experiences for both students and teachers. ITS
have a great potential to improve school education, at
the moment, unexpressed yet. Adaptivity is supported
by ITS in several ways: i) providing students’ learn-
ing activities coherently with their current knowledge
and skills in order to foster meaningful learning; ii)
providing individualized feedback able to stimulate
next learning activities and avoid frustration, demo-
tivation and disengagement due to unsuccessful per-
formances; iii) providing hints helping students dur-
ing the execution of their learning tasks. Adaptation
capabilities of ITS and the evidence related to the im-
provement of learning experiences, when game-based
approaches are used (Jackson and McNamara, 2013),
lead to the idea to integrate these two elements in or-
der to synergistically exploit the advantages of both.
In several works like (McNamara et al., 2010) ITS
are enhanced with game-based features in order to in-
crease engagement of learners. Otherwise, this paper
proposes to inject ITS features into game-based envi-
ronments for children. Thus, we introduce a novel
ontology for modeling such features. Such ontol-
ogy can be populated in order to develop a concrete
ITS-empowered educational game. Although ontolo-
gies have been studied extensively with respect to ITS
(Mizoguchi et al., 1995), at the moment there are
not ontologies, based on Semantic Web technologies,
modeling all the aspects related to an ITS and able to
achieve different objectives like those reported in Sec-
tion 3.2. It is important to underline that the main part
of this work can be generally applicable for a wide
range of targets (also, for instance, to training) and
heterogeneous domains.
The main idea of the paper is to provide a tool for sup-
porting children in the transition from kindergarten
to primary school. In our understanding, technolog-
ical environments that blend games, stories and in-
telligent (automatic) tutoring, represent effective so-
lutions for the above mentioned aim. In this section
we will motivate this idea and provide the necessary
background knowledge. In the next sections we will
Centola, V. and Orciuoli, F.
ITSEGO: An Ontology for Game-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 238-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
define a specific Game-based ITS, by which it is pos-
sible to achieve our goal, through two main phases.
The first phase is the definition of ITSEGO (Intelli-
gent Tutoring System for Educational Games Ontol-
ogy), an ontology for Game-based ITS. This ontology
can be generally applicable to a wide range of learn-
ing contexts. The second phase is the adoption of IT-
SEGO (its instantiation and the provisioning of addi-
tional contents) to produce such specific Game-based
ITS. Thus, the second phase proposes an ontology-
driven process to build Game-based ITS.
2.1 Motivating ITS and Game-based
Learning Environment
This work is focused on children during their last year
of kindergarten. They face a critical period with re-
spect to their personal development and they are go-
ing to face the first class of primary school. In the con-
text of such class they will develop also competences
needed for future learning. Despite of the importance
of the above mentioned issues, there are no concrete
recommendations or guidelines, coming from the Ital-
ian Ministry of Education, which support teachers in
evaluating the development of these competences. On
the other hand, since 2004, the required age to be ad-
mitted to attend the first class of primary school has
been decreased. In fact, children born until 30 April
(of the school year) can begin such school. This kind
of procedure is executed, on demand of the parents,
after discussing with the teachers of their children.
On the basis of these considerations, this work
starts from the idea of ITaG (McNamara et al., 2010)
and proposes a concrete framework to adopt systems,
which integrate intelligent tutoring mechanisms and
game-based learning environments, for supporting the
above mentioned transition.
The main benefits of using such systems are: i)
ITS allow children to develop basic competences con-
cerning their personal growth in a personalized and
incremental way, meanwhile, the game-based compo-
nent of the whole system allows to increase engage-
ment and motivation, makes smooth the transition be-
tween the two considered types of school and, lastly,
to implement the learning-by-doing approach; ii) ITS
could trace all the child’s actions and provide struc-
tured data to be analyzed by teachers in order to ex-
ecute better evaluations; iii) ITS and (digital) game-
based learning environments help children to improve
digital competences, which are included in the key
competences recommended by the European Parlia-
ment in 2006
2.2 Fundamentals and Background
This section provides the reader with key concepts of
ITS and Game-based Learning Environments. These
two concepts will be the foundation for this work.
2.2.1 Intelligent Tutoring Systems
An ITS (Polson and Richardson, 2013) is a soft-
ware agent whose behavior can be, informally, de-
scribed by an outer (external) loop and an inner loop
(du Boulay, 2006). The external loop proposes to the
learners a sequence of tasks (problem solving) of dif-
ferent difficulties. The default behavior is that the
next task has a difficulty greater than the previous one
(mastery learning). However, if the learners’ results
are negative the ITS can propose, for instance, a task
with a lower difficulty or alternative learning content.
Moreover, there is an inner loop for each task where
a sequence of steps have to be executed by the learn-
ers in order to achieve the task objectives and provide
a solution for the associated problem. ITS can pro-
vide adaptive feedback (positive, negative, etc.) in re-
sponse to the learners’ answers for the current steps
or hints to anticipate the next step of the same task.
The set of all possible actions that can be carried out
by the ITS is called tutoring actions. The selection of
an effective tutoring action can be accomplished on
the basis of pedagogical strategies, learners’ profiles,
context, domain and so on.
2.2.2 Game-based Learning Environments
A Game-based Learning Environment is mainly char-
acterized by the capability to maintain constant play-
ers/learners’ attention and to keep high levels of en-
gagement for them. One of the main challenges of
the educational games is to provide a game design en-
abling players/learners to face tasks and steps accord-
ing to their real ability (Kiili, 2005). The main idea in
Game-based Learning is to always guarantee a game
level a bit greater than the ability she demonstrated by
considering a zone of proximal development (Vygot-
sky et al., 2012). This aspect can be sustained by the
behaviour of an ITS by controlling and adapting both
internal and external loops.
The core part of this work is the definition of an
ontology that can be used as a model to construct
ITS for Game-based Environments. Such ontology is
ITSEGO: An Ontology for Game-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
called ITSEGO. ITSEGO can be adopted, extended,
instantiated and completed (with additional content)
to build specific games empowered by intelligent tu-
toring features. In order to define ITSEGO we have
selected the Web Ontology Language (OWL), pro-
vided by W3C
, that is one of the main components
of the so called Semantic Web Stack
. OWL is based
on Description Logic (Kr
otzsch et al., 2014) and pro-
vides a set of suitable capabilities like providing high
levels of interoperability and integration and a formal
inference mechanism. This is one of the main benefits
of Semantic Web ontologies, they make easily to inte-
grate with existing results like, for instance, the ontol-
ogy provided by the OMNIBUS ontology (Bourdeau
et al., 2007).
3.1 Building the Ontology
In this section we will show the most relevant generic
parts of the ITSEGO that are identified with respect
to the important aspects of the Game-based ITS we
are modeling: interactions, tasks and steps, context,
storytelling, game, tutoring actions and tutoring rules.
The main design principles considered for the engi-
neering of ITSEGO are the following ones:
Maintaining simple and general the design of
classes, properties and axioms with no specializa-
tion with respect to application domain, learning
context and content to propose. The idea is to
provide essential building blocks (with basic con-
structs and key abstractions) for developing dif-
ferent ITS in several and heterogeneous domains,
although the driver for this work comes from a
specific target with specific motivations.
Including, in the ontology definition, all the nec-
essary to construct a specific (Game-based) ITS
to be deployed at a testing environment (e.g.
) as well as to support real-world ITS.
Designing and including features for building
Game-based ITSs deployable in blended environ-
ments by considering game and storytelling ele-
3.1.1 Interactions
An interaction with the Game-based ITS is divided
into sessions. A single play is an individual of
class ITSEGO:Play and aggregates one or more ses-
sions. The concept of session is modelled by us-
ing the class ITSEGO:Session. Each session main-
Figure 1: The ontology part dealing with interactions.
tains a set of interactions among learner (student)
and system. Interactions are individuals of the class
ITSEGO:Interaction. The learner is represented by
means of the foaf:Person class included in the well
known FOAF ontology
(see Fig. 1). An interaction
refers to a task (individual of class ITSEGO:Task)
and, in particular, to a step (individual of class
ITSEGO:Step). Tasks and steps are mainly related by
the ITSEGO:isComposedBy property. The property
ITSEGO:firstStep indicates the first step in a task
and the property ITSEGO:next provides an ordered
relation among the steps within a task.
Tasks have difficulties (ITSEGO:difficulty data
property) and can be related each others by means of
the ITSEGO:similarTo property. This is useful to
propose alternative tasks. Steps are related each oth-
ers by means of the ITSEGO:equivalentTo property
that is useful to accept multiple solutions for a spe-
cific step. Detailed information on tasks and steps will
be provided in the next sections. An interaction also
refers to a response (individual of ITSEGO:Response)
that represents data related to the answer that the
learner provides when a specific step in a specific task
is proposed to her. An interaction occurs in a given
context (i.e., a set of contextual information like, for
instance, the learner’ profile). Moreover, the inter-
action includes a tutoring action (individual of class
ITSEGO:TutoringAction) that is the action the tutor
(human or automatic) has to perform in order to adapt
the experience by taking into account the specific
learner’s answer. When a learner’s answer is evalu-
ated, it is needed to check if it is correct. Some im-
plementations could foresee also the chance to have,
for instance, a fuzzy correctness value. In order to
support different kinds of metrics, ITSEGO provides
the class ITSEGO:EvaluationResult that is linked
to and provides information related to a given interac-
tion. This class can be specialized to support boolean
evaluation results, fuzzy evaluation results and addi-
tional properties that can be possibly used in the ped-
agogical rules.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1.2 Tasks and Steps
The problems proposed to the learners are struc-
tured in tasks and steps. Classes ITSEGO:Task and
ITSEGO:Step must also contain all the information
needed to allow the execution of the Game-based ITS,
i.e., how the problem is presented (communicated) to
the learners. The base ontology we propose brings
with it a set of properties useful to link tasks and steps
with concrete resources (by using URIs). In this way
it is possible to deploy the system at different and het-
erogeneous learning environments.
Furthermore, the ITSEGO:Interaction class
provides a link to the specific environment (platform)
used to deploy tasks and steps, receive user inputs and
provide outputs.
Now, let us focus on two important aspects: topic
and content of a task/step. Tasks and steps need to
be associated to the content that must be proposed to
learners by using generic URIs. In addition, ITSEGO
provides a conceptual layer by means of the prop-
erty ITSEGO:topic connecting ITSEGO:Task (and
ITSEGO:Step) to skos:Concept that is the main con-
struct of SKOS
. SKOS is a Semantic Web ontology
allowing the definition of thesauri, taxonomies, con-
cept maps and so on. The conceptual layer enables
reasoning on topics and allows, for instance, to clas-
sify tasks with respect to their topics.
Lastly, tasks are not pre-ordered. The sequence of
tasks, proposed to the learner, can be obtained by ap-
plying specific pedagogical rules. One of the plausi-
ble solutions is to adopt the mastery learning strategy,
i.e., proposing tasks in order of increasing difficulties.
3.1.3 Context
The class ITSEGO:Context includes: student model
information and contextual information like, for in-
stance, environment or situation characteristics dur-
ing learners’ interactions with the system. The stu-
dent model is composed of three parts. The first one
includes student’s information (e.g., name, age), con-
textual information (e.g., family context, school con-
text), competency information (e.g., competencies al-
ready acquired), personal traits information. The sec-
ond one is characterized by information related to a
specific play like rewards (earned during the play),
competencies (acquired during the play), score (the
total score for the play) and performances (produced
during the play). The performances of a learner are
linked to specific game levels. Each game level has
a status (completed, not-completed, not-started) and
includes scores, rewards (that can be also badges) and
competencies (acquired) obtained by the player when
she faces this level. A game level is related to one or
more tasks (possibly belonging to the same difficulty)
that have to be successfully executed to complete the
level. The third one is characterized by information
related to affective and emotional states of the play-
er/learner. This information is dynamic and can be
“perceived” by processing raw data that comes from
additional sensors.
All the information included in the context can be
used by the pedagogical rules to adapt the experiences
and produce suitable and effective tutoring actions.
Moreover, some other data have to be gathered in ad-
dition to the previously indicated ones. For instance,
pedagogical rules can be based on number of errors
and number of consecutive errors for a specific step
and so on.
3.1.4 Tutoring Actions
Tutoring actions are the actions provided by tutors in
response to learners’ interaction with the content of a
specific step in a given task. Tutoring actions are se-
lected by considering several and heterogeneous as-
pects: context, pedagogical strategy, student’s emo-
tional state, student’s prior knowledge and so on. Tu-
toring actions can be classified in feedback, hints and
adaptations. ITSEGO provides further specializations
of the above mentioned classes. At each interaction,
only a subset of all plausible tutoring actions can be
3.1.5 Tutoring Rules
Tutoring or pedagogical rules implement the peda-
gogical strategy used to adapt the environment and
generate feedback/hint on the basis of the behavior
of the learner during her interaction with a step (in a
task) in a specific context. There are numerous ways
to implement such rules for an ITS. In this work, we
propose the development of such rules as class re-
strictions within ITSEGO. In this way it is possible
to generate the correct tutoring action (or set of tutor-
ing actions) by using standard OWL-DL reasoners.
The part of the ontology that is useful to model
and execute pedagogical rules is provided in Fig. 3.
The class ITSEGO:PedagogicalRule contains all the
admissible rules of the ITS (individuals). Each rule
is composed by a condition and an action (or more
actions) that must be executed when the condition
value is true. Conditions are individuals belong-
ing to ITSEGO:LearningCondition and are com-
posed by game state (task and step executed by the
learner), context (up to date information related to the
ITSEGO: An Ontology for Game-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
learner: scores, attempts, emotions, profile, etc.), re-
sponse (correctness and other information about the
learner’s response with respect to the considered task
and step) and story environment (the configuration of
the story environment underlying the game). Such
elements are considered in the condition in order
to make decisions about the tutoring action to de-
liver. The idea is that if the current learning con-
dition is equal (for each element) to the learning
condition attached to a rule, such rule can be exe-
cuted to obtain the right tutoring action. Furthermore,
ITSEGO:ExpectedResponse is linked to the class
ITSEGO:Step and indicates response templates for a
step. Each response template (for a step) contains also
a score. In this way it is possible to evaluate the cur-
rent response of the learner by finding the best match
among the current response and the existing response
templates. Tutoring actions are individuals of class
ITSEGO:TutoringAction and are connected to the
rules by means of the property ITSEGO:isImplied
(and its inverse ITSEGO:hasAction).
The selection of the correct tutoring action is ob-
tained by looking for the rule generating such action.
This selection is accomplished by considering two in-
ference operations. The first one is used to look for
the right pedagogical rule in the knowledge base by
comparing the learning conditions associated to each
existing rule and the current learning condition:
APR (PedagogicalRule uC
u C
u C
The second one is used to extract the suitable tu-
toring action from the selected pedagogical rule:
TutoringAction u (isImplied.APR) (5)
The above described inference operations are
graphically explained in Fig. 2 that shows how the
current learning condition matches with the condi-
tion attached to a specific rule. In particular the in-
dividual currentLearningCondition (belonging to
class ITSEGO:CurrentLearningCondition, in brief
ITSEGO:CLC) matches with learnincCondition01
Figure 2: Sample individuals related to the operation of
looking for the right rule to be applied.
Figure 3: The ontology part dealing with tutoring (pedagog-
ical) rules.
because they have all equal elements and thus the
right rule is rule01.
For the sake of clarity, and in order to provide
simple statements, we have proposed only individuals
like context01 that includes several contextual infor-
mation (the emotional state of the learner, the affec-
tive state of the learner and the tentative number for
this step in this task, etc.). This does not imply a lack
of generality because it is possible to simply provide
more details by fragmenting individuals and consider-
ing, for instance, finer contextual informations. Take
care that it is possible to implement pedagogical rules
by means of other approaches enabling the definition
of more complex rules. One of such approaches could
3.1.6 Storytelling
In order to model storytelling aspects within the
ITSEGO, our approach is not providing “build-
ing blocks” defined from-scratch but integrating an
existing language/ontology. In literature, several
Ontologies and markup languages providing mod-
els to build stories are recognizable. Taking care
our aim to maintain ITSEGO as light as possi-
ble we have selected a generic storytelling ontol-
ogy model (Nakasone and Ishizuka, 2006) based
on the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). We ar-
bitrary assign the namespace RST to this ontology.
In ITSEGO, a play is linked to the elements of
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the story in which the play takes place. In par-
ticular, ITSEGO:Play is linked to ITSEGO:Story
by means of the ITSEGO:bgStory property. A
story is composed of story elements (individuals of
ITSEGO:StoryElement). Story elements can be
characters (individuals of ITSEGO:Character), set-
tings (individuals of ITSEGO:Setting) and scenes
(individuals of ITSEGO:Scene that is equivalent to
RST:Scene). A scene is defined as a set of acts (in-
dividuals of class RST:Act) that are hierarchically
composed of nucleuses and satellite entities linked
by relations. Acts establish the minimum level of
story organization. Such entities could contain an
event (individual of class RST:Event) or another act.
Agents are actors taking part in a scene by execut-
ing or being part of one or more events. Agents are
individuals of class RST:Agent (that is equivalent to
the class ITSEGO:Character). A role is a part that
an agent plays during a scene. Roles are modelled
by means of the class RST:Role. There are several
roles: questioning role, informing role, contrasting
role and evaluating role. ITSEGO adds to RST the
class ITSEGO:Setting that provides the graphical el-
ements of a scene.
3.1.7 Game
In order to embed an ITS in a game-based environ-
ment it is needed to enrich the ITSEGO with spe-
cific elements. In particular, the class ITSEGO:Score,
that is linked to ITSEGO:ExpectedResponse, is used
to model the score earned by successfully execut-
ing the related step. The ITSEGO:Score class can
be linked also to other classes. For instance, if we
link individuals of ITSEGO:Interaction with indi-
viduals of ITSEGO:Score it is possible to sign the
score of each interaction. In addition, ITSEGO:Score
can also be linked to several parts of the context
(as reported in section 3.1.3) in order to assign
scores to play and levels for each player/learner).
Game levels can be modelled by means of the class
ITSEGO:GameLevel, whose individuals are linked
to the individuals belonging to ITSEGO:Task. The
class ITSEGO:GameLevel maintains all the informa-
tion needed to manage the game like, for instance, re-
wards (individuals of class ITSEGO:Reward) and max
time to play (individuals of class ITSEGO:Time).
3.2 Use Cases for ITSEGO
In this section, we briefly describe three main use
cases in which ITSEGO can be exploited.
UC#1 Sharing Terminology. ITSEGO can be
used to share knowledge about terminology related to
ITS among the community of researchers, system de-
signers, software developers, content developers and
educators. The adoption of the Semantic Web Stack
fosters interoperability and integration.
UC#2 Building ITS. ITSEGO can be used to
build ITS. ITSEGO can be used as-is for rapid pro-
totyping by populating it and using the embedded
pedagogical rules. Populating the ontology means to
construct the domain model (by defining the concept
map as indicated in Section 3.1.2 and linking those
concepts to the new inserted tasks and steps), the ex-
pert model (by providing the expected response for
each step), the tutor (pedagogical) model (by defin-
ing new pedagogical rules as class restrictions or
logical rules), the student model (by filling learn-
ers’ profiles) and, lastly, the communication (user
interface) model (by configuring stories, characters,
events, etc.). Moreover, ITSEGO can be also used
within a real-world system developed by means of a
general-purpose programming language like Java and
some GUI framework. Lastly, ITSEGO can be ex-
tended (or specialized) by subclassing existing classes
and adding new axioms and rules.
UC#3 Tracing and Learning Pedagogical
Rules. ITSEGO can be used as a knowledge base
for existing ITS. The ITSEGO:Interaction can be
populated every time a learner interacts with a step.
This allows to trace all actions occurring in the system
to perform statistics, analytics and/or machine learn-
ing. In particular, machine learning algorithms can be
used to learn pedagogical rules by using the (human)
tutoring actions applied against a specific learner’s in-
In this section we will show how the proposed on-
tology has been instantiated in order to build a tool
supporting children to their transition from kinder-
garten to primary school. In particular, an Educational
Game (in brief Edu Game) has been implemented in
the form of an Android App. Lastly, a validation and
evaluation framework is described in the second part
of this section.
4.1 The Prototype System
This part of the work aims at introducing the most im-
portant issues related to the development of the proto-
type App that has been experimented.
ITSEGO: An Ontology for Game-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
4.1.1 Architectural and Technological Issues
The system prototype has been developed by means
of LibGDX
and Java for realizing the front-end and
deploying it on Android tablets (LibGDX is multi-
platform, so it allows to deploy the software on An-
droid, iOS, Desktop, Web, etc.). In this first prototype
the access to ITSEGO is realized by means HTTP
connections to a set of Web Services (implemented in
Java and hosted by JBoss) to query and perform infer-
ences over the knowledge base. The main idea of the
system behaviour is that the App proposes a screen
to the child in combination with the audio explana-
tion (it is probably that 5-6 years old children can-
not read text) of the associated task/step. At the end
of the audio description, the child is free to interact
with the screen. This interaction triggers an inference
over ITSEGO that, according to the pedagogical rules
modelled in the ontology, is able to find a suitable tu-
toring action to return it to the App that executes such
action in order to provide its result (e.g. feedback)
to the child. It it important to underline that the App
implements exactly the ITSEGO model and its behav-
ior mirrors the one provided by the pedagogical rules
modelled by using the ontology constructs (as shown
in section 3.1.5). Pedagogical rules, added to the IT-
SEGO, are driven by the specific context (5-6 years
old children) in which they have to be used and for
the specific learning objectives (supporting the transi-
tion from the kindergarten to the primary school) we
have to accomplish.
4.1.2 Edu Game Content
In order to design the Edu Game content, we have se-
lected a set of characters, one for each task, who guide
the child along the steps. Each task is associated to
a story providing a problem to the child who has to
solve it by executing a sequence of steps. In partic-
ular, the first task is associated to a specific problem
of tidying up a room. The main character for this task
is called Rughetto and he asks to the child/player to
give him help in order to allow him to go out to play
football with his friends (see Fig. 4(a)). Each step as-
sociated to this task is related to the main problem.
For instance, in the first step the child/player has to
put toys into the basket games and the colored pencils
into the case (i.e. a problem related to classify things).
In the second step the child/player has to sort some
books from the smallest to the largest (i.e. a problem
related to the concepts of smaller and larger things).
The third step is focused on the identification of the
right shapes and the fourth (last) step is focused on
Figure 4: Screens: (a) introduction and (b) second step.
finding correct numbers on the phone keypad in order
to call Rughettos friends to play football.
Feedback actions are driven by pedagogical rules
and are based on audio descriptions and colored
screens. Hint actions are enriched by audio helps
and/or images recalling suitable solutions for specific
steps. Colors are selected with respect to the emotions
that should be encouraged.
4.2 Validation and Evaluation
In order to evaluate and validate the results of this
work we have designed the activities of Table 1.
Table 1: Framework for Validation and Evaluation.
Validation Evaluation
Case Study
of Edu Game
Asking to
Edu Game
Testing Experiments
ITSEGO. The ontology ITSEGO has been vali-
dated by means of the OOPS! tool (Poveda-Villal
et al., 2012) for detecting potential pitfalls that could
lead to modelling errors. In particular, ITSEGO has
passed the tests with respect to Functional Dimen-
sion, Consistency and Conciseness. The other tests
for Structural Dimension and Completeness advise
that there is only one important pitfall. In particular,
pitfall P11 (missing domain or range in properties)
is signaled for some properties defined as inverse of
other properties. Thus, this pitfall is fixed when rea-
soning is executed on ITSEGO and missing domains
and ranges are inferred for such properties. Lastly, IT-
SEGO has been evaluated by populating it with real
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Results of developers’ questionnaires.
data for the case study that has been designed, imple-
mented and described in Section 4. The Edu Game,
exploiting ITSEGO for generating tutor actions, has
been tested and its behavior produces correct results.
Ontology-driven Approach. The approach we
proposed has been validated by building the Edu
Game described in Section 4. This approach has been
evaluated by proposing a questionnaire to the three
developers of the Edu Game and analysing their an-
swers. Such questionnaire includes 9 questions re-
garding three aspects of the approach: i) usefulness
of the shared terminology formalized by ITSEGO, ii)
easiness of implementing pedagogical rules, and iii)
effort of building contents. Results are reported in
Fig. 5 that shows the usefulness and easiness of the
interaction with ITSEGO. Difficulties and high efforts
to build Game-based ITS contents are emphasized.
Edu Game. The Edu Game has been validated by
considering both unit testing and system testing. An
experimentation activity has been planned to evaluate
the effectiveness of the learning process realized by
means of the provided Edu Game. More in details, the
experiment has been designed to be performed in the
context of the first class of a primary school. Three
groups will be built. The first two groups are control
groups. The third group is the experimental group.
In the first phase a pre-test will be dispensed to the
children of the three groups. In the second phase, the
children of the third group will interact with the game
in order to learn the subjects introduced in Section 4.
The first two groups will deal with the same subjects
by using traditional learning content. Lastly, in the
third phase, all the groups will face the same post-test.
This paper proposes the idea of integrating ITS fea-
tures into Edu Games. Main results are: definition of
an ITS ontology, definition of an ontology-driven ap-
proach to build Game-based ITS and development of
an Android App implementing an Edu Game that ex-
ploits the reasoning capabilities of ITSEGO. Lastly, a
framework for validating and evaluating the multiple
results of this work has been proposed. In the future,
the deploy of ITSEGO on Raspberry will be investi-
gated. At the moment we are realizing the experiment
described in the last part of Section 4.
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ITSEGO: An Ontology for Game-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems