sis (Clemente et al., 2012), also in combination with
clustering (Marouf and Shehab, 2011). These tech-
niques are also system-agnostic, and we may use them
in future SEAndroid tools.
SELinux policy generation and refining tools are
rare. Polgen, a tool for semi-automated SELinux pol-
icy generation based on system call tracing (Sniffen
et al., 2006), appears to be no longer in active de-
velopment. The SELinux userspace tools (SELinux
Project, 2014) can generate SELinux policies. One
of these tools, audit2allow, is widely used to au-
tomatically generate and refine SELinux policies by
converting SELinux audit messages into rules; these
policies, however, are not necessarily correct, com-
plete or secure, since the rules depend on code paths
taken during execution, and there is no way to dis-
tinguish intended and possibly malicious application
behavior. These tools are used both in SELinux and
There has been some research in applying Do-
main Specific Languages (DSL) (Fowler, 2010) to
SELinux policy development and verification (Hurd
et al., 2009). The authors proposed a tool (shrimp) to
analyze and find errors in the SELinux Reference Pol-
icy, similar to the Lint tool for C. This is similar to a
tool we propose, but different in scope as it is limited
to analysis of the SELinux reference policy.
The only SEAndroid-specific analysis method is
based on audit log analysis with machine learn-
ing (Wang et al., 2015). This approach is completely
different from what we propose, since it relies on sig-
nificant volumes of data to classify rules.
In this paper we presented a number of common mis-
takes made by OEMs in their SEAndroid policies,
suggesting potential reasons behind them. As a re-
sult of this study, we identified a number of practical
tools that should help OEMs and security researchers
to improve SEAndroid policies. We provided the im-
plementation of a first tool , SEAL, and we are cur-
rently working on the rest.
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Characterizing SEAndroid Policies in the Wild