The PERICLES Process Compiler: Linking BPMN Processes into
Complex Workflows for Model-Driven Preservation in Evolving
Noa Campos-L´opez
and Oliver Wannenwetsch
University of G¨ottingen, G¨ottingen, Germany
Gesellschaft f¨ur Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung G¨ottingen mbH (GWDG), G¨ottingen, Germany
Digital Preservation, Model-Driven Preservation, Process Model, Digital Ecosystem, Digital Art, BPMN,
Understanding and reusing archived digital information after a decade of technological advancements, constant
developments and changes to software and hardware is a very complex and time consuming task. Without a
clear documentation and records of changes, research on the creation and modification of information systems
and its associated data is almost impossible. To ease these problems, the EU-funded project PERICLES
follows a model-driven preservation approach, where the digital ecosystem is modelled and updated constantly
to handle changes for generating a holistic record on information systems involvement. For realising this
approach, we present in this paper the PERICLES Process Compiler, which consumes descriptive models
of changing environments and evolving semantics to generate executable workflows that are capable of re-
enacting changes in information systems and mitigate their impact. By this, our contribution narrows the gap
between the theory of model-driven preservation and its application in real information system environments.
Digital content and its associated metadata are gen-
erated and used across different phases of the infor-
mation lifecycle and in a continually evolving envi-
ronment. Therefore, the concept of a fixed and sta-
ble final version that needs to be preserved becomes
less appropriate. In order to deal with technologi-
cal change and obsolescence, long-term sustainabil-
ity requires to address changes in context, as well
as changes in semantics. These changes involve se-
mantic drift that arises from changes in language and
meaning or disciplinary and societal changes that af-
fect the practices, attitudes and interests of users and
stakeholders (Davenport and Cronin, 2000).
Capturing and maintaining this information
throughout the data lifecycle, together with the com-
plex relationships between the components of the dig-
ital ecosystem as a whole, is the key to an approach
based on preservation by design (Kowalczyk, 2008).
For this, models that capture intents and interpretive
contexts associated with digital content are subject of
current research on preservation, which enables con-
tent to remain relevant to new communities of users.
The EU-funded project PERICLES (Promoting
Figure 1: PERICLES Model-Driven Preservation with au-
tomatic process compilation.
and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the
Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Seman-
tics) follows the approach of modelling, capturing and
maintaining details of digital ecosystems for com-
plex information systems on digital artefacts (PERI-
CLES, 2015). For this, PERICLES follows the prin-
ciple of model-driven preservation (MDP) that in-
cludes a holistic capturing, analysing, and updating
of software environments with all applied changes,
Campos-López, N. and Wannenwetsch, O.
The PERICLES Process Compiler: Linking BPMN Processes into Complex Workflows for Model-Driven Preservation in Evolving Ecosystems.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 1, pages 76-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
involved processes and interactions with digital data
over evolving semantics (Vion-Dury, 2015). This
complete capturing is important, because change does
not only lead to a loss of functionality in software
systems but also to a loss of meaning, understanding
and reusing of digital information (Vion-Dury et al.,
In this paper, we give an overview on the
PERICLES Process Compiler, a core software
component that helps to realise and partially automate
the MDP approach by compiling linked RDF-based
processes into executable BPMN workflows. By this,
we deliver contributions on preservation action man-
agement by linking the domain of MDP to the exe-
cutable workflow domain.
The paper is structured in eight sections. First,
we provide an insight into existing preservation tech-
niques by process composition, and environment and
semantic modelling in Section 2. Then, we introduce
the MDP approach in PERICLES in Section 3, and
describe our contribution on linking RDF-based pro-
cesses by extending the ecosystem model with three
new concepts in Section 4. Latter, we illustrate this
approach with a case study on preserving digital art
in Section 5 and present the technical realisation of
the Process Compiler in Section 6. We conclude our
paper and provide an insight into future features of the
Process Compiler in Sections 7 and 8, respectively.
In literature, different aspects of preservation and cu-
ration of software environments have been discussed
in recent years. While the focus of recent literature
is on technical challenges of preservation or on high
level approaches, publications which link both do-
mains together that are usable for non-software ex-
perts are still underrepresented. For preserving soft-
ware environments, different approaches have been
introduced, such as performance model-based preser-
vation (Matthews et al., 2010). However, this ap-
proach coming from the area of libraries does not
reflect the changing nature of software environments
that has been recognized by the software development
community (Barateiro et al., 2012). As software is
just one essential part in complex scenarios, preserva-
tion processes aim on higher semantics of preserving
data, software environments and evolving semantics
(Neumann et al., 2011).
New approaches that link business process mod-
els with metamodels and ontologies have appeared in
recent years. These approaches cover semantic inter-
operability of process models by adding higher pre-
cision in modelling and enable semantic querying of
large process model repositories (H¨offerer, 2007) and
(Smith et al., 2012).
Other approaches cover the employment of se-
mantic process models by linking model elements
with concepts from formal ontologies. Linking those
domains together improves the representation of pro-
cess models, enables process validation at semantic
level, and simplifies the process execution (Thomas
and Fellmann, 2007). As processes are also subject to
changes in evolving environments during their lifecy-
cle, approaches that manage these changes and allow
the reconfiguration of process models are of great in-
terest. Gottschalk et al. propose configurable work-
flow models by extending workflow modelling lan-
guages with configuration elements and their config-
urations (Gottschalk et al., 2008), whereas Koliadis
et al. combine high-level conceptual models with
business process models to populate changes in both
context (Koliadis et al., 2006). However, these ap-
proaches do not consider changes in semantics and
this is the gap, where we provide a contribution with
MDP and process compiling. Many publications on
process composition based on compiling ontological
descriptions into executable process models can be
found in literature. These approaches allow process
reuse, and facilitates the process modelling, reason-
ing and matching. However, they are mostly focused
on specific domains, i.e. Web Service composition
(Rao et al., 2004), (Rao and Su, 2005), (Martin et al.,
2005), and (Sirin et al., 2002), or scientific workflow
compilation (Lud¨ascher et al., 2003).
From the side of modelling computation envi-
ronments for scientific applications, cloud computing
added new impulses of deploying infrastructure mod-
els into executable cloud environments. One essential
standard in this setting is Topology and Orchestra-
tion Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA)
from the OASIS, which is used to describe topologies
of cloud based web services, their relations, compo-
nents, and processes used to manage them (Binz et al.,
2012). Similar to PERICLES, TOSCA is a current re-
search topic in the area of executable environments
for scientific applications in the cloud (Glaser, 2015).
In this line-up, the EU-funded project PERICLES
is looking at the whole picture from the different
angle of modelling and builds upon the results on
performing digital preservation. The research focus
of PERICLES is on understanding the implication
The PERICLES Process Compiler: Linking BPMN Processes into Complex Workflows for Model-Driven Preservation in Evolving
of changing ecosystems in contrast to specific chal-
lenges on system changes over time, as it was formu-
lated five years ago (Brocks et al., 2010).
The model-driven preservation approach em-
ployed and extended in PERICLES consists of a set of
interrelated ontologies and models described as Re-
source Description Framework (RDF) triples. One
of these models is the ecosystem model, describ-
ing the digital ecosystem in which digital resources
are produced, stored, modified and processed. The
PERICLES project, as context where our work is con-
ducted, defines as digital ecosystem a set of interre-
lated entities that evolve on time (PERICLES, 2015).
This set comprises digital objects, user communities,
policies, processes, technical systems, and the rela-
tions and interactions between them. If changes in
the ecosystem are applied, i.e. an update of the oper-
ating system, an update of the ecosystem model is re-
quired. For managing the evolution and change of the
digital ecosystem, the ecosystem model is fundamen-
tally built on the Linked Resource Model (LRM),
which provides a framework to build the dependen-
cies between entities as a set of evolving linked re-
sources (Vion-Dury et al., 2015). The LRM allows to
define the semantics of a change in terms of its inten-
tion and manage its impact on the ecosystem, key to
long-term preservation, understanding and reusing of
digital information. While the LRM and ecosystem
model provide a domain-independent basis to model
digital resources in changing environmentsand evolv-
ing semantics, domain-specific ontologies are used
to describe specific ecosystems for the different use
Regular checks and analyses of models together
with a validation of the digital ecosystem against its
representation in the ecosystem model are necessary
to detect changes in data objects, technology, context,
semantics and user communities. When a change oc-
curs, preservation actions are applied on the ecosys-
tem to preserve the digital resources and mitigate the
impact of change (c.f. Figure 1). Hence, the set of
models and the derived preservation actions allow to
trace all changes in digital systems and information
processing and allow an (semi-) automatic reconstruc-
tion of digital ecosystems, capable of executing an-
cient software in their original environment. Preser-
vation actions operate over the digital ecosystem, and
change and evolve as it does. Therefore, we model
these preservation actions as a set of process entities
interrelated with other entities in the digital ecosys-
tem by extending the ecosystem model with new con-
cepts, namely aggregated process, atomic process and
implementation entities (c.f. Subsec. 4.1 and 4.2). A
process entity in the ecosystem model is a high-level
description of a process: which function it performs,
which data it consumes and produces, and which ser-
vices it runs, while delegating the low-level details to
be described in an associated file using a well suited
notation (e.g. Business Process Model and Notation
(BPMN)). This BPMN file can be then executed over
real information systems to perform the preservation
actions. This approach allows to use the same tech-
nology to reason, manage, query and store all models
and entities used in the preservation system, includ-
ing the LRM functionalities of change management
and semantic versioning. Thus, our preservation sys-
tem takes advantage of the benefits provided by se-
mantic process models (c.f. Sec. 2) without having to
develop a complete new process ontology.
The PERICLES Process Compiler that we describe
in this paper allows to transform and combine RDF-
based descriptions of preservation processes into ex-
ecutable BPMN workflows (c.f. Fig. 1). This can be
done because we have included three new concepts in
the ecosystem model: aggregated processes, atomic
processes and implementations. These entities can
be used to easily design new preservation actions by
process combination, while enabling process valida-
tion within the ecosystem model at semantic level and
within the process model specification (e.g. BPMN)
at implementation level.
4.1 Aggregated and Atomic Process
An aggregated process is a process that can be de-
scribed as a combination of other process entities.
For this, both process flow and data flow are defined.
They describe how processes, and produced and con-
sumed data are connected within each other.
In contrast, an atomic process is a process that
cannot be decomposed in other process entities, even
if its execution may include more than one task.
Atomic processes have information about the opera-
tors, namely the entities responsible of performing the
tasks involved in the execution of the workflow.
This differentiation in aggregated and atomic pro-
cesses provides more flexibility to create new preser-
vation actions while enabling the reusability of reli-
able ecosystem processes. It facilitates a clearer vi-
sualization of dependencies between entities in the
ecosystem and allows us to keep track of which pro-
cesses are used by others. It also reduces the scope of
change. For example, if the technology of a service
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Process flow and data flow in an aggregated pro-
cess composed of three processes.
used by an atomic process changes, only the imple-
mentation files need to be recompiled, while aggre-
gated process descriptions and dependencies remain
As being part of the digital ecosystem, process
entities and their dependencies are described and
modelled in the ecosystem model (c.f. Sec. 3). The
ecosystem model assigns attributes to each entity
type, describing its instances with identifiers, hu-
man readable names, versions and other necessary at-
tributes. For modelling the behaviour and relation-
ships of a process in the digital ecosystem, the ecosys-
tem model provides a set of dependencies - which
inherits from the LRM dependency definition - be-
tween processes and other entities, i.e. isInputOf,
isOutputOf or isImplementationOf. In the following
subsections, a brief overview of the process type at-
tributes is given, to explain the input side of the PER-
ICLES Process Compiler.
4.1.1 Common Process Attributes
Originated from the same abstract process entity, both
process types of aggregated and atomic processes
share a common set of attributes. In the following,
we explain the most important attributes:
Identifiers are provided for machinery identification
with a unique identifier and a human-readable name.
Descriptions are provided for explaining the pro-
cess, its purpose, which operation/functionalityit per-
forms, over which entities and under which condi-
Inputs are describing the inputs that can be inserted
into a process. They are provided as a list of input
slots (0..n), specifying for processes a set of vari-
ables with a unique ID, a human-readable name, an
input data type, and a flag marking the input as re-
quired or optional.
Outputs are the entities generated by a process. Sim-
ilar to inputs, they are organized as a list of slots
(0..n), specifying for processes a set of variables
with a unique ID, a human-readablename, and an out-
put data type.
Implementations are containing the entities with
the low-level description of the process (c.f.
Subsec. 4.2.).
4.1.2 Atomic Process Attributes
Atomic processes as the smallest unit in the decom-
position for the Process Compiler consist of a list of
operators (0..n), as well as the common attributes
shown in Subsec. 4.1.1.
Operators are entities responsible for performing a
specific task, which may invoke technical services
and other infrastructure components. They can be hu-
man agents performing human tasks, or software or
hardware agents performing automatic tasks.
Figure 3: Atomic process and its dependencies with other
entities in the ecosystem.
4.1.3 Aggregated Process Attributes
Aggregated processes are created as a combination of
other process entities.Thus, they have as additional at-
tributes the description of this combination:
Process flow as an attribute consists of a list of pro-
cess identifiers that determines the order of execution
of sub-processes: a sequential process thread starting
with a start event followed by the sub-processes and
finishing with an end event.
Data flow as an attribute consists of a map that deter-
mines the data connection between input and output
slots of process entities and the available digital re-
sources at that time.
4.2 Implementation Entity
An implementation entity contains the information
regarding the nature and location of a specific arte-
fact that performs changes on data and systems in the
ecosystem. The implementation entity as low-level
description of a process consists of a unique identifier
and a version number that allows a co-existence of
different-aged implementations. Furthermore, it con-
sists of:
The PERICLES Process Compiler: Linking BPMN Processes into Complex Workflows for Model-Driven Preservation in Evolving
Figure 4: Aggregated process and its dependencies with
other entities in the ecosystem.
Implementation Type is an attribute that specifies
the identifier of the execution environment, i.e.
if the implementation is done as an executable BPMN
Location specifies where the artefacts containing the
implementation are stored. The location annotation is
done abstract from real path descriptions as Universal
Resource Identifier (URI).
Checksum assures the integrity of the implementa-
tion artefact, by providing a cryptographic hash.
4.3 Process Aggregation
To allow a coherent process aggregation approach, we
assume the following:
Sequential Execution of the processes that conform
an aggregated process. This means that a process can
be executed only if the previous one has already fin-
ished. Therefore, resources created by previous pro-
cesses (intermediate resources in Fig. 2) or input re-
sources of the aggregated process can be used as in-
puts for the current process. Parallel execution in
atomic processes is allowed.
Single Threading in aggregated processes. The ar-
rangement of processes is limited to a flat sequence of
processes, understanding as a flat sequence a unique
thread with a start event followed by specific pro-
cesses and an end event, (process flow in Fig. 2). Mul-
tithreading in atomic processes is allowed.
Immutable Resources, therefore if a process mod-
ifies a resource, it has to create a new one. They
are represented by files on the file system or arbitrary
Class based-inheritance in the ecosystem. If an en-
tity, child entity, is a specialization of other entity,
parent entity, then all the attributes of the parent en-
tity are present and unmodified in the child entity.
Thus, we can use a child entity as input/output for a
process that takes the parent entity as the correspond-
ing input/output.
To facilitate the creation of new preservation ac-
tions by process aggregation, a set of generic pro-
cesses that perform common functionalities is pro-
vided when creating the preservation system. This set
will increase and become richer as new processes are
An aggregated process can be described as a com-
bination of atomic and/or other aggregated processes,
which can be also described as a combination of
atomic and/or other aggregated processes and so on.
This aggregation hierarchy follows a tree structure in
the ecosystem model which always ends in atomic
processes with their corresponding operators. There-
fore, it is not necessary to explicitly link the list of op-
erators involve in an aggregated process, as they can
be inferred by unfolding the process flow steps.
The unfolding step queries extensively the model
repository (c.f. Fig. 1), a triplestore which contains
the RDF-based descriptions of models and entities,
and also integrates a step of verifying data types of
input and output slots. Repetitive steps are inte-
grated as multiple occurrences in the process. Due
to these constraints of unfolding and assembling pro-
cesses, the Process Compiler for MDP constructed in
PERICLES does not feature a Turing-complete lan-
guage, but rather gain full explicit process step def-
initions, important for long-living workflow defini-
tions in the context of data curation. However, pro-
cess implementations can contain Turing-complete
languages with loops and nested instructions. Hence,
each step of an aggregated process represents the ex-
ecution of a process with a well-defined data set.
In PERICLES, the first project stream deals with
preservation strategies for digital artworks and me-
dia at TATE, as shown in (Falcao et al., 2014). The
second stream deals with experimental scientific data
originated from the European Space Agency and In-
ternational Space Station (Soille et al., 2014). Both
use case providers are working to understand the im-
pact of the MDP approach on their preservation prac-
In this case study, we focus on the first project
stream and its goal is to create a process that ingests
an Artwork’s Software (AS) into a preservationpack-
age of a specific format. We assume that this pro-
cess can be described as a combination of three pro-
cesses: check the AS for viruses, extract its meta-
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
data (MD), and encapsulate the AS together with its
MD in a preservation package, ready for storage (c.f.
Fig. 6). For the purpose of this paper, we have sim-
plified the ingest process as we only want to depict
the process aggregation and show how it facilitates
the change management in our MDP approach. A
real scenario should consider a more complex design,
i.e. the encapsulation process would require stringent
quality control to ensure that the performance of the
encapsulated software is the same as that of the non-
encapsulated version.
Let us consider the following situation: an organ-
isation has a collection of ASs and decides to intro-
duce them in its preservation system. For that, new
policies and preservation actions need to be created
and applied, i.e. the policy ”every AS needs to be in-
gested before storing”, which implies to execute the
process Ingest AS over each new AS. A data cura-
tor accesses to the preservation system to create the
new ingest process and realises that it can be done
as a combination of other processes already available
in the system. Therefore, the curator decides to cre-
ate an aggregated process with a process flow com-
posed by: Virus Check, Extract MD and Encapsulate
DO and MD processes. These processes are modelled
in the ecosystem as atomic process entities with their
corresponding operators. The relationships between
these processes and other entities in the ecosystem are
shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: Entities and their dependencies in the ecosystem
for the aggregated process Ingest Artwork’s Software.
Then, the curator has to create the data flow. The
Ingest AS process has two input resources, an AS and
a package format corresponding to the input slots x
and x
respectively and one output resource, a preser-
vation package corresponding to the output slot y
(c.f. Fig. 6).
The Virus Check process takes as input the digital
material to be checked and produces a file contain-
ing the result of this operation. Therefore, the curator
maps its input slot with the input slot of the Ingest
process related to the AS, that is (x
, a
). The result
of this check is then used as extra information to be
added to the MD of the AS, that is (b
, c
). The En-
capsulate digital object (DO) and MD process encap-
sulates the AS and its MD together into a package of a
specific format. Therefore, the curator maps their in-
put slots with the input slots of the Ingest process, and
with the output slot of the Extract MD process, that is
, e
), (x
, e
) and (x
, e
). The curator also maps
its output slot with the output slot of the Ingest pro-
cess, that is (f
, y
). Once the aggregated process is
defined, it is compiled by the Process Compiler com-
piles to create the executable workflow (i.e. BPMN
file) to be executed when a new AS is introduced in
the preservation system.
Figure 6: Process flow and data flow for the aggregated pro-
cess Ingest Artwork’s Software.
In this example the preservation action is created
by hand, but the MDP approach in PERICLES is de-
signed to allow (semi-)automatic reconfiguration of
preservation actions. For example, a new preservation
policy is applied: ”when checking for viruses, suspect
material has to be quarantined for 30 days”. There-
fore, the old process Virus Check is changed by a new
one Virus Check and Quarantine, and all aggregated
processes that perform virus checks are automatically
reconfigured with the new one.
The PERICLES Process Compiler: Linking BPMN Processes into Complex Workflows for Model-Driven Preservation in Evolving
The implementation of the PERICLES Process Com-
piler is done in Java. It currently supports MDP
process compilation for BPMN-based workflows, al-
though the design is intended to adapt to other work-
flow languages. In PERICLES, entities and mod-
els are stored in the model repository (c.f. Fig. 1),
a triplestore used as database for storage and re-
trieval of triples through semantic queries. Digital re-
sources and bitstreams are stored in external data stor-
age systems, such as CDSTAR (Schmitt et al., 2014).
Communications are done via Representational State
Transfer (REST) APIs, allowing in the case of the
triplestore SPARQL requests.
The Process Compiler compiles an RDF-based de-
scription of an aggregated process to create an exe-
cutable BPMN file by doing the following:
Validation by validating the file structure against the
implementation specification, rejecting input with un-
known or unsupported attributes and checking entity
compatibility, which may imply to check the inheri-
tance tree and dependencies in the ecosystem model.
For instance, the Virus Check process in Sec. 5 takes
as input an entity of class Artwork’s Software. As the
AS class is a subclass of Digital Object, this process
can be used to check an entity of class AS and the
previous mapping (x
, a
) is valid.
Process Flow Handling by linking the processes in
an appropriate order taking into account the services
used to perform the tasks and managing the corre-
sponding interfaces. It creates a single thread with
start-event the one of the first sub-process and end-
event the one of the last sub-process.
Data Flow Handling by connecting input and out-
put process slots with external and temporary digi-
tal resources according to the map specified by the
data flow of the aggregated process. Intermediate re-
sources are temporarily stored in a secure external
system (i.e. CDSTAR) and deleted when the process
compilation is finished.
Error Handling by generating appropriate errors and
linking them to external events.
The PERICLES project follows a model-driven
preservation approach, where the digital ecosystem is
modelled and updated to handle changes in digital in-
formation and mitigate their impact for preservation
purposes. The PERICLES Process Compiler supports
this model-driven approach by validating and linking
processes to perform preservation actions over evolv-
ing ecosystems.
For doing this, we introduce the concept of ag-
gregated and atomic processes as part of the ecosys-
tem model, which are used by the Process Compiler
to compile preservation processes into executable
BPMN workflows. Using these different process
types allows more flexibility to create new preserva-
tion processes, increases process reusability, and re-
duces the scope of changes in the ecosystem. This
approach provides as well the advantages of semantic
annotation of processes, namely better process under-
standing and representation, and process query and
validation at semantic level, without developing an
entire complex process ontology. Also, the relation-
ships and dependencies between the entities in the
ecosystem become clearer as low-level descriptions
remain hidden in implementation entities linked to
process entities. Starting with a set of common pro-
cesses, preservation processes become more complex
and specialised as the ecosystem evolves. The Process
Compiler facilitates the creation and modification of
these processes without a deep knowledge of the im-
plementation language or the ontologies and models
used for describing the ecosystem.
The Process Compiler is still under development
and its functionality is subject of research in the
course of the PERICLES project. Current scenarios
in both use cases look at the Process Compiler as a
key component to perform the MDP approach, as it
allows the automatic reconfiguration of preservation
actions when a change occurs. For instance, changes
in a policy imply the reconfiguration of its associated
processes to be applied over the digital ecosystem to
assure its coherent state, or changes in technology, i.e.
obsolete software, imply the recompilation of the im-
plementation files to be linked to up-to-date services.
Future lines of work of the PERICLES Process Com-
piler will allow more complex process aggregations,
not only sequential threads with input and output
mapping, but actual complete automata by leverag-
ing Petry nets. On the other hand, semantic valida-
tion will be added to type validation together with op-
timizations at some degree, i.e. verify that a file is
checked for viruses only once, to improve the perfor-
mance of the overall system where the Process Com-
piler is used. Although BPMN is a widely used pro-
cess modelling standard, another interesting feature
is to support other workflow description languages in
order to extend its usability and allow process models
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Parts of this work are founded in the PERICLES
project funded by the European Union under its Sev-
enth Framework Programme (ICT Call 9) under the
grant agreements No 6 01138. We thank Marcel Hel-
lkamp for his contribution on the Process Compiler
implementation and sharing his ideas and concepts
with us. Furthermore, we like to thank Patricia Falcao
from TATE for giving insights into their use cases.
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The PERICLES Process Compiler: Linking BPMN Processes into Complex Workflows for Model-Driven Preservation in Evolving