ICT as Learning Tools and Collaborative Work Facilitators in the
Moroccan University Educational System: Summary, Review and
Optimization Approach
Bouchaib Riyami
, Khalifa Mansouri
and Franck Poirier
Lab-STICC Information Techniques and Sciences of Communication and Knowledge,
Université Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France
Signals, Distributed Systems and Artificial Intelligence (SSDIA), Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco
Keywords: ICT, ICTE, Mooc, Moroccan Educational System, Moroccan Higher Education, Distance Learning,
e-Learning, Collaborative Work.
Abstract: In the Moroccan university educational system, courses, tutorials and hands-on exercises are taught in face-
to-face lectures. This means that learners’ attendance is required in all training sessions. Learners do not
have access to alternatives courses, nor to the explanations and lecture notes. There is also a lack of distance
education (henceforth, e-learning system) allowing them to have flexible access to course content. For these
reasons, the learners, especially those who, for some reason or other, cannot attend the face-to-face lectures,
prefer to work in groups to re-discuss and rework all course sections not seen with their teachers.
Our contribution is to highlight the different uses of ICT tools by Moroccan university students during their
daily collaborative work in relation to projects and assignments requested by their teachers, and also to
advance a practical means to revise some sections of the course with learners with difficulties, and explain
the difficult parts to learners who have not attended the face-to-face sessions. We then unveil some
obstacles which hamper the success of "e-learning” in the Moroccan university educational system, relying
on our daily experience as university teachers for the last fifteen years, as well as on statistical data on the
appropriation of ICT by university students.
The Moroccan university educational system faces
many difficulties in trying to successfully integrate
ICTE (Information Technologies and
Communication for Education) (Luc Trouche, 2014)
(NdibnuessinaEthé and NyaNouatcha, 2014),
collaborative work and distance learning as learning
tools. Learners continue to follow the traditional
system requiring obligatory attendance in all training
sessions. To overcome this inconvenience, students
try to use some technological tools and social
networks as a collaborative work environment, to
learn and improve their educational level (Naji, 2014).
In this paper, the main ICT tools used by
Moroccan university students in achieving their
collaborative work, learning, and distance education
will be dealt with in detail.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: the first section describes the current
situation of the Moroccan educational system, in
terms of equipment, platforms and digital content.
Section 2 presents the current practices of ICT by
university students. Section 3 describes a mapping
synthesis using ICT tools to develop a good
collaborative work. Section 4 proposes a process for
improving the use of ICT tools in the Moroccan
educational system. Last, Section 5 concludes the
paper and discusses future work.
In so far as the use and exploitation of ICT as a tool
for teaching and training is concerned, we can divide
the Moroccan educational system into three different
Riyami, B., Mansouri, K. and Poirier, F.
ICT as Learning Tools and Collaborative Work Facilitators in the Moroccan University Educational System: Summary, Review and Optimization Approach.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 246-250
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
categories: public higher education (universities),
private higher education and vocational education.
In this part, each category is dealt with according to
the following parameters: material resources,
software means and human resources.
2.1 Public Higher Education
In the public higher education, the major problem
encountered relates to the management, motivation
and ownership of ICT by learners and teachers
(Kaikai, 2014). Practically, all universities and
institutions of higher education in Morocco use
equipment purchased as part of the annual budgets
of the state, free software (open source) or paid
(under license) through specific agreements, like
Microsoft educational Academy
Networking Academy
, ORACLE University for
Education (Oracle University for education
), ....
Some universities have implemented national
DWE (Digital Work Environment) such as SAC
(Central Authentication Service) in Hassan 1st
University in Settat, or DEUW (Digital Environment
University Work) in Hassan II university in
Casablanca, and have recruited specialized teachers
in ICT, but the weekly workload is very slim to
allow for the delivery of enough courses (6-12 hours
per week on average). In addition, the Moroccan
government has launched several incentive programs
for the benefit of the entire administrative staff,
teachers and university students, such as INJAZ
(INJAZ AL-Maghreb)
program for the acquisition
of computers for preferential prices, and free internet
access for one year; the MARWAN project
(Morocco Wide Area Network) to interconnect all
the Moroccan universities and educational
institutions; the GENIE project (Generalization of
ICTs in Education 2009-2013) (Kabbaj et al., 2009
the financing of the introduction of educational
platforms in all universities and Moroccan
educational institutions, and finally the
generalization of broadband internet access in all
rooms, halls and classes, in all Moroccan
Despite all these facilities and the diversity of
free platforms, we find that the educational content
platform is very limited because of a number of
barriers which relate to the educational system itself,
such as the policy of implementation of ICT
teur-pour-chaque-etudiant-1709.html or http://injaz-morocco.org/
development strategy, obstacles relating to the
support, development and motivation of human
resources, barriers relating to language and culture,
and last but not least, technical problems which
relate to the implementation of the technological
infrastructure (Mastafi, 2014).
2.2 Private Higher Education
The private higher education sector uses ICT in the
curricula of initial and continuous training, with a
utilization rate better than that of public higher
education. However, it remains insufficient in
providing the benefits of learning platforms. In this
sector, the exploitation of ICT is mandatory for
certain structures that have outsourced training in
partnership with French or other international
universities. This is the result of cooperation
agreements and partnerships with non-Moroccan
institutions that require the use of ICT in their
teaching, and which is generally aligned with current
trends of ICT. Other structures integrate ICT in their
training as supplementary tools to coach learners
(Quintin, 2008), to improve the quality of teaching
and to have a leading edge over other schools and
private universities in a highly competitive
educational market.
2.3 Vocational Education
The vocational education and particularly in the case
of the training of specialized technicians, by national
offices OFPPT
(Office of Vocational Training and
Work Promotion) over a period of two years after
the baccalaureate, operates ICTE in all training
curricula by a much higher rate than the private and
public higher education sectors
. The
implementation of ICT in this sector was achieved
through a good organizational strategy, motivated
teaching staff, partnership agreements with large
organizations of information technology IT, such as
Microsoft Education, CISCO Networking Academy,
ORACLE University for Education....
The educational content of these platforms is rich
and varied - improved by the latest technology, in
the form of text, animated images, sound, video and
virtual machines. Laboratories, practical workshops,
code scripts, quizzes and exams are already
integrated. At the end of their training course,
learners have to sit for written exams and exams on
eLearning platforms. Successful students receive
certificates, in addition to a specialized technician’s
ICT as Learning Tools and Collaborative Work Facilitators in the Moroccan University Educational System: Summary, Review and
Optimization Approach
degree from OFPPT. Graduates of the Vocational
educational sector ae easily integrated in the
professional field. They are also allowed to enroll in
the third year of a private higher education institute,
as well as in the “professional license” (a
professional bachelor’s degree) in a public
In the last decade, the explosion of ICT, the diversity
of international learning platforms, the MOOC
(Massive Open Online Courses) (Bachelet, 2014)
(Delpeyroux and Bachelet, 2015), the appearance of
smart devices such as smartphones, tablets and other
mobile devices, and the revolution in social
networks like Facebook, Viadeo, Linkedin, Twitter,
became very powerful means to facilitate education
and training by promoting easy sharing, effective
and flexible learning. They allow learners who have
not had the chance to enroll in one of the best
universities in the world to enjoy the same course
content to learn and improve their knowledge.
Because in the Moroccan university educational
system, we notice a weakness in terms of
educational content of ICT platforms, learners and
teachers benefit from using social networks like
Facebook for purposes of knowledge sharing and
collaborative work (Mélot, 2015). Other learners use
DropBox tool for sharing documents, courses,
practical workshops and articles. A third category
uses the services offered by Google, such as Google
Drive for sharing of all types of documents and files,
as well as Gmail for messaging and asynchronous
communication teacher-student accounts. Several
other categories of learners prefer the use of
YouTube and enjoy videos which offer a better
educational content.
For videoconferencing, synchronous
communication and sharing presentations, learners
use "Skype". This tool is also used in the case of
lessons, lectures, oral presentations or remote
selection interviews. In addition, appointments and
meetings, bindings are done via Doodle tools and
shared Google Calendar. Students enter their free
time slots in the Doodle application that is shared by
all learners, who decide the most suitable timing for
everyone according to the intersection of the free
slots provided in this application. The shared Google
calendar recalls the events, activities, tasks and work
to be done, specifying all working parameters such
as date, time, location, guest learners and other
issues. The shared Google calendar also offers the
ability to synchronize all tasks to be performed, via
mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, for
In this section, we propose a cartographic synthesis
of the use of ICT tools for learners of the Moroccan
educational system to develop collaborative
distributed works in order to optimize the use of
these tools. This map shows explicitly how the
students work in groups to try to develop a well-
structured and well-presented collaborative
teamwork, using ICT tools for sharing documents,
synchronizing treatments, fixing work appointments,
recalling the events of group work, synchronous and
asynchronous communication and other distance
learning needs.
Our mapping is composed of collaborative work
tasks related to appropriate ICT tools to facilitate
good interaction between learners in order to
develop an efficient working team.
Figure 1: T Allocation of adequate ICT tools for
collaborative work tasks used by Moroccan university
The map in Figure 1 outlines the main ICT tools
currently used by Moroccan university students
during their collaborative work, and a very low use
of MOOC platforms or international e-learning
content, because of the lack or absence of the
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
learning platforms in the Moroccan higher education
In this section, we propose some steps and
recommendations to increase the rate of use of ICT
in education, as a key development sector.
We invite teachers to:
Participate in periodic trainings on learning
platforms to update their teaching content for
the benefit of learners.
Track the interactions of learners on learning
Train learners on the efficient use of
international free learning platforms such as
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) (I.
Nawrot and A. Doucet, 2014).
Interact with the students when using online
courses (emails, forums, discussions via
social networks, etc.).
This invitation can only be fruitful if the following
set of working conditions is met:
The acquisition of appropriate equipment.
The installation and the configuration of
learning platforms.
The listing of teachers in regular trainings.
The updating of the educational content on
these platforms.
Yearly commitments signed by teachers to
ensure the updating of the educational
content and the continuous use of the
platforms of learning.
The Moral and the material motivation of the
teachers involved in this endeavor, given that
these tasks are additional to their usual tasks.
The proposals mentioned in this paper are inspired
Our daily work as university teachers and
trainers in the field of ICT for several
Our weekly and monthly meetings with other
university teachers and researchers from
different Moroccan and foreign universities.
Our meetings at seminars and academic
conferences on ICT.
Statistical studies that have been carried out
on the appropriation of ICT by learners
(sample of 750 students) (Ait Kaikai, 2014).
Further studies on teaching approaches of
ICT in higher education in Morocco (Bezzari,
In this paper, we presented a report on the current
situation of the Moroccan higher educational system
in terms of equipment, e-learning platforms and
digital learning content, and we also tried to
highlight the current ICT practices by Moroccan
university students in distance learning and
achievement of collaborative work.
We then proposed a cartography which
represents the allocation of ICT tools for
collaborative tasks to meet the learners’ needs, and
we noticed a very low utilization of MOOC
platforms by Moroccan higher educational
institutions. We also tried to propose a tentative
optimization approach of the tools mentioned in the
cartographic synthesis using ICT tools, relying on
our professional experience, as well as statistical
studies to improve the rate of use of ICT and
especially MOOC by university students in
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base de scénarios adaptatifs,» thesis, University
Hassan II Mohammedia-Casablanca Morocco.
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communication in a conference WWW’2014.
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ICT as Learning Tools and Collaborative Work Facilitators in the Moroccan University Educational System: Summary, Review and
Optimization Approach
University Stendhal-Grenoble 3 / University of Mons-
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technologies de l’information et de la communication
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http://gestionde projet.pm/mes-contributions-sur-les-
S. Bezzari, 2013 « Quelle(s) approche(s) pédagogiques
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S. Luc Trouche, 2014 « Les recherches francophones en
TICE dans le pourtour sud de la Méditerranée »,report
study funded by IFIC (Institut de la Francophonie for
knowledge engineering and distance education),
supported by the involvement of teams from the
French Institute of Education (ENS Lyon) Lyon in
March 2014.
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CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education