Semi-automatic Generation of OrBAC Security Rules for Cooperative
Organizations using Model-Driven Engineering
Irvin Dongo and Vanea Chiprianov
LIUPPA, University of Pau, Anglet, France
Interoperability, Access Control, OrBAC, MDE, Ontology Matching.
In an environment of increasing cooperation and interoperability, organizations share resources and services
between them to increase their return on investment. But to control the use of shared resources, it is necessary
to apply access control policies which are related to how organizations control and secure their scenarios of
cooperation. In this paper, we perform a Systematic Literature Review on the current solutions to define access
control policies for cooperative organizations. As a result, we identify limitations such as manual negotiation
for establishing policies. To address these limitations, we introduce the Semi-Automatic Generation of Access
Rules Based on OrBAC (SAGARBO) component which allows semi-automatic generation of security rules
based on Model-driven engineering. This reduces negotiation time and the work of the security administrator.
Organizations exchange services to obtain benefits
such as increased profit or quality of the final prod-
uct or service. These services involve users, different
kind of resources. But for cooperation to be success-
ful it is necessary to control the use of services and
other resources. For this, one of the most common
mechanisms used is access control. An access con-
trol policy allows authorization or denial of the use
of resources by a consumer organization. Describing
access control policies for cooperative organizations
consists in establishing several security rules that have
to be accepted and verified by each cooperative orga-
nization. Conflicts can arise between these security
rules. There can also exist redundant rules. Verifying
such rules when the number of cooperative organiza-
tions is big, results in a lot of work for the security
administrators of each organization.
For organizations to cooperate, they need to inter-
operate. To have secure cooperation, we need to ad-
dress interoperability between organizations’ access
control policies. Consequently, our research question
is how to define security rules for access control that
ensure interoperability between organizations?
An important mechanism in access control is Role
Bases Access Control (RBAC), where the security
policy defines authorizations to roles and users ac-
quire permissions that are assigned to their roles.
However, in the context of interoperability, the main
entity is organization. In the work of (Kalam et al.,
2003), the concept of Organization is added to RBAC,
resulting in OrBAC. This introduces the main features
for a secure communication between organizations. It
is possible to manage multiple security policies asso-
ciated with different organizations.
In (Muante-Arzapalo, 2014), the author compares
different access control models and concludes that
the OrBAC model is the only one that has the con-
cepts of all the other models and additionally new
concepts such as Organization, Prohibition, Delega-
tion and Rule prioritization. That is why OrBAC is
semantically, the richest model. Another advantage
is the fact that there are tools for managing security
rules based on OrBAC, for example, MotOrBAC
However, most recent works that use OrBAC se-
curity rules for organization interoperability, have
limitations related especially to the manual establish-
ment of the policies, which makes the work of the se-
curity administrator longer. To address this, we pro-
pose a component which, using Model Driven En-
gineering and ontology matching techniques, semi-
automatically generates such security rules.
In section 2 we present a literature review about
interoperability of OrBAC access control policies. In
section 3, we introduce our proposal, its requirements,
architecture and implementation. To showcase it, we
present a medical case study in section 4.
1 id=12
Dongo, I. and Chiprianov, V.
Semi-automatic Generation of OrBAC Security Rules for Cooperative Organizations using Model-Driven Engineering.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2016), pages 43-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-189-2
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To have a complete view of the works developed
on the issue of cooperation and interoperability be-
tween organizations and OrBAC access control poli-
cies, we performed a literature review in the repos-
itories: Scopus, ACM Digital Library, IEEEXplore,
SpringerLink, ScienceDirect. This allows finding re-
lated works to our research question - how to define
security rules for the OrBAC access control model
that insure interoperability between organizations.
We use the keywords “OrBAC interoperability”
because the “OrBAC” model contains the entity Orga-
nization which is essential for our research question;
and “interoperability” because it is related to cooper-
ation between organizations.
After searching the databases using the chosen
keywords, we obtained 95 papers. Among the search
results, after reading the title, keywords, and ab-
stracts, and applying the following exclusion criteria:
1. Related to OrBAC as a extesion or based on this
2. Context of System to System
3. Access control for organizations
we selected 17 papers. By analyzing their references,
we found one additional paper.
Figure 1 shows the sequence of work carried out
from 2005 until 2015 (October), organized into 3
groups. OrBAC was introduced in a paper in 2003
(Kalam et al., 2003) and the first work on OrBAC in-
teroperability appears in 2005. The works inside each
group of Virtual Organizations and respectively Web
Services share the same architecture. Other works in
the Mixed Works group, all have different architec-
tures. A branch in each group presents the works that
are based on previous works in the same branch.
2.1 Virtual Organizations
Several works use Virtual Organizations (VO) as a
starting point to establish access control. A VO al-
lows interaction between cooperative organizations to
share resources in order to accomplish common goals.
Using VOs, (Nasser et al., 2005a) emphasizes the
need to establish boundaries between users and re-
sources introduced by various partners in an entrusted
environment. The author proposes a new method to
automate the creation of VOs based on OrBAC. How-
ever, the negotiation between organizations is manual
and the time to establish common security rules for
this collaboration is long. In (Nasser et al., 2005b)
a new method, based on (Nasser et al., 2005a), is
introduced to dynamically build VOs based on Or-
BAC. The proposal mentions the negotiation process
but does not specify how it is done.
(Cuppens et al., 2006) propose an OrBAC exten-
sion adding new predicates - Organization to Organi-
zation (O2O). The main advantage is that each orga-
nization can maintain the same roles without needing
to add new or existing roles. But to find such com-
patibility it is required to perform a manual process in
the same way as the negotiation process.
The work of (Coma et al., 2008) is based on
(O2O) (Cuppens et al., 2006). Additionally, the au-
thors propose different types of compatibility rela-
tions between entities. To discover them, “ontology
mapping” is used. The main advantages are a detailed
access control management and maintaining the com-
putational time of the derivation process polynomial.
(Coma-Brebel et al., 2008) provides a context on-
tology to be combined with an ontological represen-
tation of the OrBAC model. It can handle different
types of context such as time, space, but also increases
the work of security administrators to establish secu-
rity policies. In (Coma et al., 2010), there is a detailed
explanation of the work of (Cuppens et al., 2006),
(Coma et al., 2008) and (Coma-Brebel et al., 2008).
It proposes other steps such as license, management
policy, privacy, type of communication between orga-
nizations P2P (Peer to Peer).
(El Maarabani et al., 2011) propose to verify se-
curity requirements by transforming security rules
(O2O) to “Linear Temporal Logic” (LTL), thus de-
tecting real-time conflicts and violations of rules.
In this group of VOs, we can mention as main
drawback of all approaches, the need to create a new
VO for each cooperation. Also establishing the secu-
rity rules is the responsibility of the administrator.
2.2 Web Services
From the analysis of the state of the art, we identified
another group of works, based on Web Services. Web
Services offer more flexibility and quality at runtime
for choosing or changing services that cooperate.
(El Kalam et al., 2007) proposes an open, dis-
tributed and collaborative web services environment
for interoperability between organizations, which
contains a new model and mechanism called ”Poly-
OrBAC”. Its main advantage is allowing each sys-
tem to manage their own resources, services, security
policies, etc. However, establishing a security policy
needs a manual negotiation process.
In (Baina et al., 2008) the authors use the work of
(El Kalam et al., 2007) to handle security in critical
systems. However, each organization is responsible
for the authentication of users when they access the
services of other organizations. (Kalam et al., 2009),
applies the concepts from (El Kalam et al., 2007)
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: State of the Art.
to critical systems. For interoperability it is neces-
sary to create new security rules. However, this pro-
cess is performed manually and it is often difficult for
the security administrator. (Deswarte, 2011) contin-
ues in the environment of critical infrastructures and
addresses similar problems as those in (Baina et al.,
2008). The authors propose to add “e-Contracts” to
PolyOrBAC to express and check the interaction of
web services. In the work of (Baina and Laarouchi,
2012) an extension of OrBAC, joined with the To-
tel integrity model, is presented. The authors address
the OrBAC limitation about it not guaranteeing the
integrity against corruption of the entity Object.
As a general limitation of works using web ser-
vices, we found that the way to establish security rules
remains manual. For this reason the security admin-
istrator needs to invest a lot of effort and time for es-
tablishing or defining them.
2.3 Mixed Works
In this group we find other related OrBAC proposals
that extend the model or apply its concepts to related
issues such as communication between devices, etc.
(El Kalam and Deswarte, 2006), continue working
in the context of access control policies for collabora-
tive, heterogeneous and distributed systems. They ex-
tend OrBAC adding concepts “View in Organization”
(ViO), “Role in Orgazanition” (RiO) and Activity in
Organization”(AiO), which are new relationships re-
spectively between the entities View, Role and Activ-
ity and the entity Organization. It allows to manage
security policy in detail but increases the complexity.
On the other hand (Abi Haidar et al., 2009) fo-
cuses on the negotiation process. They propose an
architecture with negotiation and exception treatment
modules. However, to get a positive result a long time
is required in many cases.
In the work of (Preda et al., 2011) the authors ad-
dress the control of security of devices between or-
ganizations. It improves the OrBAC model by inte-
grating concepts of action specification languages, so
as to enable reasoning about the evolution of the pol-
icy status as soon as actions are detected. One of the
main disadvantages is that there can be lag time be-
tween devices, in addition to being able to introduce
“DoS” attacks on the PDP (Policy Decision Point).
(Toumi et al., 2012) performed a comparative
study between different proposals based on existing
models such as RBAC and OrBAC. They identify
3 groups with similar characteristics based on dy-
namism, abstraction, management complexity and ex-
pressibility. In the first group, called Super Organiza-
tion, they analyze Multi-OrBAc, TeaM based Access
Control (TMAC). In the second group, they analyze
the proposal O2O which is also analyzed by us. An-
other group is based on different technologies such as
Poly-OrBAC and OrBAC in VOs.
In the context of trust related to distributed sys-
tems, (Toumi et al., 2013) proposes a trust ontology
based on OrBAC. A trust framework allows us to have
more dynamic and interactive policies.
When addressing secure interoperability between
organizations, their credibility, critically, integrity are
highly important. An extension of OrBAC that takes
into consideration these integrity issues is advanced
in (Ameziane El Hassani et al., 2015).
2.4 Discussion
As observed in the analysis of the state of the art, there
are two main types of realizing secure environments:
virtual private organizations and Web services. Both
have advantages and disadvantages, but the choice be-
tween them often depends on what organizations want
to share. For example, if we need a closed secure en-
vironment, we should use a virtual private organiza-
tion, but lack of flexibility is a disadvantage in this
kind of cooperation. However, Web services can have
a flexible and dynamic cooperation.
An important point is the process of negotiation
between the different organizations, which tends to be
manual (Nasser et al., 2005a), (Nasser et al., 2005b),
(Cuppens et al., 2006) and in many cases, only pro-
vide the high level description of the negotiation pro-
cess without detailing how this can be done (Nasser
et al., 2005a), (Nasser et al., 2005b), (Coma et al.,
2008) and (Coma et al., 2010). This is a limitation
Semi-automatic Generation of OrBAC Security Rules for Cooperative Organizations using Model-Driven Engineering
of the proposed works, because in an environment of
cooperation, the negotiation process is complicated.
It is important to emphasize the role of the se-
curity administrator in interoperability - to grant ac-
cess to resources of the organization. This is dis-
cussed in works such as (Coma-Brebel et al., 2008),
(Kalam et al., 2009), which propose giving the secu-
rity administrator more responsibilities to define fine-
grained security rules. This will further complicate
their tasks. Whereas, our contribution will reduce
their work.
In this section, we presented our literature review.
A related work of survey was performed by (Toumi
et al., 2012), presented in Mixed Works. They iden-
tify 3 groups, like us, but different from ours. The
authors conclude that each solution may improve its
performances by adapting some other approaches; on
the other hand, the administration of security policies
would become more difficult, just as we identified.
After analyzing the state of the art, we identified 2
main limitations about the manual negotiation process
and the work of the administrator. We focus on in-
creasing the automatization degree of the negotiation
process between cooperative organizations in order to
facilitate the work of the security administrator.
Furthermore, ontologies are also presented in se-
curity policies (Coma et al., 2008), (Coma-Brebel
et al., 2008), (Coma et al., 2010) to model organi-
zation knowledge and information. Due to the fact
that ontologies can be used to describe and analyze
knowledge, we use them to discover the similarities
of certain types of entities in organizations.
As a solution to the problems identified in the state of
the art, we generate semi automatically access control
rules to resources from existing rules within the orga-
nization that provides these resources. For this, we
focus on similar roles in different organizations. We
describe roles, actions and resources of each organiza-
tion using ontologies and discover similarity between
roles using ontology matching algorithms.
To develop our proposal, we use a software
engineering approach, starting from requirements,
through architecture and implementation.
3.1 Requirements
We identified the following requirements from our
analysis of the state of the art:
Figure 2: Interoperability Architecture for access control
rules generation.
Interoperability architecture, a requirement com-
ing from our research questions.
Access control policies based on OrBAC, to pre-
serve the security of resources within organiza-
tions, security policies that restrict access and use
of the resources are necessary.
Describing organization entities, we consider that
similar roles in two organizations will have simi-
lar security rules.
3.2 Architecture
In order to fulfill the identified requirements, we pro-
pose the architecture that follows. To satisfy the in-
teroperability architecture requirement, we decide to
base our architecture on the Service Oriented Archi-
tecture (SOA) paradigm. This places our proposal in
the category of works that we identified in the state
of the art, dealing with web services. Our OrBAC re-
quirement means that our architecture needs to gener-
ate new OrBAC access control policies. To answer the
requirement of describing organization entities, one
common way to describe semantics of web services
and the context in which these operate inside the or-
ganization, is ontology.
3.2.1 Structural Architecture
In figure 2, we present the structure of our architec-
ture. Organization B consumes a web service of A.
Organization B discovers the web service which best
satisfies its requirements (W S
). This process uses
the UDDI repository. After that, to enable coopera-
tion among them, organization B sends A a request
to use its web service. Together with this request, it
also sends its ontology describing its resources (O
Organization A receives this request and its Semi-
Automatic Generation of Access Rules Based on Or-
BAC (SAGARBO) component analyzes it.
This architecture has the novelty of using a new
component that we call SAGARBO. The SAGARBO
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
component works with the ontology and the access
control policy of organization A (ACP
) and the on-
tology of organization B to generate security rules for
organization A (provider), using Model-driven engi-
neering. We will explain more about it in Section 3.4.
Organization B also has a SAGARBO component be-
cause it can offer its web services and other resources
to other organizations. However, this component is
mandatory when organization B is just the provider.
3.2.2 Behavioral Architecture
After presenting the structure of our architecture, we
focus on its behavior. For this, we introduce a process
based on (El Kalam et al., 2007).
Phase 1:
1. Each organization that wishes to provide services,
must publish them in a web service registry, for
example UDDI.
2. Other organizations may discover and use the web
3. Organizations negotiate among themselves. For
this, the consumer organization shares its pub-
lic information in one ontology, especially the re-
sources it needs and does not have. The provider
organization uses matching algorithms to find
similarity between entities requested by the con-
sumer and those that belong to the provider.
4. Organizations establish a technical contract
(based on the legal one) and jointly define security
rules. In the negotiation process, by applying a
matching algorithm between entities, SAGARBO
generates a list of new security rules for the
provider, using its existing rules.
5. From the list of new security rules, the adminis-
trator decides which rule can be selected in accor-
dance with the previously established contract.
Phase 2: At runtime, if a user wants to perform an
activity and requires any resource of the web service,
the provider organization checks the user’s identity
and makes a decision based on its security policy and
the role of the user. It finally authorizes or denies ac-
cess. This is done through a Peer to Peer protocol
(P2P), i.e. using a direct connection after all the steps
of the first phase have been performed.
3.3 Ontology and Ontology Matching
An ontology allows to describe knowledge in a partic-
ular area using a specific vocabulary. The vocabulary
describes the conceptual elements and relationships
between them (Chandrasekaran et al., 1999). To find
similar entities in ontologies from different organiza-
tions, it is necessary to use matching algorithms. For
our requirement of similarity between entities, we an-
alyzed ontology matching approaches based on sys-
tematic literature reviews, such as (Choi et al., 2006)
and (Pavel and Euzenat, 2013). In the work (Pavel and
Euzenat, 2013), there is an analysis of the most recent
matching tools (SAMBO, Falcon, DSSim, RiMOM,
AsMOV, Anchor-Flood and Agreement Maker); this
is the reason why we have chosen to analyze the tools
reviewed in this work. To choose a particular tool for
our proposal, we have established the following selec-
tion criteria:
The ability to read an OWL format because on-
tologies are commonly described in this format.
A terminological analysis because it is a funda-
mental technique to find similar terms.
Structural analysis - recognizing similar substruc-
ture between properties.
Semantic analysis increases the success percent-
age but also increases the complexity of the tool.
Free access, but not necessarily open source - be-
cause we are not interested in developing or ex-
tending an ontology matching tool.
A graphical interface would facilitate tool use.
The ones that meet our minimum selection criteria
of lexical and structural analysis are: Sambo, Falcon,
DSsim, AsMOV and Agreement Maker. Regarding
the free access criterion, only Falcon meets it. There-
fore, if we want to take in account the semantic crite-
rion as well, there are still no tools that satisfy it. In
conclusion, we retain Falcon.
Falcon allows us to see the similarity between
the entities of 2 ontologies. The minimum similarity
value is 0 and the maximum 1. As the two ontologies
are different, it is improbable to find two entities with
similarity 1. That is why we have to define a thresh-
old above which we consider the entities to be similar.
This threshold generates more or less rules depending
if it is closer to 0 or to 1, respectively.
3.4 Model Transformation
In Model-driven engineering (MDE), models con-
form to Meta-Models (MM), like a program conforms
to the grammar of the programming language. A
Model Transformation (MT) is the automatic genera-
tion of target model(s) from source model(s), accord-
ing to a set of transformation rules.
We are defining an MT to generate the access con-
trol policies for the provider organization. It takes as
inputs the access control policies of the provider and
Semi-automatic Generation of OrBAC Security Rules for Cooperative Organizations using Model-Driven Engineering
the list of matching roles from the consumer with sim-
ilar roles from the provider and generates the new ac-
cess control policies for the provider. The access con-
trol policies, for both consumer and provider organi-
zations, conform to the OrBAC MM, and the match-
ing list conforms to the MM used by Falcon.
The generated access control policies are pre-
sented to the security administrator, who decides
which to keep. Through repeated trial and error, the
administrator determines which threshold to use.
In the health domain, there are several actors, some
of them in different organizations. Each of them
may need permissions and/or restrictions to access re-
sources such as medical records, prescriptions.
Our case study is based on the SELKIS
From this, we focus on two medical organizations:
Radio3D and HealthCare and a web service called
HealthCareWebService (HCWS) provided by Health-
Care. Radio3D is an enterprise that provides services
of radiology and technology for making diagnoses.
HealthCare is a government hospital that has patient
records and shares them with other institutions in the
same field. HCWS allows us reading and modifying
information and medical records of patients.
The establishment of the secure cooperation be-
tween these two organizations follows our proposal
and is described in the following subsection.
4.1 Cooperation Scenario
A patient goes to HealthCare for a routine control.
The doctor asks for an exam consisting of X-Rays.
The patient chooses Radio3D. (S)he goes to the
medical secretary, who opens a session in the Ra-
dio3D software and searches the patient’s ID in the
system. (S)he cannot find the patient so (s)he opens
the registration form to create a new record. The reg-
istration form uses the HCWS to automatically read
the patient’s public information from HealthCare and
write it in the Radio3D software.
Later, the Radio3D radiologist performs a diag-
nostic based on the X-Rays images. This diagnostic
also takes into account the medical record of the pa-
tient in the HCWS in order to have greater support
in the diagnostic. When the diagnostic is complete,
the radiologist stores it as a result in the Radio3D
software and sends this information to the HCWS, to
store it. When the patient goes back to HealthCare,
Figure 3: HealthCare Ontology.
Figure 4: Radio3D Ontology.
the doctor will have the diagnostic of the X-Rays and
(s)he can take the best action for the illness.
In HealthCare, there are 24 security rules, inspired
from the SELKIS project. For our scenario, the Ra-
dio3D secretary needs the authorization to read the
public information of the patient. Also, the Radiolo-
gist in Radio3D needs the access right to read a Med-
ical Record and to add the results of the analysis. In
total, it is necessary to add three new security rules in
order to satisfy the cooperation requirements.
4.2 Ontologies
For developing the ontologies, we used Prot
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
free, open-source ontology editor. They contain and
describe entities like Role, Resource, actions, used in
defining and generating access control policies. The
ontologies are based on Participation Schema
some properties of the FOAF vocabulary
In figure 3, the ontology of the HealthCare organi-
zation is presented. There are two main entities: Re-
source and Role. The relations between resources and
roles represent the actions the roles can execute on
the resources. These may be of type: ”read”, ”add”,
”modify”, ”delete”, ”search”. Figure 4 describes the
same for the Radio3D ontology. In the same way for
the Radio3D ontology, figure 4, we can see resources,
roles and relations as actions.
4.3 Experiments and Generated Access
Control Rules
We tested our solution in two different cases. In the
first one we generated security rules which have a
high probability to be accepted by the security ad-
ministrator because in the ontology matching step,
the roles have a high similarity, and they can even be
equivalent or equal. Therefore in this case we fix the
similarity threshold to 0.75. Security rules generated
by this matching threshold are most often retained by
the administrator, but it is possible that other security
rules are required. So this high threshold may gener-
ate a pertinent but most likely incomplete set of secu-
rity rules. Thus the administrator may need to write
additional security rules, which demands a relatively
high cognitive effort.
In the second case, we produce a greater amount
of security rules. The administrator will have more
choices. This increases the time they spend on select-
ing the security rules, but decreases the time and effort
spent on writing additional rules. Therefore, this case
may further facilitate the work of the security admin-
istrator. In this case, we fix the threshold to 0.35.
4.3.1 Generated Access Control Rules for
Threshold 0.75
For the threshold 0.75, our approach generates 8
new security rules because of the similarity between
the roles Administrator (HealthCare)- Administra-
tor (Radio3D) and Secretary (HealthCare) - Medi-
cal Secretary (Radio3D). We obtain the new gen-
erated rules: Radio3D Medical secretary 1, Ra-
dio3D Medical secretary 2, Radio3D Administra-
tor 1, Radio3D Administrator 2, Radio3D Admin-
istrator 3, Radio3D Administrator 4, Radio3D Ad-
ministrator 5, Radio3D Administrator 6. The secu-
rity administrator chooses the security rules that sat-
isfy the cooperation. However, only one such rule is
generated - the authorization for the Medical Secre-
tary to read public information of the patient in Heath-
Care organization. The security administrator has to
create two other security rules.
4.3.2 Generated Access Control Rules for
Threshold 0.35
For the threshold 0.35, we obtained 16 new secu-
rity rules for the similarity between roles Adminis-
trator(HealthCare) - Administrator (Radio3D), Secre-
tary (HealthCare) - Medical Secretary(Radio3D) and
Doctor(HealthCare) - Radiologist (Radio3D). In this
case, the security administrator chooses the new rules
for the cooperative scenario and (s)he finds all the 3
required security rules.
In this paper we investigated the issue of defining se-
curity rules for access control to ensure interoperabil-
ity between organizations. We performed a literature
review on OrBAC-based cooperation.
This allowed us to refine the research question and
focus on the issues of the manual negotiation process
and reducing the work of the security administrator.
To solve these problems, we proposed an archi-
tecture based on the work of (El Kalam et al., 2007).
It introduces the Semi-Automatic Generation of Ac-
cess Rules Based on OrBAC (SAGARBO) compo-
nent that allows the provider organization to semi-
automatically generate security rules. For this, we use
model driven engineering and ontology matching. We
developed a case study based on the Selkis project.
We describe the needs of the organizations, as well
the roles, actions and resources using ontologies and
security rules. Using the ontology matching tool Fal-
con, which we selected, we detect the entities which
have a similarity greater than a certain threshold.
Our proposal can be classified as part of the
Web Services group of works which we identified
in the state of the art. The works in this group are
mainly based on PolyOrBAC. Like PolyOrBAC, our
approach uses an open, distributed and collaborative
web service environment. However, where PolyOr-
BAC employs a manual negotiation process, we use a
semi-automatic generation approach in order to facil-
itate the work of the security administrator.
Our proposal uses a similarity threshold less than
100%. That is why it is not completely certain that a
Semi-automatic Generation of OrBAC Security Rules for Cooperative Organizations using Model-Driven Engineering
totally automatic generation process of security rules
could ensure the security of all resources. Therefore
the ultimate validation of the security rules is the de-
cision of the administrator. However, even if the se-
curity administrator has to define some of the security
rules, their effort of creating them is still reduced.
A limitation of our approach is the sharing of in-
formation in the ontology of the consumer organiza-
tion. This ontology may include essential and sensi-
tive information of the organization. Regarding the
ontology matching, it is possible to apply other meth-
ods and tools, which may increase the accuracy of
the results. For the moment we only use roles for
the matching analysis, but other entities like resources
and actions could be used to improve the similarity.
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