uct prices) we obtain many different values. In con-
trast, merely 6% of the items in our product catalog
contain a unique value for price, and this is certainly
not untypical for e-commerce. Likewise, preference
queries in practice usually include pairs of indepen-
dent, correlated and anti-correlated attributes at the
same time, yet almost all experiments in the litera-
ture investigate only pure settings. We could also ob-
serve a strong influence of outliers in the data set on
the performance of skyline algorithms. Again, in con-
trast to synthetic data, commercial catalogs will al-
most always contain strong outliers. Interestingly, the
Scalagon algorithm includes a heuristic for detecting
outliers in the pre-filter phase (Endres et al., 2015),
but to our best knowledge there are no detailed studies
on outliers in skyline computation. An important ad-
vantage of synthetic data is that it avoids bias (Balke
et al., 2007). Our experiments were based on a sin-
gle yet typical e-commerce product catalog such that
they clearly do not allow for a universally valid in-
terpretation. Still, when preference queries are to be
computed in concrete commercial applications and on
data sets, whose statistical properties have been ana-
lyzed, the rich skyline literature with all its investiga-
tions on synthetic data still does not provide helpful
indications on which skyline algorithm to apply.
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(www.arcmedia.ch) as well as Roland Christen and
Daniel Pf
affli for integration and testing of skyline al-
gorithms in a professional e-commerce environment
and the valuable feedback they provided.
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ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence