to implement the adopted strategy. Even if the
quantitative assessment is difficult in some cases, it
fosters an objective analysis. In the case where crisp
values are difficult to give, fuzzy numbers (or even
linguistic expressions, modelled by fuzzy numbers)
can be used. The generalisation of the proposed
concept to the fuzzy case would not be complicated
and is foreseen in future research, as fuzzy versions
of the knapsack problem are discussed in the
literature and corresponding algorithms exist (Lin and
Yao, 2001; Kuchta, 2002; Changdar, Mahapatra and
Pal, 2015).
Undoubtedly, the proposed model requires further
verification in practice and the computer system
prototype requires a large amount of testing. Further
extensions should also be taken into consideration, in
particular the introduction of fuzziness.
As far as the computational aspect is concerned, it
must be noted that the knapsack problem belongs to
computationally difficult problems (Haddadi and
Ouzia, 2004), which means that if it were to deal with
a problem of a large size (usually measured by the
number of evaluated objects) the generation of an
optimal solution may take a long time (this time can
even be hours long). If a given organisation has
several thousand products and wants to generate an
appropriate strategy for them, then the determination
of the solution may take more time. However, there
are numerous references in the literature proposing
approximate algorithms for such cases, which are
much quicker (Haddadi and Ouzia, 2004;
Michalewicz and Fogel, 2004). Additionally, the
control of a company’s current situation and strategy
building is not an everyday activity, so even if it takes
more time, this is usually not a serious obstacle and
the type of free software we propose for use in this
matrix should be satisfactory for practical purposes in
most cases.
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