Information Systems and Innovation Capacity
A Crossindustry Intepretive Study
Abdelkader Achi
, Camille Salinesi
and Gianluigi Viscusi
Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
College of Management of Technology (CDM), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Lausanne, Switzerland
Keywords: Innovation Capacity, Innovation Engineering, Interpretive Research, Maturity Models.
Abstract: Innovation is one of the many challenges raised by the digitalization of business and economy. In the
current competitive environment, businesses are characterized by radical transformations through
digitalization of services and products and their ability to innovate is increasingly linked to the exploration
and exploitation of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This paper investigates the role of
information systems (IS) as a key factor to innovation capacity. Starting from these issues, the paper
explores through an interpretative study of the IS innovation practices as well as perceptions by managers
within a sample of 7 French based companies from various industries. The interviews have been conducted
on with a guide built based on a framework on IS innovation capacity maturity. Consistently with the
framework, the interview guide addresses process areas and practices related to three core categories:
management, innovation engineering, and support. The study reveals 7 fundamental contradictions that can
explain the main tendencies observed across the companies, out of which the most striking is a generalized
lack of maturity when it comes to exploiting their Information Systems to foster innovation.
This paper investigates innovation capacity,
particularly with regard to the actual challenges by
the digitalization of business. We start from the
observation that many businesses undergo radical
transformations through digitalization of services
and products, and the commonly accepted intuition
that their innovation capacity is increasingly linked
to the exploration and exploitation of information
and communication technologies (ICTs).
Yet, besides well known success cases (Google,
Apple, Facebook, Amazon), there is not yet – to the
best of our knowledge- a repository of best practices
structured according to an innovation model that
explicitly consider IS related innovation capacity
dimensions. The main goal of this paper is to draw a
map of IS-based innovation practices as well as
perceptions by managers within companies of
various industries.
Our observations and conclusions are drawn
from an interpretative study that was conducted with
an interview guide constructed based on the
framework proposed in (Achi and Salinesi, 2015).
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
section 2 discusses definition of innovation capacity
and the role of IS in innovation capacity throughout
literature. Section 3 presents the method used to
build and conduct the interviews. Section 4 presents
the qualitative interview guide and the framework
that was used to build it. Section 5 reports the case
study results. The paper is finally closed with a
summary of the 7 contradictions revealed by the
study, and our perspective on the topic of IS based
Literature reveals that a wide range of factors impact
the capacity for innovation of a organizations (Koc,
2007; Sharma and Rai, 2003). Based on the
literature on dynamic capabilities (Teece et al.,
1997), Lawson and Samson (Lawson and Samson,
2001) point out that seven elements are relevant: (i)
vision and strategy, (ii) harnessing the competence
base, (iii) organizational intelligence, (iv) creativity
and idea management, (v) organizational structures
Achi, A., Salinesi, C. and Viscusi, G.
Information Systems and Innovation Capacity - A Crossindustry Intepretive Study.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 2, pages 487-495
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and systems, (vi) culture and climate, and (vii)
management of technology. Other works have
attempted to address the topic of innovation capacity
with generic maturity models (Essmann and Preez,
2009; Esterhuizen et al., 2012; Müller-Prothmann
and Stein, 2011; Toole et al., 2012), with relatively
similar elements to the ones of the Capacity
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) (Carnegie
Mellon University, 2002). However, even though we
can daily observe the role of IT in business
innovation, none of these works really raise the
question of what are the key factors of innovation
led by the use of IS. IS-based innovation capacity
remains a topic worth investigating, with still a
relatively few number of specific contributions.
This paper focuses on the use of ICTs to enforce
the logic of services and the exploitation of network
externalities at the business level. The ideal situation
of interest here is when the IS constitutes the
fundamental infrastructure for open innovation as a
complement to traditional R and D, thus allowing
companies to work both with internal and external
stakeholders for new ideas and expertise
(Chesbrough, 2003; Chesbrough and Bogers, 2014;
Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, 2002; Chesbrough
and Spohrer, 2006; Chesbrough, 2003). However, IS
actually covers a wider field than ICTs (Avison and
Fitzgerald, 2006; Hirschheim and Klein, 2012),
encompassing, among others, the interactions
between the different stakeholders.
Besides this, the role of IT has evolved
(Guillemette and Paré, 2012; Morabito et al., 2015)
from a traditional role of support activity to the key
instrument of the business strategy (Applegate and
Elam, 1992). As a result, the outcome of innovation
depends on a combination of factors that span from
the organization of the company activities and on the
management of interactions with stakeholders, to the
IS itself, thus requiring a kind of systematic
approach or “innovation engineering” that
instantiates a specific and integrated innovation
Innovation can take many forms such as for
instance new products, processes, organizational
forms, and business models(Chesbrough and
Rosenbloom, 2002; Link and Siegel, 2007;
Nambisan et al., 1999; Orlikowski, 1991). Taking
the above issues into account, this paper defines IS-
based innovation capacity (“innovation capacity” in
short) as the ability of an organization exploit its IS
to elaborate new products or create new markets by
combining strategic direction with innovative
The method used in this work is the interpretive
approach to information systems research (Klein and
Myers, 1999; Walsham, 2006, 1993). The research
involves both researchers and practitioners, with the
aim to understand (a) how innovation capacity is
developed in different industries and (b) how IS are
considered part of innovation process either
influencing or influenced by it (Walsham, 1993).
To this end we adopt the framework which
backbone structure is shown in Table 1. The
framework is built as an interpretative tool to
investigate on real cases (a) the means provided by
IT managers involved in innovation initiatives (b)
the meaning they give to innovation capacity, (c) the
diverse maturity level, and (d) the role of IS. Mostly
interviews were used as for sources of evidence, as
discussed below.
The study was carried out following the 3 stages
discussed below: (i) building the sample, (ii)
performing the interviews, and (iii) analysis.
At the first stage each candidate company was
contacted to arrange a meeting for presenting the
research project with different stakeholders, mostly
decision makers or responsible of innovation
projects. The goal of this first 2 hours meeting was
to allow them to understand the purpose of the
research and identify the right people for the
interviews. 100 companies were contacted at this
stage, either directly, or during an event organized in
association with the French club of CIOs (Club
Urba-EA). Only 20 companies declared their
interest, and agreed to meet us. At the end of the
stage, the study could be carried on with 7 of these
companies. Table 2 shows the characteristics of
these companies. As the table shows it, all these
companies are based in France, face an uncertain
environment, and they operate in various business
Table 1: Interpretive framework for innovation capacity maturity driven by IS.
Categories Process areas
Innovation Strategy IS Governance
Ideation Demonstration and Evaluation Project management Market launch
Human capital Culture of Innovation Waking Knowledge management
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Characteristics of the study companies.
Function of the
Number of
A Software
-Senior Regional
Southern EMEA
1 300
-France and
Southern Europe
2 400
C Bank
-IT Architect
188 000
Industry of
and well-
-Digital IT
-Responsible of
15 000
-President 25
-Responsible of
184 804
t agency
-Director of
digital program
54 000
At the second stage, interviews were carried out
with 9 innovation leaders from the 7 participating
companies. This was achieved from 8th December
2014 to 22nd July 2015. The 9 interviews last in
average 1 hour and 30 minutes, and the topics
followed the framework in Table 1, as discussed in
the next Section. In general, the focus of the
interviews was on innovation and digital
transformation. During this stage, each interviewee
(usually an IT manager responsible or involved in
innovation activities) was asked to specifying the
scope of the intervention and innovation process she
was involved in with regard to the business goals.
The interviews combined open and closed questions,
as defined in the interview guide presented below. It
is worth noting that during the interviews, the
researcher has left each interviewee the chance to
deal with new themes or practices and when asked to
disclose his/her views on the interview itself.
The third stage of the study was dedicated to the
transcription, coding and analysis of the data
collected during the interviews. At this stage, all the
results were shared with the interviewees to avoid
mistakes such as misunderstandings, poor
interpretations, or coding errors. Interviewees were
asked to return the data collected with their
comments, which were used by the researcher to
develop a further assessment summary that was also
systematically provided to each company involved.
The analysis of interview material was conducted by
process area, and for the sake of consistency, the
answers of all the interviewees were grouped by
Once all the interviews achieved and the analysis
of all the results done for all companies, a global
maturity analysis for the identified innovation
practices has been performed. This was done by the
researchers directly involved in the interview
process study, and by one external researcher to
consolidate the analysis and develop an outside-in
The identification of the level of maturity of
innovation practices of each company formed an
inventory at the time of the interviews, thus
facilitating the implementation of an improvement
plan for every context.
The interpretive framework shown in Table 1
that was used to guide the interview process is
inspired by the CMMI model because it is a globally
recognized reference for practitioners, giving rise to
new variants in other areas such as 4, e.g., systems
engineering, purchasing, service, among others
(Cross, 2002). Each process area is further
decomposed down to questions. Table 3 illustrates
this decomposition structure for the process areas of
“Culture of Innovation”.
Table 3: Practices and Questions in the process area
"Culture of Innovation".
Process area: Culture of innovation
Best Practice 1: To be open for experimentation
Question: Do you think your company encourages the
collaborators to experiment new ideas?
Best Practice 2: Agree to take risks
Question: In your opinion, does your company tolerate
the risk-taking?
Best Practice 3: Authorize the possible failure without
stigmatizing the collaborators
Question: Does your company encourage innovation
initiatives even if they may fail or produce errors?
The process areas are grouped in three categories:
management, innovation engineering, and support.
Each process area relies on a collection of so-called
“best practices” that are expected to allow
companies increase their innovation capacity.
In order to investigate the innovation practices of
companies in a systematic way, a series of question
is defined for each and every practice of all the
innovation process area. These questions were
designed for managers in charge or involved in
Information Systems and Innovation Capacity - A Crossindustry Intepretive Study
innovation initiatives in each of the considered
companies. Their purpose is to learn more about
each practice, its implementation and also explore
whether they have other best practices that we did
not initially identified in the framework.
The example shown in Table 3 presents 3
questions for the process area culture of innovation,
each corresponding to a particular best practice in
the process area. In summary, in order to explore the
different dimensions of innovation by IS in a
systematic way, the interview guide was created
starting from the collection of all questions attached
to all best practices from all the process area covered
by the framework. The interview guide (see
Appendix 1 for the details) gathers structured
questions around the process areas of the
framework, based on the six main issues identified
in both the management of IS and innovation
management literature:
1. Innovation strategy and IS governance
practices (innovation strategy, role of IT in
innovation, communication)
2. Organizational practices of innovation
engineering process (formalization of the
process, collaboration of internal and external
actors, methods and tools to develop the
capacity for innovation, the creativity-related
practices for employees and management)
3. Knowledge management practices (the skills
development, knowledge sharing to enhance
creativity and innovation)
4. Human capital management practices
(assessment of contributions, valuing
employees, and the creation of organizational
5. Culture of innovation practices (identity,
standards, habits, and the system of prohibitions
and obligations shared within the organization,
risk-taking, the right to make mistakes, and
experimentation culture)
6. Foresight practices (knowledge of customer
expectations and their evolutions, technology
trends watch).
Overall, the interpretive study has showed an
increasing interest of both IT and business
managers, especially in the innovation process
through the use of IS. In particular, there is a clear
interest in implementing an IT innovation unit
within the Department of Information Systems (DIS)
and/or launching dedicated projects for innovation
and digital transformation.
Another initial observation is that often the
interviewees wondered about the methods,
techniques and tools allowing to innovate faster and
meet the challenges of an increasingly uncertain and
complex environment.
Our analysis of the results is presented under two
forms (a) a summary for each company, and (b) by
process area, for all the companies from the sample.
4.1 Analysis of Innovation Practices by
Innovation practices driven by IS in the various
companies are quite varied, as the summary below,
for each company in the sample, show it.
Company A: IS occupies an important place in the
innovation strategy. The innovation process is
simplified into three phases (ideation, validation and
implementation) and a key indicator of innovation is
generated turnover. Organizational practices of the
firm show a high level of maturity compared to the
rest of the sample (considering: culture of
innovation, diversity of profiles, small project teams,
partnerships with actors of the ecosystem, strong
commitment to develop the internal human capital,
organizational environment of trust, management
style adapted). The interviewee points out that
European regulations are a constraint to innovation
for her company.
Company B: The DIS and the marketing drive
Innovation. Emerging technologies and IS are at the
heart of the innovation process. The company
operates in startup style to facilitate interaction of
internal and external stakeholders (e.g., customers,
research chairs, suppliers) to manage innovation.
The internal environment increases motivation,
curiosity and entrepreneurship, relying on multiple
methods and techniques to innovate.
Company C: The organization does not have a
proper process for innovation through the use of
IT/IS. The organizational structure is highly
hierarchical, and the process of decision-making is
very long with a low confidence level. The adopted
model of innovation is closed, exception made for
some innovative products exploiting external
cooperation. Internal communication on innovation
is very weak, while the company communicates
intensively on innovation outside (through
newspaper communication, advertisement,
sponsoring of innovation events, etc). It is worth
noting that this organization does not have a culture
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of innovation and does not invest in the development
of its human capital to strengthen the innovation
Company D: There is no formalized process of
innovation, recognized and implemented by all
stakeholders (CIO, Business - or other- units),
whereas IT is perceived as a profit center. The
control and decision-making mechanisms are little
adapted to the process of innovation despite the
existence of a 2 year old budget dedicated to IT
innovation. However, the company recognizes the
existence of best practices of innovation
notwithstanding the difficulties related to the lack of
internal sponsorship.
Company E: The emerging technologies and IS are
at the heart of the innovation strategy and the
company's offer. Information system is a key factor
in the innovation strategy and best practices in the
treatment of human capital, and it is explicitly the
basis for a culture of innovation are for its
implementation. As the company is a marketing
service provider, the outcome of the innovation
process ultimately depends on interventions related
to customer management.
Company F: The business is aware of the
importance of emerging technologies in the process
of innovation. It has no dedicated IT/ IS strategy
despite the support of the top management to
innovation initiatives. However, the company has
implemented projects that meet the processing needs
(e.g., connected car), even if the current regulation is
not yet in line with the innovations provided. The
human capital is at the heart of the innovation
strategy. In fact, the organization has the expertise to
set the necessary conditions for employees dedicated
to innovation; however, the setting cannot be
generalized to all staff because of the high cost.
Thus, the company fosters innovation by investing
on the human capital mainly in dedicated projects.
The maturity level of the innovation practices is high
but concentrated only in the limited area of some
innovation projects.
Company G: The organization does not have an IT-
based strategy of innovation. However, in the last
three years, the company has carried out projects of
digital transformation, sponsored by the top
management. Thus, within the scope of these
transformation projects, the company has an average
level of maturity of the innovation practices, with a
short-term organizational mode. Indeed, there is no
formalized process of innovation, recognized and
implemented by all stakeholders (DIS-business-
Others units). Furthermore, because of an internal
organizational culture unsuited to the requirements
of innovation, the management in charge of digital
transformation relies on external actors by selecting
a small internal team (5 people) to carry out the
projects and avoid lead change within the
4.2 Analysis of Innovation Practices by
Process Area
Innovation Strategy and IS Governance Practices
The analysis conducted on the sample shows that
none of the considered companies has a formally
defined innovation strategy dedicated to innovation
through the use of IS; while at the same time the
majority of interviewees notify the importance of
having a strategy and a clear vision for innovation in
an uncertain environment. The governance of
innovation within DIS is characterized in most of the
cases by less formalized control, communication and
sponsoring. In general, it is worth noting the
development of IT innovation units within DIS or
small entities dedicated to IT innovation or digital
transformation. The DIS recognizes the existence of
difficulties to collaborate with businesses for
innovation. Furthermore, the DIS defines the means
and actions to be implemented to make the IS an
innovation lever for business value. Yet, the
governance of the IT/Business ecosystem becomes a
relevant predominant requirement in most the
industries considered. In summary, the innovation
process by the IS results as being at an early stage
with companies not having feedbacks or indicators
on the related activities.
Organizational Practices of Innovation
Engineering Process
The majority of the companies in our sample does
not have a formalized innovation process,
recognized and implemented by all stakeholders.
Some companies have simplified the process into
three phases (ideation team, validation, and
implementation). Others focus on the management
of innovation projects without giving the required
attention and importance to the process itself since
the initial stages. The interviewees expressed the
need to support the activities as a standard and
recognized process for all stakeholders.
All interviewees recognized the importance of
multidisciplinary teams in innovation activities. As
for partnerships, the implementation of open
innovation practices start being adopted and
broadcast despite the persistence of mistrust inherent
to the risks related to openness.
Information Systems and Innovation Capacity - A Crossindustry Intepretive Study
Knowledge Management Practices
The knowledge management dedicated to innovation
is often poorly understood and generally equated
with knowledge bases that are difficult to exploit in
practice. Crowdsourcing practices, knowledge
sharing within communities and organizational
learning are very present in most of the DIS, the
majority of companies have infrastructures
supporting these practices but the appropriate level
of familiarity with the required technologies is not
consistent across business units.
Human Capital Management Practices
The interviewees agree that their companies offer
talents the freedom to express themselves and
promote the development of expertise; however, the
social climate, the well-being of employees and
adoption of a human capital management adapted to
innovation remain weak. The synergy between
internal and external human capital is non-existent
except for structures in which prevails a startup
spirit. It is worth noting that companies in the
sample having an Anglo-Saxon origin (A, B) note a
step ahead in terms of innovation practices related to
human capital management through the development
of training systems, recognition and creation of an
enabling environment for innovation.
Culture of Innovation Practices
Culture innovation practices are present or in
progress in small-scale structures. In large size
companies (in terms of number of employees and
units), the hierarchical structure represents a major
constraint to develop a suitable culture that enables
innovation practices (Companies G and C). The
companies of the sample that have an Anglo-Saxon
culture (Companies A and B), encourage employees
to take initiatives, accept risk taking and give time to
develop innovations.
Practices of the Foresight
Technology trends watch and business practices are
implemented in all the firms in the sample. However
not systematically involved, the DIS guarantees
coverage of the technological watch in all strategic
areas. Nevertheless, the results of trends analyses are
often not used systematically or only by a small part
of the staff of the companies in the sample. An
exception is Company A, where the results are
systematically sent to all employees. Finally, we
found a high level of maturity of foresight practices
in the companies operating in the ICT (company A
and B) or in nearby industries (company E).
CIOs and people in charge of IS who engage in
innovation and in the digital transformation of their
businesses have only this magic word in mouth:
We are witnessing a renewal of organizational
and managerial practices that results -to a very large
extent- from the perceived benefits of a technology-
driven innovation. In particular ICT and information
systems has played a critical role in the rise of new
open innovation systems. Companies have never had
so many opportunities and strong demands of
increasingly sophisticated products and services in
their ecosystems.
Innovation is in the DNA of digital natives. But
for older companies and businesses, for
administrations, implementing good innovation
practices cannot be commanded in a snap of a
finger. This is a permanent improvement issue that
takes all the business dimensions (cultural,
organizational, human, etc). Where to begin? What
is the effectiveness of the various practices? How to
evaluate the strengths and places of improvement of
companies in terms of ICT based innovation?
This paper reports an exploratory study that was
conducted among 6 large French companies and 1
small French company (E) from different sectors.
The study was built as an interpretative study based
on interviews. The interview guide was a
questionnaire developed from a CMMI-like
innovation framework. Through this study, we
observed a change in the vision of managers on
organizational innovation process. Table 4 shows the
Fundamental contradictions emerging from the
analysis of the interviews. It was often seen as a
black box without the need to define a standard
process. The study also demonstrates that innovation
units or services innovation within directions of
information systems emerged only in the last five
years. In fact, we noticed that the majority of
interviewees raised the problematic of organizing
the innovation process internally and with the
ecosystems of different companies (see, e.g.
Contradiction 2, 4, 5 in Table 4). As soon as this
idea emerges, managers are faced with the lack of
reference or model of best practices easy to
implement in order to support the transformation of
business and to federate all stakeholders to innovate
and they have little to return 'experience (see, e.g.
Contradiction 2 and 4 in Table 4).
The study shows that despite the dispersion of
their maturity levels, companies (at least within the
sample) mostly agree on good practices.
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Fundamental contradictions.
Contradictions Evidence Process areas Companies
1. Formalize the innovation strategy! But:
innovation is the strategy (sic).
- No formal innovation
- Development of IT
innovation units within
DIS or small entities
dedicated to IT
innovation or digital
- Innovation
- IS Governance
A, B, C, D, E, F,
2. Standardize the innovation processes! But:
innovation processes are not even documented.
- There is no formalized
process of innovation
Innovation process :
- Ideation
- Demonstration
and Evaluation
- Market launch
C, D, E, G
3. Create networks of multidisciplinary teams!
But innovation stays centralized.
- Develop innovative
projects without
standard approach
Innovation process :
- Ideation
- Demonstration
and Evaluation
- Market launch
4. Foster open innovation! But sensible
information cannot be disclosed.
- The organizational
structure is highly
hierarchical, and the
process of decision-
making is very long with
a low confidence level
Innovation process :
- Ideation
- Demonstration
and Evaluation
- Market launch
A, B, C, D, E, F,
5. Exploit the knowledge management tool!
But: people don’t understand it and how to
overcome the barrier of rigidity.
- Innovation process
with different opening
C, D, F, G
6. Take a risk by betting on talents! But do not
give them right to fail.
- Management wants all
initiatives conclude with
innovations and does not
accept to take risks (D)
- Managers do not allow
the eventual failure and
employees are at risk of
being stigmatized on
failure (C)
Culture of
C, D
7. Keep up to date with trends! But maintain
- This organization does
not have a culture of
innovation and does not
invest in the
development of its
human capital to
strengthen the
innovation capacity.
A, B, C, D, E, F,
What is the role of Information Systems in handling
these contradictions? Of course IS can participate to
innovation in the sense of embedding new
technology, or delivering services through new
technologies. But also, interestingly, they can be
used to build and deliver innovative services, they
can be shaped to create networks of innovators
within, outside and across companies, they can be
built in a way that let actors and customers
participate to innovation. Last, IS government
bodies can use the design thinking methodology
usually employed to develop IS to shape the
innovation strategy, and document and standardize
innovation processes – just like any other business
Information Systems and Innovation Capacity - A Crossindustry Intepretive Study
or engineering process.
More evidence needs to be gathered, cases
documented, techniques experimented and
replicated. We wonder if sharing experiences
between researchers and practitioners could fuel this
process of continuous improvement of practices and
help finding the levers adapted to each business
context to strengthen the capacity for innovation.
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ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Qualitative interview guide
Introduction: presentation by the researcher of the
research project, presented by the respondent of his
company and of its function, concepts of innovation
and maturity model (What is innovation? What are the
different forms of innovation? What is a maturity
model, and why use it?).
Innovation strategy and IS governance practices
What is the place of innovation in your business
strategy? Do you have you an innovation strategy?
How important are IS do in your innovation strategy /
innovation processes? What are your current strategic
priorities in innovation? In your opinion, does the IT
management sponsor innovation and promote creative
and innovative practices? Does your company use IS
to obtain a competitive advantage? In your business,
what are currently the IS priority? Is your strategy /
approach to innovation communicated to all
Organizational practices of innovation engineering
What is the unit that brings innovation within the
company? What type of organization your company set
up to lead the innovation process? Do you have an
IS/IT Innovation unit? Do you have a clearly
formalized innovation process? In your opinion, has
your company a relationship with customers close
enough to enable a strong ability to anticipate their
needs and innovation in products/services? Are your
processes depending/relying on your ecosystem
(customers, suppliers, competitors, communities,
experts, universities)? In your company, is it important
that the innovation teams are composed mainly: the IT
staff, people with business skills and/or
multidisciplinary skills? Do you have a unit dedicated
to innovation within the IT department? Are your
managerial practices adapted to innovation (delay in
decision-making, autonomy, etc.)? What techniques
and tools do you use to innovate? How do you assess
your innovation projects? Is your innovation process
based on control within the boundaries of the enterprise
since the emergence of the idea until the placing on the
market or else do you favor openness? Have you done
innovations? Over the past four years, has your IT unit
worked on innovation issues? What is the average
number of ideas generated / innovation projects every
year? What were your innovations over the last four
years? What is the number of employees working on
innovation projects or the number day man / year?
Knowledge management practices
Does your management encourage the sharing of
knowledge? Do you have a knowledge management
process? Do you use that knowledge to innovate? Do
you combine internal and external ideas to innovate?
Do you promote your internal ideas outside the
company? Do you use the crowd to produce knowledge
or innovate? Has your company or IT unit developed
practices / tools to promote knowledge sharing?
Human capital management practices
Does your company implement devices for employees
to learn, train and develop their skills to innovate? How
do you judge the mood of your teams? Do you assess
the contributions of employees on innovation? Do you
have a compensation system to motivate employees to
propose creative ideas? How do you staff your
innovation teams within your company? In your
opinion, does your company ensure that the internal
environment is encouraging intellectual curiosity and
motivation of employees?
Culture of innovation practices
Do you think your company encourages employees to
experiment with new ideas? In your opinion, does your
company tolerate risk taking? Does your company
encourage innovation initiatives even if that results in
failure or errors? Does your company gives you the
freedom to use some of your time to develop creative
ideas? Is your corporate culture based on continuous
improvement and ambition? Do you think there is a
synergy between the culture of innovation and your
company's cultural model?
Foresight practices
Do you think the objectives of technological and
business intelligence are clearly defined? Does you
organization continuously/regularly watch
technological/innovation trends to identify
opportunities and threats? Is your IT department
responsible for the technological intelligence within
your company? Do you organize joint discussions with
business on the development of ICT-Business
processes to develop new products/services offering?
Information Systems and Innovation Capacity - A Crossindustry Intepretive Study