Umbra and Penumbra” in Step 4 of the OESS
Pipeline) could be found, and the ”Receiver Penetra-
tion” artifact fixed. Also, the ”Object Alternation”
problem is reduced as more edges are found.
However, finding additional edges in parts of the
scene, which are only visible to a single light sam-
ple, is quite a challenge. It’s conceivable that the
scene was re-rendered multiple times from the light
samples’ point of view, thereby ignoring fragments
which are already saved to a shadow map by setting
their depth value to ”infinity”. Each rendering step
would produce a new layer of a shadow map. The
resulting maps would contain more information of
the penumbra than the conventional shadow maps,
which allows the determination of edges in this area.
Usage of Shadow Volume: Instead of using shadow
maps rendered by the point light samples, one could
figure out a way to implement shadow volumes to the
OESS algorithm. This would provide access to com-
pletely new opportunities. Instead of writing the posi-
tion of an occluding edge to a pixel, the color variable
of the shadow volumes’ faces could be used to store
the information of the edge. That way, the main leak
of performance would be avoided. Moreover, the de-
tection of occluding edges would not only be more
precise (due to not doing it in pixel space), but also
the edges in the penumbra areas would automatically
be determined. The ”Spare Edge Interpolation” arti-
fact would vanish as well.
In this paper we have presented a new strategy to com-
pute soft shadows, namely the OESS algorithm. It
was shown that the OESS can produce shadows of
high visible quality, even for object constellations in
which other methods fail. On the other hand, resulting
artifacts of the introduced technique were pointed out
and explained. In a performance test, it was demon-
strated that up to a shadow map resolution of 800
pixels, the new method is very time efficient.
Because the described artifacts unfortunately oc-
cur quite commonly in scenes of average complexity,
the current version of the OESS algorithm would not
provide satisfying results for the majority of applica-
Nonetheless, the basic idea of the OESS (determine
occluding edges and consider them in the illumina-
tion calculation) seems to be a useful approach to ap-
proximate soft shadows. Several ideas to further de-
velop the algorithm procedure and resolve artifacts,
were discussed in section ”Potential Future Improve-
ments on the OESS”. Especially the employment of
the shadow volume algorithm looks quite promising
and could eventually make the OESS highly interest-
ing for 3D-applications.
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GRAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications