A Part based Modeling Approach for Invoice Parsing
Enes Aslan
, Tugrul Karakaya
1, 2
, Ethem Unver
and Yusuf Sinan Akgul
Dept. of Computer Eng., Gebze Technical University, GIT Vision Lab, Kocaeli, Turkey
R&D Dept., Kuveyt Turk Participation Bank, Kocaeli, Turkey
Keywords: Invoice Processing, Part based Modeling, Page Segmentation, Document Analysis, Information Extraction.
Abstract: Automated invoice processing and information extraction has attracted remarkable interest from business and
academic circles. Invoice processing is a very critical and costly operation for participation banks because
credit authorization process must be linked with the real trade activity via invoices. The classical invoice
processing systems first assign the invoices to an invoice class but any error in document class decision will
cause the invoice parsing to be invalid. This paper proposes a new invoice class-free-parsing method that uses
a two-phase structure. The first phase uses individual invoice part detectors and the second phase employs an
efficient part-based modeling approach. At the first phase, we employ different methods such as SVM,
maximum entropy and HOG to produce candidates for the various types of invoice parts. At the second phase,
the basic idea is to parse an invoice by parts arranged in a deformable composition similar to face or human
body detection from digital images. The main advantage of the part-based modeling (PBM) approach is that
this system can handle any type of invoice, a crucial functionality for business processes at participation
banks. The proposed system is tested with real invoices and experimental results confirm the effectiveness of
the proposed approach.
Extraction of financial data from digital images of
documents, which is very popular among academic
(Cesarini, Francesconi, Gori, Marinai, Sheng and
Soda, 1997) and business (Comay, 2014) worlds, is a
very critical and costly operation for participation
banks. Participation bank credit operations are mostly
cost-plus profit financing transactions (Hardy, 2012),
(Khan, 2010). Proof of purchase is required for these
transactions and invoices are required as a purchase
evidence (Kuwait Finance House, 2015). Although
electronic invoices are getting more popular, many
smaller businesses still issue paper based invoices. In
addition, it is still a common practice to keep paper
copies of these electronic documents. Kuveyt Turk
participation bank manually processes around 1000
invoices per day each of which takes 6 minutes to
complete. Therefore, automatic invoice processing
would offer a number of advantages such as less
labor, faster response time, and higher reliability.
According to a survey it costs 9 Euros to process per
invoice (Klein et al., 2004). Similarly, it is predicted
that a reliably automated invoice processing
application will save Kuveyt Turk 3250 man-day for
each year.
Invoices are one of the most unstructured
financial document types due to their variations on
the issuing company, product type, transaction type,
etc. If the main structure of the invoice is already
known, then parsing of these documents becomes
easier. As a result, most of the studies focus on
classifying invoices or extracting information
depending on previously known invoices types.
(Sorio et al., 2010) uses an SVM based classifier to
find new classes which are not known before. A new
invoice is either assigned to an existing class or a new
class is created. Image level features are utilized to
match the given invoice with the previously known
invoice types while ignoring smaller differences, such
as stamps and signatures.
Another group of invoice processing systems are
rule based. smartFIX (Klein et al., 2004) is such a
system that classifies documents using extraction
rules which are either specific to issuer or generic for
all types of documents (Forcher et al., 2012). For
known and new document type classification,
smartFIX uses CBR (similar to (Hamza et al., 2007))
Aslan, E., Karakaya, T., Unver, E. and AKGUL, Y.
A Part based Modeling Approach for Invoice Parsing.
DOI: 10.5220/0005777803900397
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages 392-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Two sample invoices with marked parts (colored rectangles). Note the variations of the part positions.
to extract information from unknown invoices using
the most similar document class.
Generally, the invoice processing systems of the
literature assume that there are classes of documents.
Once the document class is decided then the parsing
of the invoice becomes trivial. As a result, the
decision on the document class label is the critical
point of the whole process. Any errors in the
document class decision will cause the invoice
parsing to be invalid. For practical applications, the
number of invoice classes are usually very high,
which makes the class decision problem even more
error prone. The tasks of keeping the classes and
dynamically adding new ones to the system makes the
whole process very complicated and difficult to
maintain. Furthermore, it is a very demanding task to
maintain rule based systems which use rules to make
classification and parsing decisions.
This paper proposes a new invoice parsing
method that eliminates invoice classes. We view the
invoice documents as a single generic class. We
model the invoice parsing task as a generic object
detection process, such as face or human body
detection from digital images. The variation of human
body geometry, the skin color, clothing, body
articulation, and the camera position makes the
people detection problem very difficult. Parsing of
invoices is not very different. Finding the invoice
parts of senders, dates, articles, tax numbers (See
Figure 1 for all the invoice parts) to process an invoice
is similar to finding hands, faces, and arms in an
image to detect body shape because for both cases
these parts change in appearance and relative
Computer vision community has been effectively
employing Part Based Modeling (PBM) (Fischler and
Elschlager, 1973), (Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher,
2005) to address the above problem of object
detection. PBM assumes that objects are composed of
different parts arranged in a deformable
configuration. Each part is individually detected and
the candidates for each part are later combined under
the deformable object model trained on an image set.
We propose to employ the same idea with novel
modifications for invoice parsing. The candidate
positions of individual invoice parts are first detected
and these candidates are combined under a
deformable model optimization framework. This
approach eliminates many problems about document
classes listed above such as document class decisions,
class layouts, high number of classes, and adding new
classes dynamically. Furthermore, since PBM trains
its model on an image data set, it does not need any
complicated maintenance tasks.
A Part based Modeling Approach for Invoice Parsing
Figure 2: The main architecture of the system.
We previously applied the idea of part based
modeling to the invoice parsing problem (Aslan,
Karakaya, Unver and Akgul, 2015). This work
employs two new part based model optimization
methods for the invoice parsing. Rest of this paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the
proposed two level invoice parsing method. Section 3
gives details about the validation work and finally we
provide concluding remarks in Section 4.
The proposed system has a two phase architecture
(See Figure 2). The first phase of the system models
each invoice part as a separate part appearance
detection problem. Each part detection module runs
on a given invoice and returns the candidate part
positions along with the scores for the positions. Note
that this phase of the system does not consider any
information about the absolute or relative positions of
the parts. It only uses the image appearance
information of the parts. The second phase of the
system uses the candidate positions and scores of the
first phase to decide final positions of each invoice
part. This phase uses the PBM optimization
framework to decide the final invoice part positions.
PBM uses training information about how the part
positions might change with respect to each other and
with respect to the invoice itself.
2.1 Part Appearance Models
The individual appearance models of each invoice
part might be different. We have four different
appearance models. The first appearance model uses
the TF-IDF vectors (Salton and McGill, 1983) of the
OCR results from the invoice images. The OCR
engines return groups of words along with their
enclosing rectangles from the invoice images. We
calculate the TF-IDF vectors for each group of words
and run 7 different maximum entropy classifiers
(Berger, Pietra and Pietra, 1996) for 7 invoice parts
(sender, receiver, date, serial label, order label,
invoice date, and receiver tax office). The scores from
these classifiers are fed to the PBM phase of the
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Finance and company logo detectors score images.
The second appearance model is for the finance
office logo, which legally has to appear exactly the
same for all invoices. Although parsing the finance
logo positions is not needed as the final result, their
positions would greatly help in finding the position of
other useful invoice parts at the PBM optimization
phase. We use standard image template matching
algorithm (Tanimoto, 1981) for the finance logo
model. The third appearance model is for the
company logo part of the invoice. Unlike the finance
office logo, the company logo part can have very
different appearances depending on the issuing
company of the invoice. For this appearance model,
we use a popular object detection algorithm (Dalal,
Triggs, 2005) that employs Histograms of Oriented
Gradient (HOG) vectors with SVM classifiers.
The last appearance model is for the content table,
which is very large and has its own internal structure
(column headers, rows, etc.). We developed a
specialized feature fusion based table detector for the
invoices (Unal, Unver, Karakaya and Akgul, 2015).
This detector returns a number of candidate table
areas along with their scores.
2.2 Part based Model (PBM)
The second phase of the system (PBM) is very
generic. This module is used to choose the best
configuration of the candidate invoice parts generated
by the part appearance models. A PBM can be
expressed by a graph G=(V,E) where the vertices V =
} represent the invoice parts. Each part p
represents a rectangular area on the invoice, p
, y
, h
), where x
, y
represent the position of the part,
and w
, h
represent the size of the part. There is an
edge (p
, p
) E between each part pairs of the
invoice. A configuration of the parts on an invoice is
shown by F={p
}, where n is the number of
parts on the invoice. PBM defines an energy function
for a given configuration F, and finding a
configuration that minimizes this function is called
invoice parsing. The energy of a particular
configuration of parts (invoice layout) is strongly
related with parts’ individual location and how well
the relative location of the parts are positioned. More
information about PBM can be found at (P. F.
Felzenszwalb and D. P. Huttenlocher, 2005).
For a given configuration F on an invoice I, we
define the PBM energy function as
(,) =
, (1)
where S
is the normalized appearance model
score function for part i, R
is the geometric relation
function between parts p
and p
. The α and β values
A Part based Modeling Approach for Invoice Parsing
Figure 4: Invoice layout at each optimization step.
are weights. The parse of a given invoice can be
estimated by
(,), (2)
The function R estimates the similarity of the
relative positions of a given part pair to the learned
geometric relations between these pairs. We use a
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to represent the
geometric relation between part pairs.
), (3)
where each
represents the individual relations
between parts i and j. We use the normalized
differences between the part widths (
), heights
), x positions (
) and y positions (
) in the form
GMM expressions as
), (4)
where M is the number Gaussians in the GMM,
are the weight parameters, µ and are the means and
covariances, respectively.
Our employment of the PBM is different from the
typical PBM framework because typically PBM uses
the same type of detector for each part while we
employ most suitable detector type in order to fit the
needs of the application.
2.3 PBM Optimization
We used three different optimization methods: local,
sequential, and genetic. The local optimization, finds
the best position for each part independently. Since it
does not consider the part position dependencies, it
runs faster than the other optimization methods.
However, the accuracy performance of this method
would be lower than the other methods. Figure 3,
shows the heat maps generated by the two invoice
part finders on a sample invoice. After producing
such heat maps, the final positions of the parts are
determined by using the heat map of the
corresponding detector.
For the sequential optimization, each element of F
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
is first assigned a random candidate position from the
appearance model scores. The Equation (2) is
optimized by changing the configuration F parts one
by one starting from the parts that have better
appearance models such as table and finance logo.
This process continues until there is no improvement
in the results. Note that during the optimization we
penalize parts that overlap. This is a hard constraint
that should be satisfied by all parsed invoices.
At the beginning of genetic optimization (Figure
2) four starting part combinations (
) are
selected from candidates by “Random Candidate
Selector”. Then we apply PBM to each of those part
combinations to find four new PBM optimized
invoice part combinations (
). Two
of the combinations that have higher energies are
eliminated. By crossing two remaining combinations
four new combinations are created
). We use these combinations as
starting part combinations to re-apply whole process
from the beginning. This process continues while the
best score of current combinations is lower than
previous combination. Otherwise, the lowest PBM
scored combination is selected as final combination.
Figure 4 shows a sample run of the proposed
genetic algorithm on an invoice. The initial positions
of the invoice parts start from random positions and
at each iteration, they move to a new positon. At the
end of the iterations, each part finds its final position.
2.4 System Training
Our system needs training for both Part Appearance
Model phase and Part Based Model phase. The
annotated invoice images are taken as inputs to both
phases. The appearance scores for each part are also
input to the PBM phase so we first have to train the
appearance models. The learned parameters for the
appearance models include the SVM parameters for
the logo model and the maximum entropy parameters.
The positive and negative window samples are
chosen depending on the machine learning algorithm.
For the logo detection, the positive training windows
are the company logo regions of the invoices and the
negative training windows are the most likely
confusion zones for the logos such as the finance
office logo, company signature area, etc. We
determined most of the negative window locations by
running the detectors on the invoice image set used
for the training.
For the text areas (maximum entropy detectors),
we need only positive window areas. OCR engines
produce many erroneous recognition results so the
TF-IDF vectors have high amounts of noise. In order
to deal with this problem, we use edit distance metric
to measure the distance between the words from OCR
engine and regular dictionary words. In other words,
we run a specialized spell checker for the invoice
The learned parameters for the PBM include the
GMM parameters of the R functions that define
geometric relations between the invoice parts. The
main parameters learned are the means and
covariances of Equation (3).
Figure 5: Means and standard deviations of intersections of sequential and genetic optimization results and real fields.
A Part based Modeling Approach for Invoice Parsing
For the system verification, we did not use standard
English invoice sets because our application is
specialized to Turkish banking and invoicing system.
However, we built a representative set of invoices on
which we show our results.
We performed a number of experiments to
validate the proposed system. In all the experiments
we used the same weigh parameters for Equation (1)
=1). In addition, we kept the training and
the testing invoice sets completely different to avoid
any memorization problems of machine learning
algorithms. The training set includes about 320
invoices and the test set includes 80 invoices. The
invoices in the test set are all from different issuer
companies so that can be considered as 80 distinct
classes. For the OCR engine, we used a commercial
product with the same parameter set.
For the performance metric we use Part Match
Scores (PMS) that returns the amount of matching
between a detected part and the annotated part.
is the detected part,
is the annotated part.
IA means Intersection Area between
is used for graphic-based parts (company logo etc.)
and PMS
is for text-based parts (receiver etc.). NoW
calculates the Number of Words in the given area.
The genetic based algorithm performs mostly
better than the sequential method. For some of the
invoice parts, it improves the results considerably
(e.g., tax office field), while the results for some fields
are slightly worse (e.g., data label)
Although genetic optimization method is four
times slower than the sequential optimization, it
produces an overall performance around 6% better as
shown in Figure 5. Note that the local optimization
results are mostly worse than the other methods as
expected. Note also that these results are comparable
to state of the of art commercial invoice processing
products that use known invoice classes, which
makes our system very promising.
We presented a novel method for invoice parsing. The
proposed method does not use any invoice classes and
each invoice is considered as a new case. We
employed ideas from Part Based Modeling
approaches of general object detection to handle the
high variations between the invoices. The proposed
method can be extended with new part detectors
conveniently without modifying the main
optimization framework. The experiments performed
on the real invoice data show the applicability of the
method for the real life employment. For the future
work, we plan to use a more sophisticated
optimization methods and augment the text field
detectors with image based features to handle OCR
engine problems.
This work is supported by TUBITAK TEYDEB
project number 3130882.
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A Part based Modeling Approach for Invoice Parsing