optimization algorithm. ACO-ECO attempts to
enhance the SPF-ECO algorithm that is currently
implemented in the INTEGRATION software. These
enhancements include cases in which the links are
blocked or no vehicles traverse the link. ACO-ECO
employs the ant colony techniques to minimize the
fuel consumption and emission levels. It uses the
route construction to build routes and assign them to
vehicles, it also applies pheromone deposition and
pheromone evaporation to update the route link costs.
These ant colony techniques are customized to be
suitable for transportation networks. In the case of
normal operation, the ACO-ECO performance is
similar to the SPF-ECO. While for link blocking
scenarios, the ACO-ECO reduces the fuel
consumption, average trip time, stopped delay, and
most of the emission levels. An important advantage
of the ACO-ECO is its flexibility; where its
parameters (error factor, maximum updating time,
maximum updating distance, and evaporation
interval) can be tuned in order to achieve better
performance. The fine tuning and testing of these
parameters are an important future extension of the
work presented in this paper.
Another future research is to study the effect of
each of the new updating methods on the network
traffic and studying the trade-off between the
reduction in the fuel consumption and emission levels
and the communication network traffic load. The
market penetration rate is an effective and important
parameter that should be studied. Also, it is important
to study the effect of the communication network on
the ACO-ECO performance.
This effort was jointly funded by the TranLIVE and
MATS University Transportation Centers and by
NPRP Grant 5-1272-1-214 from the Qatar National
Research Fund (a member of the Qatar Foundation).
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