The first item in the list of pending work is an up-
grade of the network to an interconnect that is more
prone to HPC. In particular, porting the setup and the
tests to an infrastructure with an Infiniband network
will shed light on the viability of this kind of solu-
tions. Similar reasons, motivate us to try other Cloud
vendors which better support for HPC. Looking for
situations where performance is less important than
flexibility will drive us to explore alternative tools to
easily deploy GPU-programming computer labs.
Finally, an interesting future work is to design new
strategies in order to decide where a remote GPUs is
created and assigned to a physical device Concretely,
to innovate scheduling policies can enhance the flexi-
bility offered by the GPGPU module for OpenStack.
The authors would like to thank the IT members of
the department Gustavo Edo and Vicente Roca for
their help. This research was supported by Universitat
Jaume I research project (P11B2013-21); and project
TIN2014-53495-R from MINECO and FEDER. The
initial version of rCUDA was jointly developed by
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ecnica de Val
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versitat Jaume I de Castell
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and it was supported by Generalitat Valenciana un-
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CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science