In this paper, we have proposed a method for extract-
ing the region sequences of multiple objects using an
image and a depth sequence. The proposed method
extracts subregions from each frame, constructs sub-
region sequences through subregion matching be-
tween successive frames, and merges subregion se-
quences into the region sequences of individual ob-
jects. To effectively make use of depth features and
3D motion features in these processes, our proposed
method employs depth feature similarity adjusted by
each object movement and 3D motion feature similar-
ity computed only in adjacent parts. Through the ex-
periments, we demonstrated the effectiveness of our
proposed method in extracting the region sequences
of multiple moving objects, where the depth varies
with frames, and articulated objects, where the mo-
tion varies with parts.
Currently, our proposed method extracts object re-
gion sequences from a whole input sequence (i.e. it
cannot process every input frame serially), and the
average processing time of every frame is more than
two seconds. In future work, we would like to in-
vestigate extending our method not only to improve
the accuracy of object region sequence extraction but
also to process every set of a few input frames or ev-
ery input frame serially in real time. Furthermore,
we plan to conduct quantitative evaluation of the pro-
posed method for various scenes.
This work was supported in part by the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under a Grant-
in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (No.15K00171).
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