Low Resolution Sparse Binary Face Patterns
Swathikiran Sudhakaran
and Alex Pappachen James
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
Low Resolution, Face Recognition, Thumbnails, Wavelet Transform, Local Binary Pattern, Nearest Neigh-
bour, Sparse Coding.
Automated recognition of low resolution face images from thumbnails represent a challenging image recog-
nition problem. We propose the sequential fusion of wavelet transform computation, local binary pattern
and sparse coding of images to accurately extract facial features from thumbnail images. A minimum dis-
tance classifier with Shepard’s similarity measure is used as the classifier. The proposed method shows robust
recognition performance when tested on face datasets (Yale B, AR and PUT) when compared against bench-
mark techniques for very low resolution (i.e. less than 45x45 pixels) face image recognition. The possible
applications of the proposed thumbnail recognition include contextual search, intelligent image/video sorting
and groups, and face image clustering.
The need to have biometric features in electronic de-
vices having personalised contents is seen to grow in
the upcoming years. Among several biometric modal-
ities face images represent an obvious method to re-
veal identity of the individual. This paper focuses on
recognition of faces from thumbnails that has sev-
eral applications in mobile devices such as contex-
tual searching, personalisation of contents, and as a
modality for biometric security, while in surveillance
systems they reflect as very low resolution (VLR)
problem (Zou and Yuen, 2010).
The automated recognition of faces in general is
a challenging task for low resolution digital face im-
ages taken under unconstrained recognition environ-
ments (Li et al., 2010; Lai and Jiang, 2012; Marciniak
et al., 2012). The natural variability that complicates
the face recognition methods include changes in face
poses, illumination changes, occlusions, aging, cam-
era sensing errors, and changes in facial expressions.
As a solution to this real world problem, several tech-
niques were proposed by researchers. Most of these
existing solution made use of the technique of super
resolution to generate a high resolution image from
the available low resolution image. Earlier methods
used simple interpolation techniques for generating
the higher resolution images. Because of its unsuit-
ability in producing acceptable results, several super
resolution algorithms involving complex optimization
problems were proposed (Baker and Kanade, 2000),
(Freeman et al., 2000), (Xu et al., 2014). These meth-
ods suffered from the problem of computational com-
plexity thereby making these unusable in real time
In this paper, we focus on recognising faces from
very low resolution images under the influence of dif-
ferent natural variability tested on various standard
face datasets. We use a combination of feature for-
mation techniques that partly mimic the response of
vision systems in human brain and encode the fea-
tures to reduce the impact of natural variability.
The proposed method inspires from the psychovisual
similarity in the functioning of the neurons in the
layer V1 of the visual cortex with that of wavelets
(Field, 1999), sparse features and Shepard’s percep-
tion measure for distance calculations. The proposed
feature extraction technique from thumbnail images
are summarised as a block diagram in Fig. 1 and the
summary of the method is provided in Algorithm 1.
The algorithm primarily consists of wavelet computa-
tion, local binary pattern based image description and
a sparse distributed feature extraction scheme. The
wavelet transform of the facial image allows one to
Sudhakaran, S. and James, A.
Low Resolution Sparse Binary Face Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0005782601860191
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages 188-193
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
capture the shape features of the image after neglect-
ing irrelevant noisy edge features. The local binary
pattern enables the efficient description of local facial
features in a pixel level. The sparse distributed feature
extraction method converts the local features present
in the local binary pattern image into a global feature
Figure 1: The block diagram of the proposed feature extrac-
tion technique.
The proposed feature extraction technique divides
the input image into non-overlapping blocks and per-
forms a block-wise computation of wavelet transform.
The two dimensional discrete wavelet transform is
given by Eq 1.
)s(x); (1)
where, k = {0,1,2,3}, s(x) is the input image and
is the mother wavelet is defined by: ψ
) =
), ψ
) = φ(x
), ψ
) =
), and ψ
) = ψ(x
). The two
dimensional wavelet transform results in four sub-
bands consisting of wavelet coefficients. The first
sub-band contains the low frequency coarse features
of the image while the other three sub-bands contain
the high pass detail coefficients that give information
about horizontal, vertical and diagonal edges present
in the image. We make use of the low frequency or
approximation coefficients since it contains the shape
features of the image (Zhang et al., 2004) and the de-
tail coefficients are neglected for further processing.
The proposed feature extraction technique begins
by dividing the input image into non-overlapping
blocks followed by the wavelet computation of each
image block. From the wavelet sub-bands of each
block, the approximation image of each block is ex-
tracted and combined to obtain the approximation im-
age of the input image. The block-wise wavelet trans-
form allows to capture more local features compared
to applying the wavelet transform to the whole of
the image. As mentioned above, a careful selection
of wavelet base is required to improve the perfor-
mance of the system. But no study has been previ-
ously conducted regarding the suitability of each fam-
ily of wavelet bases in various image processing ap-
plications. So, we have to experimentally validate the
performance of each wavelet base for the given low
resolution face recognition problem.
Algorithm 1: Feature extraction using sparse distributed
representation for face recognition.
Input: Low resolution facial image(I) of dimension
Output: Feature vector subset (F
) of length C =
(k×m×n)/(W ×2)
1: Divide the image into blocks of size M×N to
get L number of blocks
2: for l=1 to L do
3: Compute wavelet transform
4: Extract the approximation coefficients
5: end for
6: Combine the approximation image blocks
to get the approximation image(I
) of input
7: for Each pixel I
(x,y) in I
8: Extract the 8 immediate neighbours of I
9: Threshold each neighbour using I
(x,y) as
the threshold
10: I
(x i,y j) =
1, I
(x i, y j) I
0, otherwise
11: i, j {−1,1}
12: The LBP value of I
(x,y) is obtained as
13: I
(x,y) = I
(x 1,y 1) + 2I
(x 1,y) +
(x 1,y + 1) + 8I
(x,y + 1) + 16I
(x +
1,y + 1) + 32I
(x + 1,y) + 64I
(x + 1,y 1) +
(x,y 1)
14: end for
15: Convert the image I
to P bit planes
16: for p=0 to P 1 do
17: Select p
bit plane
18: for c=1 to C do
19: Choose W number of binary pixels b
from I
20: B(c) =
21: end for
22: Divide the feature vector B
into groups of X
number of B
feature cells
23: B
= [{B
C/X ),B
(C 1)..B
24: for every element in a group in B
25: F
(c) =
1, B
(c) = max(B
0, otherwise
26: end for
27: end for
28: for c=1 to C do
29: F
(c) =
30: end for
Spatial change detection is the next stage in our al-
gorithm, that makes use of local binary pattern (LBP)
image (Ojala et al., 2002; Ahonen et al., 2006) of
Low Resolution Sparse Binary Face Patterns
the resulting wavelet approximation image. LBP fea-
tures introduce illumination invariance that is useful
to improve the feature quality of faces. The LBP
image is computed from the approximation image
of the wavelet decomposition stage by considering
a neighbourhood around each pixel value followed
by thresholding these neighbouring values with the
central pixel as threshold and combining the result-
ing binary vector to obtain a decimal value. Even
though, many types of neighbourhood selections are
possible such as rectangular neighbourhood, and cir-
cular neighbourhood of various sizes, we use the 3×3
square neighbourhood owing to its simplicity. Fur-
ther, the uniform LBP is used for simplicity in imple-
After computing the LBP image, we have to gen-
erate a feature vector that can represent the facial fea-
tures efficiently and robustly. In the traditional lo-
cal binary pattern based face recognition approaches,
the feature vector is represented as a histogram. This
is done by first dividing the LBP image into several
overlapping or non-overlapping blocks and then com-
puting the histogram of each block and finally con-
catenating all the histograms. Instead of the conven-
tional method of using histograms for feature descrip-
tion, we propose to use the feature extraction tech-
nique mentioned in (Sudhakaran and James, 2015).
This method is inspired by the sparse processing ca-
pability of human brain. In this method, the LBP im-
age is first converted to bit planes, then the binary
feature vectors are extracted from each bit plane by
performing the random selection, aggregation and bi-
narization operation using winner take all networks
as explained in (Sudhakaran and James, 2015). Here,
we do not make use of the gradient images instead use
the LBP images. After that, the binary feature vectors
are combined together to obtain the final facial feature
vector. The selection of various parameters required
for reproducing the result is explained in the Experi-
ments section.
Once the feature descriptors of a face image is
computed, the next step is to apply it to a suitable
classifier. Here, we use the simple yet very effective
nearest neighbour classifier (Cover and Hart, 1967).
In this, the distance between the test image feature
vector and the feature vectors of all the train images
are computed and then the pair with the minimum dis-
tance is found. The test image is then assigned the
Uniform local binary patterns are binary vectors that
contains at most 2 changes in its elements (change from 0
to 1 or vice versa). The reason for selecting the uniform
LBP is from the fact that previous studies have shown that
they tend to occur more in images compared to non uniform
ainen, 2010).
label of the train image obtained. The advantage of
the nearest neighbour classification is its simplicity.
We modify the conventional nearest neighbour met-
rics by using the Shepard’s similarity measure (Shep-
ard, 1987) as it has interesting properties related to
perception of similarity; and is a normalising func-
tion to reduce the inter-feature distance outliers. Let
(i) be the train feature vector and f
(i) be the
test feature vector, each of length N. i = 1, 2, . . . N.
Then, the Shepard’s similarity measure is computed
d =
−| f
(i) f
Since Eq. 2 is a similarity measure, instead of finding
the pair with the minimum distance, here we will find
the pair with the maximum similarity value.
The performance of the proposed method was evalu-
ated by comparing the recognition accuracy with prin-
cipal component analysis (PCA) (Turk and Pentland,
1991), kernel PCA (KPCA) (Kim et al., 2002), kernel
Fischer analysis (KFA) (Liu et al., 2002), Gabor PCA
(GPCA), Gabor KPCA (GKPCA), and Gabor KFA
(GKFA). Since no standard face databases with low
resolution images are available, the AR face database
(Martinez, 1998), extended Yale face database B (Lee
et al., 2005) and the PUT face database(Kasinski
et al., 2008) were selected for the performance evalu-
ation. All the images in the databases were smoothed
and downsampled to produce the low resolution im-
ages. Previous low resolution face recognition litera-
tures also adapted similar technique for analysing the
results (Li et al., 2010; Patel et al., 2014).
The first experiment conducted was to determine
the various parameters that will give the best perfor-
mance. It was done on the AR face database with the
size of the images downscaled to 40 × 30. The pa-
rameters required for the feature extraction stage are
the window size (W), cell size (X) and the degree of
overlap (k). From the different experiments explained
in (Sudhakaran and James, 2015), the value of k can
be fixed as 2 since the accuracy is not much varied
with the value of k. The remaining two parameters,
W and X are selected by analysing the performance
of the proposed method for various values. Here, the
wavelet approximation image selection step is omit-
ted since the selection of a wavelet base is pending.
The local binary pattern of image is computed and
then feature extraction is done by varying the param-
eters and the recognition accuracy for different values
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: The recognition accuracy obtained for different
values of window size (W) and cell size (X). Fig. 2(a) shows
the plot of recognition accuracy versus window size for dif-
ferent values of cell size (X). Fig. 2(b) depicts the graph
of accuracy against cell size for different values of window
size (W).
of W and X are calculated. The result obtained is illus-
trated in Fig. 2. The figure shows that, the recognition
accuracy decreases as the window size is increasing.
But the accuracy is more or less same for the win-
dow sizes W= 4 and 5. Since the feature vector size
increases with reduction in window size, the window
size is chosen as W=5. The cell size is selected as 3.
The window size for the wavelet operation is selected
as 5 × 5. These values of W and X are then used in all
the experiments mentioned in this paper.
In order to select the suitable wavelet base, the
recognition accuracy of AR face database for differ-
ent wavelet bases were computed. The size of all
images was downsampled to 40 × 30. The following
families of wavelet functions were used in the exper-
iment: Haar, Daubechies (db1), biorthogonal (Mal-
lat, 1999) (bior1.1) and reverse biorthogonal (Gao
and Yan, 2010) (rbio1.1, rbio2.2, rbio2.4, rbio2.6,
rbio2.8, rbio3.1, rbio3.3, rbio3.5, rbio3.7, rbio3.9).
The result obtained is shown in Fig. 3. From the
graph, we can see that the best result was obtained
Figure 3: The recognition accuracy obtained when different
families of wavelet bases were used.
by the reverse biorthogonal wavelet family, especially
the rbio2.8 wavelet. The reverse biorthogonal wavelet
was used for evaluating the performance of the algo-
After finding the optimal parameters, the perfor-
mance of the proposed low resolution face recogni-
tion system is tested on the different face datasets
mentioned above. The results obtained are explained
below. To check the resilience of the proposed
method against illumination changes, the Yale face
database B was used since it contains face images
captured with varying illumination settings. The set
is subdivided into 5 subsets based on the location of
the illumination source. Experiments were conducted
on each of the subset separately. From each image in
the dataset, the face region was cropped and resized
to 45 × 45 for conducting the experiment. The first
image in each of the subset was selected as the train-
ing image and the remaining images were selected for
testing. The recognition accuracy was then computed
as a ratio of the number of correctly identified sam-
ples to the total number of samples tested. The recog-
nition accuracy for the proposed method as well as the
other methods compared is given in Table 1. As seen
from the table, the proposed method outperforms all
the other methods. This indicates the ability of the
proposed method in performing well in the presence
of large illumination variations.
Next, the proposed method was tested on the AR
face dataset which consists of images with varying
conditions such as illumination, expression and oc-
clusions. From the database, images of 50 male and
female persons were selected for the evaluation of
performance. The images were scaled to a size of
40 × 30 and converted to grayscale prior to the exper-
iment. The training dataset was chosen as the first im-
age from the two sessions (1
and 14
), thus making
2 training images per person. The remaining images
were used as the test/probe dataset. The performance
Low Resolution Sparse Binary Face Patterns
Table 1: The recognition accuracy in % when the experiments were conducted on the Yale B dataset.
Method Subset 1 Subset 2 Subset 3 Subset 4 Subset 5
Proposed 100 100 85.45 78.46 97.06
PCA 100 88.18 58.18 37.69 35.29
KFA 100 87.27 63.64 40 35.29
KPCA 85 65.45 40.91 28.46 32.35
GPCA 100 87.27 67.27 40 34.12
GKFA 100 87.27 68.18 37.69 34.12
GKPCA 100 82.72 65.45 33.85 31.76
Figure 4: The cumulative matched curves for the various
methods when tested on the (a) AR face database and (b)
PUT face database.
analysis is given in Fig. 4(a). The higher recogni-
tion accuracy of the proposed method compared to the
other methods indicates its capability to perform even
in the presence of illumination invariance and outliers
due to occlusions.
To test the robustness of the proposed method
against pose variations, the PUT face database was
used. The images were downscaled to 40 × 30
and converted to grayscale for evaluating the perfor-
mance. Because of the presence of variations in pose,
the training set was constructed by selecting two im-
ages and then creating different templates from these
two images by shifting the images horizontally and
Figure 5: A comparison of cumulative matched curves
when using features from wavelet transform, local binary
pattern, sparse features and that of the proposed method.
vertically. The rest of the images in the dataset were
used for testing the performance. The result of the
performance evaluation is shown in Fig. 4(b). Here
also, the proposed method is seen to surpass the per-
formance of the other methods.
Fig. 5 shows the recognition accuracy when face
recognition is performed on the AR face database us-
ing wavelet based template matching, local binary
pattern, sparse distributed features and the proposed
method. The graph clearly indicates the performance
improvement obtained by combining the individual
The paper proposes a combination of feature pro-
cessing approaches to arrive at a set of discrimina-
tive sparse features for addressing the problem of low
resolution face recognition. The proposed method
makes use of the principles of wavelet transform, lo-
cal binary pattern and sparse based feature extraction
technique for efficiently representing the human facial
features. The features extracted are classified using a
minimum distance classifier with Shepard’s similarity
measure as the distance measure. The experimental
results demonstrates the proposed method’s capacity
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
to perform low resolution face recognition in the pres-
ence of variations such as illumination, occlusions
and pose. The presence of wavelet transform and lo-
cal binary pattern attributes to the proposed method’s
capability in nullifying variations in the face image
caused by illumination effects while the sparse fea-
ture representation and the Shepard’s similarity mea-
sure based nearest neighbour classification provided
the efficient elimination of data outliers. The pro-
posed technique can find application in image recog-
nising situations demanding the use of low resolution
image, limited storage and low power smart devices.
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Low Resolution Sparse Binary Face Patterns