integration based on shoe-mounted sensors achieved
excellent results in distance estimation (Loose and
Orlowski, 2015b; Loose and Orlowski, 2015a).
Singleton et al. (Singleton et al., 1992) published a
study where they have shown that the prediction of
step time from step length and average velocity is
not a good choice for asymmetric gait patterns. In
contrast to the step length / duration, the stride length
and stride duration used in our algorithm are largely
the same for both legs. Following the effect described
by Singleton has no impact on our algorithm. Based
on the achieved results in the present validity study
using the average velocity and the stride duration for
the determination of stride length, a valid method
is found. Furthermore, the use of average velocity
could affect negatively if the walking velocity is not
constant during the walking sequence. Regarding
further investigations in the clinical environment with
patients having different asymmetries, the problem
depicted by Singleton et al. (Singleton et al., 1992)
should be kept in mind and a valid step length
algorithm should be used in order to examine the
asymmetric gait pattern of the patients.
At the end of these investigations we can conclude
that the gait parameters determined by the inertial-
sensor based gait analysis system InvestiGAIT show
partly excellent agreement with those parameters de-
termined by the reference system. Based on the re-
sults of the Wilcoxon test the agreement of four pa-
rameters have be presented. Furthermore, other pa-
rameters show a good agreement between the systems
in terms of a strong correlation. Small MOD, SEM
and LoA show similar effects. Consequently, the gait
parameter determined by InvestiGAIT are assumed as
valid and the system can be used in follow-up exami-
Nevertheless, further investigation are planned with
an adapted attachment of sensors on the subjects’
shoe in order to get a higher conformity of the gait
parameters. Furthermore, these measurements should
be conducted with a group of subjects without any
gait limitations in order to exclude the impact of the
disease. In this connection another method for calcu-
lating stride length proposed by (Mercer and Chona,
2015) should be investigated regarding validity in re-
lation to the reference system. They use the stride
length as the ratio of velocity and stride frequency
which is the number of foot contacts per second mea-
sured in Hertz (Magness, 2010).
The authors would like to thank all the participants
taking part in that preliminary study.
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Evaluation of Gait Parameters Determined by InvestiGAIT against a Reference System