ing. For instance, cooperative and coordinated ways
to charge and discharge batteries can be applied to
not only cope with demand but also influence energy
prices. Similarly, load shifting can also be coordi-
nated among prosumers and consumers. On the one
hand, we can make sure that they all do not delay or
re-start loads at the same time. On the other hand,
we can also maximize the amount of demand being
curtailed and provide more flexibility to retailers.
Additionally, we would like to investigate optimal
planning for storage location (e.g. retailers and nor-
mal consumers owning batteries) and capacity as it
can bring economic and energy-related benefits. The
former because storage owners can profit from trading
energy. The latter because well-dimensioned capacity
can provide better flexibility for load shifting.
Finally, regarding prices for gray energy, we want
to explore different pricing schemes, e.g. time-of-
use, critical-peak or real-time pricing. These schemes
could potentially provide better responses from cus-
tomers and improve energy balancing. Nonetheless,
the final message is that to enhance the integration of
renewables into the smart grid, combination of stor-
age and DR programs is worth exploring for eco-
nomic and environmental reasons (Niesten and Alke-
made, 2016).
This research has been funded by the European
Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technolog-
ical development and demonstration under the grant
agreement number 324321, project SCANERGY. At
the time of writing, Iv´an Razo-Zapata was a postdoc-
toral researcher at VUB.
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