Since the processing of mobile mapping images is
being done off-line, and time and resource manage-
ment was not the focus of this research, we do not
need to concern about running the detector on every
image location, which is computationally quite ex-
pensive. One could argue that running the out-of-the-
box object detector multi-scale on every image po-
sition is actually a waste of resources and computing
time. As future work we suggest to integrate our post-
processing steps inside the actual pedestrian detec-
tion algorithm, enormously reducing the processing
time needed for a single mobile mapping image. This
might open up the possibility to do the processing
on-line, while capturing the actual data. This would
be better for industrial partners, since privacy issues
would be solved completely, due to the privacy sensi-
tive data not being physically stored anymore.
Our application focuses on detecting pedestrians
walking on the modeled ground plane, which raises a
new problem. People standing on a balcony, sitting
on a bench, lying on the grass or driving a bike, will
not fit into this ground plane assumption and will thus
simply be filtered out by our approach. We could im-
prove our approach by using multiple detection mod-
els, for these different pedestrian classes and then ap-
ply separate post-filtering rules for each detector.
One could not disagree that even with the current
bottlenecks, that this work is valuable for people han-
dling privacy sensitive mobile mapping data. This re-
search allows users to automatically remove privacy
sensitive data from their captured datasets, without
the need of manually handling each image (which
would be very costly and time consuming). It allows
users to grab off-the-shelve available pedestrian de-
tectors, add them to the system, and use a limited
manual input in their application field to derive the
post-processing rules. This highly benefits the com-
panies because they do not need to put huge amounts
of time and resources into building an application-
specific pedestrian detector themselves, needing thou-
sands of pedestrians to be manually annotated.
This work is supported by the Institute for the Pro-
motion of Innovation through Science and Technol-
ogy in Flanders (IWT) via the IWT-TETRA project
TOBCAT and via the IWT-TETRA project RaPiDo.
We would also like to thank Vansteelandt BVBA
and Grontmij Belgium, the companies who provided
the cycloramic image datasets during these projects,
which were used to develop and test this approach.
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Safeguarding Privacy by Reliable Automatic Blurring of Faces in Mobile Mapping Images