In this paper, we propose an approach for detecting
and segmenting human instances in a point cloud,
based on an accelerated version of the deformable part
model algorithm and a pairwise CRF energy function
defined over different RGBD features. Experiments
showed that the quality of the segmentation depends
highly on the detection box provided from the detec-
tion algorithm. Also, metric results between the dif-
ferent edge potentials did not provide a significant dif-
ference between them.
Current work in progress is in the direction of
improving the unary potentials, incorporating depth
based features for the decision tree ensemble but also
generating a score map taking into account the scores
returned by the detector.
In the future, we are planning to investigate the
extension of the proposed energy function for incor-
porating higher order potentials (defined over a set of
pixels) using appearance or depth information. We
believe that adding shape constraints will deliver bet-
ter segmentation results compared to the ones mod-
elling only up to pairwise relations. Furthermore, we
are also interested in looking into additional solutions
for improving the quality of the detection boxes. Last
but not least, our proposed algorithm will be tested
and evaluated on different objects for verifying its ro-
bustness, using pairwise but also higher order poten-
tials in the energy function.
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Human Recognition in RGBD Combining Object Detectors and Conditional Random Fields