uniform power across the frequency band. Initial ap-
proaches to reduce the additive Gaussian noise in-
cluded the use of basic linear filters, namely mean
filter, median filter and Gaussian smoothing (Gonza-
lez and Woods, 2008). These filtering approaches use
only the raw pixel values in a small local neighbor-
hood around each pixels to determine the denoised
image. These methods does not take into account
the extent to which the neighborhood overlaps with
smooth or textured regions. Thus the use of such lin-
ear filters are detrimental for edge and texture preser-
vation, resulting in blurry denoised images. To ad-
dress this problem, Perona and Malik proposed an
iterative edge preserving method called Anisotropic
Diffusion (Perona and Malik, 1990). It attempts to
determine whether a pixel is part of a smooth or a tex-
tured region and applies differentdegree of smoothing
based on the characteristics of its locality.
Most of the earlier spatial domain denoising meth-
ods used pixel intensities within a defined local
neighborhood around each pixel for estimating a de-
noised version of a noisy image. In recent years,
Buades et el. proposed a non-local, patch based
approach called Non-Local Means (NLM) (Buades
et al., 2005a)(Buades et al., 2005b). It takes advan-
tage of the fact that similar local regions can be spread
through out the entire image. Each of the pixels are
denoised using a weighted average of all the pixels
within a defined search area. The weights are as-
signed based on the local characteristics of the pixels
used in the weighted averaging step. It uses weighted
euclidean distance of the local region around the pixel
being denoised, also referred to as the reference patch,
and the local regions around each of the the pixels
within the search area. The patches with smaller eu-
clidean distance, i.e., patches similar to the reference
patch are assigned higher weights.
The concept of non-local based approach has also
been applied to denoising methods in frequency do-
main. Dabov et el. proposed Block Matching and 3D
Filtering (BM3D) (Dabov et al., 2007), using patch
based concept for image denoising. It is a two-step
process, where the first step groups similar patches
into blocks, followed by a transform operation and
hard thresholding of the transform coefficients to gen-
erate a basic estimate of the denoised image. The
basic estimate is used in the second step to generate
the actual denoised image. BM3D is one of the state-
of-the-art approaches for denoising additive Gaussian
In the field of spatial domain denoising, non-local
means demonstrated significant improvement in de-
noising images affected with additive Gaussian noise
and researchers have continued further work on the
method and have proposed improvements for it. The
exhaustive search nature of non-local means makes
it computationally expensive. To improve the com-
putation cost, several methods have been proposed.
Tasdizen used principal component analysis (PCA) in
conjunction with non-local means (Tasdizen, 2008).
The image neighborhoods are projects to a lower di-
mension space using PCA and the reduced subspace
is used for computing similarities. A similar dimen-
sion reduction approach has also been proposed by
Maruf and El-Sakka (Maruf and El-Sakka, 2015),
where the image neighborhood are projected to a
lower dimension by using t-test.
Along with the research focused on improving the
computation performance of non-local means, work
has also been done on improving the denoising perfor-
mance as well. Rehman and Wang proposed SSIM-
based non-local means (Rehman and Wang, 2011),
utilizing structural similarity instead of euclidean dis-
tance when comparing local characteristics between
patches. Chaudhury and Singer proposed Non-Local
Euclidean Medians (Chaudhury and Singer, 2012),
replacing the use of mean with median. Zhu et el.
proposed a two-stage non-local means approach with
adaptive smoothing parameters (Zhu et al., 2014). It
generates a basic denoised image by applying NLM
in the first stage and the basic image is refined one
more time in the second stage by using NLM but with
smaller smoothing strength.
Non-local means and its variants have been used
in variousimaging applications such as medical imag-
ing, including MRI brain images (Iftikhar et al.,
2013), CT scan imaging (Kelm et al., 2009) and 3D
ultrasound imaging (Hu and Hou, 2011). It is also
used in video denoising (Basavaraja et al., 2010) (Xu
et al., 2010), surface salinity detection (Zhao and
Liu, 2012) and metal artifact detection (Mouton et al.,
Although much work has been done to improve
non-local means, there are still possibilities for further
improvements. In the weighted averaging step, non-
local means considers all the pixels within a defined
search area. The pixel patches having significantly
different details than the patch of the reference pixel
being denoised are likely to deviate the estimated de-
noised value of the reference pixel from its true noise-
free pixel intensity, even with their smaller weights.
In our proposed method we have thresholded the pixel
weights and only the pixels with weight higher than
the cut-off weight are considered for weighted aver-
aging. The threshold is adapted based on the noise
level of the given noisy image. The proposed method
is applied in a two-step approach, where the first step
applies the proposed method to generate a basic de-