(Bailey, 2005). Thus, having structured
representation of preferences in the users’ profiles, it
becomes possible to automate review clustering and
facilitate proper review selection.
Since, individual creativity and personal experiences
will always be critical components of marketing
decisions. The role of customer analytics is not
necessarily to replace these, but to help decision
makers to come to the fact-based conclusions
through better knowledge of the organization’s
customers and markets. One of the challenges for the
product/service providers is customer feedback
collection and analysis, since it is associated with a
real voice of a customer. Among other challenges
(e.g. fruitful customer engagement to feedback
provisioning process), processing of unstructured
text based feedbacks becomes very challenging and
does not provide sufficient result. Therefor current
research presents an approach towards structured
customer feedback gathering that further facilitates
automated generation of preferable/desired product
description. The main achievements of the proposed
solution are: enrichment of digital content (web-
based product or service description) with semantic
annotations; mechanism for customer driven
structured feedback provisioning; free text based
feedback transformation into RDF based structured
data; automated creation of a new or improved
product/service description with respect to
expectations and preferences of a customer.
Research is done in Agora Center and MIT
departments (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland)
under the DIGILE Need4Speed program funded by
TEKES and consortium of industrial partners.
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