although our analysis shows coherent results.
This paper presented our on-going work in analysing
complex GIS-based systems involving complex spa-
tiotemporal constraints. We showed how map data
structures can capture constraints such as travel time
functions and turn restrictions. We then focused on
building a toolbox of efficient algorithms. Coping
with the complexity induced by the extra graph con-
straints required non-trivial work. So far, the avail-
able modules were quite easy to deploy. They can be
enriched to deal with more restrictions such as truck
attributes which would enable richer verifications. A
language can also be designed to express constraints
in purely declarative form as illustrated the case study
and compile it using our emerging toolbox. In a larger
context, such requirements could be combined with
other temporal requirements and a mixed verification
could be conducted at the system level, e.g. to show
that some global intervention time is guaranteed in all
possible scenarios. Finally, we can also incorporate
stochastic TTF, to be able to more easily manage re-
quirements with a more complex and accurate proba-
bilistic formulation.
This work was financially supported by the Walloon
Region by the REDIRNET project (nr 607768). We
thanks Market-IP for sharing their fully featured maps
and Raphael Michel for sharing his expertise on the
Belgian emergency medical care.
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