Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks
Renaud De Landtsheer and Christophe Ponsard
CETIC Research Centre, Gosselies, Belgium
Vehicle Routing, Geographic Information System, Speed Profile, Turn Restrictions, Contraction Hierarchies,
Emergency Response.
Nowadays, many systems are increasingly relying on interconnected, geolocated, and mobile devices. In or-
der to cope with this, geographical information system (GIS) have evolved to precisely capture not only the
spatial characteristics of real world transportation networks but also temporal dimension, including the vari-
ability of travel duration related to traffic jams. This paper explores the verification of a number of interesting
spatiotemporal properties identified from a set of real world cases and expressed on enriched GIS data struc-
tures. It details our progress on developing efficient algorithmic modules to verifying such properties. We
have applied our algorithms on the medical emergency infrastructures deployed in Belgium.
The increasing deployment of interconnected and ge-
olocated mobile devices has triggered the design of
a new generation of Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) able to provide more flexible and dynamic an-
swer to several real-world routing problems such as
the routing of vehicle fleets or the dispatching of
emergency services. Such systems share the common
needs of having to cope with the synchronization of
several geographically distributed resources and spe-
cific requirements both of spatial and temporal nature.
For example for emergency medical care systems,
it is important to make sure all locations can be
reached within 10 minutes, 90 % of the cases. The
travel time can be affected by a number of external
factors that must be taken into account, such as known
structural traffic jam, or crisis-specific scenarios such
as the unavailability of some road in the context of
a flooding. A complete analysis of such factors are
reported by (Lin and Zito, 2005).
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have
evolved a lot in terms of level of details, accuracy
but also ability to capture behavioural information
both of spatial (turn restrictions, vehicle restriction
w.r.t. height, width, weight,...) and temporal nature
(e.g. statistical speed profiles as illustrated in Fig-
ure 1). These improvements require more complex
algorithms to enable the design of innovative applica-
This paper presents our current achievements on
Figure 1: Typical speed profile.
the verification of spatiotemporal properties on such
feature-rich maps. Our goal is to benchmark a num-
ber of specific data structures and algorithms able to
efficiently verify those properties, especially tempo-
ral ones like worst case trip duration and computing
accurate isochrones around one or multiple geograph-
ical points. This work was mostly driven by concrete
industrial needs originating from a GIS company. It is
mainly addressing a design-time verification perspec-
tive of geographically distributed infrastructure, with
the system being designed by experts possibly with
the guidance of optimization tools. Efficiency of such
verification is important because we could not only
consider them at design phase, but also deploy them
in the system runtime in the future.
The addressed challenge is not in the discovery of
brand new algorithms but rather in the innovative and
efficient combinations and adaptations of existing al-
gorithms able to cope with the targeted verification.
Landtsheer, R. and Ponsard, C.
Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005794403960401
In Proceedings of 5th the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2016), pages 396-401
ISBN: 978-989-758-171-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
More precisely, we are addressing the following spa-
tial restrictions:
one-way roads
turn restrictions at crossing-points
vehicle specific attributes like physical limit on
height, width, weight
vehicle specific regulation like no trucks in city
centre, local traffic roads only allowed at the start
or end of a trip
and the following temporal restrictions:
speed limit on road segments
speed profiles: speed can be lower than the free
flow speed for various reasons such as traffic jam,
traffic lights, ...
temporary closed road during known periods, an-
ticipated events or what-if scenarios like floods
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents key algorithmic modules that we identified
and structured to answer our needs. Section 3 de-
scribes our implementation, based on an existing GIS
system. Section 4 reports our benchmarking of these
algorithms to compute a number of typical verifica-
tion queries. Section 5 applies and discusses them on
a real emergency medical system. Section 6 presents
some related work. Finally Section 7 draws some
conclusions and identifies further work.
This section presents the main algorithmic modules
adapted to cope with the spatial and temporal restric-
tions mentioned above. We will consider as starting
point that a road network is a graph where edges are
road and nodes are intersections. Edges are decorated
by some scalar information enabling to evaluate the
travel time (e.g. distance + maximum speed). Edges
are directed because the timing properties can differ
considering the direction (or even be absent in case of
We also identify a collection of interesting al-
gorithm to support our goal. Such algorithms are
variants of Dijkstras shortest path algorithm (Dijk-
stra, 1959). Its principle is to perform a prioritized
breadth-first exploration of the graph that grows the
minimal travel cost tree. It can be used both for
point to point search and for one-to-many exploration
while other more efficient variants such as the A*
(Hart, 1968) are focusing on directed search, and are
restricted to point-to-point searches. A more com-
plete survey recent of recent advances in algorithms
for route planning in transportation networks is also
available in (Bast et al., 2014).
2.1 Contraction Hierarchies (CH)
The search performance of shortest path algorithms
can benefit from large speedups by using multi-level
graph abstractions provided by contraction hierar-
chies (CH) (Geisberger et al., 2008). The multi-level
graph is computed once for all in a pre-processing
phase. Nodes are ordered by importance (or prior-
ity) using some heuristics. Shortcuts are introduced
from the least to the most important and the con-
tracted node is removed. This result in a new con-
tracted graph with less nodes and where connection
are faster routes. The process is iteratively repeated
until the whole graph is contracted and yields a num-
ber of layer that can be interpreted as network of ”sec-
ondary”, ”national”, or ”high-speed” (virtual) roads.
This phase can be very expensive both in space and
time and also produces a graph with significantly
more edges.
Queries require special variants of Dijkstras al-
gorithm which proved extremely efficient: on large
graphs, speed-up of several order of magnitudes (30-
100 faster) when compared to the non-CH query.
It is also possible to compute efficient contrac-
tion hierarchies on time-dependent graph (Batz et al.,
2009). It is also possible deal with graphs with turn
costs (and thus the more specific case of turn restric-
tions) (Geisberger and Vetter, 2011).
2.2 Travel Time Functions (TTF) and
Related Operations
Road edges in recent maps can now be annotated with
cost function rather that scalar to capture speed pro-
files. Indeed, the speed on a road segment typically
varies with the time of the day, depending on the level
of congestion of the road segment. Such information
is gathered from statistical data over long periods and
classified over specific types of days (e.g. week days,
Saturdays, Sundays/public holidays). Speed profiles
are typically expressed as percentage of the nominal
road free flow speed as show in Figure 1. They can
exhibit a variety of curves typically with speed reduc-
tions during high traffic time resulting from recurring
structural congestions in network bottlenecks such as
town entrances.
At the level of the algorithms, the cost associated
to a segment is represented as a Travel Time Function
(TTF): for any possible start time on the segment, it
Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks
specifies the estimated duration of the travel on the
segment. The TTF is the product of the speed profile
by the free flow speed. Based on this, forward and
backward path search can be implemented to com-
pute time specific paths respectively for given start
time and arrival time. However, in a verification per-
spective, a more interesting operation is to compute
the best end-to-end travel time function and reason
independently of a given time. For Dijkstras algo-
rithm, two specific operations need to be efficiently
supported by the TTF algebra: (1) TTF composition
across two adjacent segments (taking into account the
time taken to cross the first one) and (2) TTF minimi-
sation when updating a node. These operations are
illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Travel time functions and related operators.
As the time complexity of profile search is high,
the specific case of computing minimal and maximal
time is addressed by more efficient algorithm comput-
ing min-max approximation of the resulting TTF. We
also used this simplified algorithm to prune the search
when implementing a precise TTF computation.
2.3 Dealing with Turn Restrictions (TR)
Turn restrictions can be represented either as an at-
tribute attached to each crossroad of the map, or
implicitly, by expanding each crossroad into several
nodes, representing the entrance points to it, so that
each allowed turn in the crossroad would be repre-
sented by a specific directed edge. The representation
of turn restriction in the GIS has a great impact on
the efficiency of the algorithms as well as the size of
the maps. Our choice to model them as attribute was
first dictated by size considerations as unfolding turn
restrictions on the graph would result in an explosion
of the number of nodes and would result in maps of
unmanageable size. A similar conclusion was also re-
ported by (Byrd et al., 2015) who took this approach
at some point. The drawback is that all the algorithm
related to contraction hierarchies need to be modified
to cope with this additional attribute. Additionally,
turns need to be checked for restriction on incoming
and out-going edges, to that the whole reasoning be-
come edge-based rather than node-based, increasing
the complexity by O(d
) in the worst case where d
is the mean node degree. The degree of nodes tend
to increase dramatically during the contraction pro-
cess. However, as turn restrictions only affects a small
portion of nodes, efficient solutions can be devised to
cope with them.
For the implementation, we started from an exist-
ing Open-Source routing engine called GraphHopper
(Karich et al., 2015). It is among the few routing en-
gines supporting contraction hierarchies with OSRM
(OSRM Community, 2015) and Open Trip Planner
(Byrd et al., 2015). However, none are currently sup-
porting the discussed extensions, despite some on-
going work.
GraphHopper is implemented in Java and provides
an efficient indexed storage representation to quickly
retrieve edges and nodes of the graph and their re-
lated attributes such as edge geometries. These stor-
ages were extended to capture specific temporal and
spatial edge attributes to cope with TTF and TR, re-
spectively. These storages can either be mapped in
memory for better performance or on kept disk for
larger maps.
We represent TTFs through histograms with a
constant number of slots. The composition is there-
fore approximate and can result in some computation
sensibility, i.e. different algorithms (typically with
and without CH) can produce different paths, how-
ever of near equivalent quality. This could be solved
by using more precise representations such as piece-
wise linear TTF but at the price of some performance
loss, and increase of storage size. Some algorithm
extensions are able to cope efficiently with such ex-
tensions (Batz et al., 2010). In order to efficiently
support min-max algorithms, min and max values are
pre-computed, and explicitly stored.
Four main algorithms were implemented, cover-
ing the main GIS goals:
forward: fastest path query for a given start time
backward: fastest path query for a given arrival
profile: end-to-end travel time function from start
point to destination point
ICORES 2016 - 5th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
flood: map coverage give a number of starting
points and travel duration
Those main algorithms rely on a number of soft-
ware modules described in the previous section and
that are efficiently shared across them forming a co-
herent global library, also easing future extensions.
Only the three first functions are supporting contrac-
tions hierarchies.
We benchmarked our algorithms both in CPU time
and memory consumption on a sample of 400 routes
(20 x 20 matrix between starting and arrival points)
located inside a Belgian map. This map includes
about 500.000 nodes, 640.000 edges with TTF, and
15.000 TR. For flooding algorithms we only used the
40 start points. A CoreI7 laptop was used using in-
RAM storage with 1GB allocated JVM RAM. The
reported CPU times are average time on the whole
sample and are measured as user time. The RAM is
the maximal memory consumption on the whole test
run with a disk mapped storage for the map graph.
Table 1: Global Performances in CPU time and memory.
Algorithm (TTF+TR) Without CH With CH
Forward Search 420 ms / 732 MB 7 ms / 694 MB
Backward Search 485 ms / 707 MB 8 ms / 682 MB
Single Profile Computation 1285 ms / 794 MB 31 ms / 738 MB
Single Min-Max Computation 572 ms / 315 MB N/A
Profile flooding (80% map) 28s / 1.7 GB N/A
Min-Max flooding (80% map) 13s / 1.5 GB N/A
Table 1 shows the performance summary for typ-
ical usage of our algorithms. We could achieve
speedup factors of 60 w.r.t the non-CH version with
query times under 10ms. The speedup is also impor-
tant for profile computation (40x) with computation
time about 30ms. This enables the production of the
large profile matrix required for optimizing vehicle
routing in a few minutes. As expected, the compu-
tation of Min-Max are faster than the computation of
full profile (about twice). The computation of flood-
ing coverage is also very time-consuming. It grows
quickly with the number edges in the graph (the con-
traction of this algorithm was not considered). Look-
ing at the memory consumption, it is well kept under
control because all CH version require less RAM al-
though the graph are bigger in size (at least 2 times
more important: about 167MB for the non-contracted
map of Belgium and 355 for the contracted version).
When using TTF, backward algorithms are slower
than forward ones because TTFs are organized by en-
tering time on the segment, so that querying them by
time leaving the segment requires O(log(n)) queries.
Table 2: Impact of introducing TTF and TR support).
Algorithm GH TTF TTF+TR
Map contraction 2 min 7 min 26 min
Forward Search (NOCH) 40 ms 155 ms 420 ms
Forward Search (CH) 2 ms 4 ms 7 ms
Backward Search (NOCH) 40 ms 171 ms 485 ms
Backward Search (CH) 485 ms 7 ms 8 ms
Profile Computation (NOCH) N/A 339 ms 1285 ms
Profile Computation (CH) N/A 21 ms 31 ms
As expected, the run time degraded significantly
when introducing TTF and then TR, compared to the
performance of the original GraphHopper algorithms
as shown in Table 2. However, the degradation is
lower in the CH version and is globally kept under
control. Finally, contraction time is also increasing
but within control. The main difficulty in the de-
sign was to avoid the explosion of the degree of the
node (and shortcuts) resulting in a large size, com-
pression time (possibly exhausting the machine) and
poor query speed-ups. The current result might how-
ever prevent the contraction of very large (continental
size) maps at the finest level of detail.
Our case study is the emergency medical care in Bel-
gium, it is an ambulance dispatching system similar
to the London Ambulance Service which has been ex-
tensively used in the literature (Finkelstein and Dow-
ell, 1996)(Letier and van Lamsweerde, 2004). Crit-
ical time and space elements in an intervention sce-
nario are summarized in Figure 3 (Moore, 2002).
Figure 3: Critical time / space elements for intervention.
Two drive-time are present: from the allocated
ambulance dispatch point to the intervention scene
and, if patient conditions requires it, from the scene
Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks
to the most appropriate hospital. The belgian law put
specific requirements requiring that ”most of the pop-
ulation should be reachable by road within 10 minutes
at the maximal authorised speed, while the population
unreachable within 15 minutes should be as small as
possible” (Federal Public Service for Health, 2007).
We will focus here on this legal requirements.
The Belgian Emergency Care is composed of
370 departures points of different types which are
distributed across the country. Let’s call this set
SMUR:List[Location]. Let us also define some
GIS predicates such as within(l, a) which is true
when a location l is within a given geographical are
a. We can express the first part of the above property
as follows:
l : Location·timeToReach(l, SMUR) 10minutes
Figure 4: Map of emergency medical care coverage in Bel-
gium within 10 minutes.
The timeToReach is implemented using the Pro-
file on Map flooding algorithm with simultaneous
search from all the SMUR locations. The search is
also bounded with the maximum time allowed by law.
The results is shows in Figure 4 in counter-example
form, i.e. locations not fulfilling the property are dis-
played on the map as dark dots while the SMUR lo-
cations are displayed in lighter pinned dots. The cov-
erage for 10 minutes is about 87 % of the nodes while
99 % are covered within 15 minutes. A closer analy-
sis of the map shows that SMUR location are indeed
at the centre of covered zones. Less covered areas
match less populated areas and are actually covered
by helicopter interventions. Uncovered zones around
the national border are also addressed by agreements
with emergency services of neighbouring countries,
with some extra dispatch transfer time to be taken into
account for these cases.
Distance oracles are succinct data structures encod-
ing shortest path information among a carefully se-
lected subset of pairs of vertices in a graph. The
encoding is done in such a way that the oracle can
efficiently answer shortest path queries for arbitrary
origin-destination pairs. The design of such ora-
cles for time dependent graphs has been described
in (Kontogiannis and Zaroliagis, 2014). In our work
we rely on contraction hierarchies (Geisberger et al.,
2008), which are considered as heuristics implement-
ing such oracles. Our works extends the heuristics
to efficiently cope with space restrictions by using a
position-based graph, and time dependencies through
a smart prioritization of the contraction as only a
small part of the network is decorated with time-
dependent information.
Dealing with large networks requires a lot of time
to contract the data, and the achieved query times
are sometimes not fast enough to compute large ma-
trixes required in applications like vehicle routing. A
solution reported in (Kieritz et al., 2010) is to use
distributed memory parallelization. On a medium
size network, 64 processes will cut down the pre-
processing duration by a factor 28 and the queries du-
ration by a factor 25. Globally 6 times more memory
is required but per processor there is a reduction by a
factor of 10.5. In our work we did not consider such
techniques to accelerate the contraction: we rather
improved the contraction and query procedures.
An extensive benchmarking has been conducted
in the context of transportation networks (Bast et al.,
2014). Such systems also have a strong time-
dependent dimension because they are heavily con-
strained by schedules. The benchmarks where con-
ducted on many algorithms that were implemented in
C++. Our implementation is in Java. Although the
domain, implementation and test environment are dif-
ferent, the results confirm the good performance of
contraction hierarchies on large graphs.
A legitimate question is how representative are
travel times estimates. A study conducted for travel
times to hospital revealed that estimates were rather
close approximations to reported times (Haynes et al.,
2006), i.e. 50% of travel time estimates were within
five minutes of the time reported by respondents.
Compare to our target response time of 10 minutes, 5
minutes can seem huge. However the reported times
are not for emergencies and include parking times,
which can vary a lot. It also does not include sta-
tistical travel times while we do. We did not yet val-
idate against a database of measured response time
ICORES 2016 - 5th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
although our analysis shows coherent results.
This paper presented our on-going work in analysing
complex GIS-based systems involving complex spa-
tiotemporal constraints. We showed how map data
structures can capture constraints such as travel time
functions and turn restrictions. We then focused on
building a toolbox of efficient algorithms. Coping
with the complexity induced by the extra graph con-
straints required non-trivial work. So far, the avail-
able modules were quite easy to deploy. They can be
enriched to deal with more restrictions such as truck
attributes which would enable richer verifications. A
language can also be designed to express constraints
in purely declarative form as illustrated the case study
and compile it using our emerging toolbox. In a larger
context, such requirements could be combined with
other temporal requirements and a mixed verification
could be conducted at the system level, e.g. to show
that some global intervention time is guaranteed in all
possible scenarios. Finally, we can also incorporate
stochastic TTF, to be able to more easily manage re-
quirements with a more complex and accurate proba-
bilistic formulation.
This work was financially supported by the Walloon
Region by the REDIRNET project (nr 607768). We
thanks Market-IP for sharing their fully featured maps
and Raphael Michel for sharing his expertise on the
Belgian emergency medical care.
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Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks