classified into legitimate with review and cross
reference check that include many anti-virus
companies or CDN vendors. A tunnel with
significant payloads in query or response only is
categorized into outbound or inbound tunnel and
otherwise two-way tunnel. As illustrated in Figure 7,
majority falls into one-way tunnel and malicious
tunnels have a higher outbound to inbound ratio than
legitimate ones due to their data exfiltration nature.
Table 1: Detected tunnels.
Malicious Legitimate All
Two-way 356 869 1225
Outbound 35478 65820 101298
Inbound 2845 20504 23349
Total 38678 87193 125871
Figure 7: Tunnel distribution.
We also analysed the tunnel transaction activity
distribution over DNS query type and the result is
plotted in Figure 8, where a tunnel transition is
simply a DNS message. It shows malicious activities
tend to use type A while legitimate ones have higher
transaction rate on type TXT. This is understandable
that malicious tunnels want to hide their activities
from using TXT type that is designated for large
payload transactions and may be exanimated by
many traditional DNS tunnelling detection methods.
Figure 8: Tunnel transaction activities by DNS query type.
New data shows more and more malicious
tunnels are using small payloads. This makes
detection even harder and will be a future research
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0 K
20 K
40 K
60 K
80 K
Two-way Outbound Inbound
Malicious Legitimate
0 M
50 M
100 M
150 M
200 M
Malicious Legitimate