reference flat consumption, i.e. constant C, becomes
smaller as the number of available PEVs and PV
modules increases.
This paper examines the impact of PEVs and PV
production as a means of providing peak shaving
and valley filling services in the context of V2B.
More specifically, it employs the profiles of power
consumption and parking occupancy from a building
and a parking lot at University of Deusto, Spain, in
order to provide the required input to the proposed
model and simulate a number of scenarios for the
envisaged system.
To this end, the present paper initially described
the integration of an ANN-based solar irradiance
forecasting model with a MATLAB/Simulink model
to simulate the output of solar PV modules. Next, a
mathematical model was developed and solved in
MATLAB in order to examine and quantitatively
analyze the impact of connected PEVs and PV
production on the power consumption of the
As confirmed also by the simulation results, the
higher the number of available PEVs and PV
modules, the closer the achievable load curve of the
building comes to the target (flat) curve. On the one
hand, the results demonstrate the feasibility of the
peak shaving and valley filling approach proposed in
this paper, and on the other hand, they highlight the
importance of the number of connected vehicles on
its effectiveness.
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employed a deterministic approach to model the
consumption of the building, the presence of PEVs
at the parking lot and the energy of their battery both
in the initial and final state. Hence, directions for
future work include incorporating the uncertainties
in the arrival and parking duration of the PEVs, the
initial and final energy of their battery, as well as the
consumption profile of the building.
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