Making Smart and Accessible Cities
An Urban Model based on the Design of Intelligent Environments
Raquel Pérez-delHoyo
, Clara García-Mayor
, Higinio Mora-Mora
, Virgilio Gilart-Iglesias
María Dolores Andújar-Montoya
Department of Building Sciences and Urbanism, University of Alicante, 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig – Alicante, Spain
Specialized Processors Architecture Laboratory, Department of Computer Technology and Computation,
University of Alicante, 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig – Alicante, Spain
Keywords: Smart Cities, Inclusive Cities, Sustainable Cities, Accessibility, Intelligent Environments, Smart Sensors,
Technology-Aided Urban Design.
Abstract: Improving citizens' quality of life is one of the main goals of Smart Cities development. Accessibility of
urban public spaces absolutely determines the living conditions for people. Technology provides new
opportunities of autonomy for an increasing group of inhabitants with specific disabilities. This work
proposes an urban model for improving accessibility based on the design of intelligent environments, with
the automation of processes and functions in urban spaces, as a safe and effective way to promote inclusion
and participation of all citizens. Finally, the most appropriate technologies to implement the model are
Over the last decade, the extraordinary development
of Information and Communication Technology
—ICT— is transforming both: the way we
communicate with others and how we relate to the
environment (Townsend, 2013). Constantly, new
technologies provide us with information on the
living context, mainly in the cities in which we live.
They offer us new and better opportunities to
interact and participate at urban environment,
substantially improving mobility and liveability of
cities (Dodgson and Gann, 2011).
Elderly and people with disabilities, among other
groups, are at the greatest risk of being excluded
from technological development but they are also
the most favoured by the impact of ICT in
improving their standard of living. ICT are enabling
move forward achieving personal autonomy, greatly
reducing dependency situations, as never before had
it been possible.
Technologies have much to offer, targeting the
constraints on universal design. Urban environments
are the scenes where can be achieved autonomy
levels much higher than the mere barrier-free
construction allows.
Thus, technological developments should not be
excluded from urban accessibility solution
proposals. It is imperative to implement innovative
technology solutions, preferably integrated into the
functioning of cities, able to facilitate participation
in urban life for people with the greatest difficulties
of development (Macagnano, 2008).
In this way, universal accessibility finds an
optimal scene of opportunity in the context of Smart
Cities (Neirotti et al., 2014).
This work is structured as follows: Section 2
describes the motivation and objectives. Section 3
gives an overview of the related work on urban
actions and technology used to improve accessibility
in cities. Section 4 explains the proposed urban
model for improving accessibility. In addition, the
most appropriate technologies to implement the
model are discussed. Finally, in Section 5, some
conclusions are drawn.
Smart Cities are a concept of urban design
proposals, characterized by the research of active
Pérez-delHoyo, R., García-Mayor, C., Mora-Mora, H., Gilart-Iglesias, V. and Andújar-Montoya, M.
Making Smart and Accessible Cities - An Urban Model based on the Design of Intelligent Environments.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2016), pages 63-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-184-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
participation in achieving sustainable development
through an intelligent, efficient and rational
management —without harming the environment—
of infrastructure, urban services and resources;
focused in improving the quality of life of the
citizens. All this, based on widespread use of ICT
(Angelidou, 2014). The level of accessibility of
urban streets and public spaces absolutely affects the
citizens' standard of living and limits their
possibilities of relationship and social integration.
Accessibility is an element of quality of life of
universal interest and a right of all citizens (United
Nations, 2006), therefore, implementing proper
urban design solutions becomes one of the main
challenges of the Smart Cities.
In this context, our research delves in the design
of intelligent environments as a safe and effective
way to promote inclusion and participation of all
citizens. Thus, Smart Cities concept can make the
most of their human capital (Cossetta and Palumbo,
2014); a key to guarantee and optimize their future
development at the present time.
The World Health Organization estimates that
more than a 1,000 million people in the world live
with some form of disability; about 15% of the
world population in 2010 (World Health
Organization, 2011). In the context of the European
Union, one out of six people has a mild to severe
disability, which means that over 80 million people,
more or less often stop participating in social and
economic life. More than a third of people over age
75 suffers some type of disability (Eurostat, 2015).
In addition, we are facing unprecedented
demographic changes due to general aging of the
world population, which suggests that these figures
will increase. Therefore, it is urgent to rethink
environments, maximizing the opportunities offered
by technologies; so that, they are actually accessible
and respond to XXI century's social needs (Reeves,
Our proposal is also part of the objectives of the
European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (European
Commission, 2010a), developed in the framework of
the strategy Europe 2020 (European Commission,
2010b). To this end, we propose to implement, in the
planning under the Smart Cities concept, a model of
integrated technologies which offered a set of
automated processes that could adapt a specific
urban space conditions to each user needs. Our main
objective is to research and propose some design
guidelines for really smart and inclusive
environments through the implementation of a
sustainable technological model, without excessive
cost and respectful with the environment.
Considering that currently over 50% of the world
population lives in cities, and this proportion
continues increasing (Vojnovic 2014), we believe
that improving urban accessibility, taking into
account social diversity, are not only an essential
issue, but also a priority one, in order to confer cities
the quality of smart.
3.1 Integrated Technologies in Cities
for Improving Urban Accessibility
Inside the context of Smart Cities, the field of
management of urban basic services and including
transport, has been the one that have developed
technological processes (Riva, 2014). Beyond this
field, the presence of technology is not so evident in
urban areas. Current urban design incorporates such
passive technologies that configure the urban setting
—i.e. non-slip flooring or standard curb ramps—.
Another type of technology is that one introduce by
each citizen —wheelchairs, prostheses or implants,
assistive devices such as canes or walkers— known
as autonomous technology. Furthermore, active
technologies are those that endow spaces the smart
category, but they have been developed more inside
buildings than in urban environments. However, the
combination of both types of technology, passive
and active, are necessary to improve the accessibility
of cities.
In some cases, individually, active technologies
have been incorporated into the elements of street
furniture, in order to develop different functions. For
instance, to organize pedestrian and vehicular traffic
flow, automatic bollards are arranged. This elements
can stay or hide allowing the passage of vehicles or
not. They can also be driven by remote control, by
authorized people and even can work in connection
with traffic lights. Another device to inform about
the time that pedestrians have to cross the traffic
routes, traffic lights that emit sound and light signals
can also be operated with remote control. Thus, the
times of the acoustic signal can be adjusted at the
beginning and end of the action and it is only
activated in the presence of the person with visual
impairment. Remote controls and other mobile
devices can also receive information from other
transmitters, for example: about a particular route
guidance or on the nearest accessible transport.
Also, to accommodate the use of mechanical
stairs to the needs of different people, mechanisms
to transform several rungs on a platform have been
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
incorporated. Other mechanical ramps also have
devices to stop and activate the operation, as well as
systems of audible, tactile and visual warning.
Additionally, the snapshot must considered: exterior
lifts with accessible cabins, automatic opening
doors, that are mechanisms already integrated. It
must be considered also other lifting equipment such
as: platforms attached to stairs that by crushing,
automatically stop; or platforms located even under
stairs that are collected to allow their use when
required by people with disabilities.
In connection with some of the technologies
described, proposals based on the detection of
people with disabilities to implement devices for
facilitating their actions, occasionally have also been
implemented in cities. Such is the case of some
acoustic traffic lights or some pedestrian crossings,
which have incorporated sensors or cameras capable
of detecting the crossing intention to activate light
signals to alert drivers; there have also provided
sensors to inform real-time availability of parking;
or even containers that activate automatic opening
system for easy use when identifying people with
disabilities. Although these individual proposals are
not yet sufficiently implemented in cities.
3.2 Accessibility Enhanced by
Information and Communications
Technology —ICT—
The development of Technology of Information and
Communications Society contributes to new
opportunities for improving accessibility in modern
cities. The concepts of smart and ubiquitous cities
make use of processing technologies, sensing and
communications to provide knowledge and
intelligence to the city (Yigitcanlar, 2014) while
offering connectivity resources, power supply and
interoperability (Jackson et al, 2011). These
conditions facilitate the deployment of smart
interconnected elements that provide services to
citizens for efficient decision-making and make
better use of resources (Neirotti et al., 2014). For
example, interactive street maps that display in real
time elements of interest, or automatic identification
and traffic management (Mora-Mora et al., 2015a).
The use of technology to improve urban
accessibility has been traditionally associated with
information accessible proceedings to the citizens.
Public administrations keep a large number of web
applications on accessibility of places according to
the user's position mainly based on the calculation of
proximity relationships and intensities of use (Comai
et al, 2015). The position and location on the map
are normally obtained by combining Global
Positioning Systems —GPS— and Geographic
Information Systems —GIS—. Their services allow
us to locate nearby resources and to plan itineraries
(Ford et al., 2015). Disability is taken into account
showing different routes and route times for people
with and without disabilities. However, the main
challenge of these systems is the evaluation of
resources and the analysis of their dynamics of use
to know if the urban environments that result from
actions to improve accessibility are used or they
cease to be used at some point (Church and Marston,
2003). To get this information, it is need to know the
habits of city movement paths for citizens with and
without disabilities. In this way, this information is
relevant to identify potential mobility difficulties
and to plan on necessary corrective actions (Gilart-
Iglesias et al., 2015). A study of this type has been
made in the public transport system in London
(Ferrari et al., 2014).
Locating and tracking people is an issue of great
interest as evidenced by the volume of research on
the subject (Mora-Mora et al., 2015b). In fact, there
is some concern among users and the authorities
about maintaining the privacy of individuals due to
the large number of devices connected at the users'
hands (Isaak, 2014). There are many benefits to
design cities that are obtained from the knowledge
of the habits of movement of citizens, for example,
to plan transportation lines, decide strategic situation
for urban utilities, or public safety.
From individual proposals which have been
described in the previous section, this work outlines
an urban model of integrated technologies, able to
identify a pedestrian need in a specific city space
context, and manage a number of processes, in order
to facilitate an effective adaptation for this person.
The proposed model presents, as major
innovation, its ability to be integrated in the
everyday functioning of Smart Cities system; as well
as, its working capacity to improve access for people
with disabilities to urban contexts in a personalized
way. Thus, intelligent urban environments are those
that can be adapted to people with disabilities, and
not vice versa, as with the exclusive or majority use
of autonomous technologies, which are introduced in
the city by the citizens themselves.
Making Smart and Accessible Cities - An Urban Model based on the Design of Intelligent Environments
4.1 Conceptualization of the Model
Concepts that have served as the basis for designing
the model, and are used with a specific meaning in
this work, are defined as follows:
Urban situation is understood by the set of
factors affecting the development of people in
a particular time and urban context.
Urban context is understood by the physical
environment or the situation in which people
develop an action or everyday urban activity;
such as crossing a street.
Urban element is understood by each of the
parts or components that may be involved in an
urban context; such as traffic lights or a traffic
signal at a pedestrian crossing.
Basically, the model proposed allows urban
elements involved in a specific urban context, in
certain urban situations where people with a
particular type of disability are detected, can set in
motion their own automated processes to
accommodate the particular needs of those people.
4.1.1 Urban Situations
Obviously, there is a close relationship between the
different urban situations that can be generated in
the city and the forms of disability that people may
suffer. Therefore, the model has been designed from
the differentiation of these forms of disability that
determine the different urban situations.
The World Health Organization considers the
concept of disability as a comprehensive term
comprising impairments, and activity limitations and
restrictions participation. According to this idea,
which is developed in the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
—ICF— (World Health Organization, 2001), it has
been done a selection of different forms of disability,
related to different urban situations. As a result,
Figure 1 shows the forms of disability which have
been taken into account in designing the model, as
well as the process for their determination.
4.1.2 Urban Contexts and Urban Elements
Similarly, diverse urban contexts, encompassing all
the elements which define public space, have been
taken into account when developing the model. The
manual: Accessibility for the Disabled: A Design
Manual for a Barrier Free Environment (United
Nations enable, 2003) provided by the United
Nations, has been a basic reference for this task.
Table 1 shows the set of urban contexts which
has served the basis for designing the model and the
urban elements associated with each of these
contexts. In addition, every urban context is
accompanied by a brief description of the main
problems encountered by people with disabilities.
Figure 1: Forms of disability taken into account in designing the model. Source: Own preparation based on International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health —ICF—.
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Table 1: Proposed Urban Model for Improving Accessibility. They are indicated by (*) actions that need to be requested by
people with disabilities. Source: Own preparation.
Urban contexts
—Problem identification—
Urban elements
Barriers and Hindrances Facilitators
Pedestrian crossings
—Lack of safety and personal
autonomy to cross—
Traffic lights Disabled people are given the right of way
The crossing time interval is extended according to the
needs of individual people
Both visual and acoustic or vibration signals are provided
during the crossing
Pedestrian crossing signs Drivers are given flashing light signals (in the absence of
traffic lights)
Disabled people are given flashing light signals
Lack of curb ramps Mechanical ramps as a transition between the pavement
and the street are driven (*)
Street lighting Street lighting intensity is increased
Keep clear areas
—Lack of safety to cross keep
clear areas which interrupt the
path of travel on pavements—
Keep clear areas signs Disabled people are given flashing light signals when the
garage door is open
Additional acoustic or vibration signals are provided
Street lighting Street lighting intensity is increased
Roadwork zones, maintenance
works and other constructions
—Lack of safety around
temporary obstructions within
the path of travel—
Warning signs Flashing light signals are provided
Additional acoustic or vibration signals are provided
Indication signs with
alternative routes
Voice messages are provided (*)
Street lighting Street lighting intensity is increased
Access to public buildings
—Improper or inexistent
transition between the
pavement and the public
building entrances—
Stairs Retractable stairs and platform lift are driven (*)
(in case of space and architectural image problems)
Steps and other small
differences of level
Mechanical ramps as a transition between the pavement
and the building entrance are driven (*)
Automatic doors People are detected and doors are opened
Lack of curb ramps near
public buildings
Mechanical ramps as a transition between the street and
the pavement are driven near the public buildings (*)
Street furniture
—Street furniture and facilities
are not accessible for all.
Obstructed pathways—
Hindrances (in general) Acoustic or vibration signals are provided and are
intensified with proximity
Garbage bins They are automatically opened and closed
An additional automatic opening on the ground is driven
Postboxes A bigger slot is automatically opened
Ticket vending machines Voice messaging systems are available (*)
Street lighting Street lighting intensity is increased
—Signage is not effective for
City information signage Personalized information is displayed on digital signage
Information about accessible routes is displayed on digital
Voice messaging systems are available (*)
Warning signs Additional acoustic or vibration signals are provided
Additional flashing light signals are provided
Street lighting Street lighting intensity is increased
Public transports stops
Bus stops
—Lack of synchronicity in
actions for more effective use
of public transport—
Information panels and
displays (on routes, bus
stops, arrival times…)
Voice messaging systems are available (*)
Waiting area Disabled people are detected and bus drives are advised
to prepare assistive devices to access
Parking areas
—Lack of accessibility.
Improper use of parking
Lack of curb ramps between
areas and pavements
Mechanical ramps as a transition are driven (*)
Bollards / Access control
Disabled people are detected and bollards allow them
access to the parking
Information displays (on free
spaces, traffic flows)
Voice messaging systems are available (*)
Making Smart and Accessible Cities - An Urban Model based on the Design of Intelligent Environments
According to the ICF, urban elements are
considered external factors that can have a negative
or positive influence on the development of
individuals. Therefore, the proposed urban model is
designed to implement the necessary automated
processes, associated with each urban element in
relation with different type of disabilities, in order to
improve its effects on individuals and enabling it to
act as facilitator element. A context with barriers, or
without facilitators, limits the participation of the
individual, comparing with other contexts where the
inclusion of facilitators increase it. In this regard, the
city can limit the participation of citizens both:
creating barriers and not providing facilitators. The
main target of the urban design model proposed, is
to provide enhanced solutions in order to reduce and
prevent these situations, maximizing ICT potential.
Most of the processes covered by the model are
done automatically by detecting the presence of
people with disabilities. Several processes may be
associated with a single urban element in order to
facilitate different situations to different people.
However, certain actions —shown in Table 1 with
(*)— have been designed to be necessary demand
by disabled people before starting functioning.
4.2 Types of Intelligent Environments
In respect on specific improvements on accessibility
introduced by this model, it must be emphasized the
ability to configure two types of intelligent
environments: those that increase the options of
movement and personal development; and, those
that decrease personal insecurity problems.
Integrated urban aids in Smart Cities offer citizens
new opportunities and facilities for movement and
participation. They decrease the insecurity problems
in the use of urban spaces and provide information
to citizens related to different environments, adding
additional safety to their actions.
Finally, to show the possibilities of the proposed
model, the simulation of specific cases in real urban
environments is proposed. Figure 2 shows three
possible scenarios or urban situations. By the time
that people with disabilities are detected trying to
access to a specific urban context, urban elements
involved in this context are informed to initiate
automatic mechanisms and processes to facilitate
their use and helping to improve environment
Figure 2: Simulation of specific cases in real urban environments that show the possibilities of the proposed model. Source:
Own preparation.
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
4.3 Discussion on Appropriated
Technologies to Implement the
The main technology to know the position and infer
the movement in an accurate manner is GPS.
However, only the use of GPS has disadvantages to
consider. The first one, it is related with the fact that
this technology only works outdoors and, therefore,
impedes the design of valid comprehensive solutions
for any scenario. Another aspect to consider, related
to the users, is the circumstance that they should
allow their devices to inform their position to a
third-party application (Chen, 1999). Finally,
although the GPS functionality is present in many
mobile devices, most of the time is off because of
the energy it requires.
Other wireless communication technologies such
as Global System for Mobile communication
—GSM— or local area wireless computer
networking —WIFI— and Worldwide
Interoperability for Microwave Access —WiMax—,
can also take advantage of the high penetration rate
of mobile devices in modern societies. These
networks are not designed for tracking and tracing
process, but, by the time that base stations are aware
of the presence of connected devices, it could be
calculated their route from one station to another
(Clarke and Wigan, 2011). However, they also
present some problems of implementation. First, the
accuracy for tracking tasks may not be sufficient. To
overcome this disadvantage, redundant infrastructure
that allows triangulate positions accurately at each
time, must be installed. Another problem is related
to privacy, since a unique identification of the device
occurs and can lead to knowledge of its user.
Finally, they require continuous power consumption
and mobile devices must be active even when users
are not using them.
A recent diffusion technology are the Bluetooth
Low Energy —BLE— beacons that allow
communicate with mobile user devices (Gomez et
al., 2012). These systems require little energy to
operate but also require the authorization of the
citizen to access their mobile (Talasila et al., 2015).
Other alternatives tracking such as video
surveillance cameras circuits, Closed-circuit
television —CCTV— cameras, have serious
technical difficulties to implement automatic
tracking methods and can cause a strong effect of
rejection by invading the privacy of people.
An alternative to the above methods is
—RFID— Radio Frequency Identification
technology (Ni et al., 2011). This technology is
playing an increasingly important role in the design
of user-centric applications, both indoors and
outdoors scenes. Currently, new mobile devices are
equipped with RFID readers. In addition, a great
display of RF tags among users, distributed in
multiple formats, such as prepaid plastic cards,
tickets, electronic keys and even clothing labels.
Several investigations seek to use this technology
for tracking people. The works have been done both
in indoor (Xiong et al., 2013) and outdoor
environments (Lin et al., 2010). The information
collected allows knowing the patterns of movement
of people through the studied scenarios and
designing strategies to improve user satisfaction.
Thus, RFID technology overcomes the
disadvantages of GPS methods on user cooperation
and energy costs. However, the scope of this
technology is not comparable to the GPS, which
coverage since it depends on the position of the
antennas and their scope. This tracking method does
not get exactly the position of the user, but the
position of the RF antennas located along the scenes,
so that, the received information should be
processed to obtain the effective route.
The urban model proposed enables the
implementation of various automated processes
associated with the functioning of different urban
elements. All of them are involved in specific
contexts and to diverse urban situations, that is,
when a person with a particular type of disability is
detected trying to develop an action in a specific
context. Thus, the spaces that form the city become
more kind and intelligent and are capable of
providing a wide range of actions to people with
difficulties who need it.
In summary, our proposal is presented as an
essential model of integrated technologies. First, by
becoming part of the urban environment and the
global system which Smart City is, in some way
improving its current technological weakness as
accessibility solutions provider. And secondly, to
encourage and promote the design of intelligent and
accessible solutions, capable of fostering autonomy
and independence of people with disabilities, with
the added value and appeal of having this action-
detection technology available in urban
This is an open urban model which should be
further developed to respond to new real demands of
society in the short, medium and long term.
Making Smart and Accessible Cities - An Urban Model based on the Design of Intelligent Environments
We thank the Association for Integration of
Mentally Ill in Alicante and Province —AIEM—,
and the Association of People with Cerebral Palsy in
Alicante —APCA— "Infanta Elena" Centers, their
support as the Observing Promoter of this project.
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