page associated to the LO. Just below these measures,
in the decision tree, two other measures are close to
the root: the average length of the initial parts of
wikipedia pages related to the LO, and the number
of the internal links. Including in the graph the results
of the Economy course we have a peak in the graph at
a low level of instances as shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: On the x-axis the courses are ordered by LO nu-
merousness, on the y-axis the value of the precision and
The composition of web based instructional courses,
especially if personalization and adaptivity are sup-
ported (Sterbini and Temperini, 2009; De Marsico
et al., 2013) can result in a burdensome task for the
teacher, encompassing both the selection of suitable
learning objects, and the control on their sequencing.
In this paper we have presented an approach for sup-
porting the teacher in the management of the relation-
ships of dependencies between learning objects: such
relationships can be suggested/discovered automati-
cally, so as to allow the teacher to adopt or change
them. An effective automated determination of such
relationships can also be very useful in contexts of
personalized e-learning, where the learner is proposed
learning objects that are automatically sequenced.
Experimental results presented in this article have
confirmed the suitability of an approach based on the
data, namely a machine learning approach that pro-
vides precious indications that strengthen our work-
ing hypothesis. Obviously, since this approach is data
driven, the provided information may be domain-
In order to produce results as independent domain
as possible, in future we will consider resorting to dif-
ferent machine learning approaches (neural networks,
Bayesian networks, etc.) and to substantiate the va-
lidity of our work hypotheses, on a theoretical level
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