culate a threshold value σ which can then be used for
further monitoring. The evaluation indicated that the
conjecture that SD can be used for detecting attribute
permutation steganography was correct.
The paper (L.Polak and Z.Kotulski, 2010) in-
troduced an algorithm for attribute permutation
steganography detection using a different statistical
measure W which is based on the concept of pre-
dominant order between the pairs of attributes, it
grows linearly with the occupancy of the stego chan-
nel and similarly to our method can be used for thresh-
old based detection. The authors of (L.Polak and
Z.Kotulski, 2010) discuss the issue of stego detection
in the web pages with dynamic content and speculate
that the detection may take into account the dynamic
behavior of W : for the page containing stego mes-
sages W should either have constant high value, or
fluctuate heavily. On the other hand, natural changes
should be regular and periodical. No specific proce-
dure to distinguish these cases was proposed though.
We notice that our monitoring procedure can be easily
deployed with computing W instead of SD.
The paper (W.Jian-feng et al., 2014) proposes the
detection method for attribute permutation steganog-
raphy utilizing the statistics measures and SVM clas-
sification. English translation of (W.Jian-feng et al.,
2014) is not available to us at the moment, but based
in particular on Fig. 1 from the paper, one may con-
clude that the proposed method includes computing
two statistical measures of HTML page: mean of at-
tribute positions and variance of attribute positions,
which are both used as the inputs to a SVM classi-
fier. The paper presents the experimental results on
detection rates varying between 72.4% and 84.6% but
it is not clear for us what was exactly the setting and
whether the dependencies on the channel occupancy
have been addressed.
Future work includes the evaluation of the pro-
posed monitoring procedure for the detection the mes-
sages embedded by other steganographic algorithms
utilizing attribute permutations and its comparison
with the procedures from (L.Polak and Z.Kotulski,
2010) and (W.Jian-feng et al., 2014) on the same set
of steganographic algorithms.
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A Statistical Approach to the Detection of HTML Attribute Permutation Steganography