A Cyberthreat Search Process and Service
Yogesh Bhanu
, Sebastian Dännart
, Henning von Kielpinski
, Alexander Laux
Ulrike Lechner
, Tobias Lehmann
, Andreas Rieb
, Martin Riedl
and Florian Wolf
Consol, München, Germany
Fakultät für Informatik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany
Inopus GmbH, Neubiberg, Germany
Mergeflow AG, München, Germany
Keywords: IT-Security Management, Search Process, Technology Scouting.
Abstract: Searching for IT-Security related information should be a standardized and/or partially automated process.
This position paper presents a literature review that depicts a reference process design and the design of a
tool to support search and analysis of IT-security related information.
Searching for cybersecurity information should be a
standardized process, implemented with adequate
IT-support, effectiveness as well as efficiency in
mind. Moreover, the landscape of IT-security topics
relevant to an organization should be available as a
service. These two ideas for a reference process and
a service for the search of IT-security related
information formed the basis of our research project.
The position paper at hand discusses empirical
findings on the design of a search processes and a
Today, majority of search done for cyber threats
or other IT-security related information is not done
in a systematic way and it is hardly automated and
are barely supported by tools. Herein, literature and
our empirical findings (cf. Sect. 2 and 3) arrive at
the same conclusion. Our research attempts to make
a contribution to IT-security management in theory
and practice.
We describe our approach with two scenarios.
First scenario: IT-security professionals meet and
share information about what could be the next “big
attack”. Assuming, Stuxnet has been relevant and so
is the less famous Gauss. The IT-professionals share
rumours. Next day, back in the office they do
research. There is no acronym, no CVE-number to
begin with and no newsfeed of IT-security
specialists has information to offer.
The term “Gauss” provides a clue and this leads
to a tedious search, as the search term “Gauss” is
overloaded with the mathematician Carl-Friedrich
Gauss, the mathematical programming kit Gauss, the
metrical unit Gauss. Information about the Advance
Persistent Threat (APT) Gauss is somewhat lost
among all what the main search engines have to
offer (tested in an online search in October 2015)
and the search for a “Gauss-related”, unnamed
upcoming IT-threat is a bit like searching for a
needle in a haystack. This highlights the need to
have a database with cybersecurity related
information which will make the process of
searching for IT-Security related information less
cumbersome or a specialized search application tool
that caters to cybersecurity information and can
analyse data points according to the relevant
Second scenario: A hosted service provider that
has to make sure that all the hosted applications as
well as the hosting technology are safe. Such a
service provider would be interested in all upcoming
IT-security topics as well as politically or
economically motivated threats to the clients, e.g. by
hacktivists. Is there a need to reconsider a
configuration, or is there a need to patch systems or
to warn a client from hacktivists ?
The search for IT-security related information in
our second scenario is tedious as there are hundreds
of technologies and applications at play for which
Bhanu, Y., Dännart, S., Kielpinski, H., Laux, A., Lechner, U., Lehmann, T., Rieb, A., Riedl, M. and Wolf, F.
A Cyberthreat Search Process and Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0005806605280535
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016), pages 528-535
ISBN: 978-989-758-167-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
security needs have to be monitored. This
monitoring needs to happen frequently. This leads to
further questions e.g. When should the search
process be stopped? Which sources of information
need to be considered? Does an average IT-
professional need to take not only the open
information sources into account, but also the “dark
corners” or the darknet itself into consideration?
What level of quality in terms of data collection and
data analysis needs to be undertaken in order to
document the effort, to do the job well or to avoid
negligence lawsuits?
Technically speaking the two scenarios are about
the search for weak signals with the aim to stay
ahead of the game. In reality, the search involves
browsing through search engine results and other
information sources: Twitter accounts of leading
professionals, news ticker or newsfeeds from
companies or from public institutions, forums,
communities or pastebin services, etc.
Scenarios as the ones above motivated our joint
research project and our research interest in
- search strategies and search processes,
- quality and IT-support of search processes.
There is one particularly vexing question: How
exhaustive should be the search? We suggest that
scope and strategy need to be defined for a search.
The first, well known genre of IT-security related
information are interactive maps with information
about volumes, kind, source and target (cf.
https://cybermap.kaspersky.com. The second well
established genre are analysis reports (cf. (Anon
2012; Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der
Informationstechnik 2015) with analyses of APTs,
IT-security trends and forecasts. There are some
novel technology as dedicated (semantic) search or
intelligence technologies (e.g. (Awad et al. 2015)) or
for sharing IT-security related information (e.g.
(Ward et al. 2014).
As there is hardly any literature on search and
analysis of IT-security information and since this
search is interested in “novel technologies” we
reverted to the scholarly methods “literature review”
and to “technology scouting” as the domains from
which we take terminology and concepts for the
design of our search process and tool support.
Structured literature review is a method to cover
an extant body of (scholarly) literature. The
definition of the scope of a literature review, the
methods used to analyze identified literature and the
structure of the findings are key elements of the
method literature review. (Boote & Beile 2005;
Randolph 2009; Webster & Watson 2002). The
literature on the method literature review as a
scholarly method illustrates that a search and
analysis process needs to be defined with care and
the aim in mind.
Technology scouting for information on
upcoming technology is considered a structured
process in technology or innovation management.
Wolff describes that „In the 1980s, as U.S.
companies came to recognize they could no longer
meet all of their technology needs internally, more
and more companies began scouting for overseas
technology in a formal, organized way.“ (Wolff
1992). He describes that leveraging information,
such that an organization eventually would adopt
technology identified in scouting, is a major
challenge. He refers to interviews on the reality of
technology scouts describing, "you have to
understand the corporate strategy, the divisional
strategy, and the personality and goals of the
decision maker. Technology scouting requires a
much more thorough understanding of these factors
than competitive intelligence does." (Wolff 1992).
Wolff argues: „Viewed positively, any technology
adoption that does occur is serendipitous; viewed
negatively, it's a haphazard process. “.
Rohrbeck describes in his case study of the
technology scouting process in Deutsche Telekom
that technology scouting is a process of technology
intelligence to “identify opportunities and threats
arising from advances in technology” with the goal
to maintain competitive advantage (Rohrbeck,
2010). Sarpong et al. argue that strategic foresight is
crucial to organizational success in rapidly changing
environments with complexity and genuine
uncertainty where interventions cannot be prescribed
in advance. Foresight is described as “refined
sensitivity for detecting and disclosing invisible,
inarticulate or unconscious societal motives,
aspirations, and preferences and of articulating them
in such a way to create novel opportunities hitherto
unthought-of and hence unavailable to a society or
organization”. Sarpong et al. capture the delineation
of foresight as “[a] process that attempts to broaden
the boundaries of perceptions in four ways: by
assessing the implications of present actions,
decisions, etc. (consequent assessment); by detecting
and avoiding problems before they occur (early
warning and guidance); by considering the present
implications of possible future events (proactive
A Cyberthreat Search Process and Service
future formulation); [and] by envisioning aspects of
desired futures (normative scenarios)”. The process
perspective, therefore, is grounded in the widespread
recognition that foresight is not a positive science
but rather a contextual process of “way-finding”
driven by anticipation, imagination, continuous
probing, and the enactment of the future (Sarpong et
al. 2013). So, technology scouting is by no means a
trivial process - it is contextual, difficult to formalize
and support and leveraging information to adequate
action is a major challenge.
Rohrbeck defines technology scouting and the
evolution of the related concepts of technology
intelligence, future studies, foresight and forecasting
(Rohrbeck 2010) and distinguishes
Technology monitoring, i.e. the search of
specified topics and scope,
Technology scanning, i.e. the search of “white
spaces”, i.e. on topics and a scope not covered
in the technological scope of an organization.
Technology scouting, i.e. the search process to
facilitate the sourcing of technology.
Technology intelligence, i.e. the process
concerned with identification, assessment and
usage of information on technological
developments (Rohrbeck 2010).
Technology scouting needs to address white spaces
(Rohrbeck 2010) or the unknown unknowns, i.e. the
information whose nature scouts, experts and
managers not even suspect (Oertl et al. 2014).
ICT will revolutionize foresight studies: future
studies will be a practice, the demand for future
studies will increase, quality of data will improve
and the reliance on group wisdom will increase
while the reliance in individual experts will decrease
(Keller & von der Gracht 2014).
There are several models and concepts for
technology scouting processes: (1) Early
identification of technologies, trends and shocks, (2)
Raising the attention for threats and opportunities of
technological development, (3) Stimulation of
innovation by combining the technology reports
with business potential assessment, and (4)
Facilitation of the sourcing of external technologies
by reaching through the network of technology
scouts to their sources of information (Rohrbeck et
al. 2013). The process has four phases: (1)
Identification, (2) Selection, (3) Assessment, and (4)
Dissemination to produce information relevant for
the innovation strategy, CTOs and CMOs, R&D and
Product Managers. More design and organizational
implementation of technology scouting can be found
in (van der Duin et al. 2014), (Vishnevskiy et al.
2014), (Oertl et al. 2014), and (Battistella & De Toni
Scouting processes have decreasing returns over
search time and search costs with most of the results
identified early in the process (Oertl et al. 2014).
Most of the technology findings come from internal
or external full-time scouts whereas internal and
external part-time scouts contribute less (Rohrbeck
This first part of the review illustrates that the
design of search processes is a challenge. Little is
known about the search for IT-security information.
One main strategy in IT-security is to identify
threats as early as possible: IT-Security however
seems to be about today's reality and yesterday's
understanding (Loch et al. 1992) and seemingly too
little has changed in understanding the IT-security
landscape - calling for black and white hat research
and illustrating the need to get closer to the “black
hats” and their activities (Mahmood et al. 2010).
This need to get close to the sources motivates the
use of technology scouting as analogous domain.
IT-security information plays a crucial role in
IT-security management. There is empirical
evidence on the relevance of IT-security information
for compliance of users with IT-security policies and
adoption of IT-security technology (cf. e.g.,
(Blugurcu et al. 2010), (Roberts et al. 2013),
(Siponen & Vance 2010), (Johnston & Warkentin
2010), (Spears & Barki 2010)).
In general, the gap between information and
adequate action is imminent in the IT-security
domain. Harten et al. (Harten et al. 2014) refer to
studies suggesting that while 80 percent of
companies think of cybercrime as a high risk to the
economy, less than one third of companies perceived
the threat to their company as high (Geschonneck et
al. 2013). Optimism bias describes the disparity
between perceived general and perceived individual
risk (Pfleeger & Caputo 2012). Individuals who
have been attacked in the past assess their risk
higher than the ones who have not been attacked and
the likelihood of detected attacks is related to with
the ability to uncover cybercrimes (Harten et al.
2014). This adds to our argument that information
about IT-security is a crucial element in the IT-
security management of any organization.
The empirical basis of the study of search processes
and the design of a reference process are ten expert
interviews with IT-security experts from various
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
organizations connected to the IT-security cluster
Munich. The interviews were semi-structured, done
from December 2014 to April 2015 and lasted
between 44 and 98 minutes. The interviews were
recorded and transcribed or (alternatively) minutes
were taken during the interview. The processes were
reconstructed in a qualitative analysis and structured
according to a reference structure, which is based on
common features of the inquired processes.
3.1 The Reference Structure
The reference structure for the search of IT-security
information with the five main processes is depicted
in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Reference structure for the search for IT-security
The reference structure consists of selection of
sources, monitoring of sources, evaluation of
relevance of the search results of monitoring
(relevant or of interest only), prioritization of search
results, and measures.
None of the organizations had a process for the
search for IT-security information formally defined
and established. In eight (out of ten) cases a process
could be identified.
All interview partners are confident about the
quality of their level of information about IT-
security. E.g., one of our interview partners suggests
that his organization never missed an exploit in the
past („Also ich glaube, wir haben noch nie eine
Sicherheitslücke verpasst“). None of the
organizations had a dedicated tool support to search,
structure and organization of this information to a
cybersecurity operational picture of the current IT-
security status of the organization. None of the
organizations had a clear overview of the costs of
search for IT-security information and in some cases
is was common practice for the employees to search
for IT-security related information in their leisure
time and from their private devices at home.
Furthermore, the interview partners referred to past
experiences, individual judgments “gut feelings” as
their way on how they select sources and do the
3.2 An Example: The Search Process of
an IT-Service Provider
Fig. 2 depicts, the reconstruction of the search
process of an IT-service provider. This process is
considered as one of the best structured processes in
our empirical sample.
This IT-service provider needs to consider the
IT-security of the technology for hosting as well as
the security of the hosted IT-services. We found that
the search process for cybersecurity information is
not formalized – there is however an established,
structured method for this search.
Figure 2: Search process of an IT-service provider.
Our interview partners referenced six different
kinds of sources: (1) Blogs from experts, (2) Mailing
lists, (3) Public services, (4) Social Media, (5)
Events as, e.g., conferences and fairs, and (6) News
tickers and news pages. The interview partner
distinguishes between closed (available to a closed
group) and open (available to the general public)
mailing lists and considers quality and relevance of
closed lists higher than quality of open mailing lists.
In Monitoring, the interview partners suggest
that employees monitor their preferred sources as
part of their job as well as in their leisure time.
Information on threats or relevant information is sent
as a ticket to a request system.
A Cyberthreat Search Process and Service
Evaluation of relevance is done by experts. The
decision who evaluates the relevance of a ticket is ad
hoc, based on individual experiences of the expert
handling the security ticket.
To prioritize, the expert handling the ticket
determines the level of criticality and organizes
adequate IT-security measures.
An IT-security vulnerability that is classified as
critical until a patch is available. If no
countermeasure is available for a critical software, a
“deep inspection”, i.e. a process of searching and
eliminating vulnerabilities begins.
3.3 The Reference Process
This reference process is based on the result of
reference modeling which in turn is based on the
results of expert interviews, literature study (with
analogies to technology scouting and scholarly
literature review) and our domain knowledge of IT-
security and search processes is depicted in Fig. 3.
The reference structure (cf. Fig. 1) forms the basis
this model.
Figure 3: The Reference Process.
The first step of the process is the selection of
sources. These sources are maintained in a source-
repository. We distinguish a collection of classes of
sources: Blogs / Experts, Databases, Mailing lists,
Public institutions and their services, IT-security
service providers, Social Media, Events (Fairs,
Conferences), Webpages, and Miscellaneous.
Process step “Analysis of sources” distinguishes
two search strategies: (1) Monitoring is a process
that evaluates predefined sources according to
predefined criteria on a regular basis. Monitoring is
concerned with IT-security information and threats
that can be captured according to predefined criteria
in the analysis of sources. (2) Scanning is typically
an interactive process done by experts that deals
with “blank areas” on the threat landscape and with
the unknown unknowns, i.e. threats that go beyond
established attack vectors and concepts. Scanning
could also be done as a reaction to some cause of
concern. Note that we follow here the terminology
and concepts of technology scouting (cf. Sect. 2) as
well as the wording that the IT-security experts used
in the interviews.
In “Analysis of Sources” a security ticket is
created that documents the results of the analysis.
Note that this result may be “negative” as well. Note
furthermore that the recommendation to the use of a
ticket system was our observed during the
interviews. The interview partners referred only to
positive results to result in a security ticket. In order
to document the search and analysis efforts as well
as to facilitate the analysis of key performance
indicators, we recommend to document all results.
Note that this step also gets input from the
documentation of the search process.
The “Analysis of Sources” is followed by step
“Relevance Evaluation”. This process step evaluates
IT-security information according to its relevance
for a particular organization and it distinguishes
“merely interesting” from “actually relevant”
information. This step gets information about
relevant technologies, configurations and assets,
from the asset or configuration management (and its
Step “Prioritization” then classifies and ranks the
relevant information to trigger adequate measures.
Again, this step gets input from configuration or
asset management.
A more detailed description of the selection of
sources as well as the quality management of the
whole process is provided in (Dännart et al. 2016).
Note that e.g. a predefined set of sources implies that
one knows the sources that need to be considered
and also when to stop searching, in case the search
yields no result. The Mergeflow search application
offers IT-support for the search for and analysis of
IT-security related information.
Part of the research was the development of a tool to
support the search for IT-security information and
the analysis of this information.
The Mergeflow application supports the creation
of a repository for sources, a configurable spidering
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
application for collecting data from a configurable
variety of sources. Fig 4. depicts the results for the
search for “Stuxnet” with a number of search results
and keywords associated with this search.
Figure 4: Search results in the Mergeflow application.
The application supports an interactive search
process through clustering functionalities. Clustering
can be done according to “technology”, “person”
(persons involved), “company”, or “vulnerability”.
The analysis is done by a text mining specialized for
the domain IT-security.
Fig. 5 depicts the results of representation as a
graph. This graph can be manipulated to support the
search for relations between concepts. Concepts are,
e.g. CVS number, persons, country. Edges represent
documents that contain a relation between the
concepts. These documents can be inspected to learn
more about the nature of the connection between the
concepts and they can refer to the original source or
the internal database of spidered or otherwise
collected documents. Fig. 6 presents a different
structure for the information. Here the organizations,
the threats and the development over time are
The application also supports workflows and
allows schedule routine queries (for the search
strategy monitoring) and results, e.g. for handing
search results over in a structured search process.
The application supports an analysis for changes in
the graphs to identify new topics that gain
momentum – the weak signals of upcoming topics or
Note that this application goes beyond what has
been formulated in the search process in terms of
analysing and structuring functionalities. It can
support the operational IT-security level that is
interested in information about current threats and
current IT-security information. It can also support
more tactical analysis, e.g. for compiling an
operational IT-security picture.
Figure 5: Graph with CVS number relations.
Figure 6: Relation organizations and IT-security threats
over time.
Our research interests are
- search strategies and search processes
A Cyberthreat Search Process and Service
- quality and IT-support of search processes
of IT-security related information. This position
paper presents a literature review, the design of a
reference process for search and the Mergeflow
application to support the search of IT-security
information, to analyse this information and to
develop an operational common picture or a more
strategic operational picture.
While seeking data as well as during designing
the process and the tool some of the initial
assumptions of what eventually would be useful for
IT-security professionals had to be turned on its
head. First, we assumed that search of IT-security
information is about detecting weak signals as all
IT-professionals will attempt to stay ahead of the
game. This is what IS and IT-security literature
suggest and what an IT-professional would think as
to be cool (cf. Stuxnet). Our analysis suggests that
most IT-professionals would benefit from being
provided support when monitoring professional
sources and structuring this information.
IT-management would benefit from search of
IT-security information as a standard process with a
scope and quality criteria. We suggest that it should
be implemented as a dedicated role within the
organization (instead of a joint effort of employees
done partly in the leisure time). Our reference
process suggests scope and criteria (cf. also (Dännart
et al. 2016) for such a search.
The Mergeflow application itself however would
need customization as well as integration, in
particular consulting effort as very little is known
about the relevance of search of IT-security of an
organization and the needs to get this information
search and analysis structured. It is still an open
question what a useful operational cybersecurity
picture should look like. Consequently, more
research needs to be done here.
We would like to acknowledge the funding from
IUK Bayern for project “Laufend aktuelles
Cybersecurity Lagebild“ (FKZ:IUK-1304-0011//
IUK427-004). We are grateful to our interview
partners for their valuable input.
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