A Markovian-based Approach for Daily Living Activities
Zaineb Liouane
, Tayeb Lemlouma
, Philippe Roose
, Fréderic Weis
and Hassani Messaoud
LARATSI, Monastir University, Ibn El Jazzar, Monastir, Tunisia
IRISA, Rennes1 University, Lannion, France
LIUPPA/T2i, Pau and the Adour Countries University, Anglet, France
IRISA, Rennes1 University, Rennes, France
Keywords: Smart Home, Elderly Person, Home by Room Activities Language, Hierarchical and Hidden Markov
Model, Activities, Scenarios, Prediction.
Abstract: Recognizing activities of daily living plays an important role in healthcare. It is necessary to use an adapted
model to simulate the human behavior in a domestic space to monitor the patient harmonically and to
intervene in the necessary time. In this paper we tackle this problem using the hierarchical hidden Markov
model for representing and recognizing complex indoor activities, we propose a new grammar “Home By
Room Activities language” to facilitate the complexity of human scenarios and hold us account to the
abnormal activities.
Elderly people have difficulties with notions of
everyday life and are in a situation of dependency.
They have difficulties or inability to perform
redundant tasks as bathing, feeding; performs basic
actions (getting up, moving); communicate
(speaking, hearing).
The concept of smart home allows our seniors to
continue to live as possible, while remaining free at
home without changing their habits. Their own
home is important as they have they habits and
memories. Moreover, people live in a better health
(physical & psychological) at home instead of being
in old people’s home as well as it is much more
economic. This is why resources are currently
organizing to keep our seniors at home. Thanks to
new technologies, smart homes allow the
notification of abnormal situations like fall, malaise
or abnormal behavior and locate the person if (s) he
is outside his/her home/garden. The recognition and
the evaluation of human behavior, activities and
interactions with the objects in a smart home is still
an opened issue. In order to have the good, certain,
accurate and realistic results, it is necessary to
identify the efficient models and languages for the
recognition of the behavior.
To describe the human behavior we propose a
new grammar ”Home By Room Activities language
(HBRAL)” used to convert the real person scenario
to a simple and comprehensive scenario. The
principle of this grammar is to classify the activities
of the person by room type in order to facilitate the
recognition of normal and abnormal scenarios.
Thereafter we will use the Hidden Markov model to
predict the activities of elderly at home used our
grammar. It is a well known framework to deal with
uncertainty and dynamic data. Such model is often
used for action recognition. In order to be more
precise, we will use an extension called Hierarchical
hidden Markov model (HHMM); it is generally used
for modeling complex activities in order to gain a
precise recognition.
This model is a structured multi-level stochastic
process that can be visualized as a tree structured
variant of the HMM. It is suitable for the expression
of user action data and it can find the prediction
value about collected information and current
situation. In this paper, we use the HHMM
algorithm to obtain a reliable recognition person’s
activities. Thereafter, we calculate the likelihood
ratio of the HHMM model between the prediction
and the real activities. This paper is structured as
Liouane, Z., Lemlouma, T., Roose, P., Weis, F. and Messaoud, H.
A Markovian-based Approach for Daily Living Activities Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0005809502140219
In Proceedings of the 5th Inter national Confererence on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2016), pages 214-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-169-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
follows: the next section presents the related works.
In Section 3, we define a model for the recognition
of scenarios and behaviors. In Section 4, we present
the results of the implementation and simulation of
our model. Finally, we present the estimation of our
model we finish with a conclusion.
The functional tasks in daily lives of old seniors are
divided into two parts, ADL’s and IADL’s (Msahli et
al., 2014) and (Lemlouma et al.,2013). The activities
of daily living (ADL) are the basic tasks of everyday
life, such as eating, bathing, dressing, walking,
toileting, and transferring.
The Instrumental activities of daily living
(IADL’s) are the activities that people do since they
are awake such as dressing homework, phone use,
etc. In this part we study the related work of the
language used to describe the ADL and IADL’s of
the elderly precisely the language used to predict
scenario of the person.
A recognition language is used to define a set of
scenario to recognize the behavior of the person.
Many researchers propose languages to recognize
the human behavior in a smart home. In (Neyatia et
al), authors propose a specific language: Human
Behavior Scenario Description Language (HBSDL)
to simulate the human dependency in a domestic
environment and to describe the scenario of the
human behavior during a large period of time. In
(Zhang et al., 2011), authors present an extended
grammar system SCFG (Stochastic Context-Free
Grammars) for complex visual event recognition. It
is based on rule induction and multithread parsing.
In (Aritoni et al., 2011), the authors define the Event
Recognition Language (ERL). It is a generative
language able to define most of the events in daily
life and especially the one interested in surveillance
Our study focuses on a particular kind of the resident
that is elderly in order to provide them with required
help and assistance. The considered scenarios
includes: the person’s behavior, the interaction with
the system and surrounding objects and consider the
person’s degree of dependency. These scenarios will
consider the constraints and difficulties that can face
the resident is his daily life.
We define a scenario as the set of activities
performed by the elderly person. The considered
actions are those performed towards the system,
such as: Off, On, Alarm, Warning. It is necessary to
use an efficient model to recognize the scenario of
the elderly person.
The majority of previous works were based on
the Markov model as a model for the recognition of
old people’s activities in a smart home.
Unfortunately, these models focus on particular
events. For instance, (Singla et al., 2008) and (Kang
et al., 2010) focuses on the “preparing diner”
activity. Seen the good results obtained with the
Markov model used for the recognition of particular
activities, we choose to use it for the recognition of
the main activities achieved by the resident during a
day to take a generic and more developed solution.
In order to obtain a good result, we should focus on
the accuracy and precision of information to
intervene as early as possible in case of emergency.
3.1 The Hierarchical Markov Models
This paper tackles the problem of studying and
recognizing human activities of daily living (ADL),
which is an important research issue in building a
pervasive and smart environment. In dealing with
ADL, we argue that it is beneficial to exploit both
the inherent hierarchical organization of the
activities and their typical duration. The Hierarchical
Hidden Markov Model (HHMM) is an extension of
the hidden Markov model to include a hierarchy of
the hidden states for the recognition of complex
actions. This model consists a layered structure of
Markov Models (MM). On the top levels (the parent
level) each state activates another MM on the child
level. In this study we propose to use the HHMM, a
rich stochastic model that has recently been
extended to handle shared structures, for
representing and recognizing a set of complex
indoor activities.
The advantages of hierarchical recognition are:
Recognition of various levels of abstraction,
simplification of low-level models and response to
novel data by decreasing details. In this paper, we
apply the HHMM to predict and recognize the
behavior of people in a smart home network.
3.2 The Grammar Proposition
In this section, we propose to use a grammar to
recognize and simplify the complex activities; the
aim of this grammar is to classify the structure of the
person’s activities and to give meaning of used
A Markovian-based Approach for Daily Living Activities Recognition
model. The activity of daily living based on a set of
reaction between information, object and
environment in the “home”. We can consider that
each environment in the” home” has a specific
activity. Indeed, the home environment includes the
physical home structure and the place where the
activities are achieved (number of rooms, type of
rooms, etc.). For each room, we store data about:
type (Kitchen/Living-room/ Bedroom/etc), width,
length, height and a list of all the objects that exist in
the room. One makes many activities. Each activity
has its one environment in the ”home”. For example:
the person cannot prepare a meal in the bedroom”,
the person cannot sleep in the bathroom”, etc. In
order to simplify the recognition of activities, we
tailor each activity to the location where it is
performed. We consider a common home
architecture that consists of: Bedroom, Bathroom
(including toilets), Kitchen and Living room. In this
study, we propose to classify the activity of the
person by the room of home as shown in table 1, we
take consider the ADL and IADL activities.
The variables of the following algorithm are:
T.K: Usual time passed in kitchen, T.Bth : Usual
time passed in bathroom., T.Bed: Usual time passed
in bedroom., T.Lvr : Usual time passed in Living
Room. New.TK: New time passed in kitchen,
New.TBth: New time passed in bathroom.
New.TBed: New time passed in bedroom.
New.TLvr : New time passed in Living Room. Tic
and toc: predefined function to calculate the time
spent in each state.
Our grammar “Home By Room Activities
Language (HBRAL) can be described using a
hierarchical hidden Markov model (HHMM).
Algorithm of HBRAL: The following algorithm
defines clearly the operation of our grammar:
Switch (type of room){
Case {Kitchen}
For (i=1; i<=T.K; i++)
Case {Bathroom}
For (i=1; i<=T.Bth; i++)
Case {Bedroom}
For (i=1; i<=T.Bed; i++)
New.T.Bed= toc;
Case {Living room}
For (i=1; i<=T.Lvr; i++)
Object=Object-Living room;}
New.T.Lvr = toc;
break; }
Consequently we describe the HBARL using
HHMM to obtain a better result.
In this paper, we apply the HHMM with a shared
structure to predict and recognize the behaviors of
the inhabitant in a smart home network for the
elderly person.
The main and sub-activities are mapped into a
shared-structure HHMM, which has fourth levels.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the HHMM
model based on our grammar. We show the
relationship between levels. These relationships are
defined in a strict and mono-directional hierarchy:
from top to down. Always the lowest level depends
on the highest previous one. Each level contains the
elements of the same nature. For example, the
second level includes the set of possible places.
Level 1 is the root environment. Level 2 is the
main environment. Level 3 and 4 are the activities
and objects, respectively. All these levels have a
direct link between them, for example if the person
turn-on the TV, the following action will be -most
probably- watching TV. Consequently, we cannot
pass from level n to level n+2. These links allow us
to make a complete scenario starting with the kind of
place where the action is realized by the resident.
Concerning the “level 3”each activity can have from
1to n object(s) with n is the number of objects used
in this activity. The link between each object in the
same “level 4” is the <and>.
Table 1: Activity and objects classed by the room.
preparing a
using a stove,
taking a
taking a
reading a
Watching a
TV, staying
in a bank,
read a
ournal book,
drink a
Coffee filter
Radiator, etc.
SENSORNETS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Algorithm based on detection of abnormal
If ( New.T.K > PDT.K) then
{Printf(“alert abnormal
activity kitchen”);}
Else if( New.T.Bth > PDT.Bth)
{Printf(“alert abnormal
activity bathroom”);}
Else If ( New.T.Bed >
PDT.Bed) then
{Printf(“alert abnormal
activity bedroom”);}
Else If ( New.T.Lvr >
PDT.Lvr) then
{Printf(“alert abnormal
activity living room”);}end
Detection of abnormal activities: With our
grammar HBRAL we can easily identify the
abnormal activity precisely the unusual activities
concerning the location in home. The last algorithm
present the detection way of the abnormal activity.
With PDT: Possible Delay Time.
PDT=Usual time passed +30 minute (1)
We can notice that our algorithm helps the
supervised to detect the abnormal activities related
by the location.
The advantage of the HBRAL described by
Our proposed model (HBRAL+HHMM)
provides several advantage, first the principle of this
model is to describe the person scenario from more
general to more specific, The HBRAL based on
HHMM reduce the ambiguity and the redundancy
of data, additional decrease the search filed and
ensures easily the detection of abnormal concerned
the location.
We propose to use the HBRAL grammar based on
hierarchical hidden Markov model (Section 3.1) to
recognize the activities of elderly. In this model,
each level is simulated as a simple hidden Markov
model following the normal law as a probability law
with a standard deviation in order to evaluate the
likelihood ratio of this model.
4.1 Implementation
We consider a piece of three rooms where each
room is equipped with several sensors (presence,
motion, etc.). The information provided by each
sensor allows to know about the activities and the
presence of the person. In our simulation, each
rooms is linked to specific activity. The simulation
period is five hours. We simulate these activities in a
random way. Each scenario has a specific set of
sensors regarding each room. In our case, we
simulate these scenarios during 5 hours: from 7:00
to 12:00 A.M. Each room contains a specific
scenario which contains from one to n activities.
Example: at 7:00 A.M. the person wakes up in the
bedroom, takes toileting at 7:10 in the bathroom. In
the kitchen, our resident prepares his lunch at 8:00.
Afterwards, he washes the dishes then go to the
living room to watch TV at 9:15. Later on, our
resident has entered the kitchen to prepare his meal
at 11:00 then he takes his medication in the bedroom
at 11:45.
This example contains three scenarios:
kitchen scenario: preparing lunch at 8:00;
Wash these dishes at 8.30; preparing meal at
11:00. The bedroom scenario: wakes up at
7:00; Take medication at 11.45. The living
room scenario: watch TV at 9.15.
Figure 1: The architecture of the HHMM.
In order to simulate the current model, it is
necessary to describe these parameters (N, A, B, Π)
A Markovian-based Approach for Daily Living Activities Recognition
where N is the number of state, A is the transition
matrix, B is the emission matrix and Π is the initial
matrix. The following matrices A, B and Π are row
stochastic, which means that each element is a
probability and the elements of each row sum to 1,
that is, each row is a probability distribution. In this
case, we implement our scenarios with the following
Transition matrix: this matrix represents the
probabilities of the transition between the states
where each state represents a human scenario.
Scenario K Scenario L Scenario B
Scenario K 0.1 0.8 0.1
Scenario L 0.05 0.9 0.05
Scenario B 0.05 0.15 0.8
Initial matrix: This matrix represents the
probabilities of the initial state of our scenario.
Scenario K Scenario L Scenario B
Π 0.7 0.2 0.1
Emission matrix: contains the emission probabilities,
the probability to emit each observation for each
Scenario K Scenario L Scenario B
B 0.1 0.7 0.2
4.2 Evaluations
We implemented the hidden Markov model using
the Matlab. We tested performances of this model
from the viewpoint of the recognition of behavior
and human activity. Figure 2 shows the hidden states
for each room (the first three curve) and the
observation of our model (the fourth curve). Each
targeted state has a specific scenario. The scenario
kitchen is the activities realized in the kitchen
according to exact times (the first curves), the
scenario Living room is the activities realized in the
kitchen according to exact times (the second curves),
the scenario Bathroom is the activities realized in the
kitchen according to exact times (the third curves).
The fourth curves show the observation of these
hidden states. Using the observation sequence O, the
activities of the person can be estimated as shown in
figure 2 using the transition matrix A and the initial
matrix Π. The fourth curve (Observation) shows the
prediction of the three scenarios this curve present
the evolution of the predicted hidden states that
represent the evolution of the scenario observation
over time; the observation O
is connected to the
hidden state Q
at the same time.
= h(Q
) + Vn (2)
With an additive noise V
independent Q
50 100 150 200 250 300
Scenario Living room
50 100 150 200 250 300
Scenario Kitchen
50 100 150 200 250 300
Scenario Bathroom
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 2: Hidden Markov Model: hidden state and
Let be a hidden Markov model and O a
sequence of acoustic observations. The recognition
of this sequence is done by finding the model that
maximizes the probability P ( | O) (probability that
model generates a sequence of acoustic vectors
O). This probability is also called posterior
probability. Unfortunately, it is not possible to
directly compute the P ( | O) probability.
However, we can compute the probability that a
particular model could generate a certain sequence
of acoustic vectors O i.e. P (O | ).
In this section we estimate the three scenarios
(Scenario L, Scenario K, Scenario B) according to
the time. Figure 3 shows the estimation of the
hidden state” in this context the state is the
place/location of the person” for each room in (300
min) using the scenario L (Living-room scenario), K
(Kitchen) and B (Bath-room). Figure 3 shows the
estimation of hidden states in terms of each room;
each color represents the progress of each activity in
terms of time. From Figure 3 we noticed that every
activity runs independently.
5.1 Likelihood Measurements
To test the likelihood rate of obtained observation by
the Markov model must compare our result
"predicted" with the “real”; from this comparison we
can see the performance and the accuracy of our
detection model. From these results we can properly
assess the errors to know the likelihood rate and we
later conclude the efficiency of our results.
SENSORNETS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Sensor Networks
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Scenario K
Scenario L
Scenario B
Time (mi nutes)
Scenarios room
Figure 3: Hidden state estimation based on time.
5.2 Measures of Forecast Errors in the
Prediction of Activities
We can obtain a prediction result that is very similar
of our hidden state (real state). In this section, we
estimate the error rate of our observation.
Calculation of error: Since the forecasts are usually
false, a good forecast should also include a measure
of predictable error. The error can be calculated
using the difference between the prediction and the
actual event: Error = Actual event – Prediction.
Et = Rt - Pt (3)
Figure 4 presents the error of observation in
function of time. From Figure 4 we can see that the
error of the prediction does not exceed the range [-
1,1]. We noticed that for five hours the number of
found errors is 9 which means that our model
succeeds the prediction with only 3% of error.
In this work, we were interested in the events
recognition in smart environments for elderly and
dependent persons. Our objective was to identify
and experiment an efficient recognition model. We
evaluated the likelihood rate of the hidden Markov
model based on our grammar “Home By Room
Activities language” in a smart home with a
monitored person. Finally, we evaluated the efficient
of this model using Matlab-based simulation tool.
The results reveal that the proposed model is
efficient for activities recognition with an
observation error rate that is not very large
compared to our hidden states. In the next steps of
this work, we will explore the enrichment of our
approach by investigating the learning-based
systems (such as neural networks with a new
learning algorithm) in order to recognize the events
in a smart home and improve the learning phase
such by using the differential evolution algorithm
(Chengyao et al., 2015).
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (minutes)
Errors of observation
Figure 4: Error in function of time.
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A Markovian-based Approach for Daily Living Activities Recognition