follows: the next section presents the related works.
In Section 3, we define a model for the recognition
of scenarios and behaviors. In Section 4, we present
the results of the implementation and simulation of
our model. Finally, we present the estimation of our
model we finish with a conclusion.
The functional tasks in daily lives of old seniors are
divided into two parts, ADL’s and IADL’s (Msahli et
al., 2014) and (Lemlouma et al.,2013). The activities
of daily living (ADL) are the basic tasks of everyday
life, such as eating, bathing, dressing, walking,
toileting, and transferring.
The Instrumental activities of daily living
(IADL’s) are the activities that people do since they
are awake such as dressing homework, phone use,
etc. In this part we study the related work of the
language used to describe the ADL and IADL’s of
the elderly precisely the language used to predict
scenario of the person.
A recognition language is used to define a set of
scenario to recognize the behavior of the person.
Many researchers propose languages to recognize
the human behavior in a smart home. In (Neyatia et
al), authors propose a specific language: Human
Behavior Scenario Description Language (HBSDL)
to simulate the human dependency in a domestic
environment and to describe the scenario of the
human behavior during a large period of time. In
(Zhang et al., 2011), authors present an extended
grammar system SCFG (Stochastic Context-Free
Grammars) for complex visual event recognition. It
is based on rule induction and multithread parsing.
In (Aritoni et al., 2011), the authors define the Event
Recognition Language (ERL). It is a generative
language able to define most of the events in daily
life and especially the one interested in surveillance
Our study focuses on a particular kind of the resident
that is elderly in order to provide them with required
help and assistance. The considered scenarios
includes: the person’s behavior, the interaction with
the system and surrounding objects and consider the
person’s degree of dependency. These scenarios will
consider the constraints and difficulties that can face
the resident is his daily life.
We define a scenario as the set of activities
performed by the elderly person. The considered
actions are those performed towards the system,
such as: Off, On, Alarm, Warning. It is necessary to
use an efficient model to recognize the scenario of
the elderly person.
The majority of previous works were based on
the Markov model as a model for the recognition of
old people’s activities in a smart home.
Unfortunately, these models focus on particular
events. For instance, (Singla et al., 2008) and (Kang
et al., 2010) focuses on the “preparing diner”
activity. Seen the good results obtained with the
Markov model used for the recognition of particular
activities, we choose to use it for the recognition of
the main activities achieved by the resident during a
day to take a generic and more developed solution.
In order to obtain a good result, we should focus on
the accuracy and precision of information to
intervene as early as possible in case of emergency.
3.1 The Hierarchical Markov Models
This paper tackles the problem of studying and
recognizing human activities of daily living (ADL),
which is an important research issue in building a
pervasive and smart environment. In dealing with
ADL, we argue that it is beneficial to exploit both
the inherent hierarchical organization of the
activities and their typical duration. The Hierarchical
Hidden Markov Model (HHMM) is an extension of
the hidden Markov model to include a hierarchy of
the hidden states for the recognition of complex
actions. This model consists a layered structure of
Markov Models (MM). On the top levels (the parent
level) each state activates another MM on the child
level. In this study we propose to use the HHMM, a
rich stochastic model that has recently been
extended to handle shared structures, for
representing and recognizing a set of complex
indoor activities.
The advantages of hierarchical recognition are:
Recognition of various levels of abstraction,
simplification of low-level models and response to
novel data by decreasing details. In this paper, we
apply the HHMM to predict and recognize the
behavior of people in a smart home network.
3.2 The Grammar Proposition
In this section, we propose to use a grammar to
recognize and simplify the complex activities; the
aim of this grammar is to classify the structure of the
person’s activities and to give meaning of used