Evaluation of Requirements Collection Strategies for a Constraint-based
Recommender System in a Social e-Learning Platform
Francesco Epifania
and Riccardo Porrini
Department of Computer Science, University of Milano, Via Comelico 39, Milano, Italy
Social Things s.r.l., Via De Rolandi 1, Milano, Italy
Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication, University of Milano-Bicocca, Viale Sarca 336, Milano, Italy
Recommender System, Learning Resources, Social Network, e-Learning, User-centric Evaluation.
The NETT Recommender System (NETT-RS) is a constraint-based recommender system that recommends
learning resources to teachers who want to design courses. As for many state-of-the-art constraint-based
recommender systems, the NETT-RS bases its recommendation process on the collection of requirements to
which items must adhere in order to be recommended. In this paper we study the effects of two different
requirement collection strategies on the perceived overall recommendation quality of the NETT-RS. In the
first strategy users are not allowed to refine and change the requirements once chosen, while in the second
strategy the system allows the users to modify the requirements (we refer to this strategy as backtracking).
We run the study following the well established ResQue methodology for user-centric evaluation of RS. Our
experimental results indicate that backtracking has a strong positive impact on the perceived recommendation
quality of the NETT-RS.
Recommender Systems (RSs) are information filter-
ing algorithms that generate meaningful recommen-
dations to a set of users over a collection of items that
might be of their interest (Jannach et al., 2010). In
its basic incarnation, a RS takes in input a user pro-
file and possibly some situational context and com-
putes a ranking over a collection of recommendable
items (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). The user
profile can possibly include explicit information, such
as feedback or ratings of items and/or implicit infor-
mation, such as items visited and time spent on them.
RSs leverage this information to predict the relevance
score for a given, typically unseen, item.
RS have been adopted in many disparate fields,
ranging from movies, music, books, to financial ser-
vices and live insurances (Jannach et al., 2010). In the
e- Learning context, the NETT Recommender System
(NETT-RS) (Mesiti et al., 2014) is a RS that recom-
mends learning resources (e.g., slides, tutorials, pa-
pers etc.) to teachers who want to design a course.
The NETT-RS is a component of the NETT platform,
one of the main outcomes of the NETT European
The NETT project aims at gathering a networked
social community of teachers to improve the en-
trepreneurship teaching in the European educational
system. Among the other things, the platform allows
teachers to design courses. The NETT-RS supports
the teachers in the design of courses by recommend-
ing adequate and high quality learning resources (re-
sources, for brevity). In order to finalize the design,
teachers go through three sequential steps: they spec-
ify (1) a set of rules and (2) keywords for a course
(e.g., required skill = statistics) and (3) the system
recommends a set of resources such that they fit the
rules and the keywords specified by the teacher (e.g.,
no differential calculus for a basic math course) and
have an high rating.
The characteristics of a NETT-RS closely match
the ones proper of constraint-based RS (Felfernig
et al., 2011) as the teacher specifies a set of require-
ments (in the form of rules and keywords) to which
resources must adhere in order to be recommended.
The multi-phased process allows the teacher to incre-
mentally explore the resource space in order to find
the most suitable ones for her/his course, in the vein
of conversational RS (Pu et al., 2011b; Chen and Pu,
2012). However, this interaction with the user re-
quired by the NETT-RS entails several challenges.
The teacher must be put within an interactive loop
Epifania, F. and Porrini, R.
Evaluation of Requirements Collection Strategies for a Constraint-based Recommender System in a Social e-Learning Platform.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 376-382
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with the system, with the possibility to revise the rules
and keywords previously specified. We refer to this
feature as backtracking.
In this paper, we study the effect of the backtrack-
ing feature on the NETT-RS. We argue that provid-
ing a backtracking feature to the NETT-RS strongly
influences the perceived recommendation quality. In
order to answer this research question, we set up a
user-centric evaluation of the NETT-RS following the
ResQue methodology (Pu et al., 2011a). We compare
two versions of the NETT-RS (with and without back-
tracking) over many different user- centric quality di-
mensions. Evidence gathered from this study substan-
tiates our intuitions: the presence of backtracking has
a strong impact on many different quality measures,
such as control, perceived ease of use and overall sat-
The reminder of the paper is organized as follows.
In Section 2 we sketch the main components of the
NETT-RS. In Section 3 we describe the user study
that we conducted and discuss the results. We com-
pare the NETT-RS with related work in Section 4 and
end the paper with conclusions and highlight future
work in Section 5.
The NETT-RS recommendation process consists of
three sequential steps: rule induction, keyword ex-
traction and resource selection. In the rest of the Sec-
tion we describe how items (i.e., learning resources)
are represented within the NETT- RS, along with a
sketch of the three phases. We also highlight one of
the main issues that underlies this multi-step process:
the need for backtracking.
2.1 Learning Resources
Learning resource (resource for brevity), which are
suggested by using a set of metadata that adhere to
the Learning Object Metadata standard (LOM). These
metadata characterize resources in terms of, for ex-
ample, format (e.g., text, slide etc.) or language (e.g.,
Italian, English etc.). More formally, resources are
characterized by a fixed set of n metadata µ
, .. . , µ
which can be qualitative (nominal/ordinal) or quanti-
tative (continuous/discrete), where the latter are suit-
ably normalized in [0, 1]. Table 1 presents some ex-
ample metadata used within the NETT-RS. The re-
sources are also characterized by a particular meta-
data: the keywords. The keywords ideally describe
the topics that a resource is about. Each resource has a
Figure 1: The rule selection step.
textual content π (e.g., the text extracted from a slide).
Each resource is affected by a rating p, typically nor-
malized in [0, 1].
2.2 Rule Induction
As a first step, the teacher is asked to select a set
of constraints (i.e., rules) over the learning metadata.
Those rules are computed automatically by the sys-
tem leveraging a well known rule induction algo-
rithm, as explained later on in this Section. An exam-
ple of rules selection is depicted in Figure 1. Rules,
which should in principle accurately describe the re-
sources available in the system, are encoded as Horn
clauses made of some antecedents and one conse-
quent. The consequent is fixed: π is good” (i.e.,
the content of a resource is good). The antecedents
are Boolean conditions c
(true/false) concerning sen-
tences of two kinds: (1) “µ
θ”, where θ stands for
any symbolic (for nominal metadata) or numeric con-
stant (for quantitative variables) and (2) µ
A”, with
A a suitable set of constants associated with qualita-
tive metadata. A rule is hence formally defined as
, . . . , c
π is good.
We may obtain these rules starting from one of
the many algorithms generating decision trees divid-
ing good from bad items, where the difference be-
tween the various methods stands in the entropic cri-
teria and the stopping rules adopted to obtain a tree,
and in the further pruning heuristics used to derive
rules that are limited in number, short in length (num-
ber of antecedents), and efficient as for classification
errors. In articular we use RIPPERk, a variant of
the Incremental Reduced Error Pruning (IREP) pro-
posed by Cohen (Cohen, 1995) to reduce the error
rate, guaranteeing in the meanwhile a high efficiency
on large samples, and in particular its Java version
Evaluation of Requirements Collection Strategies for a Constraint-based Recommender System in a Social e-Learning Platform
Table 1: An excerpt of metadata that characterize a resource.
Metadata Type Values
Learning Resource Type qualitative Diagram, Figure, Graph, Index, Slides, Table, Narrative Text, Lecture, Exercise, Simulation, Questionnaire,
Exam, Experiment, Problem Statement, Self Assessment
Format qualitative Video, Images, Slide, Text, Audio
Language qualitative English, Italian, Bulgarian, Turkish
Keywords qualitative entrepreneurship, negotiation, . . .
Typical Learning Time quantitative 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, +120 minutes
Table 2: A set of two candidate rules.
Id Rule
skill required Communication Skill in Marketing Information
Management = low and language = Italian good course
skill acquired Communication Skill in Marketing Information
Management = medium-high and skill acquired Communication
Skill in Communications Basic = high and age = teenager-adult
good course
JRip available in the WEKA environment (Hall et al.,
2009). This choice was mainly addressed by com-
putational complexity reasons, as we move from the
cubic complexity in the number of items of the well
known C4.5 (Quinlan, 1993) to the linear complex-
ity of JRip. Rather, the distinguishing feature of our
method is the use of these rules: not to exploit the
classification results, rather to be used as hyper- meta-
data of the questioned items. In our favorite applica-
tion field, the user, in search of didactic material for
assembling a course on a given topic, will face rules
like those reported in Table 2. Then, it is up to her/him
to decide which rules characterize the material s/he’s
searching for.
2.3 Keywords Extraction and Resource
As a second step, the system presents the teacher with
a subset of the keywords extracted from the metadata
of resources that satisfy the rules selected during the
rule induction phase. An example of keywords is de-
picted in Figure 2.
In fact, even after applying the filtering capabil-
ity provided by the selected rules, the number of re-
sources that are to be suggested can still be very high.
Thus, a meaningful subset of the keywords is pre-
sented to the teacher. The NETT-RS looks for the best
subset of keywords in terms of the ones providing the
highest entropy partition of the resource set selected
by the rules Figure 4. With this strategy, the num-
ber of selected resources is guaranteed to reduce uni-
Figure 2: The keywords selection step.
Figure 3: The resource selection step.
formly at an exponential rate for whatever keyword
subset chosen by the teacher.
As the final step, the NETT-RS recommends a set
the resources such that: (1) they satisfy the rules and
(2) they are annotated with the selected keywords.
The teacher then finalizes the design of the course by
selecting the resources considered suitable. An exam-
ple of suggested resources is depicted in Figure 3.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1 The Backtracking Feature
The NETT-RS requires the teacher to go through all
the three steps described above in order to finalize
the design of a course. During each step the system
provides the teacher with a set of automatically se-
lected items, namely: rules, keywords or resources.
The strong assumption we make on such a process is
that the choices made by the teacher in one phase can
potentially affect the result of the subsequent phases.
For this reason we argue that allowing the teacher to
go back and forth the phases, and possibly revising the
selections, has a strong impact on the perceived qual-
ity of the resource suggestion in the final step (Fig-
ure 3). The need of such a backtracking feature was
furthermore observed by alpha testers of the NETT-
RS, which initially were not equipped with such fea-
3.2 Evaluating the Backtracking
From the user interaction point of view we argue that
the backtracking feature has a high impact on the
overall perceived quality of the NETT-RS. We sub-
stantiate this claim with empirical evidence gathered
from a user-centric evaluation of the NETT- RS. The
remainder of this Section describes the experiment
we conducted, starting from the research question and
hypotheses, the experimental setting, and ending with
the discussion of the experimental results.
3.3 Research Question and Hypotheses
Our research question is rather simple and pragmatic:
Does providing a backtracking feature to teachers af-
fect the perceived quality of the recommendation of
the NETT System?
In order to provide an answer to this research
question, we evaluate the NETT-RS and formulate the
two following hypotheses:
H1: the possibility to revise the choices made during
the course design process increases the perceived
user control over the NETT-RS.
H2: the possibility to revise the choices made during
the course design process increases the perceived
overall quality of the NETT-RS.
The hypothesis H1 focuses on a specific quality of
the NETT-RS (i.e., the user control over the recom-
mendation process), which is only one of the possi-
ble dimensions that contribute to the perceived overall
quality of system (H2).
3.4 Experimental Design
Two versions of the NETT-RS were evaluated: the
first one without the backtracking feature enabled
(i.e., NETT-RS) and the second one with backtracking
(i.e., NETT-RS-b). As for testing our hypotheses, we
adopted the ResQue methodology (Pu et al., 2011a),
which is a well-established technique for the user-
centric evaluation of RSs. We selected 40 partici-
pants, mainly university professors, and asked them to
design a course on Probability and Statistics, choos-
ing from 1170 different learning resources. We se-
lected such resources from the MIT Open Course-
Ware website. The participants were equally parti-
tioned into two disjoint subsets (20 + 20). Participants
from the first subset were asked to design a course
using NETT-RS, while participants from the second
subset used NETT-RS-b. Finally, participants were
presented with a questionnaire (Table 3)
3.5 The Adapted ResQue Questionnaire
The ResQue questionnaire (Pu et al., 2011a) defines
a wide set of user-centric quality metrics to evaluate
the perceived qualities of RSs and to predict users’
behavioral intentions as a result of these evaluations.
The original version of the questionnaire included 43
questions, evaluating 15 different qualities, such as
recommendation accuracy or control. Participants’
responses to each question are characterized by us-
ing a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree (1)
to strongly agree (5). Two versions of the question-
naire have been proposed (Pu, et al., 2011): a longer
version (43 questions) and a shorter version (15 ques-
tions). In our study we adopted the short version in
order to reduce the cognitive load required to par-
ticipants. A modified version of the questionnaire,
tailored for a system that recommends learning re-
sources, was presented to the participants (Table 3).
3.6 Experimental Results and
Table 4 reports the mean grades for all the issued
questions. We got a Cronbach’s α (Peterson, 1994)
equal to 0.919 and 0.887 for grades given by partic-
ipants who evaluated the NETT-RS and the NETT-
RS-b, respectively. Thus, we consider the questioned
Evaluation of Requirements Collection Strategies for a Constraint-based Recommender System in a Social e-Learning Platform
Table 3: The adapted version of the ResQue questionnaire used in our study.
Quality Question
Q1 recommendation accuracy The teaching material recommended to me match my interests
Q2 recommendation novelty The recommender system helped me discover new teaching material
Q3 recommendation diversity The items recommended to me show a great variety of options
Q4 interface adequacy The layout and labels of the recommender interface are adequate
Q5 explanation The recommender explains why the single teaching materials are recommended to me
Q6 information sufficiency The information provided for the recommended teaching material is sufficient for me to take a decision
Q7 interaction adequacy I found it easy to tell the system what I like/dislike
Q8 perceived ease of use I became familiar with the recommender system very quickly
Q9 control I feel in control of modifying my requests
Q10 transparency I understood why the learning material was recommended to me
Q11 perceived usefulness The recommender helped me find the ideal learning material
Q12 overall satisfaction Overall, I am satisfied with the recommender
Q13 confidence and trust The recommender can be trusted
Q14 use intentions I will use this recommender again
Q15 purchase intention I would adopt the learning materials recommended, given the opportunity
participants to be reliable. NETT-RS-b achieves the
most noticeable result on the control quality (Q9)
showing that the presence of the backtracking lifts the
mean judgment up from 1.30 to 4.45 (342% of im-
provement). The difference is significant with a p-
value < 0.0001, providing strong experimental evi-
dence for the hypothesis H1: the possibility to revise
the choices made during the course design process in-
creases the perceived user control over the NETT-RS.
As far as the overall quality is concerned (hypothe-
sis H2) we observe strong significant improvements
(p < 0.0001) in the perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness, overall satisfaction, confidence and trust,
use intentions and purchase intention qualities. This
evidence allows us to correlate the presence of the
backtracking feature with a higher perceived overall
quality of the NETT-RS in terms of the above fea-
The presence of the backtracking feature does not
lead to a significant improvement of the recommen-
dation accuracy. However, we observe significant im-
provements (p 0.012 and p 0.002) on recommen-
dation novelty and recommendation diversity. Our in-
terpretation is that enabling the users to go back and
forth the steps allows them to better explore the re-
source space, thus leading to novel and diverse rec-
Finally, we observe that the presence of the back-
tracking feature has no significant impact on the in-
terface adequacy, explanation and transparency qual-
Table 4: Mean grades to questionnaire’s questions. p-values
are computed by means of a two-tailed t-test. Statistically
significant improvements are marked in bold.
Quality NETT-
Q1 recommendation accuracy 3.80 3.95 0.481
Q2 recommendation novelty 3.50 4.05 0.012
Q3 recommendation diversity 3.50 4.10 0.002
Q4 interface adequacy 2.90 3.30 0.088
Q5 explanation 3.40 3.60 0.162
Q6 information sufficiency 3.35 4.25 < 0.0006
Q7 interaction adequacy 3.10 3.60 < 0.002
Q8 perceived ease of use 3.45 4.60 < 0.0001
Q9 control 1.30 4.45 < 0.0001
Q10 transparency 3.45 3.75 0.110
Q11 perceived usefulness 3.00 4.00 < 0.0004
Q12 overall satisfaction 2.80 3.90 < 0.0001
Q13 confidence and trust 3.15 3.80 < 0.001
Q14 use intentions 2.70 3.70 < 0.0001
Q15 purchase intention 3.30 4.10 < 0.0001
ities. We furthermore observe that participants as-
signed a relatively low grade, especially for the inter-
face adequacy. Such results may come from the dif-
ficulty to understand the meaning of rules presented
by the NETT-RS. We consider it as a stimulus for a
future improvement of the system.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
A widely accepted classification of RSs divides
them into four main families (Jannach et al., 2010):
content-based (CB), collaborative filtering (CF),
knowledge-based (KB) and hybrid. The basic idea
behind CB RSs is to recommend items that are sim-
ilar to those that the user liked in the past (see e.g.,
(Balabanovic and Shoham, 1997; Pazzani and Bill-
sus, 1997; Mooney and Roy, 2000)). CF RSs rec-
ommend items based on the past ratings of all users
collectively (see e.g., (Resnick et al., 1994; Sarwar
et al., 2001; Lemire and Maclachlan, 2005)). KB RSs
suggest items based on inferences about users’ needs:
domain knowledge is modeled and leveraged during
the recommendation process (see e.g., (Burke, 2000;
Felfernig and Burke, 2008; Felfernig and Kiener,
2005)). Hybrid RSs usually combine two or more
recommendation strategies together in order to lever-
age the strengths of them in a principled way (see
e.g., (de Campos et al., 2010; Shinde and Kulkarni,
2012; Ren et al., 2008)).
The NETT-RS falls into the KB RSs family, and
more precisely into the constraint-based category.
For a more exhaustive and complete description of
constraint-based RSs we point the reader to (Felfer-
nig et al., 2011). The typical features of such RSs are:
(1) the presence of a knowledge base which models
both the items to be recommended and the explicit
rules about how to relate user requirements to items,
(2) the collection of user requirements, (3) the repair-
ment of possibly inconsistent requirements, and (4)
the explanation of recommendation results.
We recall from Section 2 that learning resources
in the NETT-RS are characterized by metadata. This
characterization provides the basic building block for
the construction of a knowledge base (e.g., using Se-
mantic Web practices tailored for the education do-
main (Dietze et al., 2013)). As for the collection of
user requirements, the NETT-RS collects them during
the rule and keywords selection phases. The NETT-
RS does not provide any kind of repairment for in-
consistent requirements (i.e., rules and keywords),
in contrast with most state-of-the-art constraint-based
RSs (Felfernig and Kiener, 2005; Felfernig and
Burke, 2008; Felfernig et al., 2009). However, we
notice that the interaction that the NETT-RS requires
to the teachers is different: rules and keywords are
not directly specified. Instead, teachers specify the
requirements by choosing from a suggested set of
available rules and keywords, ensuring the specifi-
cation of consistent requirements only. Finally, the
NETT-RS currently does not provide any explanation
of recommendation results. However, as pointed out
by our experiments in Section 3, the system would
benefit from the application of such explanation tech-
niques (Friedrich and Zanker, 2011).
In KB RSs literature, special attention has
been devoted to requirements collection, being it a
mandatory prerequisite for recommendations to be
made (Felfernig et al., 2011). Requirements can be
collected using different strategies, each one lead-
ing to different interaction mechanisms with the user.
Such mechanisms can be relatively simple as static
fill-out forms filled each time a user accesses the RS,
but also more sophisticated like the interactive con-
versational dialogs, where the user specifies and re-
fines the requirements incrementally by interacting
with the system (Pu et al., 2011b; Chen and Pu, 2012).
The backtracking feature added to the NETT-RS goes
exactly towards this direction.
We conducted a user-centric evaluation of the
constraint-based NETT-RS, a RS that recommends
resources to teachers who want to design a course.
Our goal was to study the effect on the overall per-
ceived recommendation quality of a backtracking fea-
ture, that is to give the possibility to teachers to re-
vise the constraints (i.e., rules and keywords) over the
resources specified within the recommendation pro-
cess. Our study reveals a strong correlation between
the presence of the backtracking feature and an higher
perceived quality.
We foresee at least two main future lines of work.
From the experimental point of view, we would like
to run the experiment on learning resources from dif-
ferent domains and include more participants. From
the point of view of the NETT-RS itself, we plan to
take advantage of the insights that we got from this
user study and include in the system also the explana-
tion of the recommendation results inspired by related
work in this area (Felfernig and Kiener, 2005; Felfer-
nig and Burke, 2008; Felfernig et al., 2009).
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CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education