EduBridge Social
Bridging Social Networks and Learning Management Systems
Luciana Oliveira
and Álvaro Figueira
CICE/ISCAP & INESC TEC, Polythecnic of Porto, Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim, Porto, Portugal
CRACS/INESC TEC, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Social Student Relationship Management, Educational Communication, Learning Management System,
Facebook Groups, Moodle.
Abstract: The exponential growth of social media usage and the integration of digital natives in Higher Education
Institutions (HEI) have been posing new challenges to both traditional and technology-mediated learning
environments. Nowadays social media plays an important, if not central, role in society, for professional and
personal purposes. However, it’s important to highlight that in the mind of a digital native, social media is not
just a tool, it is a place that is as real and as natural as any real-life world place where formal/informal social
interactions happen. Still, formal higher education contexts are still mostly imprisoned in locked up
institutional Learning Management Systems (LMS), while a new world of social connections grows and
develops itself outside schools. One of the main reasons we believe to be persisting in the origin of the matter
is the absence of a suitable management, monitoring and analysis tools to legitimize and to efficiently manage
the relationship with students in social networks. In this paper we discuss the growing relevance of the “Social
Student Relationship Management” concept and introduce the EduBridge Social system, which aims at
connecting the most commonly used LMS, Moodle, and the most popular social network, Facebook.
The tendency to value and strategically frame the
development of social interactions transcends the
transactional and organizational needs and
environment or organizations at large, and of Higher
Education institutions in particular. It is a clear
reflexion on how communication has been evolving
since the growth and intensification of the use of
social media platforms, that impacts on how society
at large relates to organizations and, on a micro level,
on how individuals relate to each other. It reveals a
strengthening of the relationships between publics
and organizations and also the intensification of two-
way communication streams. In fact, social media has
been redefining how we relate to each other as
humans and how we as humans relate to the
organizations that serve us (Reuben, 2008). It has
been imposing a two-way dialog that brings people
together to discover and share information, share
ideas and build communities of people that share the
same interests.
The concept of Social Student Relationship
Management (Social SRM) consists of a
particularization of the Social CRM concept, applied
to the relationship between educational providers
(such as schools, universities and training centres)
and students supported by social media platforms.
Social SRM aims at amplifying the formal and
informal bonds between students and schools,
expanding their interactions into social conversations,
and strengthening educational ties through the
development of collaborative conversations that
provide mutually beneficial value and that,
ultimately, allows for the growth of social and
educational communities. It places organizations,
teachers and staff in student’s digital natural
environment, engaging them in personalized dialogs
that reinforce students’ role as empowered
participatory individuals in organizational strategic
development and also in the management of their
learning opportunities.
The educational dimension of Social SRM
comprises the set of relationship and interactions
between teachers and students, in social media, in the
domain of teaching-learning communication, in the
classroom administration and in the students’ social
integration. As a subsystem of internal organizational
Oliveira, L. and Figueira, Á.
EduBridge Social - Bridging Social Networks and Learning Management Systems.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 162-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
communication it brings organizational culture into
the relationship and builds upon it, since “students’
experiences depend on their social class backgrounds,
the responses of school staff to their behaviour within
schools, and the actions of students and staff that
create school cultures” (Parsons, 2014).
We believe that the quality of the communication
in a learning system significantly impacts on its
efficiency and that the state-of-the-art information
technologies, mainly social media, offers unlimited
resources for the communication’s streamlining and
diversification of formal and informal learning
(Dorin, 2013).
Social media has been boosting educators to drive
formal learning contexts into social networks aiming
at the development of learning communities that
allow for collaborative exploration and reflection of
ideas, in a cooperative and supportive atmosphere
(Palloff and Pratt, 2007). Besides offering
participants the potential to benefit from a ready
source of peer support it also provides the necessary
emotional support (Bruckman, 2006) to allow for
communities’ social inclusion.
In the next section of this paper we present the
background of the Social SRM concept and the
educational domains of its application, since our main
focus resides on the communicative / dialogical
nature of the interactions happening inside the
learning communities.
In section 3 a case study focused on the
educational use of Facebook groups is presented,
consolidating the main dimensions of the Social SRM
concept, where the need for a management /
interaction system is raised. Needs addressed in this
paper are essentially concerned with systems’
integration and social media information retrieval.
This is our key priority for the first stage of
development of the system presented in section 4.
In section 4 we introduce and present the
EduBridge Social system which aims to bridge
educational environments with social networks. We
begin by describing the system’s architecture, how it
integrates with Moodle and Facebook, and how
authentication is managed. In section 5 we detail the
main aspects of the system’s interface and the
system’s relevance / contribution in terms of potential
to improve the management of the educational
environment for teachers. Finally, in the last section
we present our conclusions and future work.
The concept of Social SRM builds upon previous
research on the use of Facebook groups in education,
as reported by Oliveira (2015). In order to fully
clarify it, it is essential to present its three main
2.1 Teaching-learning Communication
In this domain communication serves as a vehicle for
reaching educational goals. It encompasses formal
educational communication, which is sustained by a
curriculum and pedagogic model with clear
indications of contents, methods, requirements and
assessment, and the informal educational
communication, which is not institutionalized,
methodical, structured, intentional and sustained by a
previous definition of pedagogic goals. Informal
educational communication is more prone to social
media environments, thus it’s important to
understand that the absence of a curriculum and
pedagogic model doesn’t annul its educational
potential. The spontaneous, simple conversation and
group discussion that characterizes informal
communication may produce educational effects,
when contributing to behavioural changes in
2.2 Classroom Administration
This domain is in direct dependency of the
organizational administrative communication that
regulates learning tasks, schedules and procedures.
Social media has proven to be an excellent tool for
classroom administration, in terms of processes
clarification and celerity, student responsiveness and
time economy. This is heavily sustained by the
amount of time and attention students dedicate to
social media.
2.3 Student Social Integration
This dimension is aimed at fostering the formation of
the sense of belonging and ultimately the
development of a learning community. It consists of
the most pure form of social interaction, relying
heavily on the establishment of meaningful
conversations that allow for the development of social
and emotional bonds. From the teachers’ point of
view, and as a community builder/manager, it
requires an engaging, motivational, cooperative and
EduBridge Social - Bridging Social Networks and Learning Management Systems
personal/informal communication approach that is
favoured in social media environments.
Educational Social SRM comprises a set of
communication domains that aim to foster student
integration and avoid disengagement or dropout. It
contributes to setting a welcoming school climate
prone to success and completion, which has been
defined as “…the quality and character of school life
experiences and reflects norms, goals, values
interpersonal relationships, teaching, learning and
leadership practices, and organizational structures”
(Bryant, 2013). For instance, in a blended learning
environment, social media provides two-way
exchanges between the classroom and the virtual
interaction environment in the relationship building
process – both environments being interchangeably
In this section we present evidence on previous
research (Oliveira 2015) conducted on the use of
Facebook groups, as an extension of the classroom
teacher-student relationship, into a more dynamic and
informal environment.
The aim of this case study was to discover,
investigate and assess the three components of the
educational dimension of Social SRM mentioned in
the previous section. Research also allowed to obtain
insights on the benefits, challenges and tech needs for
a broader implementation of this methodology.
The study was carried out during two semesters,
in three different subjects from the first, second and
third year from two different courses. The courses
were held in traditional classroom, with Moodle
support. A Facebook group was created for each class
and the students were invited to join. Though
participation was not mandatory, all of the students
having a Facebook profile joined the groups, except
for 3 students who didn’t own a Facebook profile and
didn’t wish to own one. Among the three classes there
were 99 students (grouped in 52, 34 and 13
participants) and one teacher interacting in three
separate Facebook groups. Facebook groups were
introduced to students as a complimentary support
platform in the first class of the semester and not as a
replacement for the institutional LMS, as Wang
proposes (Wang et al., 2012).
We must stress that the focus resided on the
communicative / dialogical nature of the interactions
happening inside the learning communities, mainly
because there was no particular objective assigned to
participants when these communities were formed.
Students were invited to join a “support community”
where anything could happen, in order to assure that
dialogue and relationships were spontaneous and self-
motivated, as already defended by some authors
(Deng & Tavares, 2013). Students were encouraged
to bring any subject they found relevant to the group.
All the groups’ interactions were retrieved from
Facebook, using the available API. In this process, the
following fields were collected on each groups feed:
post id, post author, post message, post type and
corresponding #comments and #likes. The posts
were classified in 5 main subject categories, which
were created to fit the natural and dynamic
discussions that emerged in the groups: (1) course
administration, (2) posts related to course contents /
curriculum, (3) course unrelated personal interests /
projects, (4) posts related to academic training and
personal development and (5) social messages.
Additionally, in order to better understand these
results and to dig into personal perspectives, students
were surveyed.
Concerning the domain of educational
communication and its specificities in the social
media environment, in the case study, the three Social
SRM dimensions were not equitably detected:
messages related to teaching-learning and course
administration rounded up to 40% each and messages
aimed at the student social integration rounded only
up to 20%. Still, it was possible to identify several
positive impacts from the implementation of the
above mentioned methodology, which were
consolidated with survey responses.
When asked if they would like to connect and
communicate with other teachers on Facebook, 89%
of the students responded affirmatively. When asked
why, these mention mainly: the celerity in
responses/clarification of doubts, the increased
interaction with the teacher, the improvement of the
communication with the teacher, the easiness to keep
up and the increased visibility/sense of presence of
course activities, discussions and administration, the
enlarged team spirit and the fact that teachers post
relevant content in course’s scientific domain.
Students were also questioned about their
perspectives on the social relationship they maintain
with their teachers, in order to provide a fuller picture
on the importance of the social dimension of this
relationship. 94% of the students believes that a good
social relationship between teacher and students is
fundamental for academic success and that teachers
do not invest enough on the formation of these
relationships (74%). 93% of the students would like
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
other teachers to use Facebook for educational and
social purposes, increasing teacher-student
When asked about the Facebook group
usefulness, effectiveness, communication and
relationship potential, students reported that it
contributes to a better working relationship with peers
(96%), it increases the socialization potential among
classmates (92%), it provides a better social and
professional relationship with the teacher (96%), it
increase their motivation to learn (84%) and that they
feel more actively participating and engaged in course
activities (90%), that their peers value their
contributions in the Facebook group (89%) and that,
in the Facebook group, the class works as cooperative
team (91%). Engagement in Facebook has also been
shown to be closely related to an increase in college
students' social capital, especially for those with low
self-esteem and life satisfaction (Deng & Tavares,
On the teacher perspective, the extension of
classroom communication into social media can
provide real benefits, but it can also pose some
challenges. Using Facebook groups to answer
students’ questions and doubts can be real time-
effective, since clarification becomes widely
available for everyone. When it comes to requiring
student’s attention or immediate actions, social media
offers excellent celerity as students respond almost
immediately. Facebook groups also allowed
shy/introverted students to become more actively
engaged in discussions and, though it may be possible
to discuss details associated to teacher-student
privacy, it can be quite useful to understand the student
general state of mind, general interests and social
background context, which becomes accessible.
On the other hand, the teacher may face some
challenges during the extension of classroom
communication into social media, such as:
compromising their privacy on the network, students
expecting quicker responses and student active
engagement may require a lot of moderation time. In
these environments it is convenient to lower the level
of relationship formality, which may conflict with a
very formal classroom teacher attitude and/or
intrapersonal communication style.
Cultural issues must also be raised. There is a
profound heritage of formality and vertical
relationships in HEI’s cultural environment which
may pose additional challenges to the proposed
methodology. In order to address these challenges
further research should focus on determining how
informal should teacher-student interactions be on
social media, providing clear guidelines resulting
from the convergence of mutual expectations.
The conducted study also revealed that, in order
to efficiently manage and assess social students’
relationships, teachers need suitable monitoring and
analysis tools/applications.
In our perspective, and based on students’ and
teachers’ perceptions on the use of social networks as
complimentary educational systems, the teacher is the
agent facing the bigger challenges. In fact, students
naturally and easily accommodate several dimensions
of their lives in social networks (personal,
professional, social, educational), and are very open
to changes. However, on top of the previously
mentioned challenges that teachers may face, there is
also the need to institutionally and educationally
legitimize the use of social networks, since some
teachers refuse to adopt concurrent non-institutional
systems, such as the school’s LMS. This lays on top
of deep cultural issues and on the organization’s
proneness to adopt/adjust to new technologies.
Given this scenery, we believe to be of the utmost
importance to bridge between the well-established
LMS and the also well-established social networks
(ex. Facebook), taking advantage of pre-acquired
habits, knowledge and sense of control, which is
currently offered to teachers. We believe that
providing the current LMS with insights and features
that allow teachers to manage and perceive the
dynamics of students’ interactions on social media, to
manage them and to make educational sense of them,
may, in fact, facilitate and potentiate the inclusion of
social networks on the best service of education.
At this stage, and in this paper, our main focus is
to provide teachers with resources to validate the use
of social media in their educational settings. Though
research emerges at a quick pace, teachers’
technology adoption pace and the process of
integrating a wider variety of technologies in their
pedagogical framework is considerably slower. In
fact, despite the advances in research and the proven
evidence of the benefits of the educational use of
social media in education, it doesn’t necessarily mean
that there is a corresponding widespread adoption of
it. Therefore, we believe that, at a first instance, it is
necessary to gather teachers’ consensus by fomenting
a shift in practices (for instance, through teacher
training) and secondly by providing a technological
solution that assures the maintenance of the validity,
security and institutional recognition of the required
shift in pedagogical practices. Research outputs from
the work of Oliveira (2015) were already converted
into several teacher dissemination, training and
demonstration initiatives, thus its outputs are being
actively offered to educational professionals and
EduBridge Social - Bridging Social Networks and Learning Management Systems
actually being incorporated in their practices. In order
to consolidate this process, an urgent technological
development is crucial in order to facilitate the
necessary shift, and this is why, for now, teachers are
at the centre or our main concerns, since they are the
main catalyst agents.
On the following section, we present the
architecture of the EduBridge system, built fulfil the
above mentioned needs.
Our proposed system bridges one learning
management system with a social network. Our
approach was to focus on the popular of these two
systems. According to its popularity and maturity, we
naturally picked Moodle and Facebook.
The proposed system is based on a set of Moodle
blocks that share a communications engine and a
database stored locally. The system’s architecture is
based on the model – view - control pattern,
implemented through five modules. In this case, the
‘view’ is produced by each module. However, the
‘control’ is hierarchically spread through the top
level-module down to the leaves modules. This
organization is depicted in Figure 1. As a top layer we
have the communications module (
which establishes a connection between Moodle and
Facebook through the Facebook’s authentication
mechanism, using the user’s credentials. Then, the
control is passed to the module
fbgroups to retrieve
the groups owned by the user. This module is also
responsible for creating lists of users belonging to the
groups and to set some counters for usage statistics.
The module
fbcomments retrieves all the posts and
comments that were posted in timeline of the selected
group. Finally, the modules
fbstats and
fbtotalstats present the local statistics, and global
statistics, about the selected group or all the
considered groups, respectively.
Figure 1: The system’s 5 modules.
These modules were implemented as simple
Moodle blocks. The reasons for this decision mainly
rely on:
It’s easier to maintain modular code;
Moodle blocks have enough capabilities to
include code which is centrally administrated, and
that can share a common access to specific tables
in the database;
The blocks positioning system is quite
customizable in versions after Moodle 2.8 making
it simpler to be adapted to the visual
organization’s preferences of each user.
4.1 Integration between Systems
Our system uses the Facebook API to access specific
data using the user’s credentials. In our case we need
to access data related to the groups created by a
specific user. Therefore, during authentication,
Facebook asks for consent to use the
user_managed_groups permission of the API. Once
this permission is granted by the user, it is stored and
is never asked again to the user.
The 5 modules are integrated into Moodle in the
form of blocks. Each one has to be stored (manually)
in a specific Moodle folder in the file system.
However, after restart of the system, they are all
detected by Moodle, and automatically integrated in
registered blocks list. We believe this organization
makes the code easier to maintain, and to deploy into
another instance of Moodle very easily.
We must stress that the systematic (though
expected) evolution of the Facebook API makes the
integration with other systems dependant on which
permissions are available. It is usual to have a certain
permission granted for one version of the API, and in
another the right to access that permission is revoked.
4.2 Authentication
Once authentication is completed in Moodle, the user
needs to authenticate himself in Facebook, using the
Facebook authentication mechanism.
This is a persistent mechanism as while the user is
logged into Moodle, it does not need to authenticate
again in Facebook. The “cookies” created by the
system ensure a validation time of 30 days.
Although there is just one pair of credentials to
use the API, and to communicate with Facebook, the
communicating token is shared by all users of the
Moodle system. However, access is only possible to
the groups created by that specific user. For example,
groups that weren’t created, but just subscribed will
not be considered by the system. Hopefully this won’t
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
prevent the further developments we intend to
introduce in the system.
4.3 Using Moodle Modules as Blocks
Moodle blocks are plugins that load in the right-hand
side or left-hand side column of a Moodle site, and
display information to the user in a rectangular block.
Each side column can have zero, one or multiple
blocks loaded. Examples of built-in Moodle blocks
include: HTML content, calendars, menus, course
lists, etc. A diagram illustrating the standard areas of
Moodle is depicted in Figure 2.
Blocks are programmed by extending the PHP
, introducing a
and assigning content to the block by using function
. An important advantage of using
blocks is that there is already support to
“capabilities”. Therefore, blocks may invoke the
to understand what kind of
permissions that particular user has. This allows us to
use different accesses to the system (administrator,
teacher, students) in very straight forward way. For
example, we want to hide the system blocks for non-
authorized access.
Figure 2: The standard Moodle layout.
Finally, because blocks can be moved in the
Moodle standard layout, they can be repositioned
during execution time, which makes it easy to the user
to choose the most comfortable way of displaying
4.4 Database Tables
Moodle supports a variety of SQL databases by
providing an abstraction layer, based on specific code
libraries, which allow the programmer to access every
type allowed database in the same way.
Every data table in Moodle has one common
integer element: the id. This id is unique in the whole
Moodle database which means that it serves as a
primary key, but also as a foreign key to any table.
This situation is a core rule to Moodle database
Almost all plugins have a hook to the database in
the form of a subfolder named ‘
’ that contains files
which manage data tables specific to the plugin (or
block). The
folder tipically contains the files
. The
defines the tables required for the
system (in Listing 1 we present part of
of block
Listing 1: Part of file install.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<XMLDB PATH="blocks/fbcomments/db" VERSION="20141207"
COMMENT="XMLDB file for Moodle blocks/fbcomments/db"
<TABLE NAME="fb_user_ids" COMMENT="user identity
<FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10"
NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="true"/>
<FIELD NAME="fbid" TYPE="char" LENGTH="125"
NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false"/>
<FIELD NAME="courseid" TYPE="char" LENGTH="125"
NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false"/>
<FIELD NAME="groupid" TYPE="char" LENGTH="125"
NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false"/>
<FIELD NAME="groupname" TYPE="char" LENGTH="125"
NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false"/>
<KEY NAME="primary" TYPE="primary" FIELDS="id"/>
The file
contains instruction to
update table elements, while file
the capabilities associated with the block.
Figure 3: EduBridge Social database tables.
The system runs with the support of 4 new
database tables, as illustrated in Figure 3. Tables
EduBridge Social - Bridging Social Networks and Learning Management Systems
fb_group_stats and fb_users_id are used mainly
for computing statistics;
fb_appinfo is used to share
Facebook access among users, and;
auth_googleauth2_user_idps is used for users’
Note that although figures, videos and audio do
appear in the Moodle block, they are not stored
locally. Instead, all these “heavy” media elements are
loaded on demand.
The system’s interface is composed of a four-set
Moodle blocks which users, particularly teachers, can
display and manage in their Moodle Dashboard
(known as “My home” up to Moodle’s 2.8 version).
This aims at framing the system in the most recent
Moodle’s philosophy for managing the teacher’s
educational workspace.
The four blocks are designated as: “Facebook
Groups”, “Facebook Posts & Comments”,
“Facebooks Statistics” and “Total Statistics”.
The block’s behaviour is interdependent, thought
the information displayed on all four blocks is
adjusted to users’ interaction with the block
“Facebook Groups”. The “Facebook Groups” block
(Figure 4) retrieves the list of groups that the
authenticated user manages on Facebook. This means
that all educational and personal groups are displayed
and accessible through Moodle’s interface. This is
also the main block among the four-set, since it
allows teachers to arrange the information and views
to be generated.
Figure 4: "Facebook Groups" block.
In order to provide teachers with tools to (1)
separate personal from educational groups and (2)
arrange and match the groups to their courses on
Moodle a set of dropdown matching boxes were
The ability to match Facebook Groups to Moodle
courses is also aimed at providing teachers with
greater flexibility to accommodate the need for
diversity of educational scenarios, concerning the
arrangement of students in wider or narrower social
learning networks. Assigned to the same Moodle
course it is possible to have one or more Facebook
groups, whether the teacher intends to arrange the
class into separate visible or non-visible teams. This
is also aimed at providing teachers with the same
Moodle course participants’ management features,
concerning the creation of course level groups.
As illustrated on Figure 4, a dropdown box
presents teachers the full list of his/her own Moodle
courses, which can be assigned to each Facebook’s
group. Having students arranged into separate
Facebook groups will allow teachers to monitor each
group’s performance individually and to assess each
group’s participant commitment and contributions to
the assigned projects/activities, which is displayed on
the “Facebook Statistics” and “Total Statistics” block.
Figure 4 presents a real case scenario in which the
teacher only uses one Facebook group per Moodle
course. However, it is possible to have other grouping
configurations, such as the need to create several
Facebook groups belonging to the same Moodle
course, thus this feature was added the “Facebook
Groups” module. This allows the analysis of
interactions developed in separate groups that belong
to the same class/course, particularly in courses in
which students are assigned concurrent and separate
projects development and in individual / group
assessment is needed.
The system also provides teacher with the ability
to access all the group’s posts and interactions on
Moodle’s Dashboard, through the block “Facebook
Posts and Comments” (Figure 5). This block’s main
purpose is to increase the level of integration between
the two platforms, since it eliminates the need to
access a second environment (Facebook) in order to
check updates and new user’s interactions, which
may or may not require action.
It is recommended that this block is displayed on
the Dashboard’s central area, as illustrated in Figure
2, given the amount and of information it provides,
which includes every posts’ text and other visual
static or dynamic multimedia content.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: "Facebook Posts and Comments" block.
For each post it is possible to access the post
author, post date, time and post comments. For the
sake of economy of page height, comments are
collapsed by default, and can be further expanded by
the user, as illustrated in Figure 6.
For each comment, the block displays the
comment author, date, time, likes, comment’s likes
and replies.
Figure 6: "Facebook Posts and Comments" block with
expanded comments view.
The “Group Statistics” block presents teachers
statistical data concerning the group’s total number of
posts, total number of posts, median of comments per
post, retrieves the group’s most recent post and
comment and also the most popular post, which is the
post with more likes, as illustrated in Figure 7. This
block also displays user interaction statistics,
providing relevant information for student’s
performance assessment, as illustrated in Figure 8.
Statistical information about student’s
performance is organized in two sections: “Users who
posted” new messages in the group and the
corresponding amount of likes and “Users who
commented”, that is, the users who interacted with the
messages posted on the same group, by posting
replies of liking comments.
Users (teacher and students) are ranked by the
amount of interaction they generate in the group.
Rankings of users’ statistical data are particularly
useful during the teaching-leaning process and
specifically relevant for student continuous or final
For instance, a user may post a lot of messages in
the group, but may not receive feedback at all (that is,
the content may not be relevant for that community)
and / or may not interact at all with other users
Figure 7: "Group Statistics" block (a).
EduBridge Social - Bridging Social Networks and Learning Management Systems
messages (that is, he / she may not find other user’s
content relevant and / or this may be an indicator of
lack of interest, inexistence of group sense of
belonging, etc.).
On the other hand, a user may not introduce any
content at all in the group, but he / she may be an
active and valuable member to the community, either
by commenting, replying to comments (i.e., fostering
discussion) or liking his / her colleagues’ messages.
It is up to the teacher to consider the weight of
these parameters in assessing individual or group
performance (is assessment is applicable).
The fourth block, “Facebook Total Statistics”
(Figure 9), displays the global statistics for the
Moodle course selected on the “Facebook Groups”
block. In case two or more Facebook groups are
assigned to the same Moodle course, this block will
Figure 8: "Group Statistics" user's interactions section (b).
Figure 9: "Facebook Total Statistics" block.
provide the teacher the aggregated statistics for that
set of groups. This feature is particularly relevant
when the teacher intends to have the class divided into
groups and uses several Facebook groups to guide
and support each group separately.
This block is also useful for teacher needing
aggregated statistics for all his / her Facebook groups
of for personalized sets of groups, which are matched
in the “Facebook Groups” block.
The proposed methodology, previous research
outputs and presented system allowed for the
development and implementation of “How to use
Facebook groups in education? advantages and
limitations” workshops. The workshops were
conducted by the researchers and were aimed at
teachers’ pedagogical and technological development
and diversification. A lack of pedagogical validity
was detected during this dissemination phase, which
lead us to the need of incorporating new features in
the already established LMS (Moodle). A very
relevant detail, which is not frequently mentioned in
literature, and is of the utmost importance to this
scenario, is the discrepancy between the pace of
research and its concrete / tangible corresponding
transfer into the educational context. In some
organizational cultures, the proneness to adopt or
adapt to new pedagogical methodologies /
technologies is very slow. This was recognized by
researchers during the initial stages of introduction of
institutional LMS in education (Rogers 2010), when
teachers’ proneness to adopt technology mediated
education was a hot topic. This means that, despite
the advances in research, priorities should also rely on
the academic and day-to-day practices, thus it is not
our intent to contribute to the persistent gap between
researchers and practioners. Our main goal, is to
capacitate and actually facilitate the adjustment of
teachers to new tendencies. In our perspective, this
can only be accomplished by capacitating the well-
known environments with new features, reducing the
notion of risk that teachers often associate to
pedagogical innovation.
In this paper we described and discussed the concept
of “Social Student Relationship Management” as an
emergent need in the context of social media applied
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to educational environments. We describe the
motivation beyond this need and its benefits. We,
then, focus on the Facebook social network and on its
groups as a privileged environment for discussions,
much in the same line as forums, however, with much
more flexibility. We stressed the importance of
“social media” groups, relating a case study using
Facebook and reporting the results.
These results led us to create a system which
bridges Moodle with Facebook. The proposed
architecture is based on the model-view-controller
and can be applied to most social networks with
minimal effort. We described the system’s user
interface with several examples taken from its real
Future technical development includes both the
optimization of the Moodle blocks presented in this
paper, and the addition of relevant learning analytics
for teachers and for students, built upon social media
data and metrics. Learning analytics is a current hot
topic which we aim to address on the teacher and
student perspective, aiming at providing a validated
tool for formal and informal learning assessment.
This work is supported by the ERDF – European
Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE
Programme (operational programme for
competitiveness) and by National Funds through the
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology) within project «Reminds/ UTAP-
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EduBridge Social - Bridging Social Networks and Learning Management Systems