Evaluating Lectures Through the Use of Mobile Devices
Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service (AMCS)
as a Means to Bring Evaluation to the Next Level
Felix Kapp
, Iris Braun
and Tenshi Hara
Chair of Learning and Instruction, Technische Universit
at Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Chair of Computer Networks, Technische Universit
at Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Mobile Devices, University Lecture, Teaching Evaluation, Formative Assessment.
For lecturers at universities timely feedback from their students is very important in order for them to improve
their teaching with adaptations targeted at the students’ requirements. Classical evaluation methods address
overall evaluations at the end of a semester, commonly with paper-based questionnaires. However, this does
not provide direct benefit to the students of that course as adaptations will most likely be carried over into
the next iteration of the same course. For this reason, students’ motivation to participate in these surveys
decreases over time. Therefore, we propose a tool support for continuous evaluation during the conduct
of a course available the whole semester, including direct feedback during the lecture, formative evaluation
during the entire course, and a summative evaluation at the end of the course or semester. For that purpose,
we expanded the functionality of the interactive Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service (AMCS), which was
developed to support students in self-regulated learning (SRL) processes during classical university lectures.
In the present article the concepts and features of AMCS for evaluation are described. Furthermore, we report
first experiences from a field test in two university lectures.
Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service (AMCS) is a
project that aims at enhancing the quality of lectures
by providing support to the students and the lecturer.
It addresses problems like the lack of interactivity
in huge university classes and facilitates learning in
terms of an active, constructive and highly individual
process [Seel, 2003].
Based on didactical concepts such as peer instruc-
tion [Mazur, 1997] as well as the possibilities au-
dience response systems (ARS) offer [Mayer et al.,
2009, Weber and Becker, 2013], AMCS developed
certain features, which support students during uni-
versity lectures in mastering the demands of the learn-
ing process. In contrast to traditional ARS and click-
ers, AMCS is based on a psychological framework
describing the learning process of students during
the lecture. The different features are derived from
models of self-regulated learning (e.g. [Hadwin and
Winne, 2001,Zimmerman et al., 2000]). With AMCS
the lecturer is able to construct learning questions,
surveys and messages for distinctive students in ad-
vance of the lecture. These interventions are delivered
during the session according to defined rules. AMCS
thereby expands the role of the lecturer from a teacher
who stands in front of the audience presenting rele-
vant information towards a designer of a learning en-
vironment, which contains more than only the presen-
tation in the lecture hall. The AMCS app is used to de-
liver specific interventions to the students. The main
features of AMCS have been evaluated and constantly
developed (e.g., [Kapp et al., 2014,Hara et al., 2015]).
In the latest version we focused on a feature that ad-
dresses the needs of the teacher. In order to help stu-
dents in the auditorium to successfully learn, teachers
have to know more about the audience: their inter-
ests, their personal goals, the state of knowledge, their
difficulties and their motivation must be considered
when designing support. A continuous evaluation in
terms of formative evaluation during the course and a
summative evaluation at the end of the course is nec-
essary in order to improve the quality of the classes.
Therefore, the present contribution reports possibil-
ities to bring evaluation of university classes to the
next level via the tool AMCS. We first start with a
description of the main features of AMCS. We then
elaborate how AMCS can improve the evaluation and
Kapp, F., Braun, I. and Hara, T.
Evaluating Lectures Through the Use of Mobile Devices - Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service (AMCS) as a Means to Bring Evaluation to the Next Level.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 2, pages 251-257
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in what contexts it can be used in order to improve the
quality of the lecture. In 4 we present findings from
two pilot studies before ending with a conclusion and
thoughts about further development.
The latest version of AMCS contains six features
which basically aim at supporting students in master-
ing the demands of the learning process. According to
[Zimmerman et al., 2000] students have to face vari-
ous demands during the forethought phase, the perfor-
mance phase and the self-reflection phase. Students
differ with regard to the goal orientation, attribu-
tion style and prior knowledge. Therefore, they plan
their learning differently (e.g., select specific learning
strategies) and process new information in distinctive
ways. The evaluation of the learning activity during
the self-reflection phase as well as the change of rele-
vant strategies for the next learning activity is also in-
fluenced by personal experiences. Whether or not stu-
dents identify a learning strategy as useless depends
for example on their metacognitive skills. The follow-
ing seven features aim at supporting students during
the forethought phase, the performance phase and the
self-reflection phase of the learning process.
2.1 Interests / Personal Goals
At the beginning of the lecture students are asked
about their personal goals and interests. Therefore,
their mobile device presents a few questions address-
ing for example whether they “are interested in the
topic or just need the credit points for the course”. An
example is shown in figure 1. The answers are stored
for each student in a database and are used as triggers
for possible later interventions such as messages and
learning questions. At the same time, the short sur-
vey at the beginning helps students to reflect on their
own goals and the lecturer to know more about the
composition and motivation of the audience.
2.2 Learning Questions during Lectures
AMCS is able to deliver learning questions at dif-
ferent points of time during the lecture. In contrast
to other ARS, AMCS provides individual feedback
(the students’ individual datasets also allow individ-
ualized feedback). Students can answer multiple-
choice questions on their smartphones and receive
feedback after choosing an option. After the sec-
ond incorrect attempt AMCS displays the correct an-
swer. The lecturers are still able to display the audi-
(a) survey (b) learning question
Figure 1: Exemplary survey and learning questions in stu-
dents’ view.
ence’s aggregated results on the presentation screen in
case they want to discuss them in public. Along with
AMCS comes a tutorial helping lecturers to design
learning questions and feedback according to certain
construction rules, making them powerful tools to
support the learning process both in the necessary
cognitive and metacognitive processes. An example
of a learning question is shown in 1.
2.3 Metacognitive Prompts
Depending on the students’ preference (e.g., exam
preparation or interest in the subject), which they in-
dicate in the survey at the beginning of the lecture,
strategic guidance is delivered during the lecture. If
students stated that their main goal in the present class
is to pass the exam, they might receive the following
message: “The issue on the current slide is relevant
for the exam. The professor may ask . . . ”. The in-
tention of metacognitive prompts is to help students
to regulate their attention and motivation in order to
reach their personal learning goals.
2.4 Cognitive Prompts
The learning questions at the beginning, in the middle
and at the end of the lecture contain the possibility
to identify students’ knowledge gaps. Thus, students
who have made mistakes in a learning question at the
beginning of the lecture, may receive the following
exemplary message containing a cognitive prompt at
a later point of time: “You have made a mistake in the
first learning question at the beginning. The correct
answer is discussed by Prof. Y on the current slide.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.5 Providing Further Material and
Initiating Discussions
AMCS allows sending additional information to the
students, such as links, documents, and presentation
slides. This happens according to their personal learn-
ing goals. Furthermore the lecturer has the possibil-
ity to induce and enhance slow discussions by send-
ing personalized messages like “Stand up right now
and ask the following question loudly into the room:
‘What is the practical use of this theory?’”. By doing
so students can be animated to pose questions which
allow them to reach the next knowledge level.
2.6 Facilitating an Immediate and
Substantial Evaluation
AMCS offers the possibility to evaluate university
lectures on a new level. Compared to traditional ways
of evaluation, it allows to collect more information
by the means described earlier in this section. Pro-
viding learning questions, surveys with different for-
mats, and messages allows gathering data relevant for
evaluation. Besides, AMCS also has an extra function
for immediate feedback to the lecturer. Students can
indicate whether they want the lecturer to in- or de-
crease the volume, or whether they want to proceed to
the next topic or remain on the current slide for some
more time. An interface for the immediate feedback
is displayed in the lower areas of subfigures 1(a) and
1(b). This last feature is described in more detail in
the next section.
Evaluation is often realized with questionnaires at the
end of trimesters or semesters. Students are asked to
answer a set of items, which asked for their judgement
of the lecture. The data assessed with these ques-
tionnaires are subjective ratings for about 14-16 ses-
sions. If distributed via paper-pencil questionnaires
the data analysis takes some more time. Therefore, a
discussion about the results of the evaluation is often
not realized, results are delivered after the course fin-
ished. Furthermore, the summative character of the
evaluation makes it difficult to actually provide sub-
stantial information for the lecturer about how to im-
prove. Questions like “Did the teacher seem to be
prepared for the class?” asked students to rate a char-
acteristic that may vary from week to week. An over-
all rating at the end of a course indicating the need
to improve in that point is useless for the students of
the current course and does not provide the lecturer
with useful information on how to enhance the quality
or to dispose this impression. With that background,
AMCS intends to improve lecture evaluation by pro-
viding information which are available over longer
time periods as well as immediately during and af-
ter single lectures. Furthermore, AMCS improves the
quality of evaluation by providing more valid infor-
mation through the use of various data sources. The
functionalities AMCS offers for evaluation can be cat-
egorized by A) the point of time, the evaluation takes
place, and B) the type of data that is used. In the fol-
lowing chapter these two dimensions are described.
3.1 Point of Time
In contrast to the conventional evaluation of courses
at the end of a semester, the evaluation with AMCS
allows formative evaluation during the lecture and af-
ter single lectures as well as a summative evaluation
at the end of a whole course.
3.1.1 During the Lecture
Lecturers can use some information to improve their
presentation during the session. As they are normally
busy with explaining content to the audience the inter-
face which presents any kind of evaluation informa-
tion should only contain the most necessary informa-
tion and do not interrupt the lecture. AMCS presents
results of the live-feedback (volume and speed) and
displays the learning question results of the students
(as shown in 2). Especially within the breaks in which
students work on learning questions (see 2.2) the lec-
turer can check how much students did understand
the current topic (by having a look at the learning
question results). For the instant feedback we are
currently developing a smartwatch application which
feeds back the most important information in ”real-
time” to the wrist of the teacher.
3.1.2 After Single Lecture
Detailed analysis of learning questions, surveys and
live-feedback about the speed and volume allows the
lecturers to get a valid idea what just happened in the
lecture hall. By considering all used learning ques-
tions (as shown in 2), one could discover what the
audience did understand and what should appear at
the beginning of the next session when it comes to
recapitulation of important concepts. By asking cer-
tain questions via the survey tool students can artic-
ulate concerns, wishes or questions. Furthermore, a
Evaluating Lectures Through the Use of Mobile Devices - Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service (AMCS) as a Means to Bring Evaluation
to the Next Level
(a) results of learning questions
(b) evaluation of instant feedback
Figure 2: Results of learning questions (upper subfigure)
and instant feedback (lower subfigure).
combination of data facilitates a deeper insight into
the knowledge states of the audience. If the lecturer
asked at the beginning of the class what interests the
students have and what career they are studying, it is
possible to analyze the data for each sub-population
and identify needs of groups of people. An aggre-
gated presentation of live-feedback data allows identi-
fying critical moments or content within one session.
In 3 the speed ratings over one 90-minute session with
33 presentation slides are shown. That way the lec-
turer can reflect on parts where the audience seems to
have experienced difficulties.
Figure 3: Aggregation of live-feedback ratings for one 90-
minute session.
3.1.3 After Course/Trimester/Semester
AMCS is able to realize the traditional evaluation sur-
veys at the end of a whole course. The supported
formats contain scale questions, questions with a free
text field, multiple and single choice questions. As
the database stores answers for every user over the
time of the whole course, analysis can reveal learning
progress by taking a look at the learning questions.
As AMCS can be used by simply registering a
pseudonym and a password, the evaluative feedback
can be considered equally as safe as a traditional pa-
per&pencil evaluation from the privacy perspective.
Privacy concerns remain on the usual and commonly
agreed upon as acceptable level of non-attributable
identifiers such as IP address or user agent string.
3.2 Type of Data
AMCS allows lecturers to assess different kind of data
in order to understand what happened in their class.
To demonstrate the evaluation possibilities of AMCS
these different methods are described in the following
3.2.1 Surveys
The traditional surveys, which are often used for eval-
uation, can be distributed with AMCS. The lecturer
can design questions (single-choice, multiple-choice,
free text, scale) in advance of the session and define at
what point these questions are displayed on the mo-
bile devices of the students. Thus, it is possible to
assess subjective ratings of learning progress, satis-
faction with the teacher and the progress in class or
judgments about the circumstances (see 4).
3.2.2 Achievement Data
The results of the learning questions represent valid
data about the knowledge state for each student who
participated. The lecturer should have in mind, that
the learning questions might have to be designed with
another purpose than achievement assessment. For in-
stance, learning questions at the beginning of a lec-
ture might serve as hints for the upcoming class they
might indicate what concepts are relevant and im-
portant and thereby guide the learners’ attention. In
that case, the learning question would ask for con-
tent, which has not been taught, yet. The chances of
solving the learning question successfully in the first
attempt should be relatively low. Thus, the lecturer
should not take this result as an indicator for learn-
ing achievement. Still, learning questions at the end
of the class or at the beginning of the next session
addressing content, which has been taught, can serve
as diagnose tool to assess the knowledge of the au-
dience. Thereby, they supplement self-judgments of
learning achievement and progress of the surveys and
add an evaluation dimension, which is extremely use-
ful for teachers. Over- and underestimation of own
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
knowledge and skills is a common problem amongst
3.2.3 Live-feedback and Utilization Data
Live-feedback data and log-files indicating how often
students worked on learning questions or participated
online in questionnaires etc. can be used to trace dif-
ficult parts or sessions over the semester. As shown
in 3.1.2 and 3 the live-feedback can help in identify-
ing content, which is perceived as difficult. Statistics
about the number of students who have been online
during the session and who worked on the learning
question reveal interesting data about the participation
over the semester.
The evaluation features were tested in two different
courses, 1) a computer science lecture, and 2) an “in-
troduction to economics”. In the first test, AMCS
was used for three 90-minute lecture sessions in a
row. The professor used several learning questions
and asked the students to evaluate the lecture at the
end. Over the three sessions 140 user accounts were
registered. As the registration did not have any re-
strictions some users created multiple accounts. In
case they forgot their login, they just created new ones
in the next session. Hence, the amount of created
accounts does not represent the number of students
who actually participated. However, we always had
between 45 and 55 answers for the questions, so we
can estimate that there were around 50 active users
per lecture. In the second test, two 90-minute ses-
sions gave the professor opportunity to utilize learn-
ing questions, survey questions and live-feedback. In
the first session 186 users were registered, in the sec-
ond 139.
In both courses students were introduced to
AMCS at the beginning of the first session. It was
explained that AMCS aims at supporting their learn-
ing process in the lecture, that the participation is vol-
untary and that the prototype and the project is still
under construction. In test scenario one we aimed at
evaluating the potential of surveys and learning ques-
tions, in test two the focus was on the live-feedback
data and learning questions.
4.1 Results of Pilot-test One
Scenario one addressed the potential of learning ques-
tions and surveys for the evaluation. In the first ses-
sion students were asked about their career and their
motivation/personal goal in the lecture. 28 students
answered: 20 studied computer science, 5 economics,
two studied non specified other careers and one edu-
cation. Nine students stated that they were interested
in the topic of the lecture (“because they are using
video- and streaming services. . . ”). Twenty-three in-
dicated that their motivation to visit the lecture is to
pass the exam at the end of the semester. Two were
interested in writing a bachelor or master-thesis about
the topic of the lecture, and five expected the lecture
to be valuable for their work as systems developer or
Figure 4: Survey in pilot test in computer science lecture.
(a) “The selected topics about mobile computing were suit-
able as starting point for beginners. (b) “I would recom-
mend using AMCS to other students. (c) “The learning
questions during lecture were very helpful. (d) “The sur-
veys during lecture were very useful.
The information about the different interests and
personal goals of the students could be used for a
differentiated analysis of the evaluation and learning
questions. For example, the lecturer could filter the
results depending on the field of study and could de-
termine if students from a special field have more
problems than the others. The professor as well as the
students rated the learning questions as a useful tool
to identify problems and knowledge gaps. At the end
of the third lecture the students were asked about their
opinion about the selection of the topics in the lectures
as well as about the helpfulness of using AMCS espe-
cially learning questions and surveys in the lectures.
Their feedback were predominately positive.
4.2 Results of Pilot-test Two
Scenario two addressed the potential of learning ques-
tions and live-feedback data. Within this pilot-study
Evaluating Lectures Through the Use of Mobile Devices - Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service (AMCS) as a Means to Bring Evaluation
to the Next Level
the students could judge during the whole 90-minute
session whenever they had the feeling that the pro-
fessor was going too fast or too slow, or the volume
was not adequate. The data suggested that the live-
feedback is a tool that is used only in case of prob-
lems. In the two sessions of the economy course stu-
dents used the possibility to give feedback regarding
the volume only three times: At the beginning of the
first lecture, during the first lecture when the professor
was showing a video with poor sound quality and at
the beginning of the second lecture. At each of these
three points around 20% of the students judges the
volume as to low. Concerning the speed of the pro-
fessor there was only in the first session a significant
feedback activity (with more than 5% of the registered
and active students voting). Students used the speed
buttons to feed back to the professor if they need
more time to work on the learning questions. The
professor had prepared six learning questions, which
were distributed in blocks of two questions. Around
20% of the students voted during this breaks that they
want the professor to go on faster (if they had already
finished working on the learning questions) or to go
slower (if they need some more time). The evaluation
activity diminished in the second session. One expla-
nation is that students noticed that the professor was
not immediately changing his teaching. That points
out that there is the need of an interface which gives
relevant information back to the lecturer (see section
further development).
According to the professor, the results of the learn-
ing questions gave him a useful overview about the
knowledge state of his audience. Students appreci-
ated the possibility to work on learning questions as
well. They even judged them to be more useful than
the live-feedback tool.
AMCS provides opportunities to support students to
evaluate the lecturer and their teaching. The presented
features mainly aim at fostering regulation and mas-
tering demands of self-regulating learning of the stu-
dents. But they also can be used for the formative
evaluation during and after the lecture. The lecturers
can receive instant feedback i.e., information in real-
time during each lecture they can react to directly
during a lecture, e.g. by adapting their presentation,
but they can also receive evaluative feedback i.e., a
summary of comments and opinion after the conclu-
sion of each lecture in order to make some changes
after the course or semester have ended. The first pi-
lot tests have shown that learning questions, cognitive
and metacognitive prompts, and instant feedback can
be used in university lectures in order to support stu-
dents in mastering the demands of this learning situa-
tion as well as lecturers to improve their teaching. At
the end of the semester lecturers will be provided with
an overview of all events, allowing an overall evalua-
tion of the entire lecture or tutorial series.
In the next development steps we will focus on
the representation of the evaluation data to the lec-
turer. We will provide more features for the aggre-
gation and visualization of the evaluation results. In
order to provide the real-time feedback without too
much interruption of the presentation, a second de-
vice – i.e., a second screen – would be helpful; also, a
smartwatch could be utilized.
We wish to thank our busily working team for im-
plementing the prototypes and providing valued con-
tributions to our concept, namely Patrick Buchholz,
Markus Heider, Tommy Kubica and Martin Weiss-
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Evaluating Lectures Through the Use of Mobile Devices - Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service (AMCS) as a Means to Bring Evaluation
to the Next Level