Therefore, capabilities enabled by the underlying
cloud platform seamlessly adds high visibility on sys-
tem’s runtime to prevent disruptive faulty behavior.
The preliminary result show the feasibility of the un-
precedented security capabilities enabled by underly-
ing computing fabric to defend against unknown ene-
There has been a wide array of research on tack-
ling the reliability of pub/sub systems at the appli-
cation layer. (Mayer, 2011), discussed over decades
of works on replication techniques and a taxonomy
of Byzantine faults in pub/sub systems considering
failure scenarios, however, all these studies address
reachability issues, i,e, link/node crashes and fast re-
covery in the overlay brokers.
Recent protocol level solution approaches include
the crash tolerant Paxos-based proposed by (Chang,
2014), the State Machine consensus replication model
presented in (Jehl, 2013), and the overlay network
based on neighbourhoods (Kazemzadeh, 2013).
All of these solutions address BFT-resiliency in
the context of pub/sub by modifying the pub/sub mes-
saging protocol. In contrast, our generic solution ap-
proach can be applied to any pub/sub system, perhaps,
non-pub/sub replicated systems to resist BFT-faults
without any modification to the protocol while con-
sidering the underlying computing fabric.
We showed the capabilities enabled by the underlying
computing fabric are simpler and effective than the
ones implemented in the protocol to defend against
modern sophisticated attacks. The practicality and
the effectiveness of the proposed scheme is illustrated
with a widely adopted open source cloud manage-
ment software stack (OpenStack) and replicated pub-
lish and subscribe (RabitMQ) system deployed on a
realistic private cloud setting.
Future works will address remote hardware and
software attestation, and trace-based performance
analysis of VM refreshes across multiple cloud
providers. We will consider integrating Virtual Ma-
chine Introspection for fine tuning the VM refresh rate
while injecting/detecting attacks to determine the lim-
its impose by the cloud platforms for an acceptable
exposure window.
Authors would like to sincerely thank Jim Hanna for
the cloud platform support and Matthew Paulini for
his editorial proofing contributions, both at AFRL/RI.
Special thanks for the anonymous reviewers for their
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