Subtopic Ranking based on Hierarchical Headings
Tomohiro Manabe
and Keishi Tajima
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Subtopic Mining, Hierarchical Heading Structure, Web Search, Search Result Diversification, Search Intent.
We propose methods for generating diversified rankings of subtopics of keyword queries. Our methods are
characterized by their awareness of hierarchical heading structure in documents. The structure consists of
nested logical blocks with headings. Each heading concisely describes the topic of its corresponding block.
Therefore, hierarchical headings in documents reflect the hierarchical topics referred to in the documents.
Based on this idea, our methods score subtopic candidates based on matching between them and hierarchical
headings in documents. They give higher scores to candidates matching hierarchical headings associated to
more contents. To diversify the resulting rankings, every time our methods adopt a candidate with the best
score, our methods exclude the blocks matching the candidate and re-score all remaining blocks and candi-
dates. According to our evaluation result based on the NTCIR data set, our methods generated significantly
better subtopic rankings than query completion results by major commercial search engines.
Web search queries are sometimes ambiguous and/or
referring to broad topics. To generate effective web
page rankings for such queries, search result diver-
sification techniques have been developed. Subtopic
mining is one of the most promising approaches to
search result diversification. Diversification meth-
ods based on subtopic mining first extract subtopic
candidates of queries, then score and rank the can-
didates by their importance and their diversity from
the others, and finally returns a few pages for each
of the highly-ranked subtopic candidates. Because of
the importance of subtopic mining, competitions for
subtopic mining methods have been held as the NT-
CIR INTENT/IMine tasks subtopic mining subtasks
(Liu et al., 2014; Sakai et al., 2013; Song et al., 2011).
In general, documents contain hierarchical head-
ing structure reflecting their topic structure. Hierar-
chical headings structure consists of nested logical
blocks and each block has its heading. A heading
describes the topic of its associated block and the hi-
erarchical descendant blocks of the block. Because
of this feature of heading, hierarchical headings in
documents reflect topic structure of the documents.
For example, Figure 1 shows an example web page
about computer programming (one of the NTCIR top-
Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of
ics) containing hierarchical heading structure. In this
figure, each rectangle encloses a block and each em-
phasized text is a heading. The hierarchical headings
in this page reflect its topic structure. For example,
its first level topic is computer programming, second
level topics are computer programming schools and
jobs, and the third level topics are computer program-
ming school courses and degrees. Hierarchical head-
ing structure of web pages are not obvious in general,
but we have recently developed a method for extract-
ing it (Manabe and Tajima, 2015).
In this paper, we propose methods to score hier-
archical blocks in documents then rank subtopic can-
didates based on the scores of corresponding blocks.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper
which discusses the use of detailed hierarchical head-
ing structure of web pages in subtopic mining. Our
basic idea is that more contents about a topic sug-
gests more importance of the topic. Our methods
score blocks based on the quantity of their contents,
then approximate the importance of a subtopic can-
didate by the summation of the scores of the blocks
in a corpus whose hierarchical headings describe the
candidate subtopic. To diversify resulting rankings,
our methods adopt a subtopic with the best score one-
by-one, and every time a subtopic is adopted, our
methods re-score all remaining blocks with remov-
ing blocks matching with subtopics that have been
already adopted. By this approach, the candidates
Manabe, T. and Tajima, K.
Subtopic Ranking based on Hierarchical Headings.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 2, pages 121-130
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Computer programming.
All about computer programming skills.
Top schools for computer programming are ...
Specifically, the most famous courses are ...
Some schools award degrees, e.g., ...
Programming skills are required for jobs like ...
Figure 1: Example web page with hierarchical heading
structure. Each rectangle encloses block and each empha-
sized text is heading. Some long texts are replaced by dots.
matching with the blocks which also match with the
already-adopted subtopics lose their scores, and re-
sulting subtopic rankings get diversified.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In the next section, we clarify our research tar-
gets. After that, we concisely survey related work.
We then explain our methods in Section 4. In Sec-
tion 5, we evaluate our methods on the publicly avail-
able NTCIR data set and compare the results with the
baselines generated by commercial web search en-
gines. Lastly, Section 6 concludes this paper.
In this section, we clarify the definitions of our re-
search targets, namely subtopics of keyword queries
and hierarchical heading structure in documents.
2.1 Definition of Subtopics
We focus on subtopics explicitly represented by
subtopic strings defined in the NTCIR-10 INTENT-
2 task as quoted below (Sakai et al., 2013).
A subtopic string of a given query is a
query that specializes and/or disambiguates
the search intent of the original query. If a
string returned in response to the query does
neither, it is considered incorrect.
As defined above, each subtopic is associated to the
topic behind an original query. In INTENT-2 and in
this paper, a query means a keyword query composed
of an array of words.
The overview paper of the task in NTCIR-10 lists
some example subtopic strings (Sakai et al., 2013).
If the original query is “harry potter”, “harry potter
philosophers stone movie” is a true subtopic string
that specializes the original query. On the other hand,
“harry potter hp” is not a subtopic string because
it neither specializes nor disambiguates the original
query. If the original query is “office”, “office work-
place” is a subtopic string that disambiguates the orig-
inal query, but “office office” is not. Note that true
subtopic strings may not include the original queries.
For example, “aliens vs predators” is a true subtopic
string of the original query “avp”.
2.2 Definition of Heading Structure
For ranking of subtopics, we use hierarchical heading
structure of documents. We define the structure and
its components as summarized below (Manabe and
Tajima, 2015).
Heading: A heading is a highly summarized descrip-
tion of the topic of a part of a document.
Block: As explained above, a heading is associated
with a block, a clearly specified part of a document.
We consider neither a block that consists only of its
heading nor a block without its heading. An entire
document is also a block because it is clearly specified
and we can regard its title or URL as its heading.
Hierarchical Heading Structure: A block may con-
tain another block entirely, but two blocks never par-
tially overlap. All blocks in a document form a hier-
archical heading structure whose root is the root block
representing the entire document.
Generally, a term topic has two meanings in informat-
ics (He et al., 2012). One is an implicit topic repre-
sented by a (fuzzy) set of terms (Jiang and Ng, 2013;
Hu et al., 2012), and the other is an explicit topic
represented by a short string like a keyword query.
Our research target is explicit topics. In particular, we
focus on subtopics of the topics behind the keyword
queries input by users. For mining such subtopics, we
need four component technologies. They are namely
subtopic candidate extraction, extraction of their fea-
tures, and subtopic ranking and diversification based
on the features. We survey related work on these tech-
nologies in this order.
3.1 Subtopic Candidate Extraction
This step is not the topic of this paper. However, we
briefly survey related work on this step for reference.
Query recommendation/suggestion/completion
by search engines generates many related queries of
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the original queries. They are very popular resources
of subtopic candidate strings (Luo et al., 2014;
Yu and Ren, 2014; Ullah et al., 2013; Xue et al.,
2013; Ullah and Aono, 2014; Wang et al., 2013b;
Xia et al., 2013), and the snapshots of them for the
NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 task (Sakai et al., 2013) is
publicly available. We also adopted them as baseline
subtopics. Google Insights and Google keywords
generator are similar services (Xue et al., 2013).
Raw query logs of search engines (Luo et al., 2014;
Bouchoucha et al., 2014; Ullah et al., 2013; Wang
et al., 2013b; Xia et al., 2013) must also be useful.
Disambiguation pages in Wikipedia contain mul-
tiple subtopics of many ambiguous article titles of
Wikipedia, and are very well-organized by humans.
Therefore, they are also a very popular resource of
subtopic candidate strings (Wang et al., 2013b; Xia
et al., 2013; Luo et al., 2014; Yu and Ren, 2014; Xue
et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013b; Xia et al., 2013).
Redirect pages and tables of contents in Wikipedia
must also be useful (Xia et al., 2013).
Of course, search result documents themselves
can be a resource of subtopic candidate strings. Meth-
ods based on frequently occurring words (Yamamoto
et al., 2014; Oyama and Tanaka, 2004; Wang et al.,
2013b; Wang et al., 2013a; Zheng et al., 2012;
Zheng et al., 2011), words frequently co-occurring
with query keywords (Wang et al., 2013d), pseudo-
relevance feedback (Bouchoucha et al., 2014), syntac-
tic patterns (Kim and Lee, 2015), search result sum-
maries (Xue et al., 2013) have been proposed.
Titles (Oyama and Tanaka, 2004; Yamamoto
et al., 2014), anchor texts of in-links (Xue et al., 2013;
He et al., 2012), and explicitly tagged top-level head-
ings (H1 nodes) of HTML documents (Xue et al.,
2013) all describe the topics of the entire documents.
Therefore, they may be important as subtopic candi-
date strings. Their idea is similar to ours, but they do
not use detailed hierarchical heading structure. In ad-
dition, we use it for ranking candidate subtopic strings
in this paper, not for extracting the candidates.
The QDMiner system extracts query dimensions
each of which refers to one important aspect of the
original query (Dou et al., 2011). The system is based
on list extraction from web pages. Their idea of query
dimension is highly relevant to the idea of subtopic,
and therefore some existing methods extract them as
components of subtopic candidate strings (Bah et al.,
2014; Ullah et al., 2013).
3.2 Subtopic Feature Extraction
Similarly to most existing document ranking meth-
ods, many existing methods of subtopic feature ex-
traction are based on term frequency (TF) and/or doc-
ument frequency (DF) of subtopic strings or their
component terms (Kim and Lee, 2015; Yamamoto
et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2013d; Zheng et al., 2012;
Das et al., 2012). TF means the number of its oc-
currences in a document, and DF means the number
of documents that contain it. The occurrences in some
types of document metadata, e.g., document titles, an-
chor text of in-links, and top-level headings, are more
important than other occurrences (Yamamoto et al.,
2014; Xue et al., 2013).
Similarity between subtopic candidate strings and
their search result documents or their original queries
is a popular feature (Luo et al., 2014; Moreno and
Dias, 2014; Zheng et al., 2012; Das et al., 2012).
The document coverage of a subtopic candidate
string is the weighted summation of the scores of doc-
uments that both the string and its original query re-
trieved (Kim and Lee, 2015), and the distinctness en-
tropy of subtopic candidate strings measures the dis-
tinctness among the document sets that the strings re-
trieved (Zeng et al., 2004; Kim and Lee, 2015).
The SEM group at NTCIR-10 used the co-
occurrence of subtopic candidate strings in query logs
and the edit distance between the strings and their
original queries (Ullah et al., 2013).
Query-independent features like readability of
subtopic candidate strings are also useful (Ullah et al.,
2013; Wang et al., 2013d).
3.3 Subtopic Ranking
Subtopic ranking is indispensable for filtering out
noises and for ranking subtopic strings by the prob-
ability that they are the query intent. The simplest
way is to sort them in order of linear combination of
features. However, as in document ranking, more so-
phisticated functions, e.g., TFIDF (TF over DF) and
BM25 (Robertson and Walker, 1994), are also used
(Kim and Lee, 2015; Wang et al., 2013d; Wang et al.,
2013b; Ullah et al., 2013).
Many methods assign different weights for differ-
ent sources of subtopic candidate strings (Luo et al.,
2014; Xue et al., 2013). For example, the THUIR
group at NTCIR-11 assigned the weights of 0.75 for
Google keywords generator, 0.15 for Google insights,
and 0.05 for query completion/suggestion by com-
mercial search engines (Xue et al., 2013).
Ullah and Aono proposed a method that represents
each subtopic candidate string by its feature vector
then score them by their cosine similarity with the
mean vector (Ullah and Aono, 2014).
It is notable that the THUSAM group at NTCIR-
12 adopted a variant of learning-to-rank methods that
Subtopic Ranking based on Hierarchical Headings
are state-of-the-arts methods for document ranking
(Luo et al., 2014).
3.4 Subtopic Diversification
One important application of subtopic mining meth-
ods is search result diversification. Therefore, diver-
sity of subtopic rankings is also important.
One promising way to diversify subtopic rankings
is subtopic clustering and extraction of the median
subtopics of each cluster (Yamamoto et al., 2014; Yu
and Ren, 2014; Xue et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013b;
Wang et al., 2013a; Xia et al., 2013). The K-means
(Yamamoto et al., 2014), affinity propagation (Yu and
Ren, 2014; Xia et al., 2013), a variant of K-medoids
(Xue et al., 2013) algorithms are used.
The THCIB group at NTCIR-10 clustered implicit
topics by the affinity propagation algorithm, then as-
signed explicit topics to each cluster by Latent Dirich-
let Allocation (Wang et al., 2013c).
The Hierarchical InfoSimba-based Global K-
means (HISGK-means) algorithm clusters search re-
sult snippets then labels each cluster (Moreno and
Dias, 2013; Dias et al., 2011). The InfoSimba is a
similarity measure between snippets based on term
co-occurrence, and HISGK-means recursively clus-
ters snippets based on the measure and Global K-
means. Each label is obtained as the centroid of a
Recently, some methods adopted word embedding
models (Luo et al., 2014; Moreno and Dias, 2014).
In word embedding models, we can subtract subtopic
candidate strings from their original query. Based on
this idea, the HULTECH group at NTCIR-11 recur-
sively subtracted subtopic candidate strings from their
original query then compared the difference and the
remaining subtopic candidate strings every time they
adopt the subtopic candidate string with the best score
(Moreno and Dias, 2014).
The maximal marginal relevance (MMR) frame-
work also concatenate items into rankings one-by-one
(Carbonell and Goldstein, 1998). In each iteration,
the MMR framework selects the item with the best
balance of the score and dissimilarity to the already
ranked items. Of course, it is useful for subtopic di-
versification (Ullah and Aono, 2014).
As explained above, no existing method scores
or diversifies subtopic candidate strings based on de-
tailed logical hierarchical structure in documents, e.g.
hierarchical heading structure, as in our method.
In this section, we propose scoring and ranking meth-
ods for subtopic strings. Our proposed methods are
based on matching between the subtopic strings and
hierarchical heading structure of documents in a cor-
pus. We regard that a subtopic string matches a block
iff all the words in the subtopic string appear either in
the heading of the block or in the headings of its an-
cestor blocks. For example, a subtopic string “com-
puter programming degrees” matches the “degrees”
block in Figure 1. If a subtopic string matches a
block, the block must refer to the subtopic accord-
ing to the definition of hierarchical heading structure.
Because of this definition of matching, if a subtopic
string matches a block, the string must also match
the hierarchical descendant blocks of the block. How-
ever, we do not consider such matching of hierarchi-
cal descendants of already matched blocks. Instead,
we score each block considering its hierarchical de-
scendants. Formally, the score of a pair of a subtopic
string s and a document d is:
docScore(s,d) =
b in d
where b is each block in d, match(s,b) is 1 iff s
matches b and does not match any ancestor block of
b and is 0 otherwise. blockScore(b) is the score of b.
Hereafter in this section, we first discuss the def-
inition of blockScore(b), then discuss integration of
subtopic scores on multiple documents, and finally
discuss ranking of multiple subtopics into a diversi-
fied ranking.
4.1 Subtopic Scoring on a Single Page
First, we propose four scoring methods for blocks.
4.1.1 Scoring by Content Length
Basically, the more description about a subtopic a
document contains, the more important the subtopic
is for the author of the document. Furthermore, be-
cause the author writes the document for readers, the
importance of the subtopic for readers (and search en-
gine users) is also reflected by the length of the con-
tent. Based on this idea, we can score blocks by the
lengths of their contents. The score of a block b is:
blockScore(b) = length(b)
where length(b) is the length of b. We call this length
scoring. For example, if we score the blocks in Fig-
ure 1 by this, we obtain the result shown in Figure 2a.
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Computer programming.
(60 + 2500 + 440 = 3000)
Schools (500 + 1600 + 400 = 2500)
Courses (1600)
Degrees (400)
Jobs (440)
(a) Length scoring.
Computer programming.
(log3000 3.477)
Schools (log2500 3.398)
Courses (log1600 3.204)
Degrees (log400 2.602)
Jobs (log440 2.643)
(b) Log-scale scoring.
Computer programming.
(1 + 3 + 1 = 5)
Schools (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)
Courses (1)
Degrees (1)
Jobs (1)
(c) Bottom-up scoring.
Computer programming. (1)
Schools (1/3)
Courses (1/9)
Degrees (1/9)
Jobs (1/3)
(d) Top-down scoring.
Figure 2: Comparison of scoring results of page in Figure 1
by four scoring methods. Scores of blocks are in parenthe-
ses. Non-heading components of blocks are omitted.
In Figure 2, the scores of the blocks are in parentheses
and non-heading components of the blocks are omit-
4.1.2 Scoring by Log-Scaled Content Length
As the relevance of a document to a query is assumed
not to be direct proportional to the number of query
keyword occurrences in the document (Robertson and
Walker, 1994), the importance of a topic may also
be not direct proportional to the content length of
the block referring to the topic. Based on this idea,
we propose another scoring function with logarithmic
blockScore(b) = log(length(b) + 1) .
We call this log-scale scoring. An example result of
log-scale scoring is shown in Figure 2b.
4.1.3 Bottom-up Scoring
In practice, the importance of some topics are not re-
flected by the content length of their matching blocks.
For example, telephone number may be an impor-
tant subtopic of a place, but blocks under the head-
ing “telephone number” should contain relatively less
contents, i.e., only the exact telephone number of the
place, than blocks under other headings. Logarithmic
scaling in the previous section reduces the effect of
content length, but we also consider a scoring func-
tion that completely ignores content lengths. If we
assume even importance for all blocks excluding their
child blocks, the score of a block b is formulated as
blockScore(b) = 1 +
where c is each child block of b. We call this bottom-
up scoring. An example result of bottom-up scoring
is shown in Figure 2c.
4.1.4 Top-down Scoring
On the other hand, we can assume even importance
for all child blocks of a block. This assumption means
that child blocks of a block are used to segment its
topic into multiple subtopics of even importance. Be-
cause the original block may have meaningful con-
tents besides its child blocks, we also assign the same
importance to the contents. The score of a block b is:
blockScore(b) =
if b has a parent
block p
1 otherwise
where |p| is the number of the child blocks of p. We
call this top-down scoring. An example result of top-
down scoring is shown in Figure 2d.
4.2 Score Integration for Multiple Pages
Next, we explain four ways to integrate the scores of
a subtopic string on multiple documents.
4.2.1 Simple Summation
The simplest way to integrate the scores for multiple
pages is to sum them up. Such simple summation
Subtopic Ranking based on Hierarchical Headings
means that the importance of a subtopic string is re-
flected by the length of contents (if we adopt length
scoring), the number of blocks (if we adopt bottom-
up scoring), and so on that refer to the subtopic in the
corpus. Formally, the score of a subtopic string s on a
corpus D is:
score(s,D) =
docScore(s,d) .
We call this method summation integration.
4.2.2 Page-based Integration
In summation integration, documents of more length
or including more blocks have more chance to con-
tribute to score(s,D). However, if we assume
each document is equally important, the scaling of
docScore(s,d) defined below may be useful:
score(s,D) =
where root(d) is the root block in d, i.e., the
block representing entire d. Because we score each
block considering its hierarchical descendant blocks,
blockScore(b) takes its maximum value in a doc-
ument when b is the root block of the document,
and docScore(s,d) takes its maximum value when s
matches the root block of d. Therefore, this division
by blockScore(root(d)) scales the docScore(s, d) to
[0,1]. We call this method page-based integration.
Note that there is no difference between summa-
tion and page-based integration when we use top-
down scoring because blockScore(b) in top-down
scoring is already scaled to [0,1].
4.2.3 Domain-based Integration
Some authors may split a topic into multiple docu-
ments in a domain, e.g., a set of web pages whose
URL have the same domain, instead of multiple
blocks. Considering such cases, domain-based scal-
ing may be more effective than page-based scaling.
To formulate such scaling, we introduce , a set of
domains that appear in the corpus. Each domain δ
is a subset of the corpus D, and
δ = D. The new
integration function is:
score(s,D) =
We call this method domain-based integration.
4.2.4 Combination Integration
If we apply both page-based and domain-based scal-
ing, the new integration function is:
score(s,D) =
Computer programming.
(log500 2.699)
Jobs (log440 2.643)
Figure 3: Example re-scoring result of page in Figure 1 by
log-scale scoring after we rank first subtopic string “com-
puter programming schools”.
We call this combination integration.
4.3 Diversifying Subtopic Ranking
To rank multiple subtopic strings into a ranking, we
can score each of them once, then simply sort the
strings by descending order of their scores. We call
this uniform ranking method.
However, because search result diversification is
one of the most important applications of subtopic
ranking, diversity of subtopic ranking is also impor-
tant. Therefore, we also propose a diversification
method of subtopic ranking. Our idea for diversifi-
cation is that if a block matches a subtopic string that
is already ranked in the ranking, the topic of the block
is already referred to by the subtopic string, and there-
fore, even if the block matches some other remaining
subtopic strings, the block should not contribute to the
score of the subtopic strings.
Based on this idea, we propose a diversified rank-
ing method for subtopic strings based on hierarchical
heading structure. In this method, first we score each
subtopic string on a document set then put only the
string with the best score into the resulting ranking.
Second, we remove all the blocks matching with the
string from the corpus. Third, we re-score the remain-
ing subtopic strings on the remaining blocks then put
the string with the best score into the resulting rank-
ing. The second and third steps are repeated until all
subtopic strings are ranked.
For example, suppose we have three subtopic
strings, “computer programming school”, “computer
programming course”, and “computer programming
jobs”. If we rank the strings by uniform ranking
method and the log-scale scores of the blocks in
Figure 2b, the ranks of the strings are in the order
above because the strings match the “Schools” (score:
3.398), “Courses” (score: 3.204), and “Jobs” (score:
2.643) blocks, respectively. On the other hand, if
we rank the strings by diversified ranking method,
“computer programming jobs” achieves the second
rank because after “computer programming school”
is ranked first, its matching block “School” includ-
ing its descendant blocks is removed from the re-
calculation of the scores. Then the score of “computer
programming course” in this page becomes 0 because
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the block referring to the subtopic in this page has al-
ready matched the higher ranked subtopic “computer
programming school”.
In this section, we evaluate and compare the baselines
and our proposed methods.
We proposed four block scoring methods, four
score integration methods, and two subtopic ranking
methods. We can arbitrary combine these methods.
However, there is no difference between summation
and page-based integration and also between domain-
based and combination integration when we use top-
down scoring as discussed in Section 4.2.2. There-
fore, we compare 28 proposed methods in total.
5.1 Evaluation Methodology
Because we do not discuss extraction methods of
subtopic candidate strings, we evaluate our ranking
methods by re-ranking the baseline subtopic rankings.
We use the official data set (including baselines)
and evaluation measures of the NTCIR-10 INTENT-2
task subtopic mining subtask (Sakai et al., 2013). This
is because the dataset of the latest NTCIR-12 IMine-
2 task is not available yet, and because first-level
and second-level subtopics are distinguished in the
second-latest NTCIR-11 IMine task while our pro-
posed methods do not distinguish them. All compo-
nents of the NTCIR-10 data set is publicly available
and most of them are on the web site of NII
In the subtopic mining subtask, participants are re-
quired to return ranked list of top-10 subtopic strings
for each query. Subtopic strings are expected to be
sorted in descending order of their intent probability,
i.e. the probability that search engine users submitting
the given query need information on the subtopics (or
intent). Multiple subtopic strings may refer to the
same intent, but a string refers to one intent at most.
Official evaluation measures of the subtask are in-
tent recall (I-rec), D-nDCG, and D]-nDCG.
The definition of the I-rec measure is:
iRec@10 = |I
where I is a set of known subtopics of the original
query, and I
is a set of subtopics represented by any
of the maximum 10 strings in a ranking to be evalu-
ated. This measure reflects the recall and diversity of
subtopics in rankings. The definition of the D-nDCG
measure for a ranking of maximum 10 strings is:
DnDCG@10 =
ideal DDCG@10
where DDCG@10 =
log(r + 1)
where r is a rank, Pr(i|q) is the intent probability of
a subtopic i behind the original query q, and g
(r) is
1 iff the string at the rank r refers to the subtopic i,
and 0 otherwise. The D-nDCG measure reflects the
precision and accuracy of rankings.
The integrated measure D]-nDCG is the weighted
summation of I-rec and D-nDCG.
D]nDCG@10 = γiRec@10 + (1 γ)DnDCG@10
where γ is the weight of I-rec which is fixed to 0.5 in
this paper and the subtask. In other words, D]-nDCG
is arithmetic mean of I-rec and D-nDCG.
An official evaluation tool is available online
5.2 Data Set
The details of the data set is as follows.
Queries: We used 50 keyword queries in the NTCIR
data set that are also used in the Text Retrieval Con-
ference (TREC) 2012 Web track (Clarke et al., 2012).
Document Sets: We used the baseline document
rankings generated by default scoring of Indri search
engine (including query expansion based on pseudo-
relevance feedback) and Waterloo spam filter for
TREC 2012 Web track. The baseline rankings are
available online
. Each ranking consists of 131–
837 web pages from ClueWeb09B for a query. The
ClueWeb09B collection is one of the most well-
known snapshots of the web, contains 50 million web
pages, and is crawled by the Lemur Project in 2009.
The collection is also available at distribution cost
Baseline Results: There are the snapshots of query
completion/suggestion results by commercial search
engines prepared for the NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 task.
We used the query completion results by Google and
Yahoo because they achieved the best I-rec and D-
nDCG scores respectively among the baselines (Sakai
et al., 2013). Because the both results contain only
10 strings at most for each query, re-ranking of them
do not affect the I-rec scores. Therefore, we also
used our merged baseline result which is generated by
merging four baseline query completion/suggestion
results and sorting them in “dictionary sort” (Sakai
et al., 2013). Because the meaning of dictionary sort
Subtopic Ranking based on Hierarchical Headings
is ambiguous, we could not reproduce their evalua-
tion result. We merged the results, decapitalized the
strings, removed duplicated strings, and sort the re-
maining strings in byte order in UTF-8 to generate
our merged baseline result.
Known Intents and Intent Probabilities: The
known intents, subtopic strings referring to them, and
their intent probabilities are manually prepared for the
subtask (Sakai et al., 2013). All the true subtopic
strings in the baseline results must be in this data ac-
cording to their annotation process.
5.3 Implementation Details
In this section, we explain the details of our imple-
mentation required to evaluate our methods.
Heading Structure Extraction: To extract hierarchi-
cal heading structure in web pages, we use our pre-
viously proposed heading-based page segmentation
(HEPS) method (Manabe and Tajima, 2015). It ex-
tracts each heading and block in pages as an array
of adjoining sibling DOM nodes. For evaluation, we
used the reference implementation of HEPS 1.0.0
Text Contents of Headings and Blocks: We used the
URL and title as the heading of each web page. As the
text contents of the other headings, blocks, and entire
pages, we use their corresponding raw strings that we
previously defined (Manabe and Tajima, 2015). Intu-
itively, the raw string of a component is the string of
the DOM text nodes in the component. Before gener-
ating raw strings, each DOM IMG (image) nodes are
replaced by its alternate text and URL, i.e., alt and src
HTML attribute values.
Content Length: For length and log-scaled scoring,
we used the number of characters in their raw strings
as their length.
Domain: For domain-based and combination integra-
tion, we distinguished the domains of web pages by
the fully qualified domain names in their URLs.
Matching between Subtopic Strings and Headings:
Before matching subtopic candidates and hierarchi-
cal headings, we performed basic preprocessing for
retrieval, e.g., tokenization, stop word filtering, and
stemming, for both strings. All URLs were split by
any non-word characters, and the other strings are to-
kenized by Stanford CoreNLP toolkit (Manning et al.,
2014). All tokens were decapitalized, filtered out
33 default stop words of the Lucene library
, then
stemmed by the Porter stemmer (Porter, 1997).
Subtopic Candidate Strings: After preprocessing,
duplicated subtopic candidate strings and subtopic
candidate strings same as queries were removed.
Table 1: D-nDCG score comparison with query comple-
tion by Google. Top-5 proposed methods are listed. For all
methods and baseline, I-rec = 0.3841.
Scoring Integration Ranking Score
log-scale domain-based uniform .4502
log-scale combination uniform .4501
log-scale domain-based diversified .4487
log-scale combination diversified .4485
bottom-up page-based diversified .4479
Query completion result by Google .3735
Table 2: D-nDCG score comparison with query completion
by Yahoo. Top-5 proposed methods are listed. For all meth-
ods and baseline, I-rec = 0.3815.
Scoring Integration Ranking Score
log-scale page-based diversified .4617
bottom-up domain-based diversified .4609
log-scale page-based uniform .4608
log-scale summation diversified .4601
length domain-based diversified .4587
Query completion result by Yahoo .3829
Ties: If we have multiple subtopic candidates of the
same score in our unified ranking method or in any
iteration of our diversified ranking method, we sorted
them in the same order as the baseline ranking.
5.4 Evaluation Results
Table 1, 2, and 3 show evaluation results. Table 1
shows the D-nDCG scores achieved by each method
when they re-rank the query completion by Google,
and Table 2 shows the D-nDCG scores achieved by
each method when they re-rank the query comple-
tion by Yahoo. In Table 1 and 2, top-5 proposed
methods are listed in descending order of their D-
nDCG scores. Table 3 shows the scores achieved
by each method when they re-rank our merged base-
line result. In Table 3, top-5 proposed methods are
listed in descending order of their D]-nDCG scores.
In this comparison, the log-scale/summation/uniform
method achieved the best scores in all the measures
among all the proposed methods including ones omit-
ted from Table 3.
5.5 Discussion
In all comparisons, our proposed methods achieved
the better scores than the baseline results. This is not
because we proposed a number of methods and one
of them achieved a better score than each baseline re-
sult by chance. For example, let us focus on the log-
scale/page-based/diversified method which achieved
the best D]-nDCG score throughout this experiment
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Comparison with our merged baseline result. Top-5 methods are listed in descending order of their D]-nDCG scores.
Scoring Integration Ranking I-rec D-nDCG D]-nDCG
log-scale summation uniform .4009 .3997 .4003
log-scale page-based uniform .3986 .3981 .3984
length summation uniform .3974 .3945 .3959
log-scale combination uniform .3956 .3921 .3939
log-scale domain-based uniform .3956 .3913 .3934
Our merged baseline result .3310 .3066 .3188
by reranking the result by Yahoo. The method also
achieved a better D-nDCG score (0.4470) than the re-
sult by Google and better I-rec, D-nDCG, and D]-
nDCG scores (0.3840, 0.3695, and 0.3768, respec-
tively) than the merged result. Moreover, according
to Student’s paired t-test (where each pair consists of
the scores of the baseline and our proposed method
for a query), all the D-nDCG and D]-nDCG scores
were statistically significantly different from the base-
line scores (p < 0.05). This fact supports the effec-
tiveness of our proposed subtopic ranking methods.
Only the I-rec score was not statistically significant
(p = 0.0656). Hereafter in this paper, we discuss sta-
tistical significance based on the same test procedure.
5.5.1 Comparison of Block Scoring Methods
Log-scale scoring achieved the best scores in all the
three comparisons. This fact may suggest that the
importance of a topic is reflected by the content
length of the block referring to the topic, but the
importance is not direct proportional to the length.
Moreover, 11 among the 15 best results shown in
Table 1, 2, 3 are using log-scale scoring. This
fact may suggest the robustness of log-scale scor-
ing. However, the advantage of log-scale scoring
over the others was small. For example, the D-
nDCG score of the Yahoo result reranked by the
log-scale/page-based/diversified method was not sta-
tistically significantly different from the scores of
the bottom-up/page-based/diversified (p = 0.1481),
top-down/page-based/diversified (p = 0.1204), and
length/page-based/diversified (p = 0.0972) methods.
5.5.2 Comparison of Score Integration Methods
Score integration methods had only small impact. In
the comparison with the Google result (Table 1), the
log-scale/domain-based/uniform method achieved
the best D-nDCG score, but its difference from the
second-best score by log-scale/combination/uniform
method was small (0.0001). In the comparison
with the Yahoo result (Table 2), the log-scale/page-
based/diversified method achieved the best D-nDCG
score, but its difference from the score by the log-
scale/summation/diversified method was also small
(0.0016). In the comparison with our merged re-
sult (Table 3), the differences between the best log-
scale/summation/uniform method and the second-
best log-scale/page-based/uniform method were also
5.5.3 Effect of Diversified Ranking Method
Because I-rec measures the diversity of rankings,
we focus on the I-rec score comparison with our
merged result (Table 3). No method with di-
versified ranking achieved the top-5 scores. The
top-down/combination/diversified method achieved
the best I-rec score (0.3869) among the meth-
ods with diversified ranking. The I-rec score
difference between the method and the best log-
scale/summation/uniform method was not statisti-
cally significant (p = 0.2759). The I-rec score
difference between the best method and the log-
scale/summation/diversified method was also not sta-
tistically significant (p = 0.1028). They show that our
proposed ranking diversification method did neither
improve nor worsen resulting rankings.
We proposed subtopic ranking methods based on the
ideas that hierarchical headings in a document re-
flect the topic structure of the document and that the
length of contents referring to a topic reflects the
importance of the topic. Our methods rank candi-
date subtopics based on the blocks whose hierarchical
headings match the subtopic candidate strings. We
evaluated our methods by using the publicly avail-
able NTCIR data set. The results indicated (1) our
methods significantly improved the baseline rankings
by commercial search engines, (2) log-scale scoring
seems effective and robust, (3) there is no substantial
difference among score integration methods, and (4)
our ranking diversification method was not effective.
Subtopic Ranking based on Hierarchical Headings
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number 13J06384 and 26540163.
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WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies