M et al., 2015) and (Loga Soumiya et al., 2014).
To test and evaluate the model, 90% of the Book
is used and 10% was removed as noise while we pre-
processing the text book. Pre-processing and feature
selection are extracted and then served as input data
for machine learning algorithm. The system can be
measured using recall, and precision. The
mathematical form is:
Precision = ( Bloom
ℎ correct)/ ( all
Some good sample relations extracted are shown
in Table 3, and Table 4. We extended the Extraction
algorithm to improve the precision of predicting verbs
given nouns. With this extension, the precision
improved from 75% to 85% and we noticed that the
system can improved each time by improving the
Adding Bloom’s Taxonomy tags for concepts provide
various interesting aspects. The goal is to present any
given book materials according to Bloom’s Taxonomy
of the cognitive domain. Our results show that by using
the best features, a Naive Bayes classifier can be used
to do the classification the task perfectly.
The ideas used in this paper are to present a text
book in a modified way using Bloom’s Taxonomy
tags. We can gather all tags that represent the lower
tags of Bloom’s Taxonomy as a definitions and basic
concepts then the intermediate concepts are the
theoretical part of the book, and the high tags are the
designing techniques that we can apply to algorithms.
It means that sequencing of the concepts by their tags
in this orders consistent with the Bloom’s Taxonomy
strategy. Results were interesting, because the ordering
of the book changed. Several topics which were
described as advanced levels in the book now became
intermediate level. As a result, it is possible to conclude
that by using Bloom’s Taxonomy we can decide which
parts of the prescribed book to use and at which level
of Bloom to match the skills. This generates a way that
can be used to identify a range of different learning
trajectories. We obtain strong results on strength
relations. Experimental results show an accuracy of
85.5%, which is significantly high.
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