The Fourier transform converts waveform data in
the time domain into the frequency domain. Since
artifacts usually have higher amplitude and basic fre-
quency than a normal ERP component, this technique
is useful for detecting artifacts within the EEG or ERP
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) (Hyvari-
nen et al., 2001) is a method for blind signal sep-
aration and signal deconvolution. In the EEG/ERP
domain, ICA can be used for artifact removal, ERPs
detection, and, generally speaking, for detection and
separation of every signal which is independent on
EEG activity.
The Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) was de-
signed to analyze nonlinear and non-stationary signal.
This also includes detection of ERP waveforms that is
described in (Ciniburk, 2011).
2.3 Semantic Web Technologies
The Semantic Web is a layered architecture. The
first layer is called Resource Description Frame-
work (RDF). RDF is a simple metadata representa-
tion framework using URIs to identify web-based re-
sources and a graph model for describing relation-
ships between resources. Web ontology language
(OWL) is a semantically richer language and provides
more complexconstraints on the types of resource and
their properties. OWL comes with a larger vocab-
ulary, greater machine interpretability and stronger
syntax than RDF.
There are substantial differences between clas-
sic object-oriented languages such as Java or C#
and Semantic Web technologies. The semantics of
classes and instances in RDF Schema is open-world
and description logics-based while object-oriented
type systems are closed-world and constraint-based
(A. Kalyanpur and Padget, 2002). The following
list brings main differences between OOP (Object
Oriented Programming) and Semantic web princi-
ples (Oren et al., 2007):
• class membership: in object-oriented languages,
an object is a member of exactly one class: its
membershi is fixed and is defined during the ob-
ject instantiation. In RDF Schema, a resource can
belong to multiple classes: its membership is not
fixed but defined by its rdf:type and the properties
that belong to the resource.
• class hierarchy: in object-oriented type systems,
classes can usually inherit from one superclass,
while in RDF Schema classes can inherit from
multiple superclasses.
• attribute vs. property: in the object-oriented
model, attributes are defined locally inside their
class, can be used only by instances of that class,
and generally have single-typed values. In con-
trast, RDF properties are stand-alone entities that
can be used by any resource of any class and that
can have values of different types.
• structural inheritance: in object-oriented pro-
gramming, objects inherit their attributes from
their parent classes. In RDF Schema, since prop-
erties do not belong to a class, they are not inher-
ited. Instead, property domains are propagated,
but given their specific meaning indicating the
class membership of resources using that prop-
erty, domains propagate into the upwards direc-
tion of the class hierarchy.
• object conformance: in most object-oriented lan-
guages, the structure of instances must exactly
follow the definition of their classes, whereas in
RDF Schema, a class definition is not exhaus-
tive and does not constrain the structure of its in-
stances: any RDF resource can use any property.
• flexibility: object-oriented systems usually do not
allow class definitions to evolve during runtime.
In contrast, RDF is designed for integration of het-
erogeneous data with varying structure from vary-
ing sources, where both schema and data evolve
during runtime.
The main advantage of Semantic Web technolo-
gies (e.g. RDF or OWL language) is the ability to
evolve during runtime. Since newly created or added
methods have to be well described, an extendable
metadata definition is necessary. Easy reusability of
classes and properties is also crucial, therefore the
Semantic Web concept and technologies were cho-
sen for description of the analytic methods described
Because there is no suitable description of the meth-
ods used in electrophysiology, we proposed their se-
mantic description by using a set of metadata. De-
scribing analytic methods at a more specific level for
workflow construction requires a detailed analysis of
the methods’ operations in terms of semantics of their
inputs and outputs.
The metadata identification originated from our
experience with data analysis, expertise of co-workers
from cooperating institutions, books describing prin-
ciples of EEG/ERP design and data recording (e.g.
(Steven, 2005)), and numerous scientific papers de-