context. In our system, through a suitable GUI, the
user can input one or more keywords concerning the
topic he/she is working on. Subsequently, the sys-
tem analyzes the most relevant Wikipedia pages, re-
turned by the embedded search engine, together with
a proposal of a first sequencing of them. Both the
retrieving and sequencing engines are based on the
Grasha Teaching Styles Model (Grasha, 1996), a sim-
ple teaching model based on five dimensions of teach-
ing. Each teacher registered into the WCB system
is firstly required to take a simple standard question-
naire, the Grasha-Riechmann Teaching Style Survey,
available at and
directly linked from the WCB system, receiving in
output her teacher model. Besides, in the retrieving
process, the relevance of a Wikipedia page is related
to the set of the teaching styles tags associated to it: a
Wikipedia page used by a teacher is tagged with her
model (five dimensions). Subsequently, the sequenc-
ing is proposed by the system, basing on the links
among the retrieved pages, on the Grasha teaching
styles associated to each Wikipedia page already used
by the community and on the model of the teacher
that is building the course. In fact, each time a teacher
inserts a retrieved document into her course, the doc-
ument itself is tagged with her teaching styles, rep-
resented by an array of five real numbers, represent-
ing the Grasha model. As time goes by, this form of
knowledge is acquired and exploited so that the repos-
itory content is automatically filtered. In fact, each
Wikipedia page tagged by different users is weighed
with the average of all the five dimensions of all the
teachers that used it in a course. The well-known cold
start problem of collaborative approaches is partially
overcome by exploiting the first visits of the resources
as soon as they become available. This is a straight-
forward and lightweight approach, well suited for a
Community of Practice (CoP) (Wenger, 1998), where
multiple users access and filter Wikipedia pages, with
the common goal to quickly build a new course. The
remainder of the article is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 draws some important related work. Section 3
shows the teacher model the sequence engine is built
on. Section 4 shows the system, i.e., the WBC system
while Section 5 focuses on the sequencing engine. In
Section 6 a first evaluation of the system is presented.
Finally in Section 7 some conclusions are drawn.
Our proposal aims to sequence Wikipedia web pages
basing on the teacher model, as defined by Grasha in
(Grasha, 1996). So, Wikipedia, Grasha model and se-
quencing techniques represent the key concepts that
set up our system.
To our knowledge, there is not much literature
that considers the possibility to retrieve and sequence
Wikipedia pages to build a new course, while there is
some literature concerning the retrieval and sequenc-
ing of didactic material on the basis of the Grasha
teacher model. The use of the Grasha model can be
found in (Limongelli et al., 2015; Limongelli et al.,
2016), where the teacher model is represented by a
teaching experience and a dynamic semantic network
composed by the retrieved and used learning materi-
als by a community of teachers. In (Limongelli et al.,
2013b) a clustering of teachers is proposed for a com-
munity of teachers.
One of the first works which have investigated
Wikipedia as a learning support is (Forte and Bruck-
man, 2006). In particular, this work addresses the
following research question: Publishing on Wikipedia
encourages students towards a collaborative and in-
volving learning?. Then, (Parker and Chao, 2007)
highlights the didactic potential of wikis that actively
involve learners in their own construction of knowl-
edge, on the basis of a collaborative approach. Gas-
paretti et al. (Gasparetti et al., 2015b; Gasparetti
et al., 2015a) propose an early attempt to exploit the
Wikipedia content in order to determine prerequisite
relationships among learning objects.
However, sequencing methods and techniques
have been widely investigated. Generally, course Se-
quencing techniques can be classified in the following
two main categories (Limongelli et al., 2009; Sciar-
rone, 2013):
• Sequencing that plans the entire learning path at
the beginning of a course, modifying it if the
study should not succeed as it should; e.g., Dy-
namic Courseware Generation (Brusilovsky and
Vassileva, 2003), the work of Baldoni et al. (Bal-
doni et al., 2007)(Baldoni et al., 2004), and the
IWT system (Sangineto et al., 2008; Limongelli
et al., 2013a; Sterbini and Temperini, 2013);
• Sequencing obtained in an implicit way, step by
step, through adaptive navigation support tech-
niques, such as adaptive link annotation and di-
rect guidance (Brusilowsky, 2001; De Bra et al.,
2006; Limongelli et al., 2012a; Limongelli et al.,
All the aforesaid proposals take into account the stu-
dent model required to build an adaptive sequencing
engine. Our system does not take into account the
student model but proposes the learning path on the
basis of the teacher model only. Another important
characteristic of our system is the use of Wikipedia as
the source of didactic material. Wikipedia has been